(16) On the 21st of May, 1795, at what time is it high water at London? (17). On the 24th of March, 1796, at what time is it high water at Bristol quay? 9. High water is the state of the tide when highest, or the time it ceases to flow up. QUESTIONS for Exercise at leisure Hours. (1) England was conquered by William I. October 4, 1066; his son, William II., came to the crown Sept. 8, 1087, and left it August 2, 1100; William III. received it Feb, 3, 1689, and died March 8, 1701. How many days did each of these princes govern, respect being had to the intercalary days, and to February every leap year, as they rose in the course of time? (2) Richard I. succeeded his father Henry II. July 7, 1189; John, his brother, succeeded him April 6, 1199; Richard II. succeeded Edward III. on the 21st of June, 1377, and was deposed by Henry IV. on the 30th of September, 1399; Richard III. caused his nephew, Edward V., and his brother, to be murdered on the 18th of June, 1483, and was slain himself on the 22d August, 1485. How many days was the realm governed by the three Richards, respect being still had to the intercalary days as they happened? (3) The first Queen Mary came to the crown July 8, 1553; she reigned 5 years 4 months and 9 days; her sister Elizabeth succeeded, and James I. came to the throne the 14th of March, 1602, who left it to his son, Charles I., on the 27th of March, 1625, who was forced from it January 30, 1648. The question is, How many days did these princes reign? and at the death of Charles I, how long had England been under an uninterrupted succession of Protestant princes (Mary the first being the last professed papist that enjoyed the crown), not neglecting the intercalary days in February as before? (4) A grant was made February 14, in the 10th of Henry I., who began his reign August 2, 1100; it was resumed November 19, in the 4th of Henry III., who came to the crown October 19, 1215; it was revived the 16th day of July, in the 13th of Henry VII., who ascended the throne August 22, 1486; but it was a second time revoked, and finally suppressed, in the 16th of his successor, Henry VIII., on the 10th of May. Now, as this man's father died July 21, 1509, the question is, How many days was this grant in force, and how many did it lie dormant? LXXIX. GEOGRAPHY. EXAMPLES on the TERRESTRIAL GLOBE, or MAPS. (1) WHAT is the latitude and longitude of Pekin, in China, and Cape Horn ? (2) Required the name of that place whose latitude is 180 N. and longitude 7640 W.; also of another place, whose latitude is 341 S. and longitude 164 E. (3) What is the difference of latitude between London and Naples; also between the island of Barbadoes, and the Cape of Good Hope? (4) Required the distance (in English miles) Jamaica is from London; also the names of all those places that are at the same distance from London as Rome is. (5) Required the sun's declination, right ascension, and meridian altitude, on the 20th of May. (6) Required the time of the sun's rising and setting, on the 20th of May; also his amplitude at the same time; likewise when the twilight begins and ends. (7) What is the sun's azimuth and altitude, on the 20th of May, at 40'clock in the afternoon? (8) What is the angle of position, or bearing, of Port Royal in Jamaica from London; and, on the contrary, London from Port Royal? (9) When it is noon, or twelve o'clock, at London, what o'clock is it at Pekin in China? Also at what places are they breakfasting, dining, and supping, suppose they breakfast at 7 o'clock, dine at 1, and sup at a quarter after 9? (10) What places are those to which the sun is vertical on the 2d of May ? (11) On what two days of the year will the sun be vertical to Candy in the isle of Ceylon? (12) What places are those in the north frigid zone, on which the sun begins to shine constantly, without setting, on the 20th of May ? (13) On what day does the sun begin to shine constantly, without setting, at the Cherry island, whose lat. is 74° north; and how long? (14) What places are those to which the sun is rising, setting, or in the meridian; also those places which are enlightened, and those which are not; on the 20th of May, at 8 in the morning? at (15) By the almanack for this present year, on the will happen an eclipse of the sun. I demand to know to what part of the globe the same will be visible. (16) On the 3d of June, 1769, in the afternoon, happened a transit of Venus over the sun; the beginning of this transit was at 7 h. 13 m., middle 10 h. 35 m., end 1 h. 55 m. I demand to know where the beginning, middle, and end thereof were visible. (17) In what latitude is the longest day 20 hours long? (18) What inhabitants of the earth are those called Antœci, Periæci, and Antipodes, with respect to London? (19) What is the sun's declination on the 20th of June by the analemma? (20) It is required to find, by the analemma, the sun's place in the ecliptic, and his right ascension, on the 12th of May. (21) Required to find, by the analemma, the time of the sun's rising and setting, with his amplitude, on the 30th of March. (22) What is the sun's altitude and azimuth for the 26th of April, at 10 in the morning, by the analemma? (23) On the 24th of April in the morning, in lat. 51°30′ N. the sun's altitude was 20°; required the hour and azimuth, by the analemma. (24) Suppose a ship sails from a port A, in lat. 38°, to another port B, in lat. 5o N. and then finds her difference of longitude 43°: required her course, and distance sailed. (25) A ship sails from a port A, in lat. 26° N. to another port B, in lat. 20° S. upon a course of 46°. Required the difference of longitude, and distance sailed. (26) Suppose a ship sails from a port A, in lat. 51°30', to another port B, in lat. 18°, distance 2226 miles: required the difference of longitude, and angle of the course. : (27) Suppose a ship sails from a place A, in lat. 51°, on a course making an angle with the meridian of 409, till the difference of longitude be found to be 20°: required the difference of latitude, and distance sailed. (28) A ship from the latitude 47° 30′ N. has sailed S. W. by S. 1480 miles. Required the difference of latitude and longitude. EXAMPLES on the CELESTIAL GLOBE. (1) Required the time of the sun's rising and setting, also the beginning and end of the crepusculum, or twilight, on the 21st of June. (2) What is the moon's diurnal motion in the ecliptic, also at what time does she rise, set, and come to the meridian, on the 20th of May? (3) Required the latitude of the Moon, and her declination, on the 20th of May? (4) At what time does the planet Jupiter rise, culminate, and set, on the 20th of May? Also, what is its right ascension, declination, amplitude, and the azimuth, on the above day? (5) What is the right ascension, declination, latitude, and longitude, of Pollux? (6) What star is that whose right ascension is 65° 30', and its declination 12° 15' 30" north? Also what time does it rise, come to the meridian, set, and what is its amplitude, on the 20th of July, in the lat of London? (7) On what day of the year will the star Arcturus rise and set cosmically at London? (8) Required the time when Procyon and Canis Minor will rise and set acronically at London. (9) On what day of the year will Altayr culminate, or come to the meridian, with the sun? (10) At what time of the year will the Pleiades, or Seven Stars, be upon the meridian at midnight? (11) What is the oblique ascension of Sirius, and what is the time of its continuance above the horizon of Londơn? (12) What is the altitude and azimuth of Capella, on the 20th of May, at 10 o'clock at night, in the latitude of London? (13) The altitude of Cor Leonis, on the 22d of May, at London, was 20°; required the hour of the night. (14) A person being in a certain place, on the 20th of May, at after 3 in the morning, observed the Pleiades were then rising. Required the latitude of the place of observation. (15) On the 11th of May, in the latitude 51°30', the two stars, Luci a Lyræ, and Altayr, will be both on the same azimuth. Required the hour of the night. (16) On the 11th of May (lat. as before) the bright star marked in Pegasus's wing, and that in the head of Andromeda, will both have an equal altitude. Required the hour. (17) A person being at sea, found, by observation, that Sirius was then upon the meridian, and Arcturus rising: required the lat. of the place of observation. (18) Another person being at a certain place, found, by observation, Cor Hydræ and Procyon both on the azimuth of 78° 45′ S. E. one with 5o of altitude, and the other with 35°. Required the latitude of the place of observation.. (19) To what latitude south must I travel, to lose sight of the star Capella? (20) Represent the face of the heavens on the globe on the 20th of May, at 10 at night. (21) By an observation made at Jamaica, of a comet, on the 31st of March, 1759, at 5 o'clock in the morning, its altitude was found to be 22° 50', and azimuth 71° South East. Another observation was made at London on the 6th of May, 1759, at 10 at night, of the same comet, and then its altitude was found to be 16°, and its azimuth 37° S. W. It is required to know the place of the comet at each observation. (22) Required the time of the above comet's rising, southing, and setting, at London, on the 31st of March, 1759; also its latitude, longitude, declination, and ascension. (23) Required the apparent path, among the fixed stars in the heavens, of the above comet, also its velocity. Note. These problems are answered by Mr. Hill's twelveinch globes. |