Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Fl. ells. qrs. na.

[blocks in formation]

(9) 17 21 (10) 12 1 7 14 (11) 141 2 11 1

42 12

146 2 1

27 14 27

27 1 41

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

punch.ga.qts.pts. (14) 14 14 21

74 3 14

142 1 37

14 11 27 3

7 32 31

10 1 0 61 1

24 51 2 1

47 24


14 14 1 1

149 0 27

200 26 3

49 36 3 1

34 3 36


37 17 11

81 11

600 36 3


[blocks in formation]

B.hhds.gal.pts. (18) 24 51 7 14 174 6 86

A.bar.kil.fir. ga. pts.


(19) 14 11 4 7 (20) 14 8 2 1

27 1074

19 1 1 65

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


(1) HOW many Days are there from June 1 to Jan. 27 following?

(2) Suppose a man to be born in the year of our Lord 1772,

in what year will he be 60 years of age?

(3) A Gentleman left his eldest daughter one thousand pounds more than the youngest, whose fortune was eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven. What was the eldest daughter's fortune, and what did the father leave them?

(4) In the Bissextile or Leap Year, how many days in each

month, and what is their sum?

(5) A. owed such a sum of money, that if he paid seventeen pounds seventeenshillings and sixpence, the remainder to pay would be eighty-two pounds two shillings and sixpence. Required the sum owed.

(6) A Privateer took a prize: the private men's share came to 4741. 17s. 11 d. and the officers received as much, besides 4671. unknown to the private men. How much did the officers receive?

(7) A Nobleman going out of town, is informed by his steward that his Corn-chandler's bill comes to 1231. 19s. His Brewer's to 411. 10s. His Butcher's 'to 2121. Το his Lordship's Baker is owing 241. 6s. To his Tallow-chandler 131. 8s. To his Tailor 1371.98.9d. Το his Draper 741. 13s. 6d. His Coach-maker's demand was 2141. 16s. 6d. His Wine-merchant's 681. 12s. His Confectioner's 161. 2s. His Rent 82 guineas, and his Servants' Wages for half a year came to 461. 15. What money must he send to his banker for, in case he would carry with him 501. to defray his expenses on the road?

(8) A Corn-factor buys seventy quarters of oats, for 461. 7s. 6d., thirty-eight quarters of beans for 100l., twelve quarters of pease, which cost 161. 16s., eighty-eight quarters of barley for 731. 8d., sixteen ditto of wheat for 56l. 9s. 10d., and six quarters of rye for 41. 4s. 6d. The water-carriage of all comes to 131. 2s. 7d., his riding charges to 11.13s.; and if he clear eighteen guineas by the bargain, what do his bills of parcels amount to? (9) A Collector of cash has been out with bills, and gives an account that A. paid him 131, and half-a-crown; B. 21. 135. C. 14s. and a groat. D. 11. 98. 84d. E. 111. 64d. F. 17s. 6d. G. 12s. 6d. H. a pound and half a guinea. I. a moidore and 13s. K. two broad pieces of 23s. each, a Jacobus of 25s, and a shilling. L. nine pounds and a mark. M. 12l. 12s. N. a Bank note of 151. and O. three crown pieces and an angel. What cash had he in charge ?

(10) A. of Amsterdam is debtor to B. of Bristol, as per factor, 4181. 2s. 6d. for forty Cwt. of Cheshire cheese, 521. 18s. for English broad-cloth, fifteen pieces, 3171. 12s. 10d. for 19 fodder of lead, 320l. for 12 tons of bar-iron, 1731. 3d. for eight tons of copper, 1110%. 10s. 1d. for his acceptance of a bill drawn, 881. 14s. for another paid for honour, 50l. ten dozen of Morocco skins, 281. 15s. 4d. paid convoys, insurance, and port charges, 431. warehouse room, postage, sledage, boatage, and incidental charges, 51. 5s. The factorage of all came to 1121. 6d. For what sum must B. draw to clear the account?

(11) In a gentleman's service of plate there are fourteen dishes, weighing 193 oz. 6 dwts. Plates thirty-six, weighing 421 oz. 11 dwts. four dozen of spoons, weighing 104 oz. 6 dwts. six salts chased, weighing 32 oz., knives and forks, weighing 83 oz. 9 dwts., four presenters, weighing 113 oz. 4 dwts. in mugs, tumblers, beakers, and other odd pieces, wt. 264 oz. 18 dwts. A silver tea-kettle and lamp, weighing 126 oz. 9 dwts., and the rest of that equipage 93 oz. 2 dwts. What quantity of plate had the butler under his care?

(12) A merchant buys four bags of Canterbury hops, No. 1. of which weighed 2 cwt. 2 qrs. 10lb. No. 2. 2 cwt. 1 qr. 16lb. No. 3. 2 cwt. 24lb. No. 4. 1 qr. 16lb. besides a couple of pockets of ditto, that weighed 584lb. each. How many hundred weight has he to pay carriage for, on bringing them to town?

(13) A gentleman at A. desired to know how far it was to E. and had the following answer, viz. From hence to B. is 39 m. 6 fur. thence to C. is 46 m. 24 p. thence to D. 60 m. 4 fur. 39 p. and thence to E. 37 m. 6 fur. What is the distance from A. to E.?

(14 A father was 28 years old (reckoning 13 months to 1 year, and 28 days to 1 month) when his eldest child was born; betwixt the eldest and second were 2 years,

10 months, and 16 days; betwixt the second and third were 1 year 11 months; betwixt the third and fourth were 3 years, 7 months, 25 days. When the fourth is 16 years, 9 months, 27 days, how old is the father?

QUESTIONS for Exercise at leisure Hours.

(15) How much is A., born 16 years ago, older than B. whe will come into the world 14 years hence?

(16) A person was 17 years of age 29 years since, and he will be drowned 23 years hence. In what year of his age will this happen?

(17) A person said he had 20 children, and that it happened there was a year and a half between each of their ages; his eldest was born when he was 24 years old, and the age of the youngest is now twenty-one. What was the father's age?

(18) A sheepfold was robbed three nights successively; the first night half the sheep were stolen, and half a sheep more; the second night half the remainder were lost, and half a sheep more; the last night they took half what were left, and half a sheep more; by which time they were reduced to twenty. How many were there at first?

(19) Find how many years it was from the creation of Adam to the Universal Deluge in the days of Noah, called Noah's Flood; by the 5th chapter, and 6th verse of the 7th chapter of Genesis.



(1) From 476004 take 120706. (2) From 276000 take 106019. (3) From 40106 take 27109.


TEACHETH to find the difference between any two sums of different denominations, as money, weights, mea sures, &c.


Subtract as in Integers; only when the under number of any denomination is greater than that which stands over it, borrow so many of that denomination as make one of the

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