Primal FearBallantine Books, 1994 - 393 σελίδες Enter attorney Martin Vail. Vail is so good at his job, he's managed to infuriate every judge, prosecutor, and politician in Illinois. Now they're paying him back - by forcing him to defend Aaron Sampler and plead a case he cannot possibly win. But Vail is no ordinary lawyer, and the legal team he assembles is no ordinary backup squad. There's Jack Scalding, and ex-judge whose main passions in life are playing the horses and arguing the law; Tommy Goodman, Vail's top investigator, an ex-boxer studying to be a lawyer so he can follow in Vail's footsteps; Molly Arrington, a young and beautiful psychiatrist, and the one who is the first to understand the extraordinary truth that lies behind the killing of the archbishop. Once Vail begins to do what he does best - figure all the angles - so begins a court battle worthy of Presumed Innocent and a nightmare of terror every bit as horrifying as The Silence of the Lambs. |
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Aaron Stampler altar boys Arrington Bascott Batman Berenstein Billy Billy Jordan Bishop Rushman chair client Counselor court courtroom Crikside crime Daisyland Danielson defendant desk Doctor door eyes Flederman fuck fuckin fugue gonna guess guilty hair hand happened head hell Honor insanity plea Judge jury killed kitchen knife laughed leaned Lieutenant Linda looked malum in se malum prohibitum Martin Vail mean mental disorders minutes Molly multiple personality disorder murder Naomi never night nodded Okay personality Pinero PRIMAL FEAR pulled Savior House schizophrenia Shackles SHARKY'S MACHINE Shaughnessey shit Shoat smiled snapped stared Stenner stood superego sure talk tape tell thair There's thet thing thought told Tommy took trial trying turned Vail answered Vail asked Vail's Venable voice walked What's WILLIAM DIEHL witness Woodside wounds y'know Yeah Yes suh