Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Extract from Home Department of Government of India.

No. Date.

Department of Public Instruction.

The distribution of the salaries of the zillah visitors proposed by the Director, has, I am desired to say, the concurrence of the Right Honourable the Governor in Council, and subject to the approval of the Government of India, he has authorised the grant of a travelling allowance of one rupee per diem to zillah visitors when actually moving about the districts, and also the disbursements of of a salary of 50 rupees a month during his retention of office, to the individual who was appointed sub-assistant inspector previous to the receipt of the orders under reply.

Fort St. George, 3 July 1856.

I have, &c.
(signed) T. Pycroft,

Chief Secretary.



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[blocks in formation]

Rs. a. p.

Zillah Visitors:

Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Two zillah visitors, at 200

rupees each


Four zillah visitors, at 150

rupees each

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Five zillah visitors, at 120

rupees each

[ocr errors]


Four zillah visitors, at 100

rupees each.

[ocr errors]




Five zillah visitors, at 80

rupees each

[blocks in formation]

20 peons, at 5 rupees each
Contingent charges, at 3
rupees each-

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(No. 778.)-Forwarded for sanction to the Home Department of the Govern

[blocks in formation]


(No. 19.)

EXTRACT, Fort St. George, Public Diary to Consultation of 26 August 1856.

Received the following letter:-From the Secretary to the Government of India, to the Chief Secretary to Government, Fort St. George,

dated 25 July 1856.

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(Public Department.)

(No. 778.)-Forwarded for sanction to the Home Department of the Government of India.

Fort St. George, 3 July 1856.


T. Pycroft,

Chief Secretary to the Government of Fort St. George.



(No. 980.)-Forwarded to the Government of Fort St. George for infor


Home Department,

5 August 1856.

By order,
(signed) R. B. Chapman,

Officiating Under Secretary.

(No. 995.)-Ordered to be communicated to the Director of Public Instruction, also to the Accountant General and Civil Auditor, in reference to the letter from this department to the Government of India, dated 3d ultimo, No. 774. Fort St. George, 21 August 1856.

No. 20.

EXTRACT, Fort St. George, Public Diary to Consultation of 28th October 1856.
Received the following letter.

(No. 1257.)

From C. Beadon, Esq., Secretary to the Government of India, to J. D. Bourdillon,
Esq., Secretary to the Government of Fort St. George.



THE Right Honourable the Governor General in Council having had under Home Department, consideration the various designations at present given to the subordinate educational officers in the several Presidencies, and deeming it of importance. to introduce an uniform and simple nomenclature throughout India, has been pleased to resolve that the official titles of deputy inspector and sub-deputy inspector shall henceforth be universally adopted in supersession of those now in use, such as sub-inspectors, zillah and pergunnah visitors, and of all other existing designations. The machinery of the education department in each Presidency or division will accordingly consist ordinarily of a director, of as many inspectors as from time to time may be found necessary, of deputy inspectors one to each local division, consisting either of one or more whole districts or parts of districts, and, where a fourth grade of officers is employed, such as the existing pergunnah visitors in the North Western Provinces, and sub-inspectors of the second grade in Behar, of sub-deputy inspectors.

2. I am directed to request that, under the orders of the Right Honourable the Governor in Council, the necessary steps may be taken for giving effect to these orders.

Fort William, 26 September 1856.

I have, &c.


C. Beadon,

Secretary to the Government of India.

(No. 1273.)-Ordered to be communicated to the Director of Public Instruction, who will, as directed, and in modification of that part of Extract Minutes Consultation 27th May last, No. 613, which relates to the designations of the subordinate educational officers, adopt in future the official titles of deputy inspector and sub-deputy inspector.

Fort St. George, 22 October 1856.

One director,
Three deputy
Two inspectors,
inspectors, classed
according to salary.
Four sub-deputy
inspectors, classed
according to salary.



- 7.

PAPERS referred to in Madras Public (Education) Despatch, dated
1st September 1858, No. 47, paras. 29 to 32.

In Diary to Consultation, 1 July 1856, Nos. 12 and

13; 26 Aug. 1856, and 9 Sept. 1856, No. 35.

EXTRACT Public Letter from Fort St. George, No. 34, dated
11th November 1856.

Para. 4. WITH his letters of the 19th May and 10th July last, a printed copy of which is now forwarded, the Director of Public Instruction submitted tabular statements of the applications which he had received for grants in aid of schools unconnected with Government, with the recommendation of the Inspector, and his own recommendation, in each case.

5. The merits of each application appear to have been well considered by Mr. Arbuthnot, and the grounds upon which his recommendation in every case is based (an abstract of which is given in the tabular statements), are very fully detailed in the body of his letters.

Amount recommended in letter of 19th May

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

10th July

Rs. 12,058

6. Under the authority of the Government of India, conveyed in their Despatch of the 11th May 1855, we sanctioned the grants recommended, involving an estimated ex5,701 penditure for the current year, exclusive of the amount already sanctioned, of 17,759 rupees, as shown in the margin. Deducting the whole amount thus placed at the disposal of the Director from the expenditure authorised by the Government of India, the remainder available for further grants is only 5,897 rupees.

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Rs. 25,000

7. It will be seen from his letter of the 10th July last, that the Director had received further applications for 20 schools, which had still to be reported on, and that the grants which would probably be required for these were roughly estimated by him at 12,000 rupees. We expressed our willingness to assent to the arrangement proposed on the concluding para. of that letter, for supplying the deficiency in the amount available for grants-in-aid to the extent required to meet the above sum, but deferred passing orders on the subject until we were in the receipt of a further report upon the application in the list marked (A.), in respect to which no information had yet been furnished by the inspector. Pending Mr. Arbuthnot's reply, we considered it advisable to request the opinion of the Supreme Government as to whether the proposed arrangement would be in accordance with the spirit of their instruction to the Governments of Bengal and Agra, contained in their Despatches dated 26th January 1855.

8. The greater part of the amount placed at the disposal of this Government has thus been already absorbed, and the remainder will scarcely suffice to meet one-half of the applications which have since been received. It appeared therefore to us so manifest that a much larger sum must eventually be allowed for grants-in-aid in this Presidency, that it was, we thought, perhaps useless to attempt anything like an equal distribution of the present amount. At the same time we pointed out to the Director that it would be well to avoid the allotment of an unduly large share to any particular locality; and in the case of Mangalore, where a grant to one school of 744 rupees had already been 11 February, No.3, sanctioned, the application for a second grant of 1,200 rupees for another institution, must be carefully considered and reported on.

See Despatch,

of 1856, paras. 15 and 16.

9. We considered that the Director was right in not establishing zillah schools in places where private schools already existed, when they were properly conducted, or when the managers would attend to his suggestions for their improvement, as at Trichinopoly. Assistance, however, should, we observed, be refused where information was not furnished, when required by


II. Madras.

the Director, as in the instances of the town and village vernacular schools, entered as No. 12 in Statement (A.), and the Madras Native Progressive Seminary, No. 18, of the same return.

EXTRACT Public Letter from Fort St. George, dated 28th October
(No. 24, of 1857).

23. In forwarding, for the favourable consideration of the Supreme Govern-
ment, certain applications for grants-in-
aid submitted by Mr. Arbuthnot, we took
occasion to quote these views of your
Honourable Court.

24. Our letter to the Government of India is dated 14th May In Diary to Conlast. No reply has as yet sultation, 19 May been received. Our orders 1857, No. 21. on these grants were passed on the same date, and will be found at length towards the end of the volume of the "Selections from the Records of this Government, No. XLI.," despatched to your Honourable Court on the 25th July.

Are not of opinion that there is anything in the constitution of the Madras training school which places it beyond the scope of the obtained, such as, with the aid that could be fairly awarded to it by grant-in-aid system; and if an amount of private contribution can be Government, would make up sufficient to place the establishment upon a proper footing, will not object to assisting it to this extent. With regard to the remark made by Government, that "the orders of for grants-in-aid to 25,000 rupees, would alone prevent the Govern the Government of India restricting the annual sum to be applied ment from continuing the grant of 5,000 rupees made during the past year," observe, that the orders referred to were merely temporary aid are made, and how far the promotion of education could be more and provisional, till it should be seen to what extent applications for economically and effectually promoted by means of assistance from Government in aid of private efforts, than by the direct establishment of Government Schools; and if it should prove that the system of grants-in-aid may be employed with advantage on a liberal scale in this Presidency, do not doubt that an increased sum will, without hesitation, be placed at the disposal of the Madras Government by the Government of India.

Fort St. George, Public Consultation of 19th May 1857.

From E. Maltby, Esq., Acting Chief Secretary to Government, Fort St. George, to the Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, dated the 14th May 1857, No. 617.


I AM directed by the Governor in Council to forward, for the information of the Government of India, a letter from the Director of Public Instruction, together with a copy of the orders of this Government in review of it. The Director's letter has reference to the subject of applications for grants-in-aid, in continuation of his letter of the 10th July last, which itself was a supplement to his report of the 19th May preceding. The two reports last mentioned were disposed of by the Governor in Council in Extract Minutes' Consultation, under date 23d August last.

2. The amount sanctioned for the object of grants-in-aid in this Presidency is, the Supreme Government are aware, 25,000 rupees. Of this sum there has already been assigned, on previous recommendations of the Director, four-fifths nearly, 5,897 rupees only remaining available. To this sum, however, it is stated by Mr. Arbuthnot, may be added 4,000 rupees, being the aggregate amount of certain grants, which, from the dissolution of the schools endowed,

(No. 21.)

or from other causes, are still undrawn. Under the orders of the Supreme 27 November 1856, Government, marginally noted, there is further available, by transferring the No. 1535. amount from the sum sanctioned, but not yet appropriated, for the establishment

of zillah schools, an annual fund of 6,000 rupees.

3. The total presently available is, therefore, 15,897 rupees, and so far as this sum will go, the Director has been authorised to pass for payment the applications he has submitted for approval, the selection being determined by the date on which the applications were preferred to him. The rest will lie over pending the sanction of the Governor General in Council, which I am now directed to solicit. The total amount of the various grants recommended is Rs. 25,595. 15. 9. The schools on behalf of which they are made, and other particulars, will be found carefully tabulated in Appendix (D.) of the Report. Deducting the sum of 15,897 rupees, above adverted to, there remains Rs. 9,698. 15. 9., for which immediate sanction is required.·

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