Pike's System of Arithmetic Abridged: To which are Added Appropriate Questions, for the Examination of Scholars; and a Short System of Book-keepingJ.B. Moore, 1826 - 200 σελίδες |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 10.
Σελίδα 70
... integer : - but when a part , or some parts , of a thing are denoted by figures , as , one fourth , two thirds , three tenths , & c . of a thing , these figures are called fractions . Fractions are divided into two kinds , VULGAR and ...
... integer : - but when a part , or some parts , of a thing are denoted by figures , as , one fourth , two thirds , three tenths , & c . of a thing , these figures are called fractions . Fractions are divided into two kinds , VULGAR and ...
Σελίδα 81
... integer , and make of them a compound fraction as before ; then reduce it to a simple one . NOTE . This rule is the reverse of the preceding , and the reason of it may be shown in a similar manner . The fraction of a higher denomination ...
... integer , and make of them a compound fraction as before ; then reduce it to a simple one . NOTE . This rule is the reverse of the preceding , and the reason of it may be shown in a similar manner . The fraction of a higher denomination ...
Σελίδα 82
... integer , as of coin , weight , measure , & c . RULE . - Multiply the numerator by the parts in the next in- ferior denomination , and divide the product by the denominator ; and if any thing remain , multiply it by the next inferior ...
... integer , as of coin , weight , measure , & c . RULE . - Multiply the numerator by the parts in the next in- ferior denomination , and divide the product by the denominator ; and if any thing remain , multiply it by the next inferior ...
Σελίδα 85
... integers to those of the same ; and all of them to a common denominator ; then , the sum of the numerators written over the common denominator will be the sum of the fractions required . NOTE .-- Fractions , before they are reduced to a ...
... integers to those of the same ; and all of them to a common denominator ; then , the sum of the numerators written over the common denominator will be the sum of the fractions required . NOTE .-- Fractions , before they are reduced to a ...
Σελίδα 86
... and earrying one to the integer of the subtrahend . 165. What is your rule for the subtraction of vulgar fractions ? Hence , 178. What is the rule for subtracting decimal fractions ? 86 SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS .
... and earrying one to the integer of the subtrahend . 165. What is your rule for the subtraction of vulgar fractions ? Hence , 178. What is the rule for subtracting decimal fractions ? 86 SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS .
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Pike's System of Arithmetic Abridged: To Which Are Added Appropriate ... Nicolas Pike,Dudley Leavitt Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2013 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
aliquot amount annexed answer Avoirdupois bushel called carats cask cents and mills ciphers column common denominator compound interest contained cord wood cost cube root Decimal Fractions diameter different denominations divide the product dividend division divisor dollars Dudley Leavitt equal EXAMPLES farthings Federal Money find the interest find the value gain or loss gallons given number given sum greater half hundred improper fraction inches integer left hand period Leger less lowest terms method millions minuend mixed number multiplicand NOTE number of yards ounces payment pence pennyweight Pow'r principal Proof proportion question rate per cent reduce remainder right hand figure rule for finding Rule of Three RULE.-Multiply shillings side simple interest simple numbers square root subtract subtrahend Table tare third term thousand TROY WEIGHT VULGAR FRACTIONS weight whole number write yards of cloth
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 31 - Cut off- as many figures from the right hand of the dividend as there are ciphers in the divisor. The remaining figures of the dividend will be the quotient, and those cut off the remainder.
Σελίδα 183 - As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, Every wife had seven sacks, Every sack had seven cats, Every cat had seven kits — Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were going to St. Ives?
Σελίδα 73 - Operations with Fractions A) To change a mixed number to an improper fraction, simply multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction and add the numerator.
Σελίδα 160 - OF THE CUBE ROOT. A cube is any number multiplied by its square. To extract the cube root, is to find a number, which, being multiplied into its square, shall produce the given number. RULE. 1 . Separate the given number into periods of three figures each, by putting a point over the unit figure, and eyery third figure from the place of units to the left, and if there be decimals, to the right.
Σελίδα 167 - ... 7. Bring down the first figure of the next period to the remainder for a new dividend, to which find a new divisor as before, and in like manner proceed till the whole be finished.
Σελίδα 154 - DISTINGUISH the given number into periods of two figures each, by putting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, which points shew the number of figures the root will consist of. 2. " FIND the greatest square number in the first, or left hand period...
Σελίδα 76 - Multiply each numerator into all the denominators except its own, for a new numerator : and all the denominators into each other continually for a common denominator; this written under the several new numerators will give the fractions required.
Σελίδα 183 - Goose, and a peck of corn, in his journey, came to a river, where it so happened that he could carry but one over at a time. Now as no two were to be left together that might destroy each other ; so he was at his wit's end how to dispose of them ; for, says he, tho' the corn can't eat the goose, nor the goose eat the fox ; yet the fox can eat the goose, and the goose eat the corn.
Σελίδα 160 - Subtract the cube thus found, from the said period, and to the remainder bring down the next period, and call this the dividend.
Σελίδα 93 - ... if the shillings be odd ; and the third place by 1 "when the farthings exceed 12, and by 2 when they exceed 36.