Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

mentors. The horses are blindfolded; and the men make their living by risking their lives, like fools, to gratify a national taste, which might be directed into another and less barbarous channel if the rulers of the country would only set the example. But, as long as the head of the State sanctions these bull-fights by his presence, they will continue. Yet they do nothing but harm. We feel perfectly sure that we only waste words in recommending no woman to attend one of these scenes of butchery, as they are certain, just as we did ourselves, to go. But we paid dearly for it. For days the horrors of those few minutes, during which we witnessed barbarous, coldblooded cruelty and torture inflicted on defenceless animals, were never absent from our minds; and even now it is with a shudder of horror that we recall the




Fué el príncipe de Esquilache amigo de los Argensolas, y uno de los hombres más sensatos de su siglo, no menos dotado de talento poético que de sólido juício. Nególe sus favores la intratable Caliope, y fué poco feliz en su "Napoles recuperada"; pero en cambio, sus romances y otras composiciones hacen ver cuanto se esmeró en prodigarle sus gracias la jovial y lijera Erato. Enemigo constante y declarado de los cultos, aprovechó todas las ocasiones de clamar contra tal désorden. En el prólogo de aquel poema, manifestando que se propone huir de palabras ásperas y de ruido, son espanto, dice, de los ignorantes, y risa de los cuerdos, pues con ellas se falta á la dulzura y al número, y mezcladas despues con oscuridad, hacen intolerable la locucion v aborrecible la sentencia. Mas á pesar de todo, no pudo escusarse de pagar á su siglo el tributo de algunas hipérboles desmedidas, y de algunos pensamientos alambicados." Pasóse el reinado de Felipe V en guerras y agitaciones interiores, y no hizo poco este soberano estableciendo en medio de ellas la Real biblioteca de Madrid, y fundando la Academia de la Historia y la de la Lengua, á quienes se deben trabajos recomendables, y preparando la que más adelante se llamó de San Fernando, destinada al fomento de las Nobies Artes.

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Then Andrew arose in the morning, as he had been crdered, and went to the seashore with his disciples, and saw a small vessel, and in the vessel three men were sitting; for our Lord by His command had prepared a vessel, and He appeared in it in the likeness of a sailor, and there were with Him two Angels in the likeness of mer. And Andrew, when he saw the vessel and the three men who were in it, rejoiced with a great joy, and drew nigh unto the vessel, and said to them: " Whither are ye going, my brethren ?" And our Lord said to him : "We are going to the country of the Cannibals." Now Andrew did not perceive that it was Jesus, but our Lord concealed the might and power of His Godhead, and appeared like a steersman. And Andrew answered and said : ،، We too wish to go to that city. Then our Lord said to him: “ Every man flees from that city, and ye wish to go thither!" Andrew answered and said: “We have something to do there, and we must go thither; and now, if ye are going to do a kindness unto us, show

it to us." And Jesus answered and said to them: "Come on board in peace.'


Time allowed, 3 hours.

1. Simplify the expressions


(x3y3—1) (x3y3—x}y3+1) (x ̄}y ̄}+1) (x ̄}y ̄}+x ̄1y}+1),

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5 (x — 7)2 — 7 (y — 5)2 = 52

3. A has 5s. a week more than B, but he spends 6s. a week more than B, with the result that B saves as much in three weeks as A saves in five weeks: if B's income is as to A's as 10 to 11, what is the weekly expenditure of each?

4. Show that the greatest coefficient in the expansion of (1 + x)2n+1, n being an integer, is that of the (n + 1)th term.

Expand (a2x2 - 2x1) as far as the term involving 5.

5. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, but the angle contained by the two sides of one of them greater than the angle contained by the two sides equal to them of the other, the base of that which has the greater angle shall be greater than the base of the other.

6. Divide a straight line into two parts, such that the rectangle contained by the whole line and one of the parts may be equal to the square on the other part.

If AB is divided at H so that the rectangle AB. BH is equal to the square on AH, show that the squares on AB and BH are together three times the square on AH.

7. If two straight lines cut one another within a circle, the rectangle contained by the segments of one of them is equal to the rectangle contained by those of the other.

8. If a straight line be drawn parallel to one of the sides of a triangle, prove that it will cut the other sides, or those sides produced proportionally.

AC, BD are parallel straight lines, and BC, AD meet in E. A straight line through E parallel to AC meets AB in F.

Prove that EF (AC + BD) = AC. BD.

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Find the angles A and B of the triangle ABC, when α = 176, b = 135, and C = 47° 30′.

11. A pole is fixed at the top of a mound, and the angles of elevation of the bottom and top of the pole, as seen from the foot of the mound, are 30° and 60°. Find the ratio of the height of the pole to that of the mound.

12. State Napier's rules for the solution of right-angled spherical triangles, and prove geometrically any one formula resulting from them.

If a spherical quadrilateral be inscribed in a small circle, the sum of the products of the sines, of half the opposite sides is equal to the product of the sines of half the diagonals.

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