Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

delicate terms as are much better suited to the grossness of earthly passion than the purity of spiritual affection.

"But the accidental excesses of this holy sentiment can be no just argument against its general excellence and utility.

described it in such warm and in of our actions, 1st Cor. xi, 31.— 3. In delighting in communion with him, 1st John i, 3.-4. In grief under the hidings of his face, Job xxiii, 2.-5. In relinquishing all that stands in opposition to his will, Phil. iii, 8.-6. In regard to his house, worship, and ordinances, Ps. lxxxiv.-7. In love for "We know that even friendship his truth and people, Ps. cxix. itself has sometimes been abused John xiii, 35.-8. By confidence to the most unworthy purposes, in his promises, Ps. lxxi, 1.—And, and led men to the commission of lastly, by obedience to his word, the most atrocious crimes. Shall John xiv, 15. 1st John ii, 3. See we, therefore, utterly discard that Gill's Body of Div., p. 94, vol. iii, generous passion, and consider it oct.; Watts's Discourses on Love as nothing more than the unnatu- to God; Scott's Serm., ser. 14; ral fervour of a romantic imagina-Bellamy on Relig., p. 2, and Signs tion? Every heart revolts against of Counterfeit Love, p. 82; Biso wild a thought! and why, then, shop Porteus's Serm., vol. i, sermust we suffer the love of God to mon 1. be banished out of the world, be- LOVE, BROTHERLY, is afcause it has been sometimes im-fection to our neighbours, and esproperly represented or indiscreet-pecially to the saints, prompting us ly exercised! It is not either from to every act of kindness toward the visionary mystic, the sensual them. It does not, indeed, consist fanatic, or the frantic zealot, but merely in pity to and relief of othfrom the plain word of God, that ers, 1st Cor. xiii. in love to our we are to take our ideas of this di- benefactors only, and those who are vine sentiment. There we find it related to us, Matt. v, 46, 47. described in all its native purity It must flow from love to God, and simplicity. The marks by and extend to all mankind; yea, which it is there distinguished con- we are required by the highest tain nothing enthusiastic or ex- authority to love even our enetravagant." It may be considered, mies, Matt. v, 44. not so as to 1. As sincere, Matt. xxii, 36, 38. countenance them in their evil -2. Constant, Rom. viii.-3. actions, but to forgive the injuries Universal of all his attributes, they have done to us. Love to commandments, ordinances, &c. good men, also, must be particu4. Progressive, 1st Thess. v, larly cultivated, for it is the com12. 2d Thess. i, 3. Eph. iii, 19.—mand of Christ, John xiii, 34. 5. Superlative, Lam. iii, 24.-6. they belong to the same Father Eternal, Romans viii. This love and family, Gal. vi, 10; we heremanifests itself, 1. In a desire by give proof of our discipleship, to be like God.-2. In mak- John xiii, 35. The example of ing his glory the supreme end Christ should allure us to it, 1st

John iii, 16. It is creative of a|| Ex. xix, 4.-6. In his actual convariety of pleasing sensations, and duct towards them; in supporting prevents a thousand evils: it is the them in life, blessing them in death, greatest of all graces, 1st Cor. xiii, and bringing them to glory, Rom. 13. Answers the end of the law, viii, 30, &c. Rom. vi, 23. The 1st Tim. i, 6; resembles the inha- properties of this love may be bitants of a better world, and considered as, 1. Everlasting, Jer. without it every other attainment xxxi, 3. Eph. i, 4.-2. Immuis of no avail, 1st Cor. xiii. This table, Mal. iii, 6. Zeph. iii, 17. love should shew itself by praying -3. Free; neither the sufferings for our brethren, Eph. vi, 18; of Christ nor the merits of men bearing one another's burdens, by are the cause, but his own good assisting and relieving each other, pleasure, John iii, 16.-4. Great Gal. vi, 2. By forbearing with and unspeakable, Eph. ii, 4, 6. another, Col. iii, 13. By reprov- Eph. iii, 19. Psal. xxxvi, 7. ing and admonishing in the spirit of meekness, Prov. xxvii, 5, 6. By establishing each other in the truth; by conversation, exhortation, and stirring up one another to the several duties of religion, both public and private, Jude 20, 21. Heb. x, 24, 25. See CHA-the feelings of Divine love; that


LOVE, Family of. A sect that arose in Holland, in the sixteenth century, founded by Henry Nicholas, a Westphalian. He maintained that he had a commission from heaven to teach men that the essence of religion consisted in

all other theological tenets, whether they related to objects of faith or modes of worship, were of no sort of moment; and, consequently, that it was a matter of the most perfect indifference what opinions Christians entertained concerning the Divine nature, provided their hearts burned with the pure and sacred flame of piety and love.


LOVE OF GOD, is either his natural delight in that which is good, Isa. lxi, 8. or that especial affection he bears to his people, 1st John iv, 19. Not that he possesses the passion of love as we do; but it implies his absolute purpose and will to deliver, bless, and save his people. The love of God to his people appears in his all-wise designs and plans for their happiness, Eph. iii, 10.-2. In the choice of them, and determination to sanctify and glorify them, 2d Thes. ii, 13.-3. In the gift of his Son to die for them, and re-made in the church by the non-judeem them from sin, death, and hell, Rom. v, 9. John iii, 16.-4. In the revelation of his will, and the declaration of his promises to them, 2d Peter i, 4.-5. In the awful punishment of their enemies,

LOVE FEASTS. See AGAPE. LOW CHURCHMEN, those who disapproved of the schism

rors, and who distinguished themselves by their moderation towards Dissenters, and were less ardent in extending the limits of ecclesiastical authority. See HIGH CHURCHMEN.

LUCIANISTS, or LUCAN- LUKEWARMNESS, appliISTS, a sect so called from Lucia-ed to the affections, indifference, nus, or Lucanus, a heretic of the or want of ardor. In respect to second century, being a disciple of religion, hardly any thing can be Marcion, whose errors he follow-more culpable than this spirit. ed, adding some new ones to them. If there be a God possessed of unEpiphanes says he abandoned speakable rectitude in his own naMarcion, teaching that people ture, and unbounded goodness toought not to marry, for fear of en-wards his creatures, what can be riching the Creator; and yet oth-more inconsistent and unbecoming er authors mention, that he held than to be frigid and indifferent this error in common with Marci- in our devotions to him? Atheism, on and other Gnostics. He deni-in some respects, cannot be worse ed the immortality of the soul, as- than lukewarmness. The Atheserting it to be material. ist disbelieves the existence of a God, and therefore cannot wor ship him at all; the lukewarm owns the existence, sovereignty, and goodness of the Supreme Being, but denies him that fervour of affection, that devotedness of heart, and activity of service, which the excellency of his nature demands, and the authority of his word requires. Such a character, therefore, is represented as absolutely loathsome to God, and obnoxious to his wrath, Rev.iii,15,16.

There was another sect of Lucianists, who appeared some time after the Arians. They taught, that the Father had been a Father always, and that he had the name even before he begot the Son, as having in him the power and faculty of generation; and in this manner they accounted for the eternity of the Son.

LUCIFERIANS, a sect who adhered to the schism of Lucifer, bishop of Cagliari, in the fourth century, who was banished by the The general signs of a lukeemperor Constantius, for having warm spirit are such as these: Nedefended the Nicene doctrine con- glect of private prayer; a prefercerning the three persons in the ence of worldly to religious comGodhead. It is said, also, that pany; a lax attendance on public they believed the soul to be cor-ordinances; omission or careless poreal, and to be transmitted from perusal of God's word; a zeal the father to the children. The for some appendages of religion, Luciferians were numerous in while languid about religion itGaul, Spain, Egypt, &c. The self; a backwardness to promote occasion of this schism was, that the cause of God in the world, Lucifer would not allow any acts and a rashness of spirit in censurhe had done to be abolished.ing those who are desirous to be There were but two Luciferian useful.

bishops but a great number of If we enquire the causes of such priests and deacons. The Luci-a spirit we shall find them to be-ferians bore a great aversion to worldly prosperity; the influence

the Arians.

of carnal relatives and acquaint

ance; indulgence of secret sins; the fear of man, and sitting under an unfaithful ministry.

serious impressions, and tinctured with somewhat of that religious melancholy which delights in the solitude and devotion of a monastic life, he retired into a convent of Augustinian friars; where he acquired great reputation not on

The inconsistency of it appears if we consider, that it is highly unreasonable; dishonourable to God; incompatible with the genius of the gospel; a barrier to improve-ly for piety, but for love of ment; a death blow to usefulness; knowledge, and unwearied applia direct opposition to the com- cation to study. The cause of mands of scripture; and tends to this retirement is said to have the greatest misery. been, that he was once struck by lightning, and his companion killed by his side by the same flash. He had been taught the scholastic philosophy which was in vogue in those days, and made considerable progress in it: but happening to find a copy of the Bible which lay neglected in the library of his monastery, he applied himself to

To overcome such a state of mind, we should consider how offensive it is to God; how incongruous with the very idea and nature of true religion; how injurious to peace and felicity of mind; how ungrateful to Jesus Christ, whose whole life was labour for us and our salvation; how grievous to the Holy Spirit; how dreadful an ex-the study of it with such eagerness ample to those who have no religion; how unlike the saints of old, and even to our enemies in the worst of causes; how dangerous to our immortal souls, since it is indicative of our want of love to God, and exposes us to just condemnation, Amos vi, 1.

and assiduity, as quite astonished the monks; and increased his reputation for sanctity so much, that he was chosen professor first of philosophy, and afterwards of theology, in Wittemberg, on the Elbe, where Frederick, elector of Saxony, had founded an university.

LUTHERANS, those Christians who follow the opinion of While Luther continued to enMartin Luther, the celebrated re-joy the highest reputation for sancformer of the church, in the six- tity and learning, Tetzel, a Domiteenth century. In order that we nican friar, came to Wittemberg may trace the rise and progress of in order to publish indulgences, Lutheranism, we must here refer Luther beheld his success with to the life of Luther himself. Lu- great concern; and having first inther was a native of Eisleben, in veighed against indulgences from Saxony, and born in 1483. Though the pulpit he afterwards publishhis parents were poor, he received ninety-five theses, containing ed a learned education, during the progress of which he gave many indications of uncommon vigour and acuteness of genius. As his mind was naturally susceptible of

his sentiments on that subject. These he proposed not as points fully established, but as subjects of enquiry and disputation. He appointed a day on which the

of the Augustinians to check, by
his authority, the rashness of an
arrogant monk, which brought dis-
grace upon their order, and gave
offence and disturbance to the
whole church.

learned were invited to impugn
them either in person or by writ-
ing; and to the whole he sub-
joined solemn protestations of his
high respect for the apostolic see,
and of his implicit submission to
From these letters, and the ap-
its authority. No opponent ap-
peared at the time prefixed:pointment of his open enemy Price-
the theses spread over Germany rias to be his judge, Luther easily
with astonishing rapidity, and saw what sentence he might ex-
were read with the greatest ea-pect at Rome; and therefore dis-

covered the utmost solicitude to
have his cause tried in Germany,
and before a less suspected tribu-

He wrote a submissive letter to the pope, in which he promised an unreserved obedience to his will, for as yet he entertained no doubt of the divine original of the pope's authority; and by the intercession of the other profes

Though Luther met with no opposition for some little time after he began to publish his new doctrines, it was not long before many zealous champions arose to defend those opinions with which the wealth and power of the clergy were so strictly connected. Their cause, however, was by no means promoted by these endea-sors, Cajetan, the pope's legate in vours: the people began to call Germany, was appointed to hear in question even the authority of and determine the cause. Luther the canon law, and of the pope appeared before him without hesihimself. The court of Rome at tation; but Cajetan thought it befirst despised these new doctrines low his dignity to dispute the point and disputes; but at last the at- with a person so much his inferior tention of the pope being raised in rank; and therefore required by the great success of the re-him, by virtue of the apostolic former, and the complaints of his powers with which he was clothadversaries, Luther was summoned, to retract the errors which he ed, in the month of July, 1518, had uttered with regard to indulto appear at Rome, within sixty gences and the nature of faith, and days, before the auditor of the to abstain for the future from the chamber. One of Luther's ad- publication of new and dangerous versaries, named Prierias, who opinions; and at the last forbad had written against him, was ap-him to appear in his presence, unpointed to examine his doctrines, less he proposed to comply with and to decide concerning them. what had been required of him. This haughty and violent man The pope wrote at the same time to the elector of Saxony, beseech-ner of proceeding, together with man some other circumstances, gave ing him not to protect a whose heretical and profane te- Luther's friends such strong reanets were so shocking to pious sons to suspect ears; and enjoined the provincial perial safe-conduct would not be VOL. II.




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