Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

and deceived their adversaries by cunning stratagems, is true; but that they held it as a maxim, that lying and perjury were lawful, is a most notorious falsehood, without even the least shadow of probability.

all agree, and perhaps before di-evidence and authority. That the vers other of the apostles. Priscillianists were guilty of disFrom these arguments we must simulation upon some occasions, evidently see what little ground the church of Rome hath to derive the supremacy of the pope from the supposed primacy of St. Peter. PRIMATE, an archbishop who is invested with a jurisdiction over other bishops. See ARCHBISHOP. PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANS, those who lived in the first ages of Christianity, especially the apostles and immediate followers of our Lord.

PRINCIPLE, an essential truth from which others are derived: the ground or motive of action. See DISPOSITION and DOCTRINE. PRIOR, the head of a convent; next in dignity to an abbot.

PROBITY, honesty, sincerity, or veracity. "It consists in the habit of actions useful to society, and in the constant observance of the laws which justice and conscience impose upon us. The man who obeys all the laws of society with an exact punctuality is not, therefore a man of probity: laws can only respect the external and definite parts of human conduct; PRISCILLIANISTS, the fol- but probity respects our more prilowers of Priscillian, in the fourth vate actions, and such as it is imcentury. It appears from au- possible in all cases to define; and thentic records, that the difference it appears to be in morals what between their doctrine and that of charity is in religion. Probity the Manicheans, was not very teaches us to perform in society considerable, For they denied the those actions which no external reality of Christ's birth and incar-power can oblige us to perform, nation; maintained that the visi- and is that quality in the human ble universe was not the produc- mind from which we claim the tion of the Supreme Deity, but of performance of the rights, comsome dæmon or malignant princi- monly called imperfect." ple; adopted the doctrine of æons, or emanations from the divine nature; considered human bodies as prisons formed by the author of evil to enslave celestial minds; and in this manner visiting some condemned marriage, and disbe-church, &c. They have proceslieved the resurrection of the body. sions of the host, or sacrament; of Their rule of life and manners was our Saviour to mount Calvary; of rigid and severe; the accounts, the Rosary, &c. therefore, which many have given of their lasciviousness and intemperance deserve not the least credit, as they are totally destitute of

PROCESSION, a ceremony, in the Romish church, consisting of a formal march of the clergy and people, putting up prayers, &c.,

Processions are said to be of Pagan original. The Romans, when the empire was distressed, or after some victory, used constantly

to order processions, for several days together, to be made to the temples, to beg the assistance of the gods, or to return them thanks.

from the Father." If his mission and procession were the same thing, there would be a tautology in the words, his mission, according to that interpretation, being The first processions mentioned mentioned twice in the same verse. in ecclesiastical history are those Dr. Watts, however, observes, that set on foot at Constantinople by this procession of the Holy Ghost St. Chrysostom. The Arians of from the Father respects not his that city, being forced to hold nature or substance, but his mistheir meetings without the town sion only; and that no distinct and went thither night and morning, clear ideas can be formed of this singing anthems. Chysostom, to procession; consequently it must prevent their perverting the Ca-be given up as popish, scholastic, tholics, set up counter-processions, inconceivable, and indefensible. in which the clergy and people But, it is answered, what clear marched by night, singing prayers idea can be given us of the origiand hymns, and carrying crosses nate, self-existent, eternal being and flambeaus. From this period of the Father? Shall we, therethe custom of processions was in- fore, deny him to be without betroduced among the Greeks, and ginning or end, and to be selfafterwards among the Latins; but existent, because we know not they have subsisted longer, and how he is so? If not, why must been more frequently used in we give up the procession of the the Western than in the Eastern Spirit, because we know not the church. mode of it? We can no more ex

PROCESSION OF THE HO-plain the manner how the Spirit LY GHOST, a term made use of proceeds from the Father, than we in reference to the Holy Ghost as can explain the eternal generation proceeding from the Father, or and hypostatical union of the two from the Father and the Son. It natures of the Son. We may say seems to be founded on that passage to the objector, as Gregory Nain John xv, 26. "When the Com- zianzen formerly did to his adverforter is come whom I will send sary, "Do you tell me how the unto you from the Father, even Father is unbegotten, and I will the Spirit of Truth which proceed- attempt to tell you how the Son eth from the Father, He shall tes-is begotten, and the Spirit protify of me." The procession of the ceeds." Holy Ghost, it is said, is expressly taught by Christ in very strong terms in this text. This procession, it is alleged, is here evidently distinguished from his mission; for it is said, "Whom I will send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth which proceeds

The clearest and fullest account of this procession, next to that in the above mentioned text, is that in 1st Cor. ii, 12. "The Spirit which is of God;" that is (say the advocates for this doctrine), the Spirit which is the same in nature and essence with the Father, and so

is said to be of him, or out of him, PROFESSOR, a term comnot as to local separation, but with monly used, in the religious world, respect to identity of nature. to denote any person who makes About the eighth and ninth cen- an open acknowledgment of the returies there was a very warm dis-ligion of Christ, or who outwardpute between the Greek and Latin ly manifests his attachment to churches, whether the Spirit pro- Christianity. All real Christians ceeded from the Father only, or are professors, but all professors from the Father and the Son; and are not real Christians. In this, the controversy arose to such a as in all other things of worth and height, that they charged one ano- importance, we find counterfeits. ther with heresy and schism, when There are many who become proneither side well understood what fessors, not from principle, from they contended for. The Latin investigation, from love to the church, however, has not scrupled truth; but from interested moto say that the Spirit proceeds tives, prejudice of education, cusfrom the Father and the Son: but tom, influence of connexions, nothe Greek church chooses to ex-velty, &c. as Saul, Jehu, Judas, press it thus; the Spirit proceeds Demas, the foolish virgins, &c. from the Father by or through See article CHRISTIAN; Jay's the Son, or he receives of the Son, Gal. iv, 6. See HOLY GHOST; Bishop Pearson or the Creed, p. 324; Watt's Works, 8vo. ed. p. 199, vol. v; Hurrion on the Holy Spirit, p. 204; Ridgley's Div., qu. 11; Dr. Lightfoot's Works, vol. i, P. 482.

Sermons, ser. 9; Mead's almost Christian; Bellamy's true Religion delineated; Shepherd's Sincere Convert, and on the Parable of the ten Virgins; Secker's non-such Professor.

PROMISE is a solemn asseveration, by which one pledges his veracity that he shall perform, or cause to be performed, the thing which he mentions.

PROFANE, a term used in opposition to holy, and in general is applied to all persons who have not the sacred character, and to The obligation of promises athings which do not belong to the rises from the necessity of the service of religion. well-being and existence of soPROFESSION, among the Ro-ciety. "Virtue requires," as Dr. manists, denotes the entering into Doddridge observes, "that proa religious order, whereby a per-mises be fulfilled. The promisee, son offers himself to God by a i. e. the person to whom the provow of inviolably observing obe- mise is made, acquires a property dience, chastity, and poverty. in virtue of the promise. The Christians are required to make uncertainty of property would a profession of their faith, 1. Bold- evidently be attended with great ly, Rom. i, 16.-2. Explicitly, inconvenience. By failing to fulMatt. v, 16.-3. Constantly, Heb. fil my promise, I either shew that x, 23.-4. Yet not ostentatiously, I was not sincere in making it, or but with humility and meekness. that I have little constancy or re

solution, and either way injure||-3. A call for prayer.-4. A spur my character, and consequently to perseverance. See Clark on the my usefulness in life. Promises, Promises, a book that Dr. Watts however, are not binding. 1. If says " he could dare put into the they were made by us before we hands of every Christian, among came to such exercise of reason all their divided sects and parties as to be fit to transact affairs of in the world." moment; or if by any distemper or sudden surprise we are deprived of the exercise of our reason at the time when the promise is made. -2. If the promise made was on a false presumption, in which the promiser, after the most diligent enquiry, was imposed upon, especially if he were deceived by the fraud of the promisee.-3. If the thing itself be vicious; for virtue cannot require that vice should be committed.-4. If the accomplishment of the promise be so hard and intolerable, that there is reason to believe that, had it been foreseen, it would have been an excepted case-5. If the promise be not accepted, or if it depend on conditions not performed." See Doddridge's Lec., lec. 69; Grot. de Jure, lib. ii, c. 11; Paley's Mor. Phil., ch. 5, vol. i; Grove's Mor. Phil., vol. ii, p. 2, c. 12; Watt's Ser., ser. 20.

PROPHECY, a word derived from us, and in its original import signifies the prediction of future events. It is thus defined by Witsius: "A knowledge and manifestation of secret things, which a man knows not from his own sagacity, nor from the relation of others, but by an extraordinary revelation of God from heaven." In the Old and New Testaments the word is not always confined to the foretelling of future events. In several instances it is of the same import with preaching, and denotes the faculty of illustrating and applying to present practical purposes the doctrines of prior revelation. Thus, in Nehemiah it is said, "Thou hast appointed prophets to preach," ch. vi, ver. 7; and whoever speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort, is by St. Paul called a prophet, 1st Cor. xiv, 3. Hence PROMISES OF GOD are the it was that there were schools of kind declarations of his word, in prophets in Israel, where young which he hath assured us he will men were instructed in the truths bestow blessings upon his people. of religion, and fitted to exhort The promises contained in the sa-and comfort the people. It is procred scriptures may be considered, phecy, however, according to the 1. Divine as to their origin.-2. first definition given above, we Suitable as to their nature.-3. shall here consider. Abundant as to their number.- Prophecy (with the power of 4. Clear as to their expression.-5.working miracles) may be consi-Certain as to their accomplish- dered as the highest evidence that ment. The consideration of them can be given of a supernatural comshould, 1. Prove an antidote to munion with the Deity. Hence, despair.-2. A motive to patience. among the professors of almost

every religious system, there have images, and the majestic force of been numberless pretenders to the its expressions. It is varied with gift of prophecy. Pagans had striking propriety, and enlivened their oracles, augurs, and sooth- with quick but easy transitions. modern idolaters their ne- Its sudden burst of eloquence, its cromancers and diviners; and the earnest warmth, its affecting exJews, Christians, and Mahome- hortations and appeals, afford very tans, their prophets. The preten-interesting proofs of that lively sions of Pagans and impostors, impression, and of that inspired have, however, been justly ex- conviction, under which the proposed while the Jewish and phets wrote; and which enabled Christian prophecies carry with them, among a people not distin them evident marks of their va- guished for genius, to surpass, in lidity. Hence St. Peter observes, every variety of composition, the "We have a more sure word of most admired productions of Paprophecy, whereunto we do well gan antiquity. If the imagery to take heed, as unto a light that employed by the sacred writers shineth in a dark place; for the appears sometimes to partake of prophecy came not in old time by a coarse and indelicate cast it the will of man, but holy men of must be recollected, that the Eas God spake as they were moved tern manners and languages reby the Holy Ghost," 2d Pet. ii, quired the most forcible represen 19, 21. Scripture prophecy, there-tations; and that the masculine and fore, hath God for its origin. It indignant spirit of the prophets led did not arise from the genius of them to adopt the most energetic the mind, the temperament of the and descriptive expressions. No body, the influence of the stars, style is, perhaps, so highly figura&c. but from the sovereign will tive as that of the prophets. Every of God. The ways by which the object of nature and of art which Deity made known his mind were could furnish allusions is explored various; such as by dreams, vi- with industry; every scene of cresions, angels, symbolic represen-ation, and every page of science, tations, impulses on the mind, seems to have unfolded its rich vaNum. xxi, 6. Jer. xxxi, 26. Dan. rieties, to the sacred writers, who, viii, 16, 17. in the spirit of Eastern poetry, deAs to the language of prophecy: light in every kind of metaphorical "It is," says Mr. Gray, "re-embellishment. Thus, by way of markable for its magnificence. illustration, it is obvious to reEach prophetic writer is distin- mark, that earthly dignities and guished for peculiar beauties; but powers are symbolized by the cetheir style in general may be cha- lestial bodies; the effects of moral racterized as strong, animated, and evil are shewn under the storms impressive. Its ornaments are de- and convulsions of nature; the rived not from accumulation of pollutions of sin are represented epithet, or laboured harmony; by external impurities; and the but from the real grandeur of its beneficial influence of righteous

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