Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

be more pernicious to Christendom; and that, therefore, he exhorts them to use their utmost endeavours to make Luther, and the authors of these tumults return to their duty; or, if they refuse, and continue obstinate, to proceed against them according to the laws of the empire, and the severity of the last edict.

29th, to the assembly of the states of Bohemia ; in which he assured them that he was labouring to establish their doctrine in Germany, and exhorted them not to return to the communion of the church of Rome; and he published also this year a translation of the New Testament in the German tongue, which was afterwards corrected by himself and Melancthon. This The resolution of this diet was translation having been printed published in the form of an edict, several times, and being in every upon the 6th of March, 1523; but body's hands, Ferdinand, arch- it had no effect in checking the Luduke of Austria, the emperor's therans, who still went on in the brother, made a very severe edict, same triumphant manner. This to hinder the farther publication year Luther wrote a great many of it; and forbad all the subjects pieces; among the rest, one upon of his imperial majesty to have the dignity and office of the su any copies of it, or of Luther's preme magistrate; which Fredeother books. Some other princes ric, elector of Saxony, is said to followed his example; and Lu-have been highly pleased with. He ther was so angry at it, that he sent, about the same time, a wriwrote a treatise Of the Secular ting in the German language to Power, in which he accuses them the Waldenses, or Pickards, in Boof tyranny and impiety. The diet hemia and Moravia, who had apof the empire was held at Nurem-plied to him "about worshipping berg, at the end of the year, to the body of Christ in the euchawhich Hadrian VI sent his brief, rist." He wrote, also, another dated November the 25th; for book, which he dedicated to the Leo X died upon the 2d of De- senate and people of Prague, cember, 1521, and Hadrian had" about the institution of minisbeen elected pope upon the 9th of ters of the church." He drew up January following. In his brief, a form of saying mass. He wrote among other things, he observes a piece, entitled, An example of to the diet how he had heard, with popish doctrine and divinity; which grief, that Martin Luther, after Dupin calls a satire against nuns, the sentence of Leo X, which was and those who profess a monastic ordered to be executed by the ed-life. He wrote also against the ict of Worms, continued to teach the same errors, and daily to publish books full of heresies; that it appeared strange to him that so large and so religious a nation could be seduced by a wretched apostate iriar; thatnothing, however, could

vows of virginity, in his preface to his commentary on Cor. i, 8, and his exhortations here were, it seems, followed with effect; for, soon after, nine nuns, among whom was Catherine de Bore, eloped from the nunnery at Nimptsthen,

ed by the princes of the empire; but, notwithstanding the legate's solicitations, which were very pressing, the decrees of that diet were thought so ineffectual, that they were condemned at Rome, and rejected by the emperor.

and were brought, by the assist-berg the necessity of enforcing the ance of Leonard Coppen, a bur-execution of the edict of Worms,. gess of Torgau, to Wittemberg. which had been strangely neglectWhatever offence this proceeding might give to the Papists, it was highly extolled by Luther; who, in a book written in the German language,compares the deliverance of these nuns from the slavery of a monastic life to that of the souls which Jesus Christ has delivered by his death. This year Luther had occasion to canonize two of his followers, who, as Melchior Adam relates, were burnt at Brus-parative to a step he took the year sels in the beginning of July, and were the first who suffered martyrdom for his doctrine. He wrote also a consolatory epistle to three noble ladies at Misnia, who were banished from the duke of Saxo-vised the Augsburg confession of ny's court at Friburg, för reading his books.

In October, 1524, Luther flung off the monastic habit; which, though not premeditated and designed, was yet a very proper pre

after: we mean his marriage with Catherine de Bore.

His marriage, however, did not retard his activity and diligence in the work of reformation. He re

faith, and apology for the protestants, when the Protestant religion was first established on a firm ba sis. See PROTESTANTS and REFORMATION.

In the beginning of the year 1524, Clement VII sent a legate into Germany to the diet which was to be held at Nuremberg. After this, Luther had little Hadrian VI died in October,1523, else to do than to sit down and and was succeeded by Clement contemplate the mighty work he upon the 19th of November. A had finished; for that a single little before his death, he canoni-monk should be able to give the zed Benno, who was bishop of Meissen, in the time of Gregory VII, and one of the most zealous defenders of the holy see. Luther, imagining that this was done directly to oppose him, drew up a piece with this title, Against the new idol and old devil set up at Meissen, in which he treats the memory of Gregory with great freedom, and does not spare evening from time to time such writHadrian. Clement VII's legate ings as might encourage, direct, represented to the diet of Nurem- and aid them in doing it. The

church so rude a shock, that there needed but such another entirely to overthrow it, may very well seem a mighty work. He did, indeed, little else; for the remainder of his life was spent in exhorting princes, states, and universities, to confirm the reformation which had been brought about through him; and publish

emperor threatened temporal pu- || In the year 1534, the Bible nishment with armies, and the translated by him into German pope eternal with bulls and ana-was first printed, as the old privithemas; but Luther cared for none of their threats.

lege, dated at Bibliopolis, under the elector's hand, shews; and it was published the year after. He also published this year a book against masses, and the consecration of priests, in which he relates a conference he had with the devil upon those points; for it is remarkable in Luther's whole his

In the year 1533, Luther wrote a consolatory epistle to the citizens of Oschatz, who had suffered some hardships for adhering to the Augsburg confession of faith; in which, among other things, he says, "The devil is the host, and the world is his inn; so that where-tory that he never had any conever you come, you shall be sure flicts of any kind within, but the to find this ugly host." He had devil was always his antagonist. also about this time a terrible In February 1537, an assembly controversy with George duke of was held at Smalkald about matSaxony, who had such an aver-ters of religion, to which Luther sion to Luther's doctrine, that he and Melancthon were called. At obliged his subjects to take an this meeting Luther was seized oath that they would never em- with so grievous an illness, that brace it. However, sixty or seven-there were no hopes of his recoty citizens of Leipsic were found very. He was afflicted with the to have deviated a little from the stone, and had a stoppage of urine Catholic way in some point or for eleven days. In this terrible other, and they were known pre- condition he would needs underviously to have consulted Luther take to travel, notwithstanding all about it; upon which George com- that his friends could say or do to plained to the elector John that prevent him: his resolution, howLuther had not only abused his ever, was attended with a good person, but also preached up re-effect; for the night after his debellion among his subjects. The parture he began to be better. As elector ordered Luther to be ac- he was carried along he made his quainted with this; and to be told, will, in which he bequeathed his at the same time, that if he did detestation of popery to his friends not acquit himself of the charge, and brethren; agreeably to what he could not possibly escape pun- he often used to say: Pestis eram ishment. But Luther easily re- vivus, moriens ero mors tua, papa; futed the accusation, by proving, that is, "I was the plague of pothat he had been so far from stir-pery in my life, and shall continue ring up his subjects against him to be so in my death."

on the score of religion, that, on This year the pope and the the contrary, he had exhorted court of Rome, finding it imposthem rather to undergo the great-sible to deal with the Protestants est hardships, and even suffer by force, began to have recourse themselves to be banished. to stratagem. They affected, there



fore, to think, that though Luther himself; others, that the devil had, indeed, carried things on with strangled him; others, that his a high hand and to a violent ex- corpse stunk so abominably, that treme, yet what he had pleaded in they were forced to leave it in the defence of these measures was not way, as it was carried to be interentirely without foundation. They red. Nay, lies were invented talked with a seeming shew of mo- about his death, even while he was deration; and Pius III, who suc-yet alive. Luther, however, to

give the most effectual refutation of this account of his death, put forth an advertisement of his be

ceeded Clement VII, proposed a reformation first among themselves, and even went so far as to fix a place for a council to meeting alive; and, to be even with at for that purpose. But Luther the Papists for the malice they had treated this farce as it deserved shewn in this lie, wrote a book at to be treated; unmasked and de- the same time to prove, that "the tected it immediately; and, to ri-papacy was founded by the devil." dicule it the more strongly, caused Lutheranism has undergone a picture to be drawn, in which some alterations since the time of was represented the pope seated its founder. Luther rejected the on high upon a throne, some car-epistle of St. James as inconsistdinals about him with foxes' tails ent with the doctrine of St. Paul on, and seeming to evacuate up- in relation to justification; he also wards and downwards (sursum set aside the Apocalypse; both deorsum repurgare, as Melchior which are now received as canoniAdam expresses it). This was cal in the Lutheran church. fixed over against the title-page, to let the reader see at once the scope and design of the book; which was to expose that cunning and artifice with which those sub-tiation; that is, that the matter of tle politicians affected to cleanse and purify themselves from their errors and superstitions. Luther published, about the same time, a confutation of the pretended grant of Constantine to Sylvester bishop of Rome; and also some letters Luther maintained the mass to of John Huss, written from his be no sacrilice; exploded the adoprison at Constance to the Bohe-ration of the host, auricular conmians. In this manner was Lu-fession, meritorious works, indulther employed till his death, which happened in the year 1546.

A thousand lies were invented by the Papists about Luther's death. Some said that he died suddenly; others, that he killed

Luther reduced the number of sacraments to two, viz. baptism and the eucharist; but he believed the impanation or consubstan

the bread and wine remain with the body and blood of Christ; and it is in this article that the main difference between the Lutheran and English churches consists.

gences, purgatory, the worship of images, &c., which had been introduced in the corrupt times of the Romish church. He also opposed the doctrine of free will, maintained predestination, and as


[blocks in formation]

serted our justification to be sole-
ly by the imputation of the merits
and satisfaction of Christ. He al-
so opposed the fastings in the Ro-butes this change in their senti-
mish church, monastical vows, the
celibate of the clergy, &c.

tice, and of declaring their dis-
sent in the manner they judge the
most expedient. Mosheim attri-

ments to the maxim which they generally adopted, that Christians. The Lutherans, however, of all were accountable to God alone for Protestants, are said to differ least their religious opinions; and that from the Romish church; as they no individual could be justly puaffirm that the body and blood of nished by the magistrate for his Christ are materially present in erroneous opinions while he conthe sacrament of the Lord's sup-ducted himself like a virtuous and per, though in an incomprehensi-obedient subject, and made no ble manner; and likewise repre- attempts to disturb the peace and sent some religious rites and in-order of civil Society. In Sweden In Denstitutions, as the use of images the Lutheran church is episcopal: in churches, the distinguishing in Norway the same. vestments of the clergy, the pri- mark, under the name of superinvate confession of sins, the use of tendant, all episcopal authority is wafers in the administration of the retained; whilst through GermaLord's supper, the form of exor-ny the superior power is vested cism in the celebration of bap in a consistory, over which there tism, and other ceremonies of the is a president, with a distinction like nature, as tolerable, and some of rank and privileges, and a subof them as useful. The Luther-ordination of inferior clergy to ans maintain, with regard to the their superiors, different from the divine decrees, that they respect parity of Presbyterianism. Mcthe salvation or misery of men, in sheim's Ecclesi. History; Life of consequence of a previous know- Luther; Haweis's Ch. Hist., vol. ledge of their sentiments and cha-ii, p. 454; Enc. Brit.; Robertracters, and not as free and un-son's Hist. of Charles V, vol. ii, conditional, and as founded on the p. 42; Luther on the Galatians. LUXURY, a disposition of mere will of God. Towards the close of the seventeenth century, mind addicted to pleasure, riot, the Lutherans began to entertain and superfluities. Luxury implies a greater liberality of sentimenta giving one's self up to pleasure; than they had before adopted; voluptuousness, an indulgence in though in many places they per- the same to excess. Luxury may severed longer in severe and des-be farther considered as consisting potic principles than other Proin, 1. Vain and useless expences. testant churches. Their public-2. In a parade beyond what peoteachers now enjoy an unbounded ple can afford.-3. In affecting to liberty of dissenting from the de- be above our own rank.—4. In licisions of those symbols or creeds ving in a splendour that does not which were once deemed almost agree with the public good. In infallible rules of faith and prac-order to avoid it, we should con

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