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fignation and praife.-her tender feelings for me are great, and fill the fays" if the Lord fees good to answer my many Year's prayer, and fpare me to clofe your eyes; and return you all this tender care in your laft illness I thould exceedingly praise him,-but I can afk nothing only his will-we are in that perfectly agreed.We live in thy will be done. Now I feel another of my dear Mafter's words fulfilled-He faid, "Sally,-God will put his right hand under you. and now I feel it verified indeed." Repeating to her those verses,

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The deadly writing now I fee,

Nail'd with his body to the tree;

Torn with the nails which pierc'd his hands,

The old Cov'nant no longer ftands.

Tho' fign'd and written with my blood,

As Hell's foundation fure it stood;

Thine hath wash'd our the crimson ftains

And white as Snow my Soul remains.

She faid with a finile-" Sweet, Sweet," I replied, and you feel it, to which the antwered-"Yes, -but I want a further plunge."

28th,-She said―" I awoke in the night with those words

"My Soul, afk what thou wilt,

Thou canst not be too bold;

Since his own blood for thee was spilt

What can fuch Love withold.

I laid all our fituation and trials before him, and felt fuch a full conformity to his will as brought much peace.

Was ever one fo vile, fo bleft
So foul, yet by the Lamb careft."


Her mouth and throat is now full of ulcers, and fo fore, it is with great difficulty the can either fpeak or fwallow, all are amazed the ftill lives; but the iffues of Life and Death are in thy hand, O Lord.

29th. Of late fhe frequently obferved, the aawoke with a powerful application of those words.

"Hark, the Redeemer from the sky,
Sweetly invites his fav'rites nigh :
My Sifter and my Spouse he cries,
Bound to my heart by various ties."

December 3rd. She has from the last date continued to grow worfe, but as her pains increafed, fo has her patience; and often has fhe called on me to praife the Lord for the intervals of Eafe fhe found. When I have been rubbing her Legs he has faid, "Now I feel quite comfortable-what a mercy to have fome hours free from pain. O! I am gently dealt with!"-Laft night her breath was very bad, I fat up with her; and being alone we had fweet fellowship in converfation. What thankfulness did the exprefs that he had fuch a friend-" One, faid he, who can enter into all the feelings of my foul; I feem fully refigned to the will of God, but I long for a clearer manifeftation."The Lord was pleased to fill my mouth with arguments of confolation, which the fweetly drank in, faying, 66 we are fellow fufferers and we are both waiting for the Lord-It is good both to hope and quietly wait for the Lord."

This morning the feemed rather better and we got her up as ufual.-About 11 O'Clock as I was fit


ting by her, the feemed uncommonly engaged in prayer, and as he could not fpeak but very low and with great difficulty, fhe made a fign to me to ring the Bell for Mary, becaule fhe could hear quicker than me what he had to tell us. She then began to exprefs, tho' in broken accents, what a glorious difplay of the Love of God was manifefted to her Soul, and what the "Lord was fpeaking to her, as follows," He fays thou art all fair my love, there is no fpotno fpot in thee-the days of thy mourning are ended-thine eyes fhall fee the King in his beauty." -Then the remained a time as in earneft prayer with her hands joined and eyes lifted up, and feemed pouring out her very foul in prayer, fome fentences of which we could hear, fuch as-" Lord, blefs my dear friendSupport her-Comfort her-never leave her-nor forlake her be a wall of fire round about her."After a time, the faid, "He fays he will put his everlafting arms underneath you.-We shall be the fame kindred-one family fill,—no divifion."

Mrs. Yate coming in, the faid, "God blefs Mrs. Yate and all her Family." She laboured much for breath, which was a great grief to me; because it hindered her from faying all fhe would otherwife have done. I faid my dear Love, after all your trials, you now prove the faithfulness of God.-Jefus is near and difcovers the fulness of his Love, now you are on Jordan's brink. She anfwered with the full exertion of all her ftrength." There is no Cloud can arife," and frove to finifh the fentence,-To


darken my Skies, or hide for one moment my Lord from my eyes." All is fair-all clearall clear."I faid, have you any fight opened of the invifible World?-fhe faid," Yes,-Paradife-Heaven is opened" O what has Jefus bought for me?" She fhewed great fympathy and tenderness to me-cafting fuch looks at me -throwing herself on my bolom-clafping her Hands, and pointing upwards to fignify, the prayed for me: being spent he was filent fome time, then faid, "I believe-the blood of Jelus cleanfeth me from all Sin, me, vile me— -1 come to him as the chief of Sinners, and he hath washed me and made me all fair." After a pause the faid-"Give my love to the Society-to all the Societies." I replied, my dear, I will, and tell them what God hath done for your Soul. She replied with vehemence, " 'Tis beyond compare." Her fpeech now greatly failed, but on my faying, A convoy of miniftering Spirits will attend you, the earnestly faid, "They do minifter, ready winged, ready winged," meaning, he had a perception of it.-She remained fome hours in the Pangs of Death, but feemed quite fenfible.I asked her three times at diftant periods, if the was not in great pain, to which he answered, "No."-A little before her departure, I faid, my dear, have you the fame tweet views of Glory you had in the Morning.-She immediately lift up her hand as high as the could (the fign we had agreed on, for yes) and at 7 o Ciock without a further ftruggle, her happy Spirit took its flight to feaft with Jelu's Priefts and Kings. Wednefday December 3rd, 1800.


My lofs is unspeakable,-she was a friend of a thoufand, a child and more than a child, but no Arm of Flesh is lafting-this is the Leffon I am called to learn;-and my whole Dependance is on those ever lafting Arms which cannot fail. In the beginning of her Illnefs two years ago, fhe thought one morning in a Dream ny dear Hufband ftood at her Bed-fide, and looking_on her as with tender Sympathy, he faid, "The fufferings of this prefent Time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which fhall be revealed, and I apprehend fle alluded to that, when fhe faid fo eaineftly," "Tis beyond compare," meaning that I might tell them the prefent difplay of Glory was already incomparably beyond all the had fuffered.-Well-on this I muft fix my eye, and pals my folitary Days firmly anchored in that fure Ground, Thy will be done. MARY FLETCHER.

When the faid, Heaven is opened, and added, -O what hath Jefus bought for me! it appeared fhe ftrove to go on with the words, I thall therefore infert them.

O what hath Jefus bought for me!

Before my ravilh'd eyes

Rivers of life divine I fee,

And trees of Paradife:

They flourish in perpetual bloom,
Fruit every month they give;

And to the healing leaves who come,
Eternally fhall live.

I fee

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