Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



H. WESTON EVE, M.A., Head Master of University College School.


THEORY AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATION-J. G. Fitch, M.A., H.M. Inspector of Schools. CLASSICS-Rev. H. Montagu Butler, D.D., Head Master of Harrow.

MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY-Rev. J. M. Wilson, M.A., F.G.S., Head Master of Clifton College.

ENGLISH SUBJECTS-Rev. E. A. Abbott, D.D., Head Master of the City of London Sch. MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES-Max Müller, M.A., Professor of Comparative Philology in the University of Oxford.

SCIENCE Professor Williamson, F.R.S., University College, London.











Oscar Browning, M.A., King's College, Cambridge.
Rev. Canon Daniel, M.A., Principal of St. John's
Training College, Battersea.

Prof. J. M. D. Meiklejohn, M.A., Univ. of St. Andrews.
Prof. G. C. Robertson, M.A., University Coll., London.
James Sully, M.A., late Examiner in Logic and Psy-
chology in the University of London.

(Rev. A. J. Church, M.A., University College, London.
Rev. S. F. Hiron, LL.D., D.C.L., Trin. Coll., Dublin.
Rev. G. A. Jacob, D.D., Worcester College, Oxford.
Rev. R. Lee, M.A., Jesus College, Cambridge.

S. Lee, M.A., Christ's College, Cambridge.
F. Storr, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge.

E. Adams, Esq., F.C.P.

Rev. J. Angus, D.D., late Examiner in English Language
and Literature in the University of London.
Rev. W. H. Brown, M.A., late Fellow Caius Coll., Camb.
C. P. Mason, B.A., Fellow of Univ. Coll., London.
Rev. R. Morris, LL.D., King's Coll., London.
E. E. Pinches, B.A. Lond., Barrister-at-Law.

R. F. Weymouth, D.Lit. Lond., Mill Hill School.

J. P. Bidlake, B.A. Lond., F.C.P.

J. R. Langler, B.A., F.R.G.S., Westminster Training

W. Lawson, F.R.G.S., St. Mark's College, Chelsea.
Prof. H. G. Seeley, F.R.S., F.G.S., King's College, London.
R. Elliot Steel, M.A., Magdalen College, Oxford.

S. Barlet, B.-ès-Sc., Mercers' School, E.C.

J. A. Leriche, B.-ès-L., B.-ès-Sc., Agrégé de l'Université de France.

J. F. P. Massé, Westminster School.

L. Stièvenard, F.K.C., F.C.P., Officier d'Académie,
Université de France.

Professor Buchheim, Ph.D., Examiner Univ. Lond.
F. Lange, Ph.D., Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.
Rev. C. Schoell, Ph.D., Examiner Univ. Lond.

Signor Coscia, Queen's College, London.
Signor Ricci, City of London College, E.C.

Don V. Carrias, King's College, London.

[For remainder, see page 3 of cover.

[blocks in formation]

Examiner-Dr. E. ADAMS, F.C.P.

[N.B.-Six questions only (including 1 and 2) to be answered in A.; two only in either B. or C.]


1. Analyse-Bryant says that Truth gets well if she is run over by a locomotive; while Error dies of lock-jaw if she scratches her finger.

2. Parse:

Truth, which itself is light, does darkness shun,

And the true eaglet safely dares the sun.

3. Give four English derivatives from each of the Latin roots fac-, spec-, dic-, duc-.

4. What are the derivation and literal meaning of atrophy, hydrophobia, phlebotomy, anatomy, physiology, stethoscope, homeopathy?

5. Form diminutives from man, lance, goose, cock, poke (pouch), hill, mead, river, goat.

6. Comment on any irregularities in the conjugation of the verb be.

7. Name the Demonstrative Pronouns.

Give the adverbs formed from them.

When is each used?

8. What facts in early English history do you gather from the italicised syllables in Doncaster, Dorset, Grimsby, Lincoln, Stratford, Ormskirk, Norwich, Durham ?

B. (1553-1603.)

1. Describe the "Mirror for Magistrates"? Who wrote the "Induction"? Which of Lydgate's works suggested the idea? 2. Who were the chief theological writers of this period? Name any of their works.

3. Describe briefly the life and writings of one of the following:Ascham, Lyly, Spenser, or Bacon.

C. (1760-1815.)

1. Name those works of Dr. Johnson which respectively show him to have been (a) a poet, (b) an essayist, (c) a biographer, (d) a philologist, (e) a writer of fiction.

2. Name the most distinguished female writers of this period, and briefly describe their works.

3. Write a short account of the life and works of one of the following:-Goldsmith, Burns, Burke, or Scott.

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