JOURNAL Convened at the Capitol in Springfield, January 3, 1923, [Frinted by authority of the State of Illinois.] JOURNAL OF THE SENATE OF THE FIFTY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1923, 12:00 O'CLOCK M. At a session of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, begun and held in the City of Springfield on Wednesday, the third day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twentythree, being the Wednesday after the first Monday in January, it being the first session of the Fifty-third General Assembly, Honorable Fred E. Sterling, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate, appeared at 12:00 o'clock m., and called the Senate to order. Prayer was offered by Rev. Charles A. Gage, pastor of the Centennial Methodist Episcopal Church of Rockford, Illinois, appointed Chaplain by the President of the Senate to continue until his successor is appointed. The President of the Senate made the following appointments, which appointments were approved by the Senate, subject to the further action of the Senate: Secretary of the Senate, J. H. Paddock, at $15.00 per day. per day. Temporary Postmistress, Miss Sallie Perkins, at $6.00 per day. By direction of the President of the Senate, the roll of the Senators holding over was then called, and the following answered to their names: |