Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

3. What number is that, which being added to 19418, will make 21802 ?

21802-194182384, Anf

4. General Washington was born in 1732; What is his age in 1787? 1787-1732 55 Anf.

5. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492, and its Independence declared in 1776; How many years have elapfed between those two Æras?

1776-1492284 Anf.

6. The Maffacre at Bofton, by the British Troops, happened, March 5th, 1770, and the Battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775: How long between?

April 19th, 1775-March 5, 1770=5y. Im. 14d. Anf.

7. General Burgoyne and his Army were captured October 17th, 1777, and Earl Cornwallis and his Army, October 19th, 1781: What space of time between ? October 19th, 1781-October 17th, 1777

and 2 days, Anf.

4 years.

8. The war between America and England commenced April 19th, 1775, and a general peace took place January 20th, 1783; How long did the war continue? January 20th, 1783-April 19th, 1775 7y. 9m. id. Anf.


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9. A, B, C, and D, purchased a quantity of goods in partnership; A paid £12 10s. dollar and a crown piece; B 35s. C 29s. 10d. and D 79d. What did the goods coft? Anf. 16 14. fd.

10. A man borrowed, at different times, these feveral fums, viz. £29 5s. £18 17s. 6d. £45 12s. £98, 3 dollars, one crown piece and an half; Pray how much was he in debt? Anf. 193 2s. 6d.

11. There


11. There are 4 numbers; the first 317, the fecond 912, the third 1229, and the fourth as much as the other three, abating 97: What is the fum of them all? Anf. 4819.

12. Bought a quantity of Goods for £125 10s. paid for truckage 45s. for freight 79s. 6d. for duties 35. 10d. and my expenfes were 535. 9d: What did the Goods ftand me in? Anf. £136 4s. Id.

13. A Gentleman left his fon 1725 more than his daughter, whofe fortune was 15 thousand '15 hundred and 15 pounds: What was the fon's portion, and what did the whole eftate amount to?

Anf. The fon's fortune, £18240, and the whole eftate £34755.

14. A Merchant had 6 debtors, who, together, owed him £4917 10s. 6d. A, B, C, D and E, owed him £1675 13s. 9d. of it: What was F's debt?

Anf. £1241 16s. 9d.

15. What is the difference between £1309 75. Id. and the amount of £345 13s. 4d. and £571 4s. 8d.?

Anf £392 95. id.

16. A Merchant, at his firft engaging in trade, owed £937 15s. he had in cafh £1755 35. 6d. in goods £459 125. 3d. in good debts 197 16s. and he cleared the first year £249 19s. 10d. What was the neat balance at the year's end? Anf. £1724 16s. 7d.

17. What fum of money must be divided between 12 Ten, fo as that each may receive £155?

£155X12=1860 Anf. 8. What number muft I multiply by 9, that the product may be 675? 675+9=75 Anf.

19. A Privateer of 175 men took a prize, which amounted to £59 per man, befide the owner's half: What was the value of the prize? 175 × 59 × 2=£20650 Anf.

[blocks in formation]

20. What is the difference between thrice five, and thirty; and thrice thirty five?


35×3-5×3+30=60, Anf.

The fum of two numbers is 750; the lefs 248 : What is the difference, product, and the fquare of their difference ?*

750-248-502 the greater number, 502-248-254 difference, 502 X 248 = 124496 product, and 254 × 254 64516 fquare of the difference.


What is the difference between fix dozen dozen, and half a dozen dozen; and what is their product, and the quotient of the greater by the lefs?

Anf. 6× 12 X 12—6× 12=792 diff.

6X 12 X 12 X6×12=62208. product, and 6×12X12

÷6×12=12, Quotient.

the ;


of them is

There are two numbers 23. times 78, and their difference is 9 times 15; their fum and product are required.


Anf. 78X25=1950 the greater, 1950-15X9= 1815 the lefs. 1950+1815=3765 the fum, and 1950 X1815 3539250 the product.


A Merchant began trade with £25327; for 6 years together, he cleared 1253 per annum; the next 5 years, he cleared £1729 per annum; but, the last years, had the misfortune to lofe £3019 per annum: What was he worth at the 15 years' end?


Anf. £29414.

If a man fpends £192 in a year: What is that 192÷1216 Anf.

25. per Calendar month?

26. If

*A number is faid to be fquared, when it is multiplied into


26. If the Federal Debt, which is 42 million dollars, be equally divided between the 13 States: What will be the fhare of each? Anf. 3230769 dollars.

27. If 9000 men march in a column of 750 deep : How many march abreaft? 9000750 12 Anf. 28. What number, deducted from the 32d part of 3072, will leave the 96th part of the fame ?

3072÷32-32 = 64 Anf.

29. What number is that, which, multiplied by 3589, will produce 92050672 ?

92050672÷3589 = 25648 Anf.

30. Suppofe the quotient arifing from the divifion of two numbers to be 5379, the divifor 37625: What is the dividend, if the remainder come out 9357 ?




Teaches to bring, or exchange, numbers of one denomination to others of different denominations, retaining the fame value.

It is of two forts, viz. Defcending and Afcending; the former of which is performed by Multiplication, and the latter by Divifion.



Multiply the higheft denomination, given, by fo many of the next lefs, as make one of that greater, and thus continue till you have brought it down as low as your queftion requires.

PROOF. Change the order of the queftion, and divide your last product by the laft multiplier, and so on.


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1. In £27 155. 9d. 2qr. how many farthings?

Multiplied by 20

S. d. gr.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Note. In multiplying by 20, I added in the 15s.-by 12, the 9d. and by 4, the 2 qrs. which must always be done in like cafes.

To prove the above question, change the order of it, and it will ftand thus: In 26678 farthings, how many pounds?


12)6669 2 grs.

20)555 9d.

Anfaer, £27 15 9 2.

2. In £36 12s. 10d. 1gr. how many farthings?

Anf. 35177.

3. In £95 11s. 5d. 3grs. how many farthings?

Anf. 91751.

4. In 719 95. 11d. how many half pence?.

Anf. 345358.

5. In 29 guineas, at 28s. how many pence


Anf. 9744.

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