Tempest ; Two gentlemen of Verona ; Merry wives of Windsor ; Measure for measure ; Comedy of errors ; Much ado about nothing ; Love's labour's lostJacob Tonson, within Grays-Inn Gate, next Grays-Inn Lane, 1709 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 50.
... Answer . Mira . ' Tis a Villain , Sir , I do not love to look on . Pro . But as ' tis We cannot miss him : He does make our Fire , Fetch in our Wood , and serves Offices That profit us . What hoa ! Slave ! Caliban ! Thou Earth thou ...
... Answer . Mira . ' Tis a Villain , Sir , I do not love to look on . Pro . But as ' tis We cannot miss him : He does make our Fire , Fetch in our Wood , and serves Offices That profit us . What hoa ! Slave ! Caliban ! Thou Earth thou ...
Σελίδα 47
... Answer your Summons , Juno does Command : Come , temperate Nymphs , and help to celebrate A Contract of true Love ; be not too late . Enter certain Nymphs . You Sun - burn'd Sicklemen , of August weary , Come hither from the Furrow ...
... Answer your Summons , Juno does Command : Come , temperate Nymphs , and help to celebrate A Contract of true Love ; be not too late . Enter certain Nymphs . You Sun - burn'd Sicklemen , of August weary , Come hither from the Furrow ...
Σελίδα 47
... Answer your Summons , Juno does Command : Come , temperate Nymphs , and help to celebrate A Contract of true Love ; be not too late . Enter certain Nymphs . You Sun - burn'd Sicklemen , of August weary , Come hither from the Furrow ...
... Answer your Summons , Juno does Command : Come , temperate Nymphs , and help to celebrate A Contract of true Love ; be not too late . Enter certain Nymphs . You Sun - burn'd Sicklemen , of August weary , Come hither from the Furrow ...
Σελίδα 80
... answer not : The Tide is now ; nay , not thy Tide of Tears ; That Tide will stay me longer than I should : ( Exit Julia . Julia , farewel . What ! gone without a Word ? Ay , so true Love should do ; it cannot speak ; For Truth hath ...
... answer not : The Tide is now ; nay , not thy Tide of Tears ; That Tide will stay me longer than I should : ( Exit Julia . Julia , farewel . What ! gone without a Word ? Ay , so true Love should do ; it cannot speak ; For Truth hath ...
Σελίδα 128
... answer'd . Fal . I will answer it straight : I have done all this . That is now answer'd . Shal . The Council shall know this . Fal . ' Twere better for you if it were known in Council ; You'll be laugh'd at . Eva . Pauca verba , Sir ...
... answer'd . Fal . I will answer it straight : I have done all this . That is now answer'd . Shal . The Council shall know this . Fal . ' Twere better for you if it were known in Council ; You'll be laugh'd at . Eva . Pauca verba , Sir ...
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Angelo anſwer Beat Beatrice becauſe Benedick beſt Biron Boyet Brother Buſineſs Caliban Cauſe Cland Claud Claudio Clown Coft defire didſt doſt doth Dromio Duke e'er Efcal elſe Enter Exeunt Exit Eyes falſe Faſhion felf fent firſt fome Ford Grace haſt hath hear Heart Heav'n Herne the Hunter Hero Hoft Honour Houſe Husband Ifab Jeſt King Lady laſt Laun Leon Leonato Lord loſe Love Lucio Maid Marry Maſter Mira Miſtreſs moſt Moth Muſick muſt Pedro pleaſe Pompey Praiſe pray preſent Priſon Protheus Prov Purpoſe Quic Reaſon reſt Rofa ſay ſee ſeen ſelf ſend ſerve ſet ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhould Signior Silvia Slen ſome ſpeak Speed ſtand ſtay ſtill ſtrange ſuch ſure ſwear ſweet Sycorax tell thee there's theſe thoſe thou art Thurio uſe Valentine whoſe Wife Woman
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 20 - All things in common nature should produce Without sweat or endeavour : treason, felony, Sword, pike, knife, gun, or need of any engine, Would I not have; but nature should bring forth, .Of its own kind, all foison, all abundance, To feed my innocent people.
Σελίδα 95 - Heaven doth with us as we with torches do, Not light them for themselves ; for if our virtues Did not go forth of us, 'twere all alike As if we had them not.
Σελίδα 25 - Were I in England now, as once I was, and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver. There would this monster make a man. Any strange beast there makes a man. When they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian.
Σελίδα 38 - I have bedimm'd The noontide sun, call'd forth the mutinous winds, And 'twixt the green sea and the azur'd vault Set roaring war...
Σελίδα 41 - ... swains commend her ? Holy, fair and wise is she ; The heaven such grace did lend her That she might admired be. Is she kind as she is fair ? for beauty lives with kindness : Love doth to her eyes repair, To help him of his blindness ; And, being help'd, inhabits there. Then to Silvia let us sing, That Silvia is excelling ; She excels each mortal thing Upon the dull earth dwelling ; To her let us garlands bring.
Σελίδα 32 - Hence, bashful cunning ! And prompt me, plain and holy innocence ! I am your wife, if you will marry me ; If not, I'll die your maid : to be your fellow * You may deny me ; but I'll be your servant, Whether you will or no.
Σελίδα 103 - And the poor beetle that we tread upon, In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great As when a giant dies.
Σελίδα 103 - Ay, but to die, and go we know not where ; To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot ; This sensible warm motion to become A kneaded clod ; and the delighted spirit To bathe in fiery floods...
Σελίδα xxiv - I loved the man, and do honour his memory on this side idolatry as much as any. He was indeed honest, and of an open and free nature ; had an excellent fancy, brave notions, and gentle expressions, wherein he flowed with that facility that sometime it was necessary he should be stopped.