Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Forty-five and nine? Fifty-five and nine? Sixty-five and nine? Seventy-five and nine? Eighty-five and nire? Ninety-five and nine?

32. How many are four and seven? Fourteen and seven? Twenty-four and seven? Thirty-four and seven? Forty-four and seven? Fifty-four and seven? Sixty-four and seven? Seventy-four and seven ? Eighty-four and seven? Ninety-four and seven ?

33. How many are four and eight? Fourteen and eight? Twenty-four and eight? Thirty-four and eight? Forty-four and eight? Fifty-four and eight? Sixty-four and eight, Seventy-four and eight? Eighty-four and eight? Ninety-four and eight?

34. How many are four and nine? Fourteen and nine? Twenty-four and nine? Thirty-four and nine? Forty-four and nine? Fifty-four and nine? Sixtyfour and nine? Seventy-four and nine? Eighty-four and nine? Ninety-four and nine?

35. How many are three and eight? Thirteen and eight? Twenty-three and eight? Thirty-three and eight? Forty-three and eight? Fifty-three and eight Sixty-three and eight? Seventy-three and eight? Eighty-three and eight? Ninety-three and eight?

36. How many are three and nine? Thirteen and nine? Twenty-three and nine? Thirty-three and nine? Forty-three and nine? Fifty-three and nine? Sixty-three and nine? Seventy-three and nine? Eighty-three and nine? Ninety-three ard nine?

37. How many are two and nine? Twelve and nine? Twenty-two and nine? Thirty-two and nine? Forty-two and nine? Fifty-two and nine? Sixtytwo and nine? Seventy-two and nine? Eighty-two and nine? Ninety-two and nine?

G. 1. A man bought a firkin of butter for nine dollars, a keg of molasses for six dollars, and five

bushels of wheat for seven dollars; how much did he give for the whole ?

2. A boy gave some apples to his companions, to one he gave seven, to another six, and to another eight; how many did he give to the whole?

3. A man bought a cow for seventeen dollars, a sheep for nine, and a calf for seven; how much did he give for the whole?

4. A drover bought sheep as follows, of one man he bought twenty-seven, of another eight, of another ten, and of another five; afterwards he sold nine of them; how many had he then ?

5. A lady bought a comb for thirty-seven cents, some tape for eight cents, some pins for ten cents, some needles for six cents, and some thread for six cents; she gave seventy-five cents; how much change ought she to receive back?


6. Eight, and nine, and six, are how many? 7. Five, and seven, and three, are how many 8. Four, and three, less two, are how many? 9. Seven, and five, less three, are how many? 10. Sixteen, and nine, and three, are how many? 11. Twenty-three and eight are how many? 12. Twenty-seven and five are how many ? 13. Twenty-five, less eight, are how many ? 14. Thirty-two and seven, less nine, are how many?

15. Thirty-eight, and six, and four, less seven, are how many?

16. Forty-four, and eight, and three, and seven, are how many?

17. Fifty-two, and six, and four, and five, and three, are how many?

18. Fifty-seven, and six, and three, and five, and two, less eight, are how many?

19. Sixty-three, and five, and four, and six, and two, less seven, are how many?

20. Seventy-five, and six, and eight, and three, and seven, and four, less nine, are how many?

21. Eighty-three, and six, and five, and two, and seven, and ine, less four, are how many ?

22. Fight, and ten, and five, and seven, and three, and six, and four, less nine, are how many ? 23. Sixty-seven, and five, and eight, and nine, and seven, less six, are how many?

24. Seventy-four, and nine, and seven, and five, and two, less six, are how many ?

25. Seventy-eight, and seven, and six, and two, and five, and eight, less nine, are how many?

26. Eighty-four, and seven, and six, and eight, and five, less ten, are how many ?

27. Forty-seven, and eight, and six, and two, and four, and eight, and three, and seven, and ten, ana nine, less five, are how many?

28. Thirty-five, and eight, and four, and six, and three, and four, less eleven, are how many?

29. Seventy, and ten, and six, and nine, and seven, and two, and five, and eight, and nine, less three, are how many?

H. 1. A man bought a cow for twenty-eight dollars, and a sheep for four dollars, and a pig for seven dollars; how much did he give for the whole?

2. James had twenty-seven cents; John gave him four more, David seven, and George eleven, and he bought nine cents worth of cake; how many cents had he left?

3. A man paid sixteen dollars to A, nine dollars to B, seven dollars to C, ten dollars to D, six dollars to E, four dollars to F, ard had eight dollars left; how many had he at first?

4. From Boston to Roxbury it is three miles; from Roxbury to Dedham, six miles; from Dedham to Walrole, eleven miles; from Walpole to Wrentham, four

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miles; from Wrentham to Attleborough, four miles; from Attleborough to Pawtucket, nine miles; from Pawtucket to Providence, four miles; how many miles is it from Boston to Providence?

5. One boy had fifteen nuts; another boy gave him seven; another, nine; and another gave him enough to make his number forty; how many did the last boy give him?

6. A boy had thirty-seven apples; he gave five to one companion; and eight to another; and when he had given some to another, he had six left; how many did he give to the last?

7. A man owed fifty-six dollars; at one time he paid seventeen dollars; at another, eight; at another, five; at another, seven; at last he paid the rest of the debt, wanting four dollars; how much was the last payment?

8. Six men bought a horse for seventy dollars; the first gave twenty-three dollars; the second, fifteen; the third, twelve; the fourth, nine; the fifth, seven; how much did the sixth give?

9. A man bought a horse for forty-five dollars, and paid fifteen dollars for keeping him; he let him enough to receive twenty dollars; and then sold him. for forty-three dollars; did he gain or lose by the bargain? and how much?


A. 1. WHAT Cost three yards of tape, at two cents a yard ?*

2. What cost four apples, at two cents apiece ?

* The pupil should be made to observe that three yards will cost three times as much as one yard; and say, if one yard cost two cents, three yards will cost three times two cents. He should be made to give this reason for the solution of each question, varying the numbers accordi to the question.

3. What cost five peaches, at three cents apiece 1 4. What must you give for two oranges, at six cents apiece?

5. What would be the price of three barrels of cider, at three dollars a barrel?

6. If one orange is worth three apples; how many apples are four oranges worth?

7. What are two barrels of flour worth, at five dollars a barrel?

8. What cost three yards of cloth, at four dollars a yard?

9. What cost two pounds of raisins, at eight cents a pound?

10. What cost three lemons, at six cents apiece? 11. If a man travel three miles in an hour, how many miles will he travel in four hours?

12. What will five pair of shoes come to, at two dollars a pair?

13. What is the price of seven yards of cloth, at three dollars a yard?

14. What is the value of two pounds of beef, at seven cents a pound?

15. If there are three feet in one yard, how many feet are there in four yards?

16. How many feet are there in seven yards? 17. How many feet are there in six yards and two feet?

18. If a man earn seven dollars in one week, how much would he earn in five weeks?

19. What cost seven hundred weight of sugar, at nine dollars a hundred weight?

20. What cost seven pounds of sugar, at ten cents a pound?

21. If one half yard of cloth cost three dollars, what would three yards cost?

22. If one quarter of a yard of cloth cost twa dollars, what is that a vard ?

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