Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

7. If 3 apples are worth 6 cents, how many apples must you give for 8 pears, that are worth 3 cents apiece ?

8. James had 8 oranges that were worth 5 cents apiece, and George had 5 quarts of cherries that were worth 6 cents a quart, which he gave to James for a part of his oranges; how many oranges did he buy, and how many had James left?

9. Bought 8 yards of cloth at 9 shillings a yard; how many dollars did it come to ?

10. Bought 5 bushels and 3 sevenths of a bushel of salt, at 7 shillings a bushel, how many dollars did it come to ?

11. Bought 9 boxes and 2 thirds of a box of raisins for 3 dollars a box; and paid for it with cider at 4 dollars a barrel; how many barrels did it take?

12. Bought 8 pounds and 4 sevenths of a pound of opium at 7 dollars a pound, and paid for it with cloth at 5 dollars a yard; how many yards did it take?

13. Bought 6 chaldrons and 4 ninths of a chaldron of coal at 9 dollars a chaldron, and paid for it with oranges at 5 dollars a box; how many boxes did it take?

14. Bought 7 cases and 5 sixths of a case of Florence oil at 6 dollars a case; and paid for it with sheet lead at 7 dollars a hundred weight; how many hundred weight did it take?

15. How many dozen of eggs, at 8 cents a dozen, must you give for 7 pounds of sugar, at 10 cents a pound?

16. How much barley, at 3 shillings a bushel, must be given for 8 bushels of wheat, at 7 shillings a bushel?

17. How much cloth, at 4 shillings a yard, must Le given for a firkin of butter, worth 8 dollars ? 16. How much cloth, at 5 shillings a yard



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bought for 2 reams of paper, at 5 dollars a ream?

19. How much wheat, at 7 shillings a bushel, can be bought for 2 barrels of cider, at 4 dollars and a half a barrel ?

20. How long would it take a man to lay up 10 dollars, if he saves 4 shillings a day?

21. If a man earn 8 shillings a day, how many dollars would he earn in 10 days ?

22. A man bought twenty pears at the rate of 2 for 3 cents; how much did they come to?

23. How many eggs, at the rate of 3 for 5 cents, can you buy for thirty cents?

24. A man hired a labourer and agreed to give him 5 dollars for every 3 days' work; how much did he give him a week, there being 6 working days in a week? How much was it a month, allowing 4 weeks to the month?

25. If a man receives 5 dollars for 3 days' work, how many shillings is that a day?

26. 5 men bought a horse for sixty-three dollars, and paid two dollars a week for keeping him; at the end of 8 weeks they sold him for fifty-four dollars; how much did each man lose by the bar. gain?


A. 1. JAMES had 4 apples, and John had half as many, how many had he?

2. If an orange cost 6 cents, and an apple half as much, how much does the apple cost?

3. If you divide 8 apples equally between two boys what part of them must each have? Ans. One half of them.

4. What is 1 half of 8?

5. If you divide 8 apples equally among 4 boys,

what part of them must each have?

Ans. One fourth of them.

6. What is 1 fourth of 8?

7. If you divide 6 oranges equally among 3 boys,

what part of them must I boy have?

8. What is 1 third of 6?

9. If 4 yards of cloth cost 8 dollars, what part of 8 dollars would 1 yard cost? What part of 8 dollars would 2 yards cost? What part of 8 dollars would 3 yards cost?

10. What is 1 fourth of 8? What is 2 fourths of 8? What is 3 fourths of 8?

11. If 6 yards of cloth will make 3 coats, what part of 6 yards will make 1 coat? What part of 6 yards will make 2 coats?

12. What is 1 third of 6? What is two thirds of 6?

13. If 3 barrels of cider cost 9 dollars, what part of 9 dollars will 1 barrel cost? What part of 9 dollars will 2 barrels cost?

14. What is 1 third of 9? What is 2 thirds of 9? 15. If 2 yards of cloth cost 10 dollars, what part of 10 dollars will 1 yard cost? What part of 10 dollars will 3 yards cost ?

16. What is 1 half of 10? What is 3 halves of 10?

17. If 2 barrels of flour cost twelve dollars, what part of twelve dollars will one barrel cost? What part of twelve dollars will 3 barrels cost? What part of twelve dollars will 5 barrels cost?

18. What is 1 half of twelve? What is 3 halves of 12? What is 5 halves of twelve ?

19. If 4 barrels of cider cost twelve dollars, what part of twelve dollars will 1 barrel cost? What part of twelve dollars will 3 barrels cost? What 30. What is 1 third of twenty-one? 2 thirds? 1 seventh? 5 sevenths? 3 sevenths? 6 sevenths? 4 sevenths?

part of twelve dollars will 5 barrels cost? What part of twelve dollars will 7 barrels cost?

20. What is 1 fourth of twelve ? What is 2 fourths of twelve? 3 fourths? 5 fourths? 7 fourths?

21. If 3 oranges cost twelve cents, what part of twelve cents will 1 orange cost? What part of twelve cents will 2 oranges cost? What part of twelve cents will 4 oranges cost? What part of twelve cents will 5 oranges cost? 7 oranges ? 10 oranges ? 22. What is 1 third of twelve ? 2 thirds? 4 thirds? 5 thirds? 7 thirds? 10 thirds ?

23. If 5 bushels of wheat cost 10 dollars, what part of 10 dollars will 1 bushel cost? What part of 10 dollars will 2 bushels cost? 3 bushels? 4 bushels? 6 bushels? 7 bushels?

24. What is 1 fifth of 10? 2 fifths? 3 fifths? 4 fifths? 6 fifths? 7 fifths?

25. What is 1 half of fourteen? 1 seventh? 2 sevenths? 3 sevenths? 5 sevenths?

26. What is 1 third of fifteen? 2 thirds? 1 fifth ? 2 fifths? 3 fifths? 4 fifths?

27. What is 1 half of sixteen? 3 fourths? 1 eighth ? 3 eighths? 5 eighths? 7 eighths? 1 sixteenth ?

28. What is 1 half of eighteen? 2 thirds? 1 sixth? 5 sixths? 1 ninth ? 2 ninths? 4 ninths? 5 ninths? 7 ninths? 8 ninths? 1 eighteenth ? 5 eighteenths ? 29. What is 1 half of twenty ? 1 fourth ? 3 fourths? 1 fifth? 3 fifths? 2 fifths? 4 fifths? 1 twentieth? 3 twentieths? 7 twentieths?

31. What is 1 half of twenty-two? 1 eleventh ? 3 elevenths? 5 elevenths ? 7 elevenths? 10 elevenths?

32. What is 1 half of twenty-four? 1 third ? 2 thirds? 1 fourth? 3 fourths? 1 sixth ? 5 sixths? 1

eighth? 3 eighths? 7 eighths? I twelfth? 5 twelfths? 7 twelfths?

33. What is 1 half of twenty-six?

34. What are 2 thirds of twenty-seven? 2 ninths? 4 ninths? 5 ninths? 8 ninths? 7 ninths?

35. What is 1 half of twenty-eight ? 3 fourths? 2 sevenths? 5 sevenths? 3 sevenths?

36. What is 1 sixth of thirty ?, 3 fifths? 7 tenths? 2 thirds? 1 half?

37. What is 1 half of thirty-two? 3 fourths? 5 eighths? 1 sixteenth?

38. What is 1 half of thirty-four ?

39. What is 5 sixths of thirty-six? 2 thirds ? 1

half? 7 twelfths? 4 ninths? 3 fourths?

40. What is 1 half of thirty-eight?

41. What is 1 third of thirty-nine?

42. What is 3 fourths of forty? 7 eighths? 9 enths? 1 half?

43. What is 3 sevenths of forty-two? 5 sixths?

B. 1. A boy having twelve apples, kept 1 fourth of them himself, and divided the other 3 fourths of them equally among 4 of his companions, how many did he give them apiece?

2. 3 fourths of twelve are how many times 4? 3. A man having fourteen bushels of grain, divided 5 sevenths of it equally among 3 men; how much did he give them apiece ?

4. 5 sevenths of fourteen are how many times 3? 5. A man having fifteen shillings, gave away 4 fifths of it, how many dollars did he give away? 6. 4 fifths of fifteen are how many times 6 ? 7. A man having twenty-one cents, paid away 6 sevenths of them for oranges at 5 cents apiece; how many oranges did he buy ?

8. 6 sevenths of twenty one are how many times

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