Intellectual Arithmetic: Upon the Inductive Method of InstructionJ. I. Cutler, 1829 - 172 σελίδες |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 18.
Σελίδα 1
... paid two - pence out of that , what would you have left ? Samuel studied awhile , and then said , five - pence . Right . Why here you have been practising the four great rules of arithmetic , addition , subtraction , multiplication ...
... paid two - pence out of that , what would you have left ? Samuel studied awhile , and then said , five - pence . Right . Why here you have been practising the four great rules of arithmetic , addition , subtraction , multiplication ...
Σελίδα 5
... paid nine dol- ars of it , how much did he then owe ? 32. A man owing seventeen dollars , paid all but seven dollars ; how much did he pay ? B. 1. Two and one are how many ? 2. Two and two are how many ? 3. Three and two are how many ...
... paid nine dol- ars of it , how much did he then owe ? 32. A man owing seventeen dollars , paid all but seven dollars ; how much did he pay ? B. 1. Two and one are how many ? 2. Two and two are how many ? 3. Three and two are how many ...
Σελίδα 34
... paid sixteen dollars to A , nine dollars to B , seven dollars to C , ten dollars to D , six dollars to E , four dollars to F , ard had eight dollars left ; how many had he at first ? 4. From Boston to Roxbury it is three miles ; from ...
... paid sixteen dollars to A , nine dollars to B , seven dollars to C , ten dollars to D , six dollars to E , four dollars to F , ard had eight dollars left ; how many had he at first ? 4. From Boston to Roxbury it is three miles ; from ...
Σελίδα 35
... paid seventeen dollars ; at another , eight ; at another , five ; at another , seven ; at last he paid the rest of the debt , wanting four dollars ; how much was the last payment ? 8. Six men bought a horse for seventy dollars ; the ...
... paid seventeen dollars ; at another , eight ; at another , five ; at another , seven ; at last he paid the rest of the debt , wanting four dollars ; how much was the last payment ? 8. Six men bought a horse for seventy dollars ; the ...
Σελίδα 44
... dollars a yard , five yards of riband for four dollars , and some crape for two dollars ; she paid four ten - dollar bills ; how much must she receive back again ? SECTION III . A. 1. How many apples , at 40 [ Part 1 . ARITHMETIC .
... dollars a yard , five yards of riband for four dollars , and some crape for two dollars ; she paid four ten - dollar bills ; how much must she receive back again ? SECTION III . A. 1. How many apples , at 40 [ Part 1 . ARITHMETIC .
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Intellectual Arithmetic, Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction Warren Colburn Πλήρης προβολή - 1847 |
Intellectual Arithmetic: Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction Warren Colburn Πλήρης προβολή - 1863 |
Intellectual Arithmetic: Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction Warren Colburn Πλήρης προβολή - 1849 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
12 dollars 9 dollars analytic induction asked the age barrel cost barrel of flour barrels of cider bought broadcloth bushel cost bushels of corn bushels of wheat cents apiece cloth cost contained cost 2 dollars divided dollars a barrel dollars a yard eight cents eight dollars eighteen Eleven equal farthings feet fifths firkins of butter five dollars flour cost Forty-eight Forty-seven four dollars Fourteen gallons gave gills give them apiece half halves horses eat hundred weight improper fraction lars lowest terms miles months nails Nineteen oranges cost paid pears pence penny perform piece pints plate pole pound cost provisions will serve pupil quart quarters wide rectangles Reduce rods seven dollars Seventeen sevenths sheep shillings a bushel six cents Sixteen sixths sold square subtraction tenths Thirteen three dollars twelve dollars week whole numbers worth of provision yards cost yards of cloth