Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Review of Fundamental Processes

Exercise 20

1. Find the sum of 1 million and 1 hundred thousand. 2. How many $1000 bills make 1 million dollars?

3. Counting at the rate of $100 per minute, how many minutes would be required, counting continuously, to count $1,000,000 in $1 bills?

4. How much change should be received from a $2 bill given in payment for 12 oranges at 3 apiece?

5. Five men have equal interest in a tract of 500 acres of land which is sold at $30 an acre; how much should each receive from the sale, after paying an agent $200 for selling it?

6. If a girl pastes 12 samples on a card and finishes 60 cards in a day, how many samples does she paste in a day? In how many days can she paste 1440 samples?

7. Divide 2 million 500 thousand by 25 thousand.

8. In the average coal train of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company there are 67 cars, each containing about 28 tons (2240 lb.) of coal. Estimate how many pounds of coal there are in one of these train loads.


Find the amount due a woman who sold and bought as follows:


28 doz. eggs
@ 30¢
18 lb. butter @32¢
25 lb. poultry @ 14¢
42 lb. lard @7¢


12 yd. of gingham @ 18¢
2 table covers @ $2.50
12 yd. of toweling @ 5
20 yd. of muslin @ 14¢

10. Two men commenced business with $500 each. During the year one gained $275 and the other lost $56. How much more had the one then than the other?

II. It requires 7260 plants for an acre of ground when they are set in rows three feet apart and set two feet apart in the rows; how many plants would it take for three acres, set in this way?

12. A man bought a farm for $7850. He spent $175 for improvements on it, and then sold it for $9000. What was his profit?

13. If the minuend is 2756 and the difference 596,

what is the subtrahend?

14. If the subtrahend is 7450 and the difference is 1896, what is the minuend?

15. How many poor families can be supplied with 48 barrels of flour, each barrel weighing 196 lb., if 24 lb. are given to each family?

16. Five tons of coal, of 2000 lb. each, were distributed among some poor families, giving each 200 lb.; how many families received coal?

17. If a girl can paste 100 samples an hour, how much will she earn in 6 hours if she is paid 34 for each card of samples pasted, 24 samples to the card?

18. A bought a drove of cattle for $8150 and sold it for $10,750. There were 100 cattle in the drove. What was the average gain per head?

19. In a certain city the average age of the citizens above 70 years of age is 76 years. The sum of their ages is 3572 years. How many of these citizens are there?

20. Which is nearer a million dollars, and by how much, $1,100,000 or $900,009 ?

21. A merchant who spent $225, bought 65 lb. of butter at 30 per pound, 84 barrels of apples at $2.25 per barrel, and spent the remainder for coffee; how much did he spend for coffee?

22. During the month of August 450,000 bushels of wheat were shipped from a certain port. During September 87,960 more bushels were shipped than during August. What was the total number of bushels shipped during the two months?

23. $1,000,000 is how many times $100,000?

24. A laborer who saves $20 a month must labor how many years to pay for 60 acres of land at $40 an acre? 25. If the dividend is 1728 and the divisor 144, what is the quotient?

26. A bushel of loose lime weighs 70 lb.; how many bushels should a man load who wishes to haul 2800 lb. ?

27. Powder weighs 25 lb. per keg; how many pounds are there in a shipment of 2500 kegs?

28. A gardener sold in one season 675 bunches of onions at an average price of 9 a bunch; how much did he receive for all?

29. A bushel of dried apples weighs 26 lb.; what is the weight of 75 bu.?

30. The average wages paid to men working on farms in Pennsylvania, in a recent year, were $17.60 per month with board, or $27.18 without board; how much is the board estimated at per year?

31. The average monthly wages paid to farm laborers in Maine, in a recent year, were $23.17 with board; in Wisconsin, $24.39; what was the difference in the yearly wages of two laborers, one working in each state?

32. There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day; how many seconds are there in a day?


33. A farmer's corn crib held 1026 bu. of corn; corn crop filled the crib, and he had 126 bu. over. What was his corn crop?

34. Recently it was estimated that each person in Philadelphia used 210 gal. of water every 24 hr., but that each person should use not more than 150 gal. in that time, the additional amount being wasted. Estimating the population of Philadelphia at 1,600,000, how much water did they waste every 24 hr.?

35. A farmer was paid for a horse 9 ten-dollar bills, 6 five-dollar bills, 8 two-dollar bills, and 14 dollar bills. How much was he paid for the horse?

36. A merchant was given a 20-dollar bill in payment of a debt of $2. What bills did he give in change, if he used the least number possible?

37. A farm that cost $50 per acre was sold for $65 per acre. The gain being $1125, how many acres did the farm contain?

38. How long will 4 men, each husking an average of 40 shocks of corn a day, require to husk 4800 shocks?

39. A man owed $11.26. He gave in payment $15. Nine pieces of money were given him as correct change; what were they?


42. An arithmetical expression, or simply an expression, is any number or combination of numbers expressed in arithmetical symbols.

Thus, 5, 3+2 + 4, 6 − 2+ 1, 2 × 3, and 2 × 6 ÷ 3 are expressions.

43. Parts of an expression connected by + or - are called terms of the expression.

Thus, in the expression 4 x 2+7-6÷3 there are three terms; the first term is 4 x 2, the second 7, and the third 6 ÷ 3.

44. Before the terms of an expression are combined, the operations of multiplication and division indicated in any term must be performed; and if two or more such operations are indicated in the same term, they should be performed in the order of their occurrence from left to right. Thus, in the expression 6 x 8÷4+12÷6×2-24÷4÷2,


the first term, 6 × 8÷4 48÷4, or 12,
the second term, 12÷6 x 2 = 2 x 2, or 4,
the third term, 24÷4÷26÷2, or 3,
the whole expression= 12 +4-3, or 13.

45. The value of an expression is the result obtained by performing the operations indicated.

Thus, the value of 12 ÷ 4 × 3 is 9.

46. The parentheses () indicate that the value of the expression inclosed by them is to be found and used instead of the expression as a whole.

Thus, 5 × (7–3) denotes that the differénce of 7 and 3, or 4, to be multiplied by 5.


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