Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of his

80. 1. If John is 16 years of age, and age is equal to of 4 times Willie's of 4 times Willie's age, what is Wil

lie's age?

Solution. If John's age is 16 years, of his age is 12 years if 12 years is of 4 times Willie's age, of 4 times Willie's age is of 12 years, or 2 years; and of 4 times Willie's age. is 7 times 2 years, or 14 years; 14 years is 4 times 31 years; therefore, Willie's age is 31 years.

[blocks in formation]

of 5 times what number?

of 8 times what number?

of 10 times what number?

81. 1. Susan has 16 cents: of Susan's money equals of Mary's; now, if John has of a dime how many times as much money has Mary as John? (1 dime 10 cents.)

Solution. If Susan has 16 cents, of Susan's money is of 16 cents, or 20 cents; if 20 cents is 10 of Mary's money, of Mary's money must be of 20 cents, or 2 cents; and of her money must be 3 times 2 cents, or 6 cents; of 10 cents is 2 cents, and 2 cents is contained in 6 cents 3 times; therefore, Mary has 3 times as much money as John.

2.2 of 45 is 3.5 of 48 is 4. of 32 is 1

of how many thirds of 33? of how many sixths of 36? of how many eighths of 24?

5. of 40 is


9 10

6. 1 of 55 is


of how many ninths of 54? of how many halves of 16?

7. 11 of 96 is & of how many sevenths of 63?

[ocr errors]

82. 1. Mary is 83 years old, which is of the age of John; how old is John?

2. 82 is of what number?

3. Grace has read 221 pages of her Botany, which of the whole book; how many pages are there in the book?


[blocks in formation]

83. 1. Mary had $1, and paid of it for of a yard of cloth; what was the cloth a yard?

2. of is of what number?

3. Mrs. Doane had $31, and spent of the money for of a bushel of cranberries; what was the price of the cranberries a bushel?

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

84. 1. If ¦ of a yard of silk costs $11, what will 10 yards cost?

2. If of a rod of wall can be made in 21 hours, in what time can 5 rods be made?

3. If of a barrel of beef will last a family 3 months, how long will 2 barrels last the family?

4. If of a cord of wood costs $6, what will 7 cords


5. Mr. King sold 2 calves for $24, which was of what he paid for them; what did each of his calves cost him?

6. A farmer paid $55 for a sheep, which was of what he received for a calf; what did he receive for the calf? 7. If a man can walk of a mile in 71⁄2 minutes, in what time can he walk 5 miles?

8. The distance from Boston to Reading is of the distance from Boston to Bradford by the same route; if the distance from Reading to Bradford is 20 miles, what is the distance from Boston to Bradford?

9. A child is 2 years old: if he is as old as his mother, and his mother is as old as his father, how old is his father?

10. There is a barber's pole, 4 feet of which is painted white, 8 feet is striped, and the remainder, which is of the whole pole, is in the ground; what is the length of the pole?

11. After spending of his money, and giving away of it, Mr. Aldrich has $9 left; how many dollars had he at first?

12. A man has mowed of a lot of land, and a boy has mowed of it: if the man can mow the rest of it in 2 hours, in what time could he have mowed the whole?

13. of my property is in my store, of the remainder is in the bank, and the balance, which is $4000, is loaned to a friend; how much property have I?


of a certain number exceeds of it by 121; what is the number?


of a man's age exceeds of it by 4 years; what is his age?

16. If 20 cents are paid for § of a melon, what will of a melon cost?

17. If the cost of sawing of a cord of wood is 33 cents, what is the cost of sawing of a cord?

18. If of a barrel of oil costs $36, what will of a barrel cost?

19. In of of a firkin of butter there are 21 pounds; how many pounds are there in of a firkin?

20. A man sells vinegar at 20; cents a gallon, which is of what it cost him; what did it cost him? What part of the cost was the gain?

21. If a tailor sold a coat for $25, and gained of what it cost, what did it cost?

22. A butcher has a cow and a calf, both of which he values at $30: estimating the value of the calf at of the value of the cow, what is the value of each?

Solution. $30 contains the value of the cow plus of her value, or of her value; if $30 is g of her value, of her value must be of $30, etc.

23. If a hat and vest together cost $8, and the hat costs as much as the vest, what is the cost of each? 24. What number is that to which if of itself is added, the sum will equal 18?

25. What number is that of which if of itself be taken away, the remainder will equal 15?

26. If of a box of raisins is worth $4, how many clocks at $2 apiece will pay for the box of raisins?

27. When 1 ton of coal is worth $9, and of a ton of coal will pay for of a load of wood, how many pairs of boots, at $24 a dozen pairs, will be required to pay for a load of wood?

[blocks in formation]

1. How many mills in 2 cents? in 3 c. 7 m.? 2. How many cents in 3 dimes? in 3 d. 9c. ? 3. How many cents in 1 dollar? in $2? in $5? 4. How many mills in 1 dollar? in $2? in $4? 5. How many dollars in 150 cents, and what remains? 6. How many dollars in 283 cents, and what remains? 7. How many cents in 20 mills? in 100 mills? in 150 mills?

In business operations, the denominations eagle and dime are not used; eagles are regarded as tens of dollars, and dimes as tens of cents; thus, 2 E., $3, 4 d., 5 c., are called 23 dollars and 45 cents, and are written $23.45.




The sign for dollars ($) is placed before figures which represent United States Money, and a dot or period is placed between the figures which represent dollars and those which represent cents.

Mills are represented by figures in the third place at the right of the period.

Read the following:

8. $53.27; $28.02; $37.053; $10.001. 9. $19.20; $30.94; $82.002; $2.192.

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