Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

There is also an Examination of the senior and junior sophs at the end of the Michaelmas Term.

The scholarships on the foundation are disposed of in the following manner:

Five of £15 each, without diminution, are given annually to freshmen, and are tenable for three years.

Two of £40 each are given to junior sophs, if deserving, and tenable for two years.

Two of £50 each are given to senior sophs, if deserving, and tenable for one year.

The scholarships founded by Dr Sedgwick and Mr Clark remain as before.

The College usually admits two sizars every year, who are chosen by examination.

There are two Chapel-clerkships, the holders of which have rooms and commons free. They are given to the most deserving sizars.

A benefaction of £75 a year, left to assist poor scholars, is distributed at the discretion of the president.

Besides the scholarships, Prizes of Books are given to the most distinguished students at the College Examinations. The greatest proficients in Mathematics of the senior and junior sophs, receive prizes of books to the value of ten guineas, and freshmen most distinguished in Classics and Mathematics, receive prizes of books to the value of six guineas. A prize of books to the amount of three guineas is also given to that undergraduate who passes the best examination in a specified subject of theology or moral philosophy.

The Ecclesiastical Patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to eleven Church livings.

The total gross revenue of the College in 1851 amounted to £5347. 08.11d. and the total net income to £4244. 48. 9d.


FOUNDED 1473, A.D.

THE College or Hall of St Catharine the Virgin and Ma tyr, was founded and endowed by Robert Woodlarke, D.D Provost of King's College, and Chancellor of the Universit for which purpose he obtained a charter in the 15th year King Edward IV.

By virtue of the authority given by the Charter, the found set forth a code of Statutes for the government of the Colleg and the College was ruled by those Statutes until the yea 1549, when they were revised by Commissioners appointed b King Edward the Sixth. The Statutes so revised are those b which the College is now governed.

The founder, in the opening of the Statutes which he gav for the government of the College, declares the object of hi foundation to be "ad laudem, gloriam, et honorem Domin nostri Jesu Christi, ecclesiæ suæ utilitatem, sacro-sancti verb Dei administrationem, ad sacræ Theologiæ, philosophiæ, cæterarumque artium cognitionem amplificandam in Universitate Cantabrigiæ."

The Charter was granted for a Master and three Fellows; the present Statutes, however, ordain that there shall be a Master and six Fellows, more or less, according to the revenues of the College.

A Bible-clerk (qui Bibliotista sive Biblicus vocetur) is mentioned in the Statutes, but no provision is made for his maintenance or education.

1506. A Bible-clerkship was founded by Mr Nelson. This scholar was to be nominated by the founder, from time to time during his life, and after his death to be elected by the master and fellows. The election is to be made of some person born in Londesdale, or in one of the counties of Lancaster, York, or Westmoreland, if such a person can be found in the University who can read elegantly, and has some knowledge of singing. He is to continue to hold his office till he be admitted to priests' orders, or take the degree of M.A. The person


who holds the office of Chapel-clerk receives an annual stipend of £1. 148. 8d., with rooms rent-free. The duties appointed by the founder of the Bible-clerkship having been discontinued; the lessons in Chapel are now read in the daily services by all the undergraduates in order.

1546. The annual revenue of the College, as reported by the Commissioners in the 37th year of the reign of King Henry VIII. was £55. 18s. 6d.

1610. Mrs Rosamond Payne left an annual stipend of 5 marks each, for the maintenance of two scholars. The whole stipend, £6.13s. 4d., is now paid to one scholar, who is allowed to hold other small scholarships to the amount of £21 in all.

1613. Sir John Claypoole founded two Scholarships, the scholars to be nominated by himself during his life, provided that the scholars so nominated shall be found by the master and fellows fit and capable. The scholars were to receive each one half of £5. 6s. 8d. yearly, out of the rent of certain chambers in the College, commonly called the New Building, if the chambers produce so much rent.

The whole stipend of £5. 68. 8d. is now paid to one scholar, who is allowed also to receive the stipends of other small scholarships to the amount of £21 a year in all.

1626. John Gostlyn, M.D. and Master of Gonville and Caius College, gave the Bull Inn, in Cambridge, with divers lands and tenements thereunto belonging, towards the maintenance of six poor scholars and for other uses, and ordered that each should receive £4 yearly for ever. The number of scholars has been reduced to two, and the annual stipend of £12 is now paid to each of them. He ordered also a sermon to be preached on 21 Oct. and that each of his scholars attending the annual commemoration of the founder shall receive 2s.

1627. Mrs Stafford gave a benefaction for "four poor scholars of St Catharine's Hall, in the University of Cambridge, that shall study divinity, and carry themselves soberly and religiously." Each of the scholars was to receive £5 a year, and if resident, to retain his scholarship till M.A. The whole stipend of £20 is now paid to one scholar.

1630. The Lady Ann Cocket gave a stipend of £4 a ye to be paid to a Scholar. This stipend is now paid annually a scholar who is allowed to receive the stipends of other sma scholarships also, to the amount of £21 a year in all.

1631. Thomas Hobbs, Esq. left property in cottages an lands, the rents of which, after the deduction of certain pa ments directed to be made, are assigned for and towards tl maintenance of two or three "honest, hopeful, poor scholar students in the University of Cambridge, namely, in Catharin Hall and Emmanuel College, or one of them, being also sober and Christian conversation." The sons of godly po ministers, faithful to the work of the Lord, are to be especiall respected before others, and a priority in respect of election: to be had to Catharine Hall.

The scholars are allowed to hold these scholarships till B.A An annual stipend of £4 is paid to Emmanuel College, an the remainder of the rents, after the other payments made, i divided among two or more scholars. The sums paid to fou scholars in 1850 amounted to £40.

1633. Lady Catharine Barnardiston gave a benefaction o £400 to purchase land after her decease for founding thre Scholarships.

The scholars are required to be such, that their parents are not well able to bring them up and to maintain them in the University, and that their sufficiency in learning and honest condition of life and conversation shall be approved and allowed by the master and fellows.

There is a preference reserved, first, for persons of the kindred of the foundress; next, for a native of the parish of Witham, in Essex, for one scholarship, and for students from Christ's Hospital for the other two scholarships.

Again, preference is to be given in the elections for all the scholarships, to persons of the name or kindred of Sir Thomas Barnardiston, the husband of the foundress; provided, that in all these cases the persons to be elected shall be members of the College, and properly qualified as regards poverty of estate, sufficiency of learning, and honesty of life and conversation. In default of all such persons, the master and fellows are directed

to choose such members of the College as they shall out of their religious care think most fit, both for their learning and honest conversation.

The lands purchased by the executors of the foundress, and conveyed to the College, having been sold in 1801 for the redemption of the land-tax charged upon other College property, each of the three scholars now receives a clear annual stipend of £20. 14s. 4d.

1635. Dr Fuller, in his History of Cambridge, states that at this College were maintained one master, six fellows, with all the students, above one hundred.

1637. Richard Sibbes, D.D., Master of the College, left an annual stipend of £4 for a Scholar, called the Master's sizar. 1646. William Spurstow, founded one Scholarship, with a stipend of £5 a year. It is tenable till the scholar is of standing for the degree of B.A. and he is allowed to receive also the stipends of other small scholarships, to the amount of £21 a year in all.

1661. Robert Skerne, Esq., bequeathed certain lands for founding four Scholarships, and the executors are directed in his will, to lay out so much money from his personal estate for the purchase of lands of inheritance for ever, as shall maintain other four scholars.

The clear income of the whole estate is now divided equally among the eight scholars. The stipend of each scholar in 1850 was £18.

1674. John Cartwright, Esq. gave a benefaction to secure the payment of £12 a year, to found one, two, or three Scholarships, and vested the appointment in his heirs. The payment to each scholar yearly was to be £12, £6, or £4, according to the number of scholars, and each scholar was to receive the payment for 8 years, if he so long continue a member of the College, and behave himself soberly, and submit to the orders of the College.

No appointment of a scholar having been made by Mr Cartwright's heirs for many years, the College has paid the sum of £12 to a scholar elected at the same time with the other scholars.

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