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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

shall be a body corporate, and that all the governors except the mayor hall be possessed of £200 a year in land or money.

The trustees previously to the year 1798, founded from the increased Revenues of the school four Exhibitions, tenable for seven years, at John's College, Cambridge, each of the value of £70 per annum. These exhibitions by order of the Court of Chancery have been reduced to £50 per annum, and in default of candidates, who have a preference, they are open to any scholars who have been two years at the school. And since the passing of the act in 1798, the trustees have founded trwo additional Exhibitions, tenable for four years, at Oxford or Cambridge, by scholars from Shrewsbury school. These exhibitions are of the same value, and are under the same regulations as the four appropriated St John's College.

1577. Under the 12th ordinance of Thomas Ashton, clerk, the first master of Shrewsbury school, were founded two Scholarships at St John's College, which are regulated by deed, dated 3rd Sept. 1623, for students from Shrewsbury school.

happen, or in case the person offering himself a candidate for the same shall, in the judgment of the governors, be unfit and ineligible, either for want of learning, or for any other cause or defect, to have or enjoy such exhibition, then the money which would otherwise have been applied to the use of such exhibitioner, shall be applied in the manner before directed, towards increasing the fund for founding and creating a new exhibition, and so toties quoties; and towards increasing the stipends or salaries of the said vicar of Chirbury, and curates of St Mary, Astley, and Clive, as aforesaid.

"That all the annual stipends, payments, or sums of money, which are now paid out of the revenues of the school estates for the better maintenance and support of scholars or exhibitioners from the said school, unto or for the use and benefit of such scholars or exhibitioners, at the said college of St John the Evangelist, in the University of Cambridge, under the ordinances of the said Thomas Ashton, shall not at any time hereafter be lessened or diminished, but shall continue to be paid by the said governors to the same amount at the least as they are at present paid; and that it shall be lawful for the said governors, with the consent of the said bishop, from time to time, out of such surplus, to augment the salary or stipend of any such scholar or exhibitioner, which is now or shall be at the said College of St John, under the said ordinances of the said Thomas Ashton.

"That four times in every year, that is to say, on the 5th January, the 5th April, the 5th July, and 10th October, there shall be made out and printed an account of the whole of the receipts, arrears, debts, bills outstanding, and also of all the expenses, and of the surplus of the whole revenues, and twelve printed copies thereof shall be lodged with the corporation, and shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor, aldermen, and assistants of the said town of Shrewsbury, and six printed copies thereof shall be transmitted to the master and fellows of St John's College aforesaid for their information."

1656. Των Exhibitions were founded by deed, at St John's C lege, for students from Shrewsbury school, under certain restrictio These exhibitions are now each of the value of £35 a year, and tì are tenable till scholars take the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

1713. Rev. Oswald Smyth, second master of Shrewsbury scho bequeathed property for founding two Exhibitions, tenable for sev years at Oxford or Cambridge. A preference is reserved for his re tions, next for sons of burgesses, born in the town; after that, th born in the suburbs of Shrewsbury :-in default, any scholars born the county of Salop, and educated at Shrewsbury school.

1724. John Millington, D.D. founded one Fellowship and fo Exhibitions at Magdalene College, for scholars from Shrewsbury scho (See p. 333.)

1734. Mr James Millington founded two Exhibitions at Magdal College, for students from Shrewsbury school. (See p. 334.)

1766. John Taylor, D.D. by his will, gave an Exhibition of £ a year for four years, at either Oxford or Cambridge, for scholars fro Shrewsbury school, with a preference to any descendant of Roger Ower of Andover, though not brought up at the same school, but who shoul be thought duly qualified for the exhibition.

1844. Rev. R. B. Podmore founded an Exhibition of £30 a year at Trinity College, Cambridge, tenable for four years, for a native o Shropshire. (See p. 353.)


FOUNDED 1656, A. D.

THIS school was founded and endowed by William Adams, citizen and haberdasher of London, who gave besides an estate at Woodease, in the county of Salop, in aid of the original endowment, lest there should be any deficiency for carrying out his design.

In 1660, the 12th year of Charles II. an act of Parliament was obtained, appointing the master and wardens of the Company of Haberdashers, in the city of London, to be the governors of the free-school and almshouses so founded by Mr Adams; and for the settlement of the lands and possessions upon them for the maintenance of the school and other charitable uses.

The founder in 1656 drew up statutes, constitutions, and ordinances

for the government of the school*. It is ordained by them that the school shall be for ever free for the teaching of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues, or any of them, unto fourscore scholars.

The statutes and orders are directed to be fairly written and suspended in a convenient place publicly in the school, and to be openly read in the school once a quarter from time to time, that so none may plead ignorance.

Mr Adams also founded four Exhibitions for scholars proceeding from this school either to Oxford or Cambridge. The nomination is in the visitor and the head-master, and is to be made within the last two days of the month of February yearly. It is also provided, that if at the time of election any scholar born in Newport or Chetwynd End shall be fitted for that choice, then such to be first chosen: in case there be none such, then next any one born within three miles of that town, but within the said county, if fitted for it: and in case that none such be found fit there, then any other born elsewhere within the said county of Salop may be chosen, respect always had for the preferring of such that were born at the least distance from the said school: or otherwise in case of failure therein, then to make choice of any well qualified and fitted that hath been a scholar in the said school by the space of three years or upwards, so always that in all the respective places afore-mentioned, care be taken that the poorer sort be herein preferred, in case they shall be every way fitted for the same. These exhibitions are for the term of four years and no longer, and are each of about the value of £20 per annum.

* The following are the tenth, twelfth, and eighteenth rules :

10. "The master and usher shall have a special care to the good manners and decent deportment of the scholars, and shall exemplarily punish all misdemeanours, especially the sins of swearing, cursing, lying, filching, filthy or obscene talking or aeting, gaming for any thing of price, and foul language to any person, and in an especial manner shall diligently endeavour to see the Lord's day kept free from any profanation (as much as in them lieth) as well after as under the public ordinances by all these scholars."

12. "All disobedient and stubborn youths that are pertinaciously and exemplarily bad, after two admonitions, wherewith their parents or friends be acquainted, shall the third time be expelled from the school."

18. "No scholar at any time shall with knife, or otherwise whatsoever in stone, lead, or other materials, cut, notch, deface, or break the windows, wainscot, forms, seats, tables of orders, desks, doors, tables, in any part of the houses, school, or library, neither deface or in any kind abuse any of the books in the said library. The master upon conviction of such offender, or offenders, shall give him or them exemplary punishment for deterring others so to do."



FOUNDED 1552, A. D.

THE free grammar-school of Ludlow was founded by King Edwar VI.; the bailiffs, burgesses and commonalty, and their successors being directed "always to find in the same town, at their own cos and charges, a free grammar-school, with a schoolmaster and an usher for the erudition of youth in the Latin tongue."

There are three Exhibitions of £50 each for three years, (esta blished under the scheme of 1847, by which the school is now governed, tenable at any college of Oxford, Cambridge, or Durham. These ar for day-scholars exclusively, who must be sons (or living with person in loco parentis) of persons residing in Ludlow, or within ten mile thereof, and a candidate must have been in the school two years befor he can be elected to an exhibition.




FOUNDED 1533, A.D.

THE hospital of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, with the lands and tenements thereto belonging, having by licence of Henry VIIL in the twenty-fourth year of his reign, been purchased by the executors of Robert Thorne, Esq. were conveyed to the mayor, burgesses, and commonalty of the city of Bristol, for erecting a free grammar-school in pursuance of the will of the testator. His sons also, Robert Thorne and Nicholas Thorne, were great benefactors of the school. Ordinances and rules were ordained for the management of the school by the governors, the mayor and aldermen of Bristol, with the advice of the common council of the same city.

1625. Mrs Anne Snigge, by her will, among other things devised £200 to the mayor, burgesses, and commonalty of the city of Bristol, that they should retain and keep the said £200 for their own use, upon condition that they should pay yearly for ever thereafter the sum of £12 to and amongst two poor Scholars, sons of the poor burgesses of the said city, who should be educated in the free grammar-school there, called "The Bartholomew's," to be paid unto them for their better maintenance in some one or both of the Universities of Oxford

Cambridge, namely, to each scholar £6 per annum, for four years, Kaining there, and demeaning himself well.

1628. John Whitson, alderman of the city of Bristol, by his bequeathed to the corporation of Bristol a certain portion of his perty for various charitable uses, as by the good discretion of the ayor and aldermen should be thought fit and necessary.

- A declaration was made by the mayor and aldermen, of the aritable uses to which Mr Whitson's benefaction was to be applied; d among them, they declared that £20 yearly for ever should be mployed towards the maintenance of two poor men's sons of the city the University of Oxford or Cambridge that had first had their Incation and bringing up in the grammar-school of the city, called The Bartholomew's," to each of them £10 per annum.

In the year 1847 a new scheme was approved by the Court of hancery for the management and administration of the estates and Wenues, and for the future government of the free grammar-school of ristol, and the trustees of the Bristol charities were appointed trustees the grammar-school.

It was ordered that the surplus should be employed, among other hings, in increasing the amounts payable as exhibitions under the ifts of John Whitson, Anne Snigge, and George White, or such of them as may be payable to boys proceeding from the said school to the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, so as to make up the annual income of the said gifts equal to two Exhibitions of £60 each, to be payable to boys from the said school. Also after providing for these payments, any further surplus when it shall amount to £60 a year, shall be employed for a third, and after that for a fourth Exhibition. That the said trustees shall elect to such exhibitions only such boys 8 shall have been reported to be meritorious scholars, deserving of the same by the examiners, and that the said exhibition shall commence from the day of election thereto, and shall be continued during four years; but shall be determinable by the said trustees, if the exhibitioner shall not continue to reside in the University.


FOUNDED 1519, A.D.

THIS free school was founded by Richard Fitzjames, bishop of London, Sir John Fitzjames, chief justice of England, and John

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