Dakota and Montana, and post of Fort Yellowstone, Wyo. Department of the Platte.- Brigadier-General John J. Coppinger, commanding; Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. Geographical limits: States of Lowa, Nebraska and Wyoming (excepting post of Fort Yellowstone, Wyo), Idaho, east of a line formed by extension of western boundary of Utah to northeastern boundary of Idaho, of South Dakota, and all south of the 44th parallel east of the Missouri river. Department of the Colorado. - Brigadier-General Frank Wheaton, commanding. Headquarters, Denver, Col. Geographical limits: State of Colorado and Territories of Arizona and New Mexico and Utah. Department of the Columbia. - Brigadier-General E. S. Otis, commanding. Headquarters, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Geographical limits: States of Oregon, Washington, Iowa and Alaska Territory, excepting part of Idaho embraced in Department of the Platte. President SENATORS. THE FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. The Senate. GARRET A. HOBART, of New Jersey. Home Term ALABAMA. John T. Morgan Selma. SENATORS. Home post-office. Term ends. 1901 E. W. Pettus... ARKANSAS. James H. Berry... 1903 NEBRASKA. WILLIAM V. ALLEN John M. Thurston.. Madison 1899 Omaha... 1901 NEVADA. Bentonville 1901 James K. Jones Washington... 1903 WM. M. STEWART (Silver) Carson City... 1899 JOHN P. JONES (Silver)... Gold Hill 1903 CALIFORNIA. Georze C. Perkins.. Oakland 1897 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Stephen M. White Edward O Wolcott.. Henry M. Teller. CONNECTICUT. Joseph R. Hawley.. DELAWARE. George Gray.. R. R. Kenney. FLORIDA. Samuel Pasco GEORGIA. Augustus O Bacon. Alexander S. Clay.... George L. Shoup.. Henry Heitfeld Los Angeles... 1899 William E Chandler..... Concord 1901 COLORADO. Jacob H. Gallinger Concord 1903 Denver 1901 Central City .. NEW JERSEY. 1903 James Smith, Jr.. Newark 1899 William J. Sewell Trenton 1901 Hartford 1899 Meriden.. 1903 NEW YORK. Edward Murphy, Jr..... Troy 1899 Newcastle..... 1899 Thomas C. Platt... Owego 1908 Wilmington... 1903 NORTH CAROLINA. MARION BUTLER Raleigh. 1901 Monticello. 1899 Jeter C. Pritchard Madison 1908 Macon 1901 1903 NORTH DAKOTA. Larimore 1899 Devil's Lake... 1903 IDAHO. OHIO. Boise City 1901 Mark A. Hanna.. Cleveland 1899 1903 Joseph B. Foraker. Cincinnati. ... 1903 ILLINOIS. OREGON. Shelby M. Cullom Springfield 1901 George W. McBride 1901 William E. Mason Chicago 1908 INDIANA. David Turpie PENNSYLVANIA. Indianapolis.. 1899 Charles W. Fairbanks Indianapolis.. 1903 Matthew S. Quay. Beaver. 1899 Philadelphia.. 1903 IOWA. John H. Gear Burlington 1901 William B. Allison... Dubuque 1903 RHODE ISLAND. Providence 1899 Newport..... 1901 KANSAS. SOUTH CAROLINA. Lucien Baker Leavenworth 1901 B. R. Tillman.. Trenton 1901 WILLIAM A. HARRIS 1903 Joseph H. Earle. 1903 KENTUCKY. SOUTH DAKOTA. William Lindsay Frankfort 1901 Richard F. Pettigrew. Sioux Falls... 1901 A. T. Wood 1903 JAMES H. KYLE Aberdeen 1903 LOUISIANA. TENNESSEE. Donelson Caffery Franklin 1901 William B. Bate Nashville. 1899 Samuel D. McEnery 1903 Isham G. Harris. Memphis 1901 MAINE. TEXAS. Eugene Hale.. Ellsworth 1899 Roger Q. Mills... Corsicana 1899 William P. Frye. Lewiston 1901 Horace Chilton Tyler 1901 Knute Nelson. MARYLAND. Arthur P. Gorman MASSACHUSETTS. Julius MICHIGAN. James McMillan Cushman K. Davis, MISSISSIPPI, James Z. George. UTAH. Laurel 1899 Frank B. Cannon. Salt Lake City. 1899 1903 Joseph L. Rawlins 1903 VERMONT. Nahant.. 1899 Redfield Proctor. Proctor 1899 Vorcester... 1901 Justin S. Morrill Strafford 1903 VIRGINIA. Kalamazoo... 1899 Detroit 1901 John W. Daniel.. Lynchburg.... 1899 Scottsville.. 1901 MINNESOTA. WASHINGTON, St. Paul. 1899 John L. Wilson Spokane 1899 1901 G. TURNER.. 1903 Carrollton..... 1899 Edward C. Walthall Grenada 1901 WEST VIRGINIA. Martinsburg 1899 Elkins 1901 MISSOURI. WISCONSIN. Francis M. Cockrell Warrensburg. 1899 John L. Mitchell. Milwaukee.... 1899 George G. Vest Kansas City... 1903 John C. Spooner Hudson...... 1903 ΜΟΝΤΑΝΑ. WYOMING, Lee Mantle Butte 1899 Clarence D. Clark... Evanston..... 1899 Thomas H. Carter Helena 1901 Francis E. Warren..... Cheyenne 1901 Dist. Speaker. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. March 4, 1897 - March 4, 1899. THOMAS B. REED, of Maine. [Republicans in Roman, Democrats in Italics and Populists in SMALL CAPS.] MEMBERS. Home post-office. Dist. MEMBERS. Home post-office. 8 Albert J. Hopkins* Aurora. 4 Mount Morris. 8 George M. Davison Thomas Y. Fitzpatrick... 11 David G. Colson* 4 Henry W. Ogden*. 6 Samuel M. Robertson*.... 1 Thomas B. Reed* 2 Nelson Dingley, Jr..... 3 Seth L. Milliken... 4 Charles A. Boutelle*.... MARYLAND. 1 Isaac A. Barber... William B. Baker..... William W. McIntyre.... 5 Sydney E. Muddt.... 6 John McDonald... 9 Robert R. Hitt*.... 10 George W. Prince*. 11 Walter Reeves*. 12 Joseph G. Cannon* 13 Vespasian Warner. 14 Joseph V. Graff* 15 Benjamin F. Marsh* 16 W. H. Hinrichsen 17 James A. Connolly* 18 Thomas M. Jett (Fusion). 19 Andrew J. Hunter. 20 James R. Campbell.. 21 Jehu Baker (Fusion)..... 22 George W. Smith*... Galesburg Streator, Danville, Clinton. Pekin. Warsaw. Jacksonville. Springfield. Paris. McLeansboro. Belleville Murphysborго. Samuel W. McCall* 9 John F. Fitzgerald 10 S. J. Barrows Owenton. Stanford. Vanceburg. Prestonburg Middlesboro. New Orleans, New Orleans. New Iberia. Benton. Moorhouse Parish Baton Rouge. Portland. Lewiston. Belfast. Bangor. Easton. Aberdeen, Baltimore. Baltimore, Laplata. Rockyille. North Adams. Springfield. Worcester. Fitchburg Lawrence. Haverhill. Winchester. Boston. Boston. THE RED BOOK. House of Representatives - (Continued). MASSACHUSETTS-(Cont'd). 11 Charles F. Sprague.... 12 William C. Lovering. 13 John Simpkins*. MICHIGAN. 1 John B. Corliss* 2 George Spaulding* 3 Albert M. Todd (Fusion). 4 Edward L. Hamilton 5 William Alden Smith*.. 6 Samuel W. Smith.. 7 Horace G. Snover*. 8 Ferdinand D. Brucker... 9 Roswell P. Bishop*.. 10 Rosseau O. Crump* 11 William S. Mesick. 12 Carlos D. Sheldon MINNESOTA. James A. Tawney* 2 James T. McCleary* Joel P. Heatwole. F. C. Stevens. Loren Fletcher* 5 6 Page Morris.. 7 Frank M. Eddy*. 2 128 MISSISSIPPI. John M. Allen*. W. V. Sullivan. 8 Thomas C. Catchings*. 4 A. F. Fox... 5 John S. Williams* 6 C. W. F. Love 7 Patrick Henry.. Perryville. Neosho. Cape Girardeau. Chas. S. Hartman* (Silver) Bozeman. 8 Samuel Maxwell (Fusion) Fremont. 4 William L. Stark (Fusion) Aurora. 5 J. D. Sutherland (Fusion) Nelson. 6 William L. Green (Fusion) Kearney. Manchester. Peterboro. Paulsboro. Atlantic City. New Brunswick. Morristown. Paterson. Newark. Jersey City. 8 Charles Newell Fowler*.. Elizabeth. NEW YORK. Joseph M. Belford. Riverhead. 2 Denfs M. Hurley*.. 3 Francis H. Wilson*. 4 Israel F. Fischer*. Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Marriott Brosius*. 11 William Connell.. Lancaster. Scranton. Joseph D. Sayers... Pittsburgh. Allegheny. Conneautville. Warren. Du Bois. Middletown. Stillwater. Beaufort. Parksville. Spartanburg. Bennettsville. Flandrau. Deadwood. Jonesboro. Knoxville. Chattanooga. Carthage. Murfreesboro. Nashville. Franklin. Union City. Linden. Memphis. Huntsville. Woodville. Mineola. Sulphur Springs. Gainesville. Dallas. Waco. Weatherford. Bastrop. 1 William A. Jones*. 2 William A. Young. 3 John B. Lamb 4 Sydney P. Epes...... 5 Claude A. Swanson*. 6 Peter J. Otey*. 7 James Hays 8 J. F. Rirey 9 James A. Walker* 10 Jacob Yost Warsaw. Norfolk. Richmond. Nottowav. Chatham. Lynchburg. Culpeper. Wytheville. Staunton. Seatt e. Spokane. Wheeling. Phillippi. Addison. Jackson. Racine. Maysville. Milwaukee. West Bend. Oshkosh. Eau Claire. Sturgeons Bay. Wausau. Chippewa Falls. Rawlins, Tucson. Albuquerque. 10 R. B. Hawley... Galveston. T. Y. Callahan (Fus.) Republicans, 204; Democrats, 122; Fusionists, 15; Populists, 12; Silver Party, 8; Vacancy, 1. Whole number, 357. Members marked acted in the Fifty-fourth Congress; those marked in an earlier Congress: § At large. Francis Kernan Utica Roscoe Conkling. Nathaniel P. Tallmadge. Silas Wright, Jr Henry A. Foster Edwin D. Morgan. Albany. Canton. Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie Canton.... Rome Binghamton.. Binghamton.... New York city Albany. New York city Utica Utica February 1, 1831 Sanford Resigned. January 4, 1833 Marcy.. February 5, 1833 Dudley. February 7, 1837 Re-elected... January 14, 1840 Re-elected Resigned. February 7, 1843 Re-elected Resigned. November 30, 1844 February 4, 1845 Wright To fill vacancy..... Tallmadge... Foster Re-elected February 6, 1849 Dix... March 19, 1851 Dickinson. February 6, 1865 Re-elected February 3, 1857 Fish... February 5, 1861 Seward.. February 3, 1863 King. January 16, 1867 Harris Jamestown January 20, 1869 Morgan January 22, 1873 Re-elected.. January 21, 1875 Fenton..... January 22, 1879 Re-elected.. Utica Thomas C. Platt.. Warner Miller.... Elbridge G. Lapham. William M. Evarts Frank Hiscock. David B. Hill Thomas C. Platt. Edward Murphy, Jr..... Owego Herkimer........ Canandaigua Syracuse Elmira. Troy.. January 20, 1881 Kernan Resigned July 16, 1861 Platt... July 22. 1881 Conkling. New York city.... January 20, 1885 | Lapham January 20, 1887 21, 1891 January Miller.. Evarts |