Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Rule XLVI. If any question contains several distinct propositions, it shall be divided by the chair at the request of any member, but a motion to strike out and insert shall be indivisible.

Rule XLVII. In all cases where a bill, order, motion or resolution shall be entered on the Journal, the name of the member introducing or moving the same shall also be entered on the Journal.

Rule XLVIII. The yeas and nays may be taken on any question, whenever so required by any ten members (unless a division by yeas and nays be already pending), and when so taken shall be entered on the Journal.

Rule XLIX. In all cases where unanimous consent is asked for advancing a bill out of its order, it shall be the duty of the Speaker to order a roll call for the purpose of determining if such consent will be granted.

Rule L. Not adopted in 1895 or 1896.

Rule LI. No reporter for the Assembly, who has an appointment as reporter in the Senate, shall receive any order for stationery from the Clerk of the Assembly.

Rule LII. No standing rule or order of the House shall be changed, suspended or rescinded unless one day's notice shall have been given of the motion therefor; nor shall such change be made unless by a vote of a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly; any such rule or order, however, may be suspended by unanimous consent. But such notice shall not be necessary on the last day of the session. The notice and motion shall, in all cases, state specifically the object of the suspension, and every case of suspension of a rule under such notice and motion shall be held to apply only to the object specified therein. Such notice shall be given and such motion made under the order of business in which the matter proposed to be advanced by the suspension shall stand.

[blocks in formation]

the yeas and nays are being called, except officers of the House in the discharge of their duties.

Rule LIV. It shall be the duty of the stenographer of the Assembly to be present at every session of the House. He shall take stenographic notes of the debates in the House and in the Committee of the Whole; and shall furnish a copy of the same, written out in long-hand, to any member applying therefor, upon the payment to said stenographer of ten cents for each folio, which charge said stenographer may receive in addition to his fixed compensation. The stenographic notes of the debates shall be filed with the Clerk, and shall form a portion of the archives of the House. The Clerk of the Assembly is authorized to furnish said stenographer with proper stenographic blank books in which to record said debates, not to exceed fifty dollars for an annual session of the Legislature.

Rule LV. All questions of order, as they shall occur, with the decisions thereon, shall be entered in the Journal, and, at the close of the session, a statement of all such questions and decisions shall be printed at the close of and as an appendix to the Journal.

Rule LVI. Any member requesting to be excused from voting upon the final passage of a bill or upon the passage of a resolution requiring the expenditure of money, may make, when his name is called, a brief statement of the reason for making such request, not exceeding two minutes in time, and the House, without debate, shall decide if it will grant such request; but nothing in this rule contained shall abridge the right of any member to record his vote on any question previous to the announcement of the re


Rule LVII. Not adopted in 1895 or 1896.

Rule LVIII. Not adopted in 1895 or 1896.

Rule LIX. It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms, at all times, not to allow any person to smoke in the

Assembly Chamber. Subject to the force the rules of the House. direction of the Speaker, he shall en

Rule LX. On or before the fifth day of April, committees shall make final report upon matters referred to them prior to that day, unless further time is granted for cause, and after

that date no bill shall be introduced, except by message from the Senate.

Rule LXI. No person shall be entitled to the privileges of the floor of the Assembly as a legislative reporter of a newspaper who is interested in pending or contemplated legislation, or who is employed by or receives compensation from any corporation for influencing legislation.

Resolved, That the following rule be and hereby is adopted as an additional rule of this House:

combine into a single act all existing special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of Brooklyn," and also all bills proposing amendments to the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Revised Statutes, or to any existing laws, when introduced into the House, must contain not only the number of the chapter of the statute to be amended, but also must quote the title of the chapter to be amended, and some brief reference to the subject-matter of the proposed amendment, and all such amendments

The titles of all bills proposing amendments to chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, entitled "An act to con- in the body of said bills must be unsolidate into one act and to declare the derscored; and the Clerk of the House special and local laws affecting public is hereby directed to return any bill interests in the city of New York," to the member introducing the same, and also of chapter 583 of the Laws when this rule has not been complied of 1888, entitled "An act to revise and with.



RULE 1. Each House shall transmit | the report of the committee to their to the other all papers in which any bill House. When such House shall have or resolution shall be founded. acted thereon, it shall transmit the same, and the papers relating thereto, to the other, with a message certifying its action thereon. Every report of a committee of conference shall be read through, in each House, before a vote is taken on the same.

RULE 2. When a bill or resolution which shall have passed in one House shall be rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the House in which the same may have passed.

RULE 3. Messages from one House to the other shall be communicated by their clerks respectively, unless the House transmitting the message shall specially direct otherwise.

RULE 4. It shall be in the power of either House to amend any amendment made by the other to any bill or resolution.

RULE 6. It shall be in order for either House to recede from any subject-matter of difference subsisting between the two Houses at any time previous to conference, whether the papers on which such difference arose are before the House receding, formally or informally; and on such vote to recede, the same number shall be required to constitute a quorum to act thereon, and to assent to such receding, as was required on the original question out of which the difference arose.

RULE 7. After each House shall have adhered to their disagreement, the bill which is the subject of difference shall be deemed lost, and shall not be again revived during the same session in either House.

RULE 5. In every case of difference between the two Houses, upon any subject of legislation, either House may request a conference, and appoint a committee for that purpose, and the other shall also appoint a committee to confer. The committee shall meet at such hour and place as shall be appointed by the chairman of the committee on the part of the House requesting such conference. The conferees shall state to each other verbally, or in writing, as either shall choose, the reasons of their respective Houses and confer freely thereon. The committee shall report, in writing, and shall be authorized to report such modifications or amend ments as they think advisable. But no committee on conference shall consider or report on any matters except those directly at issue between the two Houses. The parers shall be left with the conferees of the House assenting to such conference, and they shall present | bills shall be in readiness for final read

RULE 8. All joint committees of the two Houses, and all committees of conference, shall consist of three Senators and five Members of the Assembly, unless otherwise specially ordered by concurrent resolutions.

RULE 9. No bill which shall have passed one House shall have its final reading in the other in less than two days thereafter, without the consent of two-thirds of the members thereof present; and whenever ten or more House, and eight hundred copies of all messages from the Governor (except messages certifying his approval of bills), all reports of standing or select committees, and all reports or communications made in pursuance of law, and seven hundred and ninety-six copies of the journal of each House, which number shall be denominated the usual number.

ing in either House, such House shall forthwith proceed to the final reading of such bills, under the order of "third reading of bills," and continue the same from day to day, until all such bills, then in readiness for final reading shall have been read, unless this order of business shall, by the vote of two-thirds of the members present, be suspended or laid on the table. All such bills shall have their last reading in each House in RULE 13. Neither House shall order the order in which the same shall have the printing or purchasing of books for been ordered to a final reading in such the use of members or for distribution, House, unless the bill to be read be laid except by joint resolution upon which on the table. In all cases where a bill the ayes and noes shall be called, and shall be so ordered to lie on the table, it which must receive the votes of a shall retain its place in the order of the majority of each House; and no printing final reading of bills, but shall not be shall be done by order of either House, called up for consideration unless by | which is not embraced in the contract a vote of a majority of the members present.

RULE 10. The same bill shall not, specially or by name, create, renew or continue more than one incorporation, nor contain any provisions in relation to the altering of more than one incorporation by name; but this rule shall not be construed to apply to corporations to be formed under general laws according to the eighth article of the Constitution, nor to bills for consolidating corporations. After any bill has been reported by a committee, no amendment shall be made thereto which introduces an entirely new and different subject-matter. from the subject-matter of the bill reported.

RULE 11. Whenever there shall be an election of officers by the joint action of the two Houses, the result shall be certified by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the Assembly, and shall be reported by the presiding officer of each House to their respective House, and be entered on the journals of each, and shall be communicated to the Governor by the clerks of the two Houses.

for doing the public printing. Whenever either House shall order more than the usual number of any message or document, the fact shall be communicated immediately by message to the other. Whenever extra copies of any document or publication of any kind, shall be ordered printed, the printer shall be authorized and required to deliver to the trustees of the State library at least five copies in addition to the number so ordered, for the use of the said library; and whenever more than five hundred copies are so ordered, the printer shall in like manner furnish five additional copies for each five hundred for the purpose of literary exchanges.

RULE 14. When the same document shall by separate orders be directed to be printed by both Houses, it shall be regarded as but one order, unless otherwise expressly directed by either House.

RULE 15. In the distribution of documents the Governor and elective State officers, and State officers appointed by the Governor and Senate, or elected by joint or concurrent action of the two Houses, Adjutant-General and the clerks of the two Houses shall each have the same number as each of the

RULE 12. There shall be printed, of course, and without order, six hundred and thirty-nine copies of all original bills reported by committees of either | members; and a specified number may be added for any committee, officer or author of a document.

RULE 16. The superintendent of documents of each House shall receive from the printer all matter ordered by the respective Houses, and shall keep a book and enter therein the time of reeeption by him of every such bill or document, and the number of copies received, and shall cause each and any of such bill or document to be immediately placed on the desks of the


RULE 17. There shall be printed six hundred and thirty-nine bills, and distributed as follows:

To the Senate

150 copies. To the Assembly.......... 450 copies. To the State officers....... 30 copies. To the State Library....... 1 copy. Retained to bind..........

9 copies.

There shall be printed three hundred and ten messages and documents, and distributed as follows:

To the Senate....

To the Assembly.

80 copies.


190 copies.

To State officers... 30 copies.

To the State Library.......

1 copy.

There shall be printed three hundred journals of each House, and distributed as follows:

80 copies.

To the Senate...
To the Assembly.......... 190 copies.
To the State officers....... 30 copies.
To the State Library....... 1 copy.

There shall be printed to bind, four hundred and ninety-six journals of each House, and the same number of messages and documents, and distributed as follows:

For the Senate..

For the Assembly........
For Senate Library

38 copies.

140 copies.

3 copies


5 copies

[blocks in formation]

For literary and scientific
exchanges, to be made by
the Regents of the Univer-
sity, including one copy
for each State and terri-
tory, and one copy for each
of the regents who are not
otherwise provided for.... 107 copies
2 copies

For State Library.........

There shall also be printed and bound for the State Library five copies of the Session Laws, and also of the journal of each House, and fifty-five copies of the same for the Regents of the University, for the purpose of literary exchanges.

The clerk of each House shall forthwith, after the journal thereof of each day is approved, deliver a legible copy thereof to the printer for the two Houses, who shall have the same printed and delivered to the sergeant-at-arms of each House within forty-eight hours thereafter.

RULE 18. There shall be a standing committee, consisting of three members of the Senate and five members of the Assembly, to be called the Joint Committee on the State Library and Cabinet of Natural History.

RULE 19. The supply bill and the annual appropriation bill shall be reported by the fifteenth day of March, and printed immediately thereafter, and made the special order for the twenty. fifth day of March, or some day prior thereto, immediately after the reading of the journal.

RULE 20. No bill introduced after the fifteenth day of March in either House shall have its final reading in either House until all hills previously introduced in either, and sent from one House to the other House for concurrence and ready for third reading, shall be disposed of, unless by unanimous consent, except the supply bill and the annual appropriation bill; and the clerk of each House shall note on such

123 copies engrossed bill the day on which it was

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