Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

against the roof of the mouth. These elements should open with an abrupt and explosive force, and then diminish gradually and equably to the end.

In producing the subtonic and atonic elements, it is important to press the organs upon each other with. great firmness and tension; to throw the breath upon them with fōrce; and to prolong the sound sufficiently to give it a full impression on the ear.

The instructor will first require the students to pronounce a catch-word once, and then produce the ōral element represented by the marked vowel, or Italic consonant, four times-thus; āge—ā, ā, ā, ā; āte—ā, ā, ā, ā; ătă, ǎ, ă, ǎ; ǎsh-ă, ă, ǎ, ă, etc. He will exercise the class until each student can utter consecutively all the elementary sounds as arranged in the following


[blocks in formation]

and without the aid of a vowel. Indeed, they frequently form syllables by themselves, as in feeble (bl), takn (kn).

1 Long and Short Vowels.-The attention of the class should be called to the fact that the first element, or sound, represented by each of the vowels, is usually indicated by a horizontal line placed over the letter, and the second sound by a curved line.

2 A Fifth.-The fifth element, or sound, represented by â, is its first or Alphabetic sound, modified or softened by r. In its production,

the lips, placed nearly together, are held immovable while the student tries to say a.

A Sixth.--The sixth element represented by ȧ, is a sound intermediate between a, as heard in at, ash, and a, as in arm, art. It is produced by prolonging and slightly softening ǎ. 4 E Third.-The third element represented by e, is e as heard in end, prolonged, and modified or softened by r.

5 O modified.-The modified oral element of o, in this work, is represented by Ŏ, the same mark as its regular second power. This modi

[blocks in formation]


the word containing the atonic element, then the subtonic cognate, uttering the element after each word

fied or medium element may be produced by uttering the sound of o in not, slightly softened, with twice its usual volume, or prolongation. It is usually given when short o is immediately followed by ff, ft, 88, st, or th, as in off, soft, cross, cost, broth; also in a number of words where short o is directly followed by n, or final ng, as in gone, begone; long, prong, song, throng, wrong. SMART says, To give the extreme short sound of o to such words is affectation; to give them the full sound of broad a [a in all], is vulgar.

1 U initial.—U, at the beginning

of words, when long, has the sound of yu, as in use.

2 R trilled. In trilling r, the tip of the tongue is made to vibrate against the roof of the mouth. Frequently require the student, åfter a full inhalation, to trill r continuously, as long as possible.

3 Wh. To produce the oral element of wh, the student will blow from the center of the mouth-first compressing the lips, and then suddenly relaxing them while the âir is escaping.

thus: lip, p; orb, b, etc. The attention of the pupil should be called to the fact that cognates are produced by the same organs, in a similar manner, and only differ in one being an undertone, and the other a whisper.

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HE instructor will require the students to read or recite the Table of Alphabetic Equivalents, using the following formula: The Alphabetic Equivalents of A first power are ai, au, ay, e, ea, ee, ei, ey; as in the words gain, gauge, stray, melee', great, vein, they.


For ā, ai, au, ay, e, ea, ee, ei, ey; as in gāin, gāuge, stray, melee', great, vein, they.

For ǎ, ai, ua; as in plăid, guăranty.

For ä, au, e, ea, ua; as in häunt, sergeant, heärt, guärd. For a, au, aw, eo, o, oa, ou; as in fault, hawk, George, côrk, broad, bôught.

For â, ai, e, ea, ei; as in châir, thêre, sweâr, hêir. For ē, ea, ee, ei, eo, ey, i, ie; as in read, dēẹp, cēil, people, key, valïse, field.

For ě, a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eo, ie, u, ue; as in any, said, says, head, hěifer, leopard, friend, bury, guess.

For ẽ, ea, i, o, ou, u, ue, y; as in earth, girl, word, scoûrge, bûrn, guerdon, myrrh.

For i, ai, ei, eye, ie, oi, ui, uy, y, ye; as in aisle, sleight, eye, die, choir, guide, buỹ, mỹ, rỹe.

For I, ai, e, ee, ie, o, oi, u, ui, y; as in captain, pretty, been, sieve, women, tortoise, busy, build, hymn. For ō, au, eau, eo, ew, oa, oe, oo, ou, ow; as in hautboy, beau, yeoman, sew, coal, foe, door, soul, blow. For Ŏ, a, ou, ow; as in what, hough, knowledge. For o, ew, oe, σ0, ou, u, ui; as in grew, shoe, spoon, soup, rude, fruit.

For u, eau, eu, ew, ieu, iew, ue, ui; as in beauty, feūd, new, ădieū, view, hūe, jūice.

For ŭ, o, oe, oo, ou; as in love, dỏeş, blood, young. For u, 0, 00, ou; as in wolf, book, could.

For ou, ow; as in now.

For oi (al), oy; as in boy.


For f, gh, ph; as in cough, nymph.

For j, g; as in ġem, ġin.

For k, e, eh, gh, q; as in eole, eoneh, lough, etiquette. For s, ç; as in çell, çity.

For t, d, th, phth; as in danced, Thames, phthişic. For v, f, ph; as in of, Stephen.

For y, i; as in pinion.

For z, c, ş, x;

as in suffice, roşe, xebec.

For zh, g, s; as in rouge, osier.

For ng, n; as in anger, bank.

For ch, t; as in fustian.

For sh, c, ch, s, ss, t; as in ocean, chaise, sure, assure, martial.




\FTER the instructor has given a class thōrōugh drill on the preceding tables as arranged, the following exercises will be found of great value, to improve the

organs of speech and the voice, as well as to familiarize the student with different combinations of sound.

As the fifth element represented by a, and the third element of e, are always immediately followed by the oral element of r in words, the r is introduced in like manner in these exercises. Since the sixth sound of a, when not a syllable by itself, is always immediately followed by the oral element of f, n, or s, in words, these letters are here employed in the same manner.


bă, bä, ba, bâr, bȧf; bē, bě, bêr;

1. bā,


ĭb; ōb,


ob; ūb, ůb,

ub; oub.

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