Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


MARCH 1901.

1. Prepare films from fluid submitted. Stain by Gram's method. What is the organism present (Streptococcus pyogenes)?

2. Prepare films from pure culture given. Stain in a watery aniline solution. Identify the microbe (Bacillus pestis).

3. Name the microbes present in the four microscopical preparations submitted:

(1) Bacillus anthracis. Kidney of guinea-pig.

(2) Actinomyces. Human liver.

(3) Bacillus tuberculosis. Tubercular ulcer of stomach. (4) Gonococcus. Gonorrheal pus.

4. Identify the following cultures :—

(1) Bacillus prodigiosus. Bacillus kilinensis. Micrococcus cinnabareus. Micrococcus agilis.

(2) Bacillus violaceus. Bacillus pyocyaneus. Torula nigra. (3) Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Staph. pyogenes

citreus. Staph. cereus flavus. Sarcina lutea. Sarcina aurantiaca.

(4) Bacillus tuberculosis. Actinomyces. Streptothrix farcinica.

(5) Bacillus typhosus. Bacillus diphtheria. Bacillus anthracis. Micrococcus tetragenus. Pneumococcus. Streptococcus pyogenes.

Second Examination.


4TH OCTOBER 1900--10 A.M. TO 12 NOON.

(Nos. 1, 3, 5, and 6 must be answered. Any two of the others may be selected.)

1. Explain the physical features of good sanitary pipes, Iron, Fire-clay, and Lead. What weight of lead should be used for a soil-pipe?

2. Describe the methods adopted for the prevention of damp in houses.

3. Describe the construction of an ashpit and a privy.

4. How should wells be constructed? How may the flow of subsoil water affect wells?

5. Explain the "Septic tank" method of treating sewage. 6. What conditions lead to the production of Phthisis? 7. What are the symptoms in man of Anthrax? Describe the bacillus, and how it may be recognised microscopically.

8. Describe the symptoms of Trichinosis. What may these be mistaken for?


25TH MARCH 1901-10 A.M. TO 12 NOON.

1. Plague. Mention the varieties of this disease.

What are the usual channels through which it gains access to the body? Describe the means you would adopt to prevent the entrance of the disease at seaports?

2. What are the recommendations of the Royal Commission as to the seizure in whole or in part of a carcass affected by tuberculosis?

3. Describe the trapping arrangements of a bath, wash-hand basin, and sink waste-pipes; also of a soil-pipe and rain-water conductor. Illustrate by sketches as far as possible.

4. What are the special points to be observed in the construction of a ward for a pavilion hospital for infectious diseases as regards (a) the floor, (b) walls and ceilings, (c) windows, (d) bath and closet accommodation, (e) warming and ventilation?

5. Explain the following terms: hydraulic mean depth, head of water, wetted perimeter, ordnance datum, contour lines, catchment area.


4TH OCTOBER 1900-2 TO 4 P.M.

1. What advantages may be expected from the notification of Infectious diseases? What diseases are notifiable?

2. Describe the procedure to be followed in taking samples under the Food and Drugs Acts.

3. What are the main provisions of the Rivers Pollution Prevention Act of 1876 ?

4. What would you consider a satisfactory (a) Marriage-rate; (b) Birth-rate; (c) Crude Death-rate; (d) Infantile Death-rate, and Death-rate of children under five years?

5. What conditions have to be taken into consideration in estimating the value of Death-rates ?

6. How do age and sex affect Typhus; Typhoid; Scarlet Fever; Measles; and Whooping-cough?

7. What are the incubation periods of Smallpox; Scarlet Fever; Measles; Mumps; and Whooping-cough?


25TH MARCH 1901-1 TO 3 P.M.

1. Give a summary of the Housing of the Working Classes Act of 1890.

What are the duties of the Medical Officer of Health under the Act?

2. What are the chief provisions of the Factory and Workshops Act relative to bakehouses?

3. What are the proceedings to be carried out under the Public Health (Scotland) Act for the abatement of a nuisance?

4. What are the relative values from the public health standpoint of general death-rates, infantile death-rates, death-rate under five years, and the zymotic death-rate?

What diseases are included in the last rate?

5. What is meant by the terms: recorded death-rate, corrected death-rate, standard death-rate, comparative mortality figure?



MARCH 1901.

1. Mention the leading theistic arguments, and point out any modifications of them that occur to you in the light of our present knowledge.

2. Show how the existence of evil and suffering is consistent with the fact that God is good and just.

3. Give some account of Positivism in its relation to Religion. How is it connected with Agnosticism?

4. Discuss Materialism as a monistic theory of the universe. What is its teaching concerning personal worth and personal responsibility?

5. Describe the early religion of Babylonia and Assyria so far

as it is known to us, and estimate its place in the history of religion.

6. Give a brief account of the rise, progress, leading characteristics, and modern tendencies of Indian Brahmanism.

Or,-Estimate the influence of Confucius, Laotse, and Buddha respectively on Chinese life and character.

7. "Miracles are the scaffolding or decoration, not the foundation and substance, of Christian faith." Examine and comment upon this statement.

8. Sketch the development of the doctrine of Sin in the Old Testament, and compare it with the teaching of Jesus or of St


9. Sketch the leading ideas of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 10. What theories of the Atonement are associated with the names of (1) Grotius, (2) Schleiermacher, (3) Maurice?

11. Describe the doctrine of the Trinity as taught in the Westminster Standards, and compare with the teaching of (1) Sabellius, (2) Arius, (3) the English Unitarians.

12. Give the teaching of the Romish, Lutheran, and Reformed Churches on the nature and efficacy of the Sacraments.


MARCH 1901.


(a) MARK Xi.-xvi., AND PARallels.

1. Translate, mentioning the more important variants, Mark xi. 1-3. Compare the passage with the parallels in Matthew and Luke. How do you explain Mark's words, ἐγγίζουσιν εἰς Ἱερουσαλήμ, εἰς Βηθφαγὴ καὶ Βηθανίαν

2. Translate Mark xii. 13-17. Compare the passage with the parallels in Matthew and Luke, showing which is more probable, Mark's dependence on Matthew and Luke or their dependence

on him.


3. Translate, with notes, Romans ii. 12-16. What explanation can be given of the difficulty in the construction of verse 16, the future κρινει being joined with the present ενδείκνυνται

4. Translate Romans viii. 33-35. In verses 33, 34, what is the punctuation to be preferred?


5. Give a brief account of Hilgenfeld's theory as to the origin and priority of the Gospel of Matthew.

6. State and discuss the statements of Papias with regard to Matthew and Mark.


7. Give an outline of Paul's journey to Rome, and his shipwreck. What tradition is connected with his landing at Puteoli?


8. Give a brief account of the Codex Beza. What interest attaches to it on account of the interpolations with which it abounds, and what proof do these furnish of the antiquity of the text?

9. Give a brief account of the Syriac versions of the New Testament. What is the critical value of the evidence which

they furnish?

10. Discuss critically 1 John v. 7, 8.

Are the words èv tậ οὐρανῷ, ὁ Πατὴρ, ὁ Λόγος, καὶ τὸ ἅγιον Πνεῦμα· καὶ οὗτοι οἱ τρεῖς ἕν εἰσι. καὶ τρεῖς εἰσιν οἱ μαρτυροῦντες ἐν τῇ γῇ genuine or not ?



11. Translate Chapter iv.: TÉкVOV μov

ἐκεῖ Κύριός ἐστιν. Who were those λαλοῦντες τὸν λόγον τοῦ Θεοῦ, according to the Didaché?

12. Translate Chapter xi. : Περὶ δὲ τῶν ἀποστόλων . . . ἐὰν δὲ ἀργύριον αἰτῇ ψευδοπροφήτης ἐστι. What light is thrown by this passage on the title "apostle," and the position of the apostle in the Christian communities?


13. Translate page 4, 1. 7 : τῇ δὲ νυκτὶ . . . ἀκολουθοῦντα αὐτοῖς. How does this compare with the Canonical narratives ?

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