Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Al-cú-ni ‡ fió-ri, some flowers D' al- cú - ni fió-ri, of some flowers

Ad al-cú-ni fió-ri, to some flowers

Al-cú-ni fió-rí, some flowers Da al-cú-ni fió-ri, from some flowers

In al-cú-ni fió-ri, in some flowers

Con al-cú-ni fió-ri, with some flowers

Per al-cú-ni fió-ri, for some flowers

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* There are, besides the article, many other words (numerals, pronouns, and adjectives) pointing out with more or less precision the definite character of a noun, and generally connected with it. Some of these are of such primary importance for the very beginnings of reading and conversation, that I consider it useful to present at once their various changes. The declension of these words likewise requires that only the three case-signs di, a, and da, should be placed before them. I shall also lay down here, as a general rule in Italian, that any numeral, pronoun, or adjective, which points out the definite character of a noun with a sufficient or with a still greater precision than the article itself, renders the latter superfluous, and such words are on the other hand always accompanied by the article when they do not precisely determine the noun before which they are placed.

+ The word ú-no, for the masculine, and ú-na, for the feminine, is considered by many grammarians to be the indefinite article corresponding to a or an in English. It, however, seems to me illogical to call a word so which serves so many purposes, and has so many meanings. It is a word expressing indefinite unity; e. g. anti-bro, a book, and ú-na cá-sa, a house, express the general idea of any book and any house. It is, moreover, a word expressing definite unity, i.e. a numeral; e. g. un'uo-mo e cin-que dôn-ne, one man and five wonien; ú-na lib-bra. e tre ón-ce, one pound and three ounces. It is also frequently a pronoun, having the definite articles lo and la before it signifying the one (masculine and feminine); e. g. l' ú-no dí-ce di sì, l' ál-tro di no, the one says yes, the other no; l'ú-na è bêl-la, l'ál-tra è brút-ta, the one (woman) is pretty, the other is ugly. These examples, I think, will be sufficient to show that it would only tend to mislead to call it an article.

When ú-no comes before a consonant, which is not the s impure, we only say and write un; e. g. un lí-bro, a book; un ca-vál-lo, a horse; un vêc-chio, an old man. When it comes before the s impure, ú-no must be always employed; e. g. ú- no spí - rî - to, a spirit; ú-no stre-gó-ne, a sorcerer. When it comes before a noun of the masculine gender commencing with a vowel, the final o of -no is not pronounced, and in writing an apostrophe is not necessarily used instead; e. g. un dr-co, a bow, arch; un ec-cês-so, an excess; un in-gt-gno, a genius; un ór-so, a bear; un uô-mo, á man. The feminine, -na, generally loses the a, and an apostrophe must be substituted before nouns commencing with a vowel; e. g. un'd-ni-ma, a soul; un' êr-ba, an herb; un' ó-ra, an hour; un' impré-sa, an undertaking; un' ún-ghia, a nail, hoof. In all other cases, ú-na is written and pronounced in full.

It is obvious that when uno and ú-na signify definite or indefinite unity, they can have no plural. The words al-cu-ni, some, pl. (for the masculine), and al-cú-ne, some, pl. (for the feminine), may be, however, considered as substitutions for the plural of ú-no and ú-na in such a case. Al-cú-ni and al-cú-ne are, strictly speaking, the plurals of the pronouns al-cú-no (masc.), and al-cú-na (fem.), somebody.



Un a-mi-co, a friend
D'un a-mi-co, of a friend

Ad un a-mí-co, to a friend

Un a-mi-co, a friend
Da un a-mi-co, from a friend

In un a-mí-co, in a friend

Con un a-mi-co, with a friend Per un a-mi-co, for a friend


Al-cú-ni a-mí-ci, some friends D'al-cú-ni a-mi- ci, of some friends

Ad al-cú-ni a-mi-ci, to some friends

Al-cú-ni a-mí-ci some friends Da al-cú-ni a-mi-ci, from some friends

In al-cú-ni a-mi-ci, in some friends

Con al-cú-ni a-mi-ci, with some friends

Per al-cú-ni a-mi-ci, for some friends


U-na gal-li-na, a hen D' ú-na gal-li-na, of a hen Ad ú-na gal-li-na, to a hen U-na gal-li-na, a hen Da ú-na gal-li-na, from a hen In ú-na gal-li-na, in a hen Con ú-na gal-li-na, with a hen Per ú-na gal-lí-na, for a hen

Un' ô-ca, a goose D' un' ô-ca, of a goose Ad un' ô-ca, to a goose Un' ô-ca, a goose Da un' ô-ca, from a goose In un' ô-ca, in a goose Con un' ô-ca, with a goose Per un' ô-ca, for a goose Plural.

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Al-cu-ne ô-che*, some geese D'al- cú - ne ô- che, of some geese

Aď al-cú-ne ô-che, to some geese

Al-cu-ne ô-che, some geese
Da al-cu-ne ô-che, from some


In al-cú-ne ô-che, in some

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In tút-ti i pô-po-li, in all na

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Per tút-ti i pô-po-li, for all


* The auxiliary letter, h, has been interposed between c and e to preserve in the plural 6-che (ô-kai) the sound of c in the singular nounced ô-tchai. This will be more fully explained hereafter. 6-ca (ô-kah). Without the h, the plural of 6-ca would be 6-ce, pro

+ The words tút-to (masc.), tút-ta (fem.), all, entire, whole, and am-be-dúe, both, have this peculiarity, that the article is placed after them whenever they come before a noun; as, tút-to il món-do, all the world; am-be-dúe i fra-têl-li, both the brothers. Am-be-dúe is used for the masculine as well as for the feminine, and it is obvious from its signification, that it can have no singular. The singular tút-to and tút-ta signifies the whole of, ALL THE; the plural tút-ti and tút-te merely signifies ALL. For example: tút-to il clê-ro, the whole clergy; in pre-sên-za di tút-ti i cor-ti-gid-ni, in the presence of allcourtiers; tút-ta la città, the whole town; tút-te le nôt-ti, all nights; tút-ti gli uð-mi-ni, all men; di tút-ta la têr-ra, of the whole earth; di tút-te le don-ne, of all ladies.

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Que-sti uc-cêl-li, these birds

Di qué-sti uc-cêl-lt, of these birds

A qué-sti uc-cêl-li, to these


Qué-sti uc-cêl-li, these birds Da qué-sti uc-cêl-li, from these birds

In qué-sti uc-cêl-li, in these


Con qué-sti uc-cêl-li, with these birds

Per qué-sti uc-cêl-li, for these birds


Cín-que sol-dá-ti, five soldiers

D'ó-gni sol-dá-to, of each sol-Di cin-que sol-dá-ti, of five soldier


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A full explanation of the two important pronouns quél-lo (masc.), quél-la (fem.), that, and qué-sto (masc.), qué-sta (fem.), this, will be given hereafter. It will be sufficient for the present to remark, that whenever these two pronouns come before nouns, qué-sto points out an object near to him who speaks (or writes), or an object just mentioned, while quel-lo points out an object at a smaller or greater distance from him who speaks (or writes), as well as from him who is spoken to; e. g. dá-te-mi quel l-bro, give me that (yonder) book; e, pren-dé-te-vi qué-sto libro, take this book. Before words commencing with the s impure, quél-lo is used. Before words commencing with vowels, the final o's and a's of quel-lo, quél-la, and qué-sto, qué-sta, are generally not pronounced, and in writing an apostrophe is placed instead; e.g. quel-lo sbirro, that bumbailiff; quél lo scel-le-rá-to, that wretch; quell' uo-mo, that man; ; quell' ap-pa-rên-za, that appearance; quest' al-l6-ro, this laurel; quest' úl-ti-ma îm-pré-sa, this last enterprise. Before all other words of the masculine gender, quel must be used; e. g. quel li-bro, that book; quel bel poê-ma, that fine poem; quel prô-de guer-riê-ro, that brave warrior.

§ The masculine plural quei (also pronounced quêï) or que', is a contraction of quél-li. Before vowels, or the s impure, qué-gli is used in the place of the plurals quél-li, quei, or que'; e. g. qué-gli 6c-chi, those eyes; qué-gli spi-ri-ti, those spirits. The feminine plurals quél-le and qué-ste can not be marked with the apostrophe, but must always be pronounced and written in full.

|| O-gni has no plural number, and can only be used before


ru-scêl-lo. Nei pol-mó-ni. Con da-ná-ro. Col faz-zo-létto. Coi cap-pel-li. Perpia-cé-re. Pelman-têl-lo. Pei gió. va-ni. Sul pón-te. Sui quá-dri. Su qué-sta têr-ra. Lo staf-fiê-re. Dél-lospô-so. Al-lo stra-niể-re. Dál-lo stramáz-zo. Gli spiê-di. Dé-gli sme-rál-di. A-gli scrit-tó-ri. Dá-gli stam-pa-tó-ri. In i-stá-to. Nél-lo spêc-chio. Né-gli sti-vá-li. Con i-stú-dio. Cól-lo spí-ri-to. Có-gli scul-tó-ri. Per i-stru-mén-ti. Per lo spac-ca-lé-gna. Per lo spa-da-jo. Súl-lo scô-glio. Sú-gli scán-ni. L'ôc-chio. Dell' uc-cêl-lo. All' a-mí-co. Dall' ôs-so. Gli er-ró-ri. Dêgl' in-ci-só-ri. Agl' in-grá-ti. Dá-gli ál-be-ri. In o-nó-re. Nell' án-no. Né-gli o-réc-chj. Con a-mó-re. Coll' á-bi-to. Cógl' i-níqui. Per in-gan-no. Per l' o-pe-rá-jo. Per gli a-du-la-tó-ri. Sull' e-di-fi-zio. Sugl' in-fe-lí-ci.

Panno, cloth. Coltello, knife. Tondo, plate. Sale, salt.


Cibo, article of food, aliment.
Cortile, court-yard.
Cuoco, cook (the plural of this
noun requires the auxiliary
letter between c and i, in
order to preserve the sound
of c like k).
Sogno, dream.
Teatro, theatre.
Ruscello, brook.
Polmone, lung,
Danaro, money.

Fazzoletto, pocket-handker-
Cappello, hat.
Piacere, pleasure.
Mantello, cloak.

Giovane, young man, youth.
Ponte, bridge.
Quadro, picture.
Terra, earth.
Staffiere, footman.
Sposo, bridegroom.
Straniere, stranger.
Stramazzo, mattress.
Spiede, spiedo, spit, broach.
Smeraldo, emerald.
Scrittore, author, writer.
Stampatore, printer.
Stato, state, condition (after
the four particles con, in,
non, and per, and, generally
speaking, after every word
ending with a consonant,


the vowel i is, for the sake of harmony, prefixed to any word commencing with the s impure, unless it be a proper noun; e. g., Sté-fa-no, Scipió-ne, for it is not allowable to say con Istefano, con Iscipione, &c.) Specchio, looking-glass. Stivale, boot. Studio, study. Spirito, spirit.

Scultore, sculptor.

Strumento, instrument, tool.
Spaccalegna, wood-cleaver.

Spadajo, sword-cutler,
Scoglio, rock.

Scanno, bench.

Occhio, eye.

Uccello, bird. Amico, friend. Osso, bone.

Errore, error, fault.

Incisore, engraver.

Ingrato, ungrateful.

Albero, free.

Onore, honour.
Anno, year.

Orecchio (pl. orecchj), ear.
Amore, love.

Abito, dress, coat.
Iniquo, wicked.
Inganno, deceit.
Operajo, day-labourer.
Adulatore, flatterer.
Edificio, building, edifice.
Infelice, unhappy.

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*This is the first of the anticipatory exercises mentioned and commented on in my introductory remarks on the Grammar proper. In order to attain the object proposed of familiarising the reader with conversational language by a more practical and quicker method, than the theoretical explanations of grammar would allow, it will be necessary to read these exercises aloud, to translate them into English, and to re-translate them into Italian, that the words and phrases for this purpose constantly recurring may be firmly impressed on the memory. The ingenious will, moreover, not fail themselves to trace out important rules of grammar by a careful I study of these exercises.

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Il pá-dre e la má-dre. Il fra-têl-lo e la so-rêl-la. Il pádre è buô-no, la má-dre è buô-na. Il buôn pá-dre, la buo-na má-dre. Il fra-têl-lo è buô-no, la so-rêl-la è buô-na. Il buôn fra-têl-lo, la buô-na so-rêl-la. Mí-o pá-dre; il mí-o buôn pa-dre. Mi-a má-dre; la mí-a buô-na má-dre. Mío pú-dre è buô-no, mí-a má-dre è buô-na. Mí-o fra-têl-lo e mí-a so-rêl-la. Il mi-o buôn fra-têl-lo e la mí-a buô-na soe rê-la. Nhí-o fra-têl-lo è buô-no, mí-a so-rêl-la è buô-na. Un pá-dre, ú-na má-dre, un fra-têl-lo, ú-na so-rêl-la. un fra-têl-lo, ú-na so-rêl-la. Un buôn pá-dre, ú-na buô-na má-dre, un buôn fra-têl-lo, ú-na buô-na so-rêl-la. Mí-o pá-dre è un buôn pá-dre, mía má-dre è ú-na buô-na má-dre. Mi-o fra-têl-lo è un buôn fra-têl-lo, mí-a sorêl-la è ú-na buô-na so-rêl-la. Sú-o pá-dre è buô-no, mí-o pá-dre è án-che buô-no. Sú-a má-dre è buô-na, mí-a má-dre è ân-che buô-na. Sú-o padre ha ú-na buô-na so-rêl-la, tú-a má-dre ha un buôn fra-têl-lo. Mi-o fra-têl-lo è tú·o pá-dre. Mí-o pá-dre è án-che tú-o pá-dre, e mí-a má-dre è ân-che tú-a má-dre. Il lí-bro è buô-no, la pén-na è buô-na. Il mi-o lí-bro è píc-co-lo, la mí-a pén-na è grán-de. Sú-o pá-dre ha un buôn lí-bro, tú-a so-rêl-la ha ú-na buô-na pén-na. Mí-o fra-têl-lo è grán-de, mí-a so-rêl-la è píc-co-la. Il tú-o pic-colo fra-têl-lo e la tú-a píc-co-la so-rêl-la. Sú-a so-rêl-la ha la e mí-a pén-na, e tú-o fra-têl-lo ha il mí-o lí-bro. Il tú-o píc-colo lí-bro è un buôn lí bro


W. HAMMOND (Harborne): Barnes' Commentary on the Gospels should be the best, being the latest, the author having had the advantage of consulting the labours of all his predecessors. The question on John vi. 9, appears useless, and we do not see how any difficulty can be made of it.-J. H. C. will not have gone far enough for the next Matriculation at the University of London, unless he studies other books than the P. E.; see our articles on the subject. Professor de Lolme's "Complete Manual," and "Andrews and Stoddard's Grammar," are by no means the same as those in the P.E., and we humbly think those in the P. E. are the best, and that the French can be learned quickest.

EXCELSIOR (Birmingham): Every one knows that Walker's Dictionary i the standard for pronunciation; as improved by Smart, it is no doubt better.-W. SMITH (Manchester): Animal means a living creature, any thing that breathes; surely, therefore, man is an animal!— Y OUNG CAMBRIAN (Bethesda) is mistaken; he must look again.-Iwond (Lowe rby): We don't know.-G. BARTON (Lincoln): The Latin mania means both a wall and walls.—Mathites (Farnley); To obtain more particular inf ormation relating to the knowledge of chemistry required for Matriculat ion at the University of London, the best way is to write to the Secreta y, H. Moore, Esq -E. H. (Rothly): We would advise him to attend that c ollege which is nearest to his home; Spring Hill College, Birmingham, seems to be the nearest of the affiliated colleges which constitute the Univera ity of London.-H. M. (Herts): With every desire to please, he must really excuse us for some time; our hands are so full, and some questions are still unanswered, which must be solved first.-G. E. (Binfield): Yes.-A. (Leeds): His scheme has been frequently proposed by others; we see some dit culty and more danger in it, and really must decline it. Nothing of any value is omitted in the French sections; they are published separately. The contraction br, is for brochure, and is best Englished by stitched.

R. CRAIG (Cheapside): Dialling will be kept in view.-J. BENSON: The article on the "Useless Knowledge Society" is only a quiz.-EVAN JO NES (Bala): A new Magazine is scarcely wanted for the benefit of Literary Societies, if you only knew how many are already published, weekly. monthly and quarterly!-W. H. B. H. (Exeter): Many teachers and schoolmasters have adopted our lessons as text-books in their classes; were (Dundee): The insertion of the notice would be too late; besides our we to name one we should be deluged with applications.-D. R. BEST journal is not a Newspaper, and we cannot afford room for notices of society meetings.-G. N. CONRADI (Dover), G. T. W. (Battersea), D. M. KEY (Newington), G. J. (Oxford), ALEXANDER SWINDON (High Wycombe), G. ARCHBOLD (St. Peters), P. HAY (Shoreswood), THOMAS R. (Sutton in Ashfield), E. MAYALL (West Strand), M. B. (Burnly), Q. PRINGLE(Glasgow), D. R. D. (Dundee) and others, all right on the boy and apple question.A YOUTH OF 17 (Liverpool) is wiser than we are, for his Trial Balance and ours considerably differ.-Á STUDENT (Portsmouth) must be content with the Lessons on the pronunciation of Greek given in the P. E.-A SUBSCRIBER (Shrewsbury), who wishes to become a reporter in one of the houses of Parliament, must first learn to spell English words.-A. (Hackey): Wrong. -ANNA PRINGLE (age 13) (Durham): Right; we are glad that she beats some of the boys.-QUESITOR (Lincoln): The subjects in Mathematics and Modern Languages for matriculation, are never particularly announced till the day of examination. For the subjects in Classics for 1851, see vol. ii. 215, col. 2. line 31.

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CHEMISTRY.-WILLIAM FOX FORWARD (Plymouth): (1) A misprint in No. 81, p. 39. col. 1, line 26 from bottom, read "but obtain either metal as a sulphuret, (2) in the same col. line 29 from top, for “ammonia” read mano ganese;" (3) a "saturated solution "means a liquid fully charged with the material to be dissolved, and is usually prepared by adding more of any material than the liquid can dissolve. Thus, suppose a saturated aqueous solution of common salt be required, it may be prepared by pouring some solution is necessarily saturated.-A SUBSCRIBER (Leeds): The machine of Thilorier is very expensive, from 0 to £50, we believe, according to size. We know of no cheap substitute. Our correspondent should address a letter to Newman, of Regent-street, Watkins and Hill, of Charing Cross, or Bland and Long, of Fleet-street.

J. ELAND (Morpeth): Good poetical ideas, but not sufficiently measured as to feet and rhyme.-VERE FOSTER (Brighton): Thanks for his attention, but we have not seen the decision of which he speaks.-H. C, XXV.: The Latin phrases are idioms and not errors. The errors have been corrected. The numerical value to which he refers should be ∞, that is minus infinity.—water into a bottle and adding more salt than it can liquify. The resulting LAMBDA (Princes-street, and J.J. STILES (Greenwich): Right.-WARIN (East Dereham): Right.-S. G. HUTCHINSON: Received, and under consideration.-F. A. SPILLER (Brede): Received, and will be attended to. GEORGIUS (Newcastle-on-Tyne): The Lessons in Geography will be continued under the head of Chorography, beginning with England. OREGOMAI should write to the Secretary of the University of Dublin for JAMES B SHADRAKE (Barnet): Although the spirit lamp is a very conveinformation, or buy the Almanack of the sald University. As to the Univer-nient and elegant source of heat, it may frequently be dispensed with; a sity of London, see 'the indexes to vols. ii. and iii. of the P. E.-ALPHA S. X: Our maps are far superior to Chapman's penny maps, or to those pub-gas flame or a few pieces of well ignited charcoal taking its place. Neverpub-theless, we can scarcely recommend our correspondent to be without it. lished anywhere else. You cannot have them cheaper and better than in The spirit employed should be either alcohol (rectified spirit of wine), or the P. E. An Atlas will most likely be published in time.-ADOLPHE, and pyroacetic spirit (known in the shops as wood naphtha). The latter is C. RUBENS (Guyzon): We do not know.-D. R. B. (Dundee): We cannot cheaper, measure for measure, but consumes with greater rapidity than insert letters, though they were ever so good, relating to matters of fact. alcohol. We prefer the latter. A laboratory for 16s. cannot be recommended. without knowing the name and address of the authors.-R. READ ABOUT Each student should procure the specific articles which he may require. IT (Pelton Grange) requests H. ULIDIA to fulfil his promise; and so do we. Messrs. Bland and Long of Newgate-street, supply all the tests and apparatus -BRYAN DALE (Western College Plymouth): A key will be given.-UN mentioned in our chemical lessons. AMANT DES LIVRES, can have the P. E. bound at the office as cheaply as anywhere.-W. H. F. (Manchester): Rose's Analytical Chemistry, by Griffin.

water, and of conducting distillation generally, will be described hereafter. THOMAS OSBORNE (Camden Town): The method of obtaining distilled At present we shall confine ourselves to the remark that, so far as distilled water is concerned, any contrivance enabling the operator to convey steam into a cool vessel, causes the partial condensation of the steam, and yields distilled water. A tea-kettle supplied with water not quite up to the spout, and the cover of which fits closely, will serve the purpose, provided a tube (say of glass or pewter, not lead) be annexed to the spout and caused to terminate in a large jar, which latter must not be closed.-MAZEPPA (London), wishes us to inform him how he can avoid the trouble of piercing corks, adapting tobacco-pipe shanks to them, and making the other forms of apparatus mentioned in our lessons. He can avoid all this by relinquishing the study of chemistry, which he will never learn if he considers these necessary operations a trouble.

A STUDENT (Lincoln): Do you ask of what practical use is Geometry? Alas! look all round you, and see. God laid the foundation of the earth in number, weight and measure; and man has been busy with these ever since; that is, with Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry !!-T. EDENER: Apply to some member of the Geological Society.-E. BERNARD (Greenwich): English workmen are well appreciated on the Continent.-TYno (Boston): The demonstration of the exercise in Cassell's Euclid will come in due course.-HIPPOCRATES (Okehampton): Will be published in numbers commencing Jan. 1, 1851. Cassell's Classical Library will contain all such books, both in Latin and Greek, as are useful to students. See our Literary Notices.-M. B. (Wigan): There is no sound in English like the French u; get some Scotchman to pronounce the Greek upsilon to you, and you will hear the nearest sound to it. Learn Bell's systein in the P. E.-H. CLIVER (Wallace Mill): You can be supplied with all Mr. Cassell's publications by applying to Mr. Menzies, Princes-street, Edinburgh; the books you mention have been published for some time, and ought to be readily had. As to others, you should regularly read our Literary Notices and Advertisements. J. PHILLIPS (St. Katherine Docks): His request will be attended to as to the-A PRACTICAL MINER will find simple and yet accurate rules or methods cheap balance. Covers for the P. E. may be had at our office, see advertisements on the cover of the monthly parts.-Gus (Birmingham): Norie's Navigation" contains "only the necessary directions for navigating a ship," with rules and tables of various kinds, but no particulars of a ship, and no explanation of nautical terms connected therewith. In some o'i books on Navigation, which may be got at a book-stall for a shilling or two, you will find an engraving of a ship with the names of all the parts, an explanation of nautical terms, &c. We have seen some old editions of Hamilton Moore's Navigation, containing these requisites. There is a work cntitled Seamanship in Theory and Practice," sold at Wilson's, late Norie's, Nautical Warehouse, Leadenhall-street, price 8s. 6d., which will most likely answer your purpose.

H.JGUY (Moorsley): avλaßeopai means to act cautiously, or like those that take care; Tavτeλns all-complete, all-perfect, the whole. The contractions are not printed in the modern books; in the order he has written them, they mean ráp, s, de, es, EL, THS, THY, TWv, nv.-NIL DESPERANDUM (Queensquare); In process of time, of course, there will be an Italian Dictionary. of taking the variation of the magnetic needle, in "Norie's Navigation" pp. 206, et seq. The nature of Voltaic batteries will sooner or later be explained. The best work on business and trade is Macculloch's Commercial Dictionary; but we certainly have more important work to do than to draw up rules for a Circulating Library !!

J. L. JUNR. (Stirling): Keightley's "Elements of History" are most in use.-J. PERRY (Erdington): Her translation is under consideration; her inquiries will be answered.-A GERMAN (Manchester): The German Lessons began in No. XI., p. 161, vol. i. We wish that correspondents putting questions of this kind would save us and themselves trouble by consulting the indexes to the volumes of the P. E., which may be had of the agents who sell the work.


(Continued from page 185, Vol. III.)

On this plan you perceive, that although the semitones of the scale are not shown pictorially, yet each note of the scale holds always the same place, so that you cannot look at a note without knowing its key relationship. In the old notation, it

We have hitherto concerned ourselves not with the way in is not so. But there is not the slightest hope of improving it which music is represented to the eye, but with the various for a long time to come. It contains, moreover, all the stores effects it produces on the ear. We began at the beginning. of classical music. We must master it as it is. This we shall Ience it is that our former lessons have presented an appearance do the better for seeing, thus clearly, its real difficulty to the so different from that which is commonly seen in elementary vocalist. Our first efforts must be directed to overcoming this music books,-where the sign is given before the thing signi- difficulty. We must gain the power of seeing at once, by the aid fied, the name before the idea. Those, however, who have of certain rules of relative position, the key relationship of each patiently followed us in those lessons, will now be well re-note we have to sing. To aid the pupil at first we shall use a warded by discovering that they possess a facility and power square note to represent the key note. The upright "bar of inte. preting the mere notation of music, quite surprising across the staff shows that the stronger accent follows it. to themselves. We now conclude our course of lessons on There are no marks in the old notation for the soft or the vocal music by an introduction to "the old notation." medium accents. Observe, and sing the following.

That way of "noting" or writing music, called the old "notation," was invented by Guido, a monk of Arezzo, in the twelfth century, but it has undergone very many modifications since his time. It uses a ladder of five lines and four spaces, which is called THE STAFF. On this, certain marks are placed which represent the notes. These marks are placed higher or lower on the lines and spaces as the notes are higher or lower in pitch.

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The difficulty of the old notation to the singer arises from its not showing him plainly and promptly which is the "key note" (DOH), which is the third of the scale (ME), which is the fourth (FAH), &c.; for on this perception of key relationship the power of the singer depends. When once a pupil, who has passed through our course of vocal exercises, has heard the key note, and knows what place the note before him holds in the key, he can sing it. His knowledge of its proper mental effect gives him confidence and decision. It would be difficult for him to sing wrongly. But until he sees the key relationship of a note, he is at a loss. No information as to its absolute pitch, nor its distance in pitch from the last note sung, apart from key relationship, can supply to him that clear and accurate preconception of the note to be struck, to which he has been accustomed.

Mr. Hickson illustrates this point by showing that for the old notation to exhibit key relationship correctly, it would require a staff of eight lines, the third and fourth, and seventh and eighth, being closer together than the others, and the lines alone being used to carry the notes. Such a staff would, of course, be too cumbersome.. Mr. Arthur Wallbridge Lunn has thrown out the most practical suggestion we have seen for an improved pictorial notation. But as long as instruments are constructed on the principles of "temperament," we despair of seeing any perfectly successful attempt in this direction. The most valuable point of Mr. Lunn's invention (called the Sequential Notation) is this: he uses a staff of three lines and four spaces, and places the key note always on the space below the bottom line. He allows another staff or part of a staff to be added either above or below if wanted, with this understanding, that between the two there is no line, but that the bottom space of one staff and the top space of the other are in juxtaposition. This secures the same position for the key note in every octave. It will be a useful exercise for the pupil to try the following phrase. We use the old notes upon Mr. Lunn's staff. Notice that the highest note in the little tune-that which occurs five times, is the octave of the key note, or the upper DоH'. It occupies the lowest space of a new staff, of which only a fragment needs to be given in this instance. With these explanations, solfa the piece. KEY D. A round for four voices.

dr mf sfmr₫ EXERCISE 1. Write the same phrase, putting the key note on the middle line of the staff. Write it again, putting the key note in the second space reckoning from the lowest. EXERCISE 2. Write the solfa names under each note in the following phrases.

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Thus far the notes have been all consecutive, except where you rose or fell to the key note. But in the exercises which follow other intervals occur, and the pupil will begin to learn how to recognise a note at sight, without having to repeat the notes between it and the last.

EXERCISE 5. To recognise on the staff ME and soн, notice and remember, that DOH, ME, and soн are similarly placed. If DOH is on a line, the ME and soн above are on the adjacent lines. If DOH is in a space, the two spaces above will be occupied by ME and soн. Keeping this in mind, you will be able to "read" and sing without a moment's hesitation the following pieces. Carefully notice, at the beginning, the places on the staff, of DOH, ME, and soн, and "keep them in your eye" throughout the tune. No intervals are introduced but those which rise or fall upon DоH, ME, or SOH.


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EXERCISE 8. Write the following into the old notation.
KEY G. (DOH on the second line.)

dm r :d s fm r r d is1:1, :d m:m:r Id :d : si s m :d s1: m :r d :


KEY A. (DOH in the second space.)

: s1 | d: s1 | d: r│m:m│r:m│f: m│r: s1|d: s1 | d
KEY G. (DOH on the second line.)
[d:sm:ds, mid:dm:d t1: sild: t1ld

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EXERCISE 9. To recognise FAH on the staff, notice, first, that it is the next above ME,-and the places of DOH, ME, and so¤ are kept in your eye throughout the tune. Next observe that FAH holds the same relative position to DOH, which that note holds to the son below it, as you have just learnt. Lower FAH, is similarly placed to DOH. If on lines, they have one line between them; if in spaces, they have one space between them. When you have verified for yourself these assertions, name at sight the following notes.

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:s :1 t s : :1 I s

: m :I Id :d

KEY F. (DOH in the first space.)

id:s\m:d [m:ds:s Id :s│m:d │r : s│d

EXERCISE 10. Write the following into the old notation.
KEY A. (DOH in the second space.)


EXERCISE 7. To recognise on the staff lower soн, and upper :dlf:m\r:f|md|tf|sf|md|t: s1| d

Don, first notice (and verify the assertion) that replicate (or octave) notes are DISSIMILARLY placed. If one is on a line, the other is in a space; if one is in a space, the other is on a line. Next, notice the relative position of lower son and DOH, and that of soн and upper DоH. You will observe that they are dissimilarly placed. If DOH is on a line, the sox below it is in a space-not the next space, but the next to the one that DOH touches. If DOH is in a space, the sσx below it will be found on a line,—the next line but one. Be careful to verify all this by your own observation; and, without allowing yourself, in any case, to count from note to note, or to receive the prompting of a friend, but always recurring to your rule, learn to name at sight the notes of the following pieces. The lines occasionally added to the staff are called ledger lines.

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