Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

red in a district of red sandstone, grey in one of shales, black in one of coal, and white in one of chalk. Boulders of this description are easily accounted for. But all over Russia, Poland, Germany, Holland, England, Ireland, Canada, and North America, broad plains and the sides of mountains have boulders strewed over them, for which there is no parent rock within scores and even hundreds of miles.

Boulders and stony fragments of this description abound in England. They are frequently met with, in fields, half buried in the soil, and are often turned up by excavations in road- ! making and railway cutting. Whenever you see a boulder, it | suggests to you two questions: first, where has it come from? and secondly, what brought it to the place it now occupies? | Geologists have examined these two questions with much attention and skill, but they could find no satisfactory answers, before they adopted the hypothesis of the transporting power of drifting icebergs and packed ice.

To interest you in the solution of these two questions, it is necessary to mention some of the most remarkable facts connected with this boulder deposit, or, as it has been called, the NORTHERN DRIFT.

1. There can be no doubt that all the boulders have come from the north; for their course, both in Europe and America, is found to be either due north and south, or varying a few degrees to north-west and south-east. The immense plains of Russia and Poland are covered with thousands of blocks of granite, all of which agree in mineralogical character with the mountains of Lapland and Finland. In Denmark, Holstein,

now 100 feet above the level of the sea, in the Gulf of Bothnia. On the summit of this ridge lie scattered numerous large boulders of gneiss, in size from nine to sixteen feet in diameter. The sand on which the boulders rest is full of shells which now inhabit the Baltic sea. Hence, the boulders were | brought thither after the Baltic was formed, and were transported across the waters of that sea.

In Scotland, the Grampian Hills are from 3,000 to 4,000 feet high. To the south of these mountains lies the deep and wide valley of Strathmore. To the south of Strathmore are the Sidlaw Hills, composed of sandstone and shales. On the flanks of these hills, at an elevation of 1,500 feet above the sea, are found large blocks of mica schist, some of them three, some of them fifteen feet, in diameter. Blocks of precisely the same character are strewed in the intervening valley of Strathmore, all of which have come from the Grampians, fifteen miles from the Sidlaws. To the South of the Sidlaws are the Pentland Hills, about 1,100 feet above the sea. On one side of these hills there is a huge block of mica schist, from eight to ten tons in weight, which must have come from the Grampians fifty miles off, and which must have been borne over the Sidlaws about thirty miles distant.

3. The fragments which form these boulders have been removed to an immense distance from their parent rocks, or what geologists call rocks in situ. In the southern parts of Russia and Germany many of these boulders are found at the distance of 800 miles, and some even 1,000 miles, from the nearest rocks from which they could have been dislodged.

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and Pomerania, the sandy flats have, scattered over their whole extent, fragments of syenite, gneiss, and trap, exactly of the same description as the rocks of Sweden and Norway.

Boulders, containing specimens of almost all known rocks, have been transported to the eastern counties of England. In Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Bedfordshire, Herts, Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk have been found fragments from Silurian rocks, carboniferous series, lias, oolite, chalk, trap, granite, and other crystalline rocks. Some of these boulders could have come only from Norway and Sweden, for Sir CHARLES LYELL traced them from those two countries to Denmark across the Elbe, through Westphalia, to the borders of Holland. "We need not," he says, "be surprised to find them reappear on our eastern coast, between the Tweed and the Thames,-regions not half so remote from Norway as are many Russian erratics from the source whence they came."

On the western coast, and in the midland counties of England, similar facts are met with. On the coasts, in the plains, and on the sides of the hills, of Lancashire and Cheshire, and through Shropshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire, immense deposits of pebbles and a vast number of boulders are found scattered, which must have been transported thither from Cumberland and Dumfriesshire in Scotland.

2. Boulders have been transported across seas and lakes and plains, and over the ridges of high hills and mountains, Near Upsala, in Sweden, there is a ridge of sand and gravel that is

Boulders from Scandinavia are found on the declivities of the Alps. Instances of similar extent of transportation abound among the boulders scattered over the northern districts of the United States of America.

4. The most remarkable and the most puzzling circumstance in this formation, is the fact, that some of these boulders have evidently been transported from a lower to a higher level. Near Kirby Lonsdale, there are many large blocks of grauwacke scattered over the mountain limestone at an elevation of from 50 to 100 feet above the parent rock, and even almost to the top of the Fell, 500 feet above their original position. In that district there is another case in which boulders have been transported from the Vale of Eden, where the parent rock is 500 feet above the sea, to and over the pass of Stainmoor, at the height of 1,400 feet, so that these boulders lie now 900 feet above the level of the rock in situ. Similar facts are found on Ben Erin on the western side of Glen Roy, on Arthur's Seat near Edinburgh, in the Isle of Man, and in North America.

One of the most singular facts connected with the elevated position of boulders occurs in North Wales. As the traveller journeys westward on the Holyhead Road, he comes to Llyn Ogwen, and on his left rises a precipitous mountain called Moel Tryfaen, which attains the height of 1,392 feet above the level of the sea. On the summit of this rock are found chalk flints associated with boulders of various kinds. There is

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discovered in the frozen mud of Siberia.

good reason to believe that the chalk flints were transported denly. This is proved from the general absence of organit from Ireland, and therefore from a considerably lower level. remains in the clays and sands, which are found to cover the Facts of this description form one class of the difficulties which formation of the drift boulders, and from the complete preserpress upon the theory of icebergs as the agents of transporta-vation of the flesh and the hair of the elephants which were tion; for no floating ice could possibly transport boulders from a lower to a higher level. Mr. Darwin ascribes these results to the joint action of floating icebergs and of packed coast ice. He shows that on Moel Tryfaen the well-rounded pebbles of chalk flints and other boulders were, in all probability, transported by coast ice, though it is at the same time evident, from the extraordinary manner in which the lamina of the slate rocks have there been shattered, that icebergs have also been driven against them when under water; so that both actions seem to have concurred in that neighbourhood.

4. This great and sudden reduction of the temperature would fill the glens of the Polar mountains with immense glaciers, which, as explained in our last lesson, would stretch far into the waters of the Northern Sea. Even at the present day, many of the glaciers that descend the ravines of Spiztbergen project several hundred feet from the coast into the sea. Indeed, at this epoch, called the glacial period, it is probable that northern mountains of comparatively moderate height would have their valleys filled with glaciers, and that vast sheets of ice would stretch eastward, and westward, and southward, as far as the phenomena of boulders have been observed. 5. In other circumstances the icebergs detached from these convey to a distance huge masses of rock, which water alone, however impetuous, could never have moved, and would transport them hundreds of miles without wearing off the angularity oftheir edges.

You have now been informed of the remarkable positions of distance and elevation in which boulders are discovered. Our next business is to try to answer the question,-how they came there? The most skilful geologists found it almost impos-glaciers that protruded into the Polar seas, would take up and sible to account for the position of boulders, before they adopted the glacial, or rather the iceberg theory, called also the glacio

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6. As the lower surface of the icebergs would either be abraded by the action of the sea, or melted by the increased temperature in the south, the masses of clays, sands, gravels, and boulders, which they had brought down as glaciers, or imbedded as coast-ice, would drop down and e scattered at random over the bottom of the sea.

7. The bottom of this sea might be extensive plains, or high ridges of hills. When you consider that seven parts out of

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nearest to the vera causa, or the real agency that produced the
1. It is certain that all the boulders come from the north.
All the rocks, of which boulders are specimens, are in situ
towards the north. All the shells which are frequently found
in the clays associated with the boulders indicate a northern
climate. There seems also an intimate connexion between a
very cold or extreme northern climate, and the various geolo-
gical appearances which have been called glacial.

eight of a high iceberg are under water, it is obvious that such a deep body of ice, in moving southward, would strike against the crests or the flanks of these submarine ridges, and there deposit its clays and boulders. These submarine hills became, at another geological period, elevated, by volcanic action, to an elevation much higher than the sea, and bearing on their ridges or sides the boulders that had been imbedded in their surface of clay or sand.

8. The application of the iceberg theory to the elucidation of boulder phenomena is in full harmony with all that science has taught us about glaciers. What we know of terminal moraines corresponds with the accumulations of clay and gravel which are called the Drift, and which are found associated with the blocks or boulders. It also accounts for the smooth

2. In the neighbourhood of the Baltic, the course of the erratic blocks, and the grooving and the smoothing of rocks, have been traced from the level of the sea shore to elevations of above 3,000 feet. Nothing of this kind has been found either on the shores or on the sides of the rocks above the Mediterranean, nor in the equatorial parts of Asia, Africa, anding and grooving of rocks, for the parallelisms in the markings


3. It can be proved that at an earlier age in the history of our globe, at the close of the tertiary period, the northern hemisphere was considerably colder than it is at present, and that this diminution in the temperature took place very sud

or striæ on the surface of rocks, and for the high and precipitous ledges on which the boulders have been lodged.

Boulder phenomena, however, present three difficulties which the iceberg hypothesis does not seem to obviate. First, boulders are frequently found water-worn and rounded at the

edges,-a result which would not be produced by transportal in icebergs. Secondly, the size of the boulders, as a general rule, diminishes as their course is traced southward, whereas an iceberg would easily have carried a block of twenty tons as far as a boulder of twenty pounds. Thirdly, floating icebergs could not have placed boulders on elevations many hundred feet higher than the rocks from which they are derived. To enable the iceberg hypothesis to meet these difficulties, Mr. Darwin has brought to its aid the agency of coast-ice, and especially the action which is called the packing of the ice, as witnessed in high latitudes.

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Now, imagine such a coast, so covered with boulders, to be subsiding. As it gradually subsides, the coast-ice would, by the first powerful gale, be driven still higher up, and thus, as the subsidence continued and the gales repeated, the boulders would be impelled onwards and upwards. When this land would again emerge and appear above the waves, the boulders on its sides or ledges would lie far above the neighbouring rock from which they were derived. Sir RODERIC MURCHISON, in his " in his "Geology of Russia," has thrown considerable light upon the boulder and drift deposits. He thinks that when the granitic rocks of Norway and Sweden, &c., were emerging from the ocean, their rugged pinnacles were shattered into huge fragments by the expansive power of the severe frost of the period. Glaciers carried these enormous masses to the sea-coast, whence they were taken up by icefloes, which, by the force of subaquæcus currents, transported them hundreds of miles to the south, and then deposited them on the sea bottom. These submarine deposits were, in a subsequent period, upheaved above the ocean to form the districts which are now called Russia and Germany, where the boulders deposited by icebergs are the monuments of the change by which the bottom of the sea became dry land.

1. It is possible that such boulders might have been worn and rounded while they were in charge of glaciers in polar valleys, and worn in their progress towards the coast, before they came far enough to form the constituents of an iceberg. The coast-ice, however, that is formed on shallow shores, even where no glaciers protrude, will take up and enclose the stones and pebbles that lie along the coast. When the ice melts, they drop, and the next winter's ice takes them up again. Or the coast-ice that imbeds them may strand them with violence on a different part of the shore; and such ice may become detached icefloes, which carry these fragments over rocky shoals, and thus wear and polish them. As such coast-ice is not very thick, it is likely to be landed in shallow places: then, by the action called the packing of the ice, the pebbles and boulders imbedded in it will be driven up the beach, and will eventually be left perched on ledges of rock. On the supposition that such a coast would become submerged and again rise above the sea, it might be expected that boulders, which § 132.-VERBS REQUIRING THE PREPOSITION de BEFORE AN had thus been buoyed up by coast-ice during long-continued ages, would be well rounded.

2. The gradual decrease in the size of the boulders, the further we proceed from the parent-rocks, does not always hold good. Mr. Darwin says, that on the plains of Patagonia, the two largest boulders that he saw were near the outskirts of the deposit. When boulders are transported in sheets of ice, or fragments of coast-ice, called icefloes, the buoying and transporting agent is not of disproportionate power to its burden. As the icefloe decays, the heaviest fragments would naturally be apt to drop out first. The accounts of navigators intimate that the larger boulders taken up by coast-ice are, during some winters, not moved at all, while the smaller ones are

drifting onwards. Hence the boulders that have travelled farthest, would, from having been repeatedly stranded every summer, be most worn, and therefore would be smaller than those which had travelled a shorter distance.

The iceberg theory is itself almost sufficient to account for this sorting of the boulders. Icebergs float in a sea of variable depth. The heavier boulders require larger icebergs to buoy thern up. The greater the volume of the iceberg, the sooner would it, in its southward course, strike against the shallower parts of the sea bottom, and deposit its clays and blocks; but the smaller and lighter icefloes, laden with finer gravel and smaller boulders, would pass over to a much greater dis


3. As to the transportal of boulders from a lower to a higher level, it is not supposed that this takes place universally, but only in certain favourable situations, and which may be accounted for by the action called the "packing" of icefloes. Voyagers who have navigated polar regions have stated that the pack-ice frequently piles up and leaves blocks of stone at the height of thirty feet above high water-mark.

In accounting for the erratic boulders and grooved rocks of Canada and North America, Sir CHARLES LYELL supposes that the land thus circumstanced first subsided gradually into the sea, and then, by an agency from below, emerged and attained a higher level than before. While it was in the process of sinking, the sea that then bordered it was covered with icebergs floating from the north. As these bergs grounded on the shallow bottoms, or the sides of ridges in the sea, the force that propelled them pushed along also materials of sand, gravel, and pebbles, which then lay at the bottom of the sea. By the combined forces of the current and of the iceberg, the rugged and angular blocks which were embedded in the lower surface of the iceberg, and which projected out of it, would have the power of marking or grooving the underlaying rocks. by which action the blocks themselves would become worl and rounded.



Abstenir (s'), to abstain


Accuser (s'), to accuse one's self
Achever, to finish
Affecter, to affect
Affliger (s'), to grieve

Agir (s'), unip., to be the question
Applaudir (s'), to rejoice
Appréhender, to apprehend
Avertir, to warn

Aviser (s'), to bethink one's self
Avoir coutume, to be accustomed

Avoir besoin, to want

Avoir dessein, to intend
Avoir envie, to wish
Avoir garde, to take care
Avoir honte, to be ashamed
Avoir intention, to intend
Avoir le temps, to have time
Avoir le courage, to have courage
Avoir peur, to be afraid
Avoir raison, to be right
Avoir regret, to regret
Avoir tort, to be wrong
Avoir sujet, to have reason
A voir soin, to take care

Blamer, to blame

Brûler, to wish ardently
Censurer, to censure
Cesser, to cease

Chagriner (se), to grieve one's self
Charger, to desire, to intrust
Charger (se), to take on one's self

Choisir, to choose
Commander, to command
Conjurer, to beseech
Conseiller, to advise
Contenter (se), to be satisfied.
Convaincre, to convince
Couvenir, to become, suit
Corriger, to correct
Craindre, to sear
Décourager, to discourage
Dédaigner, to disdain
Défendre (se), to derline
Défendre, to fubid
Defier, to challenge, to dare
Depêcher (se), to sten


(se), Dishabnuer Libérer,

to lease off

espérer, to despair

Désoler (se), to grieve
Détourner, to dissuade
Différer, to put off
Dire, to say, tell
Disconvenir, to deny
Discontinuer, to discontinue
Dispenser, to dispense
Dispenser (se), to for bear
Disculper (se), to apologise
Dissuader, to dissuade
Douter, to doubt

Efforcer (s'), to endeavour
Effrayer (s'), to be frightened

Empêcher, to prevent

Empresser (s'), to hasten

Epouvanter (s'), to be frightened

Entreprendre, to undertake

Enrager, to be raxed

Etonner (s'), to wonder

Eviter, to avoid

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Prendre garde, to take care, heed

Prendre soin, to take care
Prescrire, to prescribe

Presser, to urge

Presser (se), to hasten

Présumer, to presume
Prier, to desire

Promettre, to promise
Proposer, to propose
Proposer (se), to intend
Protester, to protest
Punir, to punish

Rebuter (se), to be weary
Recommander, to recominend
Refuser, to refuse
Regretter, to regret
Réjouir (se), to rejoice
Remercier, to thank
Repentir (se), to repent

Il vaut mieux hasarder de sauver un coupable que de condamner un innocent. VOLTAIRE.

Le monde se vante de faire des heureux.


Reprendre, to censure

Réprimander, to reprimand
Reprocher (se), to reproach one's

Késoudre, to resolne
Ressouvenir (se), to remember
Rire, to laugh
Rougir, to blush

Scandaliser (se), to take offence
Seoir (unip.), to become, suit
Sommer, to sUMMON
Soupçonner, to suspect
Souvenir (se), to remember
Suffire (unip), to suffice
Suggérer, to suggest
Supplier, to beseech
Tenter, to attempt
Trembler, to tremble
Vanter (se), to boast

It is better to run the risk of sparing a guilty person, than to condemn an innocent one.

The world boasts that it can render men hapm

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This sentence is correct, because aimer, instruire, and louer, being active verbs, govern one and the same case, the direct regimen.

(2.) But when the verbs require different regimens, they cannot govern one and the same noun; and therefore another form must be given to the sentence. We could not say in French,-Un grande nombre de vaisseaux entrent et sortent de ce port tous les mois,-A great number of vessels enter and go out of this port every month, because the verb entrer reaches its regimen by means of the preposition dans, and sortier by means of the preposition de. We should say :

Un grand nombre de vaisseaux A large number of vessels enter entrent dans ce port et en sortent this port and leave it every month. tous les mois.

See § 92, (1.) (2.), also note, and § 140.


(1.) We have seen [§ 66, (3.)] that the participle past, not accompanied by an auxiliary, assumes the gender and number of the noun which it qualifies :

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clared hatred.


(2.) The participle past accompanied by the auxiliary être, agrees in gender and number with the subject of the verb, whether the subject be placed before or after it. [See § 135, (1.)]

Le fer est émoussé; les bûchers sont éteints VOLTAIRE. La vertu obscure est souvent méprisée. MASSILLON.

Les Grecs étaient persuadés, que l'âme est immortelle.

BARTHÉLEMY. Quant il vit l'urne où étaient renfermées les cendres d'Hippias, il

versa un torrent de larmes.


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I have received your letter.

It is truth itself which has dictated to him those fine words.

The gods have attached almost as many misfortunes to liberty, as to



[We insert the following remarks "On Bathing when heated,” because we think them well worthy the attention of those of our readers who are fond of this exercise. Of course, we do not commit ourselves entirely to the accuracy of every point, because we

have not had sufficient personal experience; but we consider that there is much truth in what our correspondent says.]


Sir,-At the end of the article on Physical Education 'which has reference to bathing in your No. for August 27th, you place certain regirules rules to be attended to by the bather before going into the water. I am well aware that it has been long a popular as well as professional axiom that sudden vicissitudes of temperature are dangerous, that a previous hot state of body augments the hurtful effects of cold however applied; but the proposition thus broadly stated is not universally true. The inhabitants of Russia are in the habit, while reeking from vapour baths, of immediately rolling in the snow, or plunging into cold water without suffering from the change. Captain Scoresby, while in the Arctic Regions, often passed from his room where the temperature was from 55 to 60° to the mast head, where it was only 10°, without receiving any injury or inconvenience; and other instances may be brought forward. Thus it is plain that the proposition which assigns danger to extreme vicissitudes of temperature requires some limitation; the effect of a sudQuiet and concealed enmity den descent from one point to another in the scale of temperature, more to be jeared than open and de-varies according to the state of the body at the time. Man, together with the warm-blooded animals, you are aware, by the faculty of evolving heat, maintain the same degree of inward temperature under very different degrees of outward temperature. Now if this power of evolving heat be entire, active and persistent, no peril need attend even violent alterations of external temperature. Unusual heat of the body at the time when the cold is applied, so far from implying danger, is really the condition of safety, provided that heat is steady and permanent; but if a person be exhausted and weakened by exercise, rapidly parting with his heat, if he remains at rest after and during the application of cold, then it is highly perilous, and likely to produce mischief. Thus cold is The Greeks were persuaded, that | dangerous not when the body is hot, but when the body is cooling the soul is immortal. after having been heated. Thus those whose business it is to advise, may caution the public against the common mistake which has had its origin in the unqualified credit given to the maxim, that sudden vicissitudes of external temperature and exposure to cold while the body is hot are dangerous, whereas they are only dangerous under certain circumstances. Thus wet feet or a wet skin need cause no apprehension, so that active exercise is continued; but, when that exercise ends, then it is that a change of clothes and a further avoidance of the application of cold is important. You may safely tell the bather, that after walking on a hot day to the river's side, he had better not wait to cool himself a little before he plunges into the stream. before he plunges into the stream. The point to be remembered is that the heat which is preternaturally accumulated by exercise is held with little tenacity, is dissipated by profuse perspiration, and is speedy lost when to this perspiration is added a state of rest

The sword is blunted; the piles are extinguished.

Humble virtue is often despised.

When he perceived the urn in which were enclosed the ashes of Hippias, he shed a torrent of tears.

(3.) The participle past, having avoir as its auxiliary, never agrees with the nominative :

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after fatigue, and it is then that cold is most apt to be prejudicial. We have an easy criterion as to the propriety of cold bathing, in the feelings of the person afterwards,-if the bath is followed by a glow of warmth, &c., it will do good, but if the bather feels cold and chilly, &c., it should be discontinued as being useless and hazardous. In the former case cold bathing becomes a tonic, stimulating and invigorating both to mind and body. The time for bathing requires to be modified according to the health of the bather; if the powers are too languid to admit of the necessary reaction, much benefit is derived from mid-day bathing. Apologising for thus writing,-but the interest which I take in your valuable paper, and also on the subject of bathing, which I consider a necessary of life, will I trust be a sufficient excuseI am, &c., MEDICUS.


K. PINETAC: at is pronounced nearly like the English letter & in fine, though a little broader, like the English word aye. It is a compound of the sounds ah and ee blended together. av is pronounced like the English a in water, e: like the letter i in wine, or like oy in boy, vɩ like wi in wise, and nu nearly like the word you, but with more stress upon the ce sound. There is a French expression, il y avait, for there was.

Pos: Your plan of study is excellent, and appears from your letter to answer well. Thanks for the hint you throw out. It shall not be lost sight of. JAMES ROBINSON (Burnopfield): We have already stated, in answer to other correspondents, that the capital Greek upsilon, though like the English Y in form, has no resemblance to it in sound. In writing Greek, it is only necessary to imitate the printed characters as nearly as possible, giving them a slope for the sake of convenience.

Mavlavo; The Greek upsilon, when a capital letter, takes pretty nearly the form, but not the pronunciation, of the English Y. p has the same sound whether with a straight or a curly tail.

BLANDUS: EUTUxia means good fortune, prosperity; and ought to have been given in the vocabulary. News is a misprint for ίλεως is a misprint for ἱλεψ We are obliged to discontinue the etymological vocabularies for want of room. Any good Greek lexicon will supply nearly the same information.

A CRIPPLE will find the pronunciation of the German word man, and the others he mentions, fully explained in the interlinear pronunciation of the lesson and the preceding directions. He has only to notice the figure placed over the a, and look in the directions to see what sound it indicates. He will also find it stated that an apostrophe after a vowel has the effect of lengthening it. The accent at the end of a syllable merely denotes that the stress is to be laid upon that syllable.

A POWER-LOOM WEAVER'S parcel is forwarded to the Royal Society.A GOVERNESS (Camden-town): The P. E. is published in New York.-W. LEWIS (Manchester): Chemistry in full vigour in vol. iv.-MUSIC is postponed for the present.-T. H. (Cork): The best way to learn to express your ideas is to join a Debating Society. FABER LIGNARIUS (Turriff): Mr. Cassell's Classical Library, together with Dr. Beard's Latin Dictionary, will contain the books best adapted for making progress in the Latin tongue.--SOCIUS: In learning Bookkeeping there is no need to go to the expense of separate books; separate portions of one book may be carefully and neatly adapted to the purpose, by the student himself.-J. S. CHAPMAN (Manchester): The Lessons in Latin in the P. E. are the best we know.-J. T. BODNIS (Greenwich) is wrong as to the FACT of the letters inserted in the P. E., but right as to the IMPRESSION; a change will be made for the better.-A WEAVER (Clackmannan): ONES in the plural form, referring to a plural noun in a preceding sentence, is an adjective pronoun; see p. 211, vol. iii. P. E.-OPTICUS (London): The subject of Optics is announced for next volume.

MRS. SLIPSLOP (Perthshire) must put on her spectacles, and she will then find NAHOR in a line with ABRAHAM, p. 3, vol. i. P. E., Genesis xi. 26. It is not a mistake with Luke, for Moses has been misrepresented; see the Septuagint.-S. J. R. (London): All right; the maps will be continued.-J. E. D. (Edinburgh): It will be done.-W. ROBERTS: The memory is improved by exercising it. Say Chobham like Chatham, not like Kobham.— MARK MATHETES (Farnworth) and Q. E. D.: See vol. ii. P. E., p. 215, col. 2, line 34, for the Classical Subjects; the rest are never announced, the student being required to prepare himself to answer any questions that may be proposed on the other subjects; see page 137, vol. ii. P. E.-T. JENKINS (Cardiff): See Literary Notices.-BOOKKEEPING STUDENT will have his difaculties solved in the course of the lessons.-GEORGE THE YOUNGER (Pimlico): Buy the large edition of Webster.-A. Z.: Foyer de désordres, ineans a focus or centre of disorders.-A. SCOTT (Liverpool): Thanks for his note on the comet.

CARRICK (Ayr): We cannot tell ourselves.-W. HYMERS (Barnard Castle): The Boy's Own Book, Tegg, London.-R. V. GIBSON (Glasgow): If going into the water does you harin, the best precaution is to give it up.W. F. STONEHENGE (Whitehaven) should get the "Annales de Chimie.' ARMACHANUS: Very well; go on and prosper.-S. T. M. (Brighton): French.-D. T. L. (Carmarthen): You are right.

→ (Beiherbet): 1. We think not. 2. We can't tell. 3. Yes. 4. Read Saxonly written books, such as "Gulliver's Travels,"" Pilgrim's Progress," and Rowland Hill's Village Dialogues."-ANGLAIS (Preston): Yes.HEADBAND (Darlington): English.duos (London): Write to Henry Moore, Esq., Secretary of the University of London.-ÉCOLIER FRANÇAIS See our Literary Notices.-J. WORLEY (Reading) recoininends to French students the French New Testament, published by the Bible Society at 6d., in roan gilt, good type; and a French Weekly Newspaper, called Chronique de Jersey, published at igd. The Key to the French Lessons is published separately; see our Literary Notices.-T. C. (Barking): Your suggestions

are good.-VIOLINO (Bridport): Received, and under consideration.-J. CORBY (Woodford): Yes, if in good condition, by paying the difference. A PUPIL TEACHER'S lines are very good, and do credit to his head and heart; but we cannot insert them in the P. E.-E. J. (Shelton) and A DROGHEDA SUBSCRIBER will, by writing to Mr. Dunn, Secretary of the Training-School of the British and Foreign School Society, at Boroughroad, London, obtain at once all the information he requires.-H. DUNKLEY (Plumstead): The Lizard Point, Cornwall, is the most southerly point of England.-ZETA: Yes; is not pronounced at the end of French, except under certain conditions; see the lessons again. Bills of Exchange will be more fully explained.-W. J.: See Lessons in Geography, pp. 30, 61, 144, and 162, vol. iii.-E. H. COOKE (Kidderminster): Under consideration. T. G. B. (Ilchester): We fear that we cannot advise him; he should write to the Secretary of the Apothecaries' Company for information.-A. M, GARDNER (Peasenhall): The French Lessons, reprinted from the P. E., parts I. and II., will completely answer your purpose.-THOMAS CHOPE (Hartland): We fear that his suggestion, though good, is not practicable.CHARLES W. (Islington): Read the papers on the University of London in vol. iii.-PHILOANTE (Bowling): If he has a special call, let him go on; if not, we would advise him to pause.

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SEVERAL WHO WISH TO BE ARTISTS: We are desirous supply the wants of all our subscribers; but they will see from our advertisements and notices that their wishes cannot consistently with these be immediately gratified; the subject, however, will not be overlooked.

AN ORPHAN (London): Apply to the London Orphan Asylum, Clapton.R. J. L. (Littleport) should take C. W. II.'s advice, and write to the Secretary of the Committee of the Council on Education, Downing-street, London. YORKSHIRE PLOUGHBOY can get No. 42, which is the one omitted, to buy in Sheffield; but he should return his copy of Part X. to the bookseller who supplied him with it as incomplete, and get a complete one instead of it.N. B. (Portsea): Not directly, but by the introduction of two or three Lemmas.-WRITING CLERK (Tralee): Under consideration.-R. B. N. Ross (Camberwell): Right; yes.-PHILO: Many thanks; you are perfectly right in everything; the mistakes have arisen from careless printing; for instance, the multiplier 128 should be 126, and the multiplier 196 should be 96; try these numbers, and you will find that the answers correspond.-AN UNDERGRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: Thanks for his note.C. C. (Halifax): D'Aubuisson, Traite Hydraulique, 9s.-A BRICKLAYER (Manchester): Nicholson's works: Principles of Architecture; Architectural Dictionary; Student's Instructor in the Five Orders; Practical Builder, &c.

VIVA L'ITALIA: Hutton's Course of Mathematics improved by Davies, or Christie's Course for the Cadets at Woolwich.-W. A. (Aberdeen) should study Writing, Arithmetic, and Bookkeeping, in order to fit himself for a clerkship.-A SUBSCRIBER (Bradford) and his friends had better not meet on Sunday morning for the studies they propose; any other morning will do better. God and his word, religion and a future state, are surely WORTH one day's consideration out of the seven.-A LABOURER IN THE VINEYARD should not trouble himself with what might have happened had not things been as they are. Sin has come into the world, and God has appointed au easy way of escape from it; this is enough. Greek and Laun may assist that we cannot give the required information. each other, but study Latin first.-E. BLURTON (Stourbridge): We regret



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