Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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NOTES AND REFERENCES.-a. Coulaient, spent-b. from vivre; L. part ii., p. 110.-c. L. part ii., § 49. R. (1).—d. from recueillir; L. part ii., p. 102.-e. leurs tisons, their fire; literally, firebrands.-f. The ils is here a poetical license; the pronoun should be elles, as it relates to vertu and sagesse, which are feminine.-g. né, by nature; literally, born; from naître; L. part ii., p. 96.h. from lire; L. part ii., p. 94.-i. from rire; L. part ii., p. 104. j. se plaisait, delighted; L. S. 39, R. 6.-k. soigneux, desirous. ―l. faits, deeds.—m. il n'en respirait pas, he hardly ventured to breathe.-n. from interrompre; L. part ii., p. 94.-0. from pouvoir; L. part ii., p. 100.-p. L. S. 39, R. 4-q. from détruire, L. part ii., p. 88.—r. from faire; L. S. 63, R. 2.




La galerie que devait a traverser l'Empereur, pour se rendre au conseil,' était une vaste pièce longue, éclairée par des croisées parallèles, les unes ayant vue sur la cour d'entrée, les autres sur les jardins.3 Neuf heures venaient de sonner et peu à peu les deux côtés de cette galerie se remplirent de monde, de curieux, de solliciteurs, des officiers de service, des gens de la maison. Parmi tout ce monde deux femmes se faisaient remarquer,5 la première par sa beauté, et l'air grácieux avec lequel elle accueillait les saluts respectueux de tous ceux qui passaient près d'elle; et la seconde par son extrême jeunesse," par la pâleur qui donnait à sa beauté un caractère extraordinaire, et par ses beaux cheveux blonds$ tombant en boucles nombreuses sur ses épaules.


-Allons,s du courage! disait la première à la seconde, du courage!

-Je ne vous quitterai pas, disait encore la première. Puis, pour donner plus de poids à ses paroles, sa main allait chercher la main de la jeune fille et la serrait avec amitié.10 Le regard le plus expressif et le plus triste répondait à cette faveur;11 et incontinent les beaux yeux de l'enfant se retournaient vers la porte12 par laquelle devait paraître l'Empereur. Toute cette âme jeune, aimante, exaltée, semblait avoir passé dans ses yeux; tout le reste de son corps paraissait kinanimé.

Deux heures se passèrent ainsi ; 13 deux heures d'attente, de peines, d'angoisses, et, pendant ces deux heures, ni l'une ni l'autre de ces enfants n'avait bougé.

La plus jeune, tenant' les yeux attachés sur cette porte fermée, attendait qu'elle s'ouvrît pour respirer, 14 pour vivre; l'autre ne détournait pas les yeux de dessus sa compagne.15 Le plus profond silence régnait dans cette galerie; on n'entendait que la respiration plus ou moins agitée de tout ce monde,16 qui attendait aussi.


Enfin onze heures sonnent, les deux battants de la porte s'ouvrent," et un huissier annonce l'Empereur. 18 Plusieurs personnes paraissent à la fois. Lequel? demande Maria aans la plus vive anxiété. Le seul qui ait son chapeau sur la tête,19 lui répond

vivement Hortense.

La jeune fille n'en écoute pas davantage; ne voyant plus qu'un seul être dans toute cette foule qui l'environnait, elle sort des rangs, s'élance aux pieds de celui qu'on lui a désigné,20 s'écrie: grâce! gràce! et joint les mains avec force en les levant vers le ciel. 21

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8 De quelle couleur étaient ses cheveux ?

9. Que disait la première à la plus jeune ?

10. Que faisait-elle pour donner plus de poids à ses paroles?

12. De quel côté se tournaient les yeux de l'enfant ? 13. Combien de temps les deux femmes attendirent-elles ? 14. Qu'attendait la jeune fille ? 15. Que faisait alors l'autre? 16. Entendait-on du bruit dans la galerie ?

17. Qu'arriva-t-il àonze heures? 18. Qu'annonça l'huissier ? 19. Comment Hortense désigna-t-elle l'Empereur? 20. Que fit alors la jeune fille ?

21. Que fit-elle en s'écriant, grâce! grâce?

NOTES AND REFERENCES.-a. devait, was; from devoir ; L S. 34, R. 5.-b. ayant vue, looking towards.-c. L. S. 25, R. 2.d. L. S. 95, R. 1.-e. L. S. 94. R. 1.-f. from accueillir; L. part ii., p. 76.-g. allons, du courage! come, cheer up!-h. from dire; L. part ii., p. 88.-i. see note a, also L. S. 56, R. 1.—j. L. S. 9, R. 7.-k. from paraître; L. part ii., p. 98.-Z. tenant, keeping; from tenir; L. part ii., p. 108.-m. see note k.-n. from avoir; L. S. 73, R. 4.-0. from voir; L. part ii., p. 110.--p. from sortir; L. part ii., p. 106.-q. from joindre; L. part ii., p. 94.

(Continued from p. 330.)


1. What two numbers are those whose difference is 10; and if 15 be added to their sum, the amount will be 43? Ans. 9 and 19.

2. There are two numbers whose difference is 14; and if 9 times the less be subtracted from 6 times the greater, the remainder will be 33. What are the numbers? Ans. 17 and 31.

3. What number is that to which if 20 be added, and from of this sum 12 be subtracted, the remainder will be 10?

Ans. 13.

4. A and B lay out equal sums of money in trade; A gains £120, and B loses £80; and now A's money is triple that of B. What sum had each at first? Ans. £180.

5. What number is that, of which exceeds by 72? Ans. 864.

6. There are two numbers whose sum is 37; and if 3 times the less be subtracted from 4 times the greater, and the remainder be divided by 6, the quotient will be 6. What are

the numbers? Ans. 21 and 16.

7. A man has two children, to of the sum of whose ages if 13 be added, the amount will be 17; but if from half the difference of their ages 1 be subtracted, the remainder will be 2. What is the age of each? Ans. 9 and 3 years.

8. A messenger being sent on business, goes at the rate of 6 miles an hour; 8 hours afterwards, another is despatched with countermanding orders, and goes at the rate of 10 miles an hour. How long will it take the latter to overtake the for

mer? Ans. 12 hours.

9. To find two numbers in the proportion of 2 to 3 whose product shall be 54. Ans. 6 and 9.

day he worked, but for every day he was idle he should forfeit 10. A man agreed to give a labourer 12s. a day for every 8s. After 390 days they settled, and their account was even. How many days did he work? Ans. 156 days.

11. Three persons, A, B, and C draw prizes in a lottery. A draws £200; B draws as much as A, together with a third of what C draws; and C draws as much as A and B both. What is the amount of the three prizes? Ans. £1,200.

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12. What number is that which is to 12 increased by three times the number, as 2 to 9? Ans. 8.

13. A ship and a boat are descending a river at the same time. The ship passes a certain fort, when the boat is 13 miles below. The ship descends 5 miles, while the boat descends 3. At what distance below the fort will they be together? Ans. 32 miles.

14. What number is that, a sixth part of which exceeds an eighth part of it by 20? Ans. 480.

15. Divide a prize of £2,000 into two such parts that one of them shall be to the other as 9 to 7. Ans. £1,125 and £875. 16. What sum of money is that, whose third part, fourth part, and fifth part, added together, amount to £94?



17. Two travellers, A and B, 360 miles apart, travel towards each other till they meet. A's progress is 10 miles an hour, and B's 8. How far does each travel before they meet? Ans. A 200 miles and B 160 miles.

18. A man spent one-third of his life in England, one-fourth of it in Scotland, and the remainder of it, which was 20 years, in the United States. To what age did he live? Ans. 48

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orchard? Ans. 800 trees.

23. A gentleman bought several gallons of wine for £94; and after using 7 gallons himself, sold of the remainder for £20. How many gallons had he at first? Ans. 47.

24. A and B have the same income. A contracts an annual ·-debt amounting to ✈ of it; B lives upon & of it; at the end of ten years B lends to A enough to pay off his debts, and has £160 to spare. What is the income of each? Ans. £280. 25. A gentleman lived single of his whole life; and after having been married 5 years more than of his life, he had a son who died 4 years before him, and who reached only half the age of his father. To what age did the father live? Ans. 84 years.

26. What number is that, of which if 3, 4, and be added together, the sum will be 73? Ans. 84.

27. A person after spending £100 more than of his income, had remaining £35 more than of it. Required his income.

Ans. £450,

28. In the composition of a quantity of gunpowder, the nitre was 10 lbs. more than of the whole, the sulphur 43 lbs. less than of the whole, the charcoal 2 lbs. less than of the nitre. What was the amount of gunpowder? Ans. 147 lbs.

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36. Two pieces of cloth, at the same price by the yard, but of different lengths, were bought, the one for £5, the other for £6. If 10 yards be added to the length of each, the sums will be as 5 to 6. Required the length of each piece. Ans. 20 yards and 26 yards.

37. A and B began trade with equal sums of money. The first year A gained £40, and B lost £40. The second year A lost of what he had at the end of the first, and B gained £40 less than twice the sum which A had lost. B had then twice as much money as A. What sum did each begin with? Ans.


38. What number is that, which being severally added to 36 and 52, will make the former sum to the latter as 3 to 4? Ans. 12.

39. A gentleman bought a chaise, horse, and harness for chaise cost twice as much as the harness and horse together. £360. The horse cost twice as much as the harness, and the harness £40. What was the price of each? Ans. Chaise £240, horse £80,

40. Out of a cask of wine, from which had leaked part, 21 gallons were afterwards drawn; when the cask was found to be half full. How much did it hold? Ans. 126 gallons.

41. A man has 6 sons, each of whom is 4 years older than his next younger brother; and the eldest is three times as old as the youngest. What is the age of each? Ans. 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30.

greater increased by 6, shall be to the less diminished by 11, as 42. Divide the number 49 into two such parts, that the 9 to 2. Ans. 30 and 19.


43. What two numbers are as 2 to 3; to each of which, if be added, the sums will be as 5 to 7? Ans. 16 and 24.

44. A person bought two casks of porter, one of which held just 3 times as much as the other; from each of these he drew 4 gallons, and then found that there were 4 times as many gallons remaining in the larger as in the other. How many gallons were there in each? Ans. 36 and 12.

45. Divide the number 68 into two such parts, that the difference between the greater and 84 shall be equal to 3 times the difference between the less and 40. Ans. 42 and 26.

46. Four places are situated in the order of the letters A, B, C, D. The distance from A to D is 34 miles. The distance from A to B is to the distance from C to D as 2 to 3. And of the distance from A to B, added to half the distance from Ĉ to D, is three times the distance from B to C. What are the respective distances? Ans. 12, 4, and 18 miles. 47. Divide the number 36 into 3 such parts, that of the 29. A cask which held 146 gallons, was filled with a mix-first, 3 of the second, and of the third, shall be equal to each ture of brandy, wine, and water. There were 15 gallons of wine more than of brandy, and as much water as the brandy and wine together. What quantity was there of each? Ans. 29 gals, brandy, 44 gals. wine, and 73 gals. water.

30. Four persons purchased a farm in company for £4,755; of which B paid three times as much as A; C paid as much as A and B; and D paid as much as C and B. What did each pay? Ans. A £317, B £951, C £1,268, and D £2,219.

31. It is required to divide the number 99 into five such parts that the first may exceed the second by 3, be less than the third by 10, greater than the fourth by 9, and less than the fifth by 16. Ans. 17, 14, 27, 8, and 33.

32. A father divided a small sum among four sons: the third had 9 shillings more than the fourth, the second had 12 shillings more than the third, the first had 18 shillings more than the second, and the whole sum was 6 shillings more than 7 times the sum which the youngest received. What was the sum divided? Ans. 153 shillings.

33. A farmer had two flocks of sheep, each containing the same number. Having sold from one of these 39, and from the other 93, he finds twice as many remaining in the one as in the other. How many did each flock originally contain? Ans. 147 sheep.

34. An express travelling at the rate of 60 miles a day, had

other. Ans. 8, 12, and 16.

48. A merchant supported himself 3 years for £50 a year, and at the end of each year added to that part of his stock which was not thus expended, a sum equal to one-third of this part. At the end of the third year his original stock was doubled. What was that stock? ́Ans. £740.

49. A general having lost a battle, found that he had only half of his army+3,600 men left fit for action; of the army +600 men being wounded; and the rest, who were of the whole, either slain, taken prisoners, or missing. Of how many men did his army consist. Ans. 24,000 men.

50. To find a number to the sum of whose digits if 7 be added, the result will be 3 times the left hand digit; and if from the number itself 18 be taken, the digits will be inverted. Ans. 53.

51. To find a number consisting of two digits, the sum of which is 5; and if 9 be added to the number itself, the digits will be inverted. Ans. 23.

52. There is a certain fraction such, that if you add 1 to its numerator it becomes; but if you add 3 to its denominator, it becomes 3. Required the fraction. Ans. •

53. It is required to find two numbers whose difference is 7, and their sum 33. Ans. 20 and 13.

54. At a town meeting, 375 votes were cast, and the person

How many votes had

elected to office had a majority of 91.
each candidate? Ans. 233 and 142.
55. A post stands in the ground, in the water, and 10
feet above the water. What is the whole length of it? Ans.
24 feet.

56. A young man the first day spent of his money, the second he then had only 26 pence left. first? Ans. 10 shillings.

after his arrival in London,
day, the third day, and
How much did he have at

57. A person being asked his age, answered that of his age multiplied by of his age, would give a product equal to his age. How many years old was he? Ans. 16 years.

58. A man leased a house for 99 years; and being asked how much of the time had expired, replied that two-thirds of the time past was equal to four-fifths of the time to come. How many years had expired? Ans. 54 years.

59. On commencing the study of his profession, a man found that of his life had been spent before he learned his letters, at a public school, at an academy, and 4 years at college. How old was he? Ans. 21.

60. It is required to find a number such, that whether it be divided into two equal parts, or three equal parts, the product of its parts will be equal. Ans. 6 hours.

61. Two persons, 154 miles apart, set out at the same time to meet each other, one travelling at the rate of 3 miles in 2 hours, the other 5 miles in 4. How long will it be before they meet? Ans. 56 hours.

62. A man and his wife usually drank a cask of beer in 12 days, but when the man was absent, it lasted the wife 30 days. How long would it last the man, if his wife were absent? Ans. 20 days.

by his bargain. What did he give per gallon for his wine? Ans. 20s.

76. A and B start at the same time and in the same direction, but directly opposite each other, to go round a circular pond 536 yards in circumference; A goes 11 yards a minute, and B 34 in 3 minutes. In how long time will B overtake A? Ans. 804 minutes.

77. A cask contains a certain number of gallons of rum, and an mth part of that quantity of water: but, if a gallons of rum and b of water be added to the mixture, the water in the whole compound will be an nth part of the rum. Required the quantity of each contained in the cask at first. Examine also and explain the case, in which, m being equal to n, a is equal to nb, and the one in which it is not equal to it; and also the case in which x and y come out negative, denoting the original number of gallons of the rum, and y those of the water. nb—a m(nb-a) Ans. y= and x =


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When m=n, and

nb, the question is indeterminate: when m=n, and a greater or less than nb, the values of x and y are infinite, and the question absurd. When x and y are. negative, the question will be changed into one in which the quantity of rum is diminished by a gallons, and that of the water by b gallons.

78. Find a fraction, such that if its denominator be increased by 1, the value becomes; while if the numerator be increased by 1, the value is 3. Ans. 1.

denominator be each increased by 1, the value is changed into 79. Required a fraction, such that if the numerator and but, if they be each diminished by 1, the value becomes

63. A shepherd being asked how many sheep he had, replied,;

if he had as many more, half as many more, and 7 sheep, he would then have 500. How many had he? Ans. 197.

64. A farmer hired two men to do a job of work for him; one could do the work in 10 days, the other in 15. How long would it take both together to do the same job? Ans. 6 days.

65. A and B together can build a boat in 20 days; with the assistance of C, they can do it in 12 days. How long would it take C to build the boat? Ans. 30 days.

66. There is a cistern with two aqueducts; one will fill it in 30 minutes, the other will empty it in 40. How long will it take to fill it, if both run together? Ans. 120 minutes.

67. Required to divide 1 shilling into pence and farthings in such a proportion that there may be 39 pieces. Ans. 36 farthings and 3 pence.

68. A man divided a small sum of money among his children in the following manner, viz. to the first he gave of the whole +4 pence, to the second of the remainder +8 pence, to the third of the remainder +12 pence, and so on, giving to all an equal sum till he had distributed the whole. Required the number of shares and the sum distributed. Ans. 5 shares and

120 pence.

69. A hare has 50 leaps the start of a hound, and takes 4 leaps while the hound takes 3; but 2 leaps of the hound are equal to 3 of the hare. How many leaps will the hound take in catching the hare? Ans. 300.

70. A and B start at the same time and place to go round an island 600 miles in circumference. A goes 30 miles a day, and B 20. How long before they will both be at the starting point together, and how far will each have travelled? Ans. 60 days; and 1,800 and 1,200 miles.

71. A has £100, B £48. A robber takes twice as much from A as from B. A now has 3 times as much as B. What was taken from each? Ans. £44 from B.

1. Ans. .

80. One person says to another: "If you give me half your ¦ money, I shall have a hundred pounds. "I shall have a hundred pounds, if you give me a third of your The other replies:¦ money." How much had each? Ans. £60 and £80.

81. At what time between 10h and 11h o'clock, are the hour and minute hands of a common clock exactly together? Ans.

At 5 minutes before 11 o'clock.

82. Find two numbers, such that one-third of the first. exceeds one-fourth of the second by 3, and that one-fourth of the first and one-fifth of the second are together equal to 10. Ans. 24 and 20.

83. Required two numbers, such that the sum of one-half of the first and one-third of the second may be 29, and that onethird of the first and one-fourth of the second may amount to 21. Ans. 18 and 60.

84. A number expressed by three digits, whose sum is 22, is less by 297 than the number expressed by the same digits in a reversed order, and its first digit is less by one than its second. What is the number? Ans. 679.

85. A bill of £100 may be paid by 50 bank notes of one value each, and by 38 of another; or it may be paid by means of 75 of the former kind, and 17 of the latter. What are the values of the notes? Ans. Those of the first kind 21 shillings each, and those of the second 25 shillings.

86. Two persons set out from a certain place on the same day, and proceed in the same direction, the one travelling 30 miles the first day, and going each day a mile less than he did on the preceding; while the other travels at the constant rate of 20 miles a day. When will they next be together? Ans. At the end of 21 days.

87. How many lines are contained in a page of a book, and how many letters at an average in each line of that page, if it be found that by adding one line to each page, and making Beach line contain an additional letter, the page will be increased by 96 letters; while, by adding two lines to the original page, and making each line contain four additional letters, the number of letters will be increased by 286? Ans. 44 lines, each containing 51 letters.

72. It is required to divide £1,200 between A, B, and C; has £256+of A's share; C has £270+ of B's. What was the share of each? Ans. A £312, B £412, and C £476. 73. There are 3 pieces of cloth of different value. The average price of the first and second is 7s. per yard, that of the second and third is 9s., and the average price of all is-g of the third. What are the several prices? Ans. 12s., 2s., and 16s. 74. A pipe will fill a cistern in 11 hours. After running 5 hours another is opened, and then the two fill it in 2 hours. In what time would the last fill it? Ans. 5 hours.

88. Two persons get each a legacy of £300, and one of them is then found to be worth three times as much as the other; but had the legacy to each been £800, the one would have been worth only twice as much as the other. How much had each originally? Ans. £1200 and £200.

75. A man bought a cask of wine, and of it leaking out, 89. A cistern can be filled by three pipes; by the first in 80 he sold the rest at 25s. per gallon, and neither gained nor lost | minutes, by the second in 200 minutes, and by the third in 300

minutes. In what time will the cistern be filled when all three pipes are open at once? Ans. In 48 minutes.

90. Two gentlemen play at billiards; A, before he began to play, had £42, and B £24. Each lost and won in turn, when A found he had five times as much as B had remaining. How

much did A win? Ans. £13.

91. What capital is that which, with five years' interest at 4 per cent., will amount to £8,208. Ans. £6,840.

92. A capital was put out for one year at 43 per cent. per annum; at the expiration of the year there was received back, as capital and interest, £13,167. What was the amount of the capital? Ans. £12,600.

93. A fortress has a garrison of 2,600 men, among whom are nine times as many foot soldiers and three times as many artillery as cavalry. How many are there in each corps? Ans. 200 cavalry, 680 artillery, and 1,800 foot.

94. Divide the number 46 into two parts, so that when the one is divided by 7, and the other by 3, the quotients together may amount to 10. What are the parts? Ans. 28 and 18.

95. From the first of two mortars in a battery 36 shells are thrown before the second is ready for firing. Shells are then thrown from both in the proportion of 8 from the first to 7 of the second; the second mortar requiring as much powder for 3 charges as the first does for 4. It is required to determine after how many discharges of the second mortar the quantity of powder consumed by it is equal to the quantity consumed by the first. Ans. 189.

96. Suppose the crown of Hiero of Syracuse weighed 100 ounces; suppose the two crowns, one gold and the other silver, weighed the same, 100 ounces each; and supposing what would be very nearly the case, that the gold crown, weighed in water, lost 5 ounces: the silver one lost 9 ounces; and supposing the compound or mixed crown lost 6 ounces; it is required to find the proportion of gold and silver in the crown of Hiero. Ans. 75 oz. gold, and 25 oz. silver.

97. A footman agreed to serve his master for £8 a year and a livery, but was turned away at the end of 7 months, and received only £2 13s. 4d. and his livery. What was its value?

Ans. £4 16s.

98. A fish was caught whose tail weighed 9lbs.; his head weighed as much as his tail and half his body; and his body weighed as much as his head and tail; what is the weight of

the whole fish? Ans. 72lbs.

99. If A and B together can perform a piece of work in eight days, A and C together in nine days, and B and C together in ten days, how long will each person take to perform it alone? Ans. A, 13; B, 17; and C, 231.

100. The forewheel of a carriage makes 6 revolutions more than the hindwheel in going 120 yards; but if the circumference of each wheel be increased by 3 feet, the forewheel makes only 4 revolutions more than the hindwheel; what is the circumference of each wheel? Ans. 12 feet and 15 feet.

[We have here given our students a centenary of problems to exercise themselves in Algebra. We hope they will do their best to solve them; we shall be happy to insert their solutions, with their names attached to them, if they be performed in the shortest and easiest possible manner, just as we have done with the Exercises in Geometry.]


WE feel assured that all of our subscribers will be gratified by the perusal of the following papers which we have the pleasure to lay before them in reference to our efforts on behalf of the self-educating students and others of the British realms. These papers were presented to the Senate of the University of London, on the 1st of the present month, and read at the meeting on that day. It will now be necessary, if our self-educating students be in real earnest, and we have every reason to believe that very many of them are so, from the letters which we have received, that this movement should be followed up not only by an application and petition to the Senate of the University of London, but by an application and petition also to Government itself. We know that Her Majesty's present Government,

with the illustrious Lord Palmerston at the head of the inquiry, are anxiously and earnestly engaged with the great question of the education of the people in general, with that of the propriety of opening the old Universities to the public generally, without regard to religious creed, and with that of the utility of giving a still more liberal constitution to the University of London. This is therefore the nick of time for our students to come forward in a body by petition and representation, respectfully to urge their claims to be examined as to the learning which they have most industriously and often painfully acquired, and to be rewarded with those sweet honours which ought to be conferred on them if they succeed. Let us not be behind ancient Greece in this respect; but let us be up and be doing what we can to rescue the sons of the soil from the pressure of antiquated monopoly.

The following communications are recorded, printed and circulated in the Minutes of the University of London.

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"The Popular Educator' Office,
La Belle Sauvage Yard,
Ludgate Hill, London.
1st February, 1854.

“SIR,—I have the honour to request that you will have the goodness to lay the accompanying Memorial before the meeting of the Senate of the University of London this day; and permit me also to request that a number of letters addressed to me, as Editor of The Popular Educator,' on the subject of the Memorial, and placed by me in the hands of Mr. Moore, Clerk to the Senate, may also be laid before the meeting as evidence of the statements set forth in the Memorial. I hope that at the next meeting I shall be able to submit further evidence of the same description, and also to add many names to the prayer of the Memorial, which it was impossible to obtain, owing to the rapidity with which the Memorial was prepared, and to the non-arrival of the members of Parliament and others in town, who should have been most willing to put their names to the document. I have the honour to be, "Sir,

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"R. W. Rothman, Esq., Registrar, &c."

" 'Your most obedient servant, "ROBERT WALLACE."


"To the Right Honourable the Earl of Burlington, LL.D., F.R.S., Chancellor, the Honourable John George Shaw Lefevre, Esq., C.B., M.A., F.R.S., Vice-Chancellor, and the Right Reverend and Honourable the Senate of the University of London:

"The Memorial of the Subscribers,


"That in consequence of the increasing demand for the diffusion of useful knowledge, the extension of the blessings of education, and the equitable distribution of the honours and rewards of learning, among all classes of the community, it would seem to be both wise and politic, on the part of a liberal and paternal Government, to throw open the Royal Road to the valuable and permanent distinctions which the University of London confers upon its members, to all the aspiring and self-taught Students of the British Empire, irrespective of their various conditions in life, or of the different places and ways in which they may have acquired their learning.

Eighth. That ignorance being the mother of immorality and vice, and the father of crime and violence, sedition and anarchy, it seems to behove the Senate of the said University, on the principles of its free constitution and liberal administration, to employ the mighty lever which it possesses, in raising all classes to the level of an honourable and useful rank in society, by the

"With this view, your Memorialists are induced, by the accustomed suavity, kindness, and liberality for which the Noblemen and Gentlemen composing the Senate of the University of London are distinguished, to solicit on behalf of all such Students, and especially of the self-taught, that you would, as a body, apply to Her Majesty's Government for such a renewal and extension of the Royal Charter as will enable you | bestowment of its valuable honours and degrees on all who are to confer the honours and degrees of the University upon them, without requiring their attendance for a term of years at any of the affiliated Colleges or Institutions connected therewith, provided that they be found competent at the period of the Annual Examinations of the University, upon the payment of the necessary fees, and upon their presenting at the same time such certificates of moral character as shall be deemed satisfactory to the members of the Senate, or to the Inspectors that may be appointed by that body to decide upon the merit and validity of such certificates, and for the following rea


"First. That it appears from the present Royal Charter and from the Laws and Regulations of the University, that no student, however well qualified he may be, is permitted to come forward to the Annual Examinations for degrees, unless he has attended a certain number of academical years at one of the affiliated Colleges or Institutions connected with the University.

"Second. That by the said Charter, Laws, and Regulations, numerous self-taught and other students in the British Empire are excluded from the attainment of those honours and the possession of these degrees, to which their perseverance in the acquisition of literary and scientific knowledge would justly entitle them.

"Third. That the University of London, by its metropolitan position, its free and liberal constitution, its high and impartial standing, and the well-known ability of its Examiners, is better qualified than any other Academical Body in the Kingdom, to extend and consolidate the advantages of a literary and scientific education among the masses of the people.

"Fourth. That there exists among the community at large, both in the United Kingdom and in the Colonies, a desire for the acquisition of that honour which arises from the possession of real knowledge, to the exclusion of that surreptitious honour which is conferred by the purchase of titles and degrees to which the possessor has no claim on the score of literary and

scientific merit.


Fifth. That the middling and lower classes of the people aspire to the attainment of such honours and degrees as the University of London can confer, from a sincere conviction that these are truly valuable and praiseworthy, and constitute an enviable distinction among men.

“Sixth. That the conviction just mentioned is one of the brightest and most hopeful signs of a great change for the better among those classes of the community; that it is fraught with the seeds of such an amelioration in the condition of the human race as ought not to be overlooked by a wise and intelligent Government; and that it is, in truth, the harbinger of the accomplishment of that ancient prophecy referred to by Lord Bacon in the motto to his 'Instauratio Magna,' namely, • Multi pertransibunt, et scientia augebitur.'

"Seventh. That the enlightened improvement of the Postage system having mightily conduced to the diffusion of useful knowledge, this favourable result requires to be fostered and extended by the free and generous opening of the honours and degrees of the University of London to all Her Majesty's subjects without let or hindrance, under proper regulations as before mentioned.

found duly qualified, irrespective of their original condition.
"And lastly. That the security of Government, the advance-
ment of religion and morality, the suppression of crime, the
removal of juvenile delinquency, and the rapid progress of
humanity towards a peaceful and happy state of civilization,
are greatly dependent on the free extension of the blessings of
education to all classes of the community, and on the free ad-
mission to the distinction which it confers on its enlightened
possessors, in whatever manner it may have been acquired;
and that though there be no Royal Road to Learning, yet there
may be a generous, noble, and illustrious road to its honours
thrown open to the Learned by Royal Favour; a consumma-
tion which your Memorialists earnestly wish, and respectfully
press upon your attention.

"ROBERT WALLACE, A.M, Glasguensis, formerly
First Professor of Mathematics in the Ad-
dersonian University, Glasgow, and Pro-
fessor of Mathematics and Physics in
Homerton and Stepney Colleges.

M. D. HILL, Q.C., Recorder of Birmingham.
EDWIN HILL, Inland Revenue Office.

S. MORLEY, Wood Street,

ROWLAND HILL, General Post Office.
WILLIAM ELLIS, Champion Hill.

JOHN MORLEY, Wood Street.

THOMAS MUIR, formerly one of the Magistrates of

the City of Glasgow.

FREDERIC HILL, Late Inspector of Prisons for

ARTHUR HILL, Bruce Castle School, Tottenham.
JOHN CASSELL, Ludgate Hill.”

In order to assist our stu ents in following up the preceding efforts on their behalf, we propose that the following short petition to the Senate of the University of London should have as many of the names as possible of our Subscribers, readers, and others whom it may concern, appended to it, and that it should be forwarded by us immediately to that learned body for its serious consideration. We shall be glad to receive these names by post as soon as possible, so that no time may be lost, while the subject is fresh in the minds of the members of the Senate, and while the questions connected with it are just on the point of being brought before Parliament.

To the Right Honourable the Earl of Burlington, LL.D., F.R.S., Chancellor, the Honourable John George Shaw Lefevre, Esq., C.B., M.A., F.RS., Vice-Chancellor, and the Right Reverend and Honourable the Senate of the University of London:

The Petition of the Subscribers,

Humbly Sheweth,

That, having carefully perused a memorial presented by the Editor of the POPULAR EDUCATOB and others, to the Senate, on the 1st of February, 1854, in reference to the subject of throwing open the University of London to all self


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