Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

REM.-When we consider that the numerator of a fraction represents a dividend, and the denominator a divisor, a complex fraction is readily reduced to a simple fraction.

[blocks in formation]

REM.-As the denominator is a divisor, it must be inverted.

2. Reduce to a simple fraction.

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6. Divide by=×=×××金=舍

In changing the division to multiplication, the whole divisor must be inverted; that is, & becomes the numerator and becomes the denominator, with the sign of multiplication; then again the two denominators must be inverted; then they are all in the form of multiplication.


1. Reduce to a simple fraction.


× = simple fraction.

REM.-It is evident that the above expression indicates that to be divided by.

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REM.-By inverting the whole divisor, problem 3d is changed from division to multiplication.

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1. A man spends of his income for board, & for clothing, and has 50 dollars left, what is his income?

Ans. 600 dollars.

2. What number divided by will give for a quotient ? Ans. 볶.

3. What number multiplied by will give a product of? Ans. . 4. In an orchard & of the trees bear apples, 1 peaches, plums, and 20 trees bear pears. How many trees in the orchard? Ans. 80 trees.

5. What are the numbers between 15 and 450 which have the former for their greatest common divisor, and the latter for their least common multiple?

Ans. 30, 45, 75, 90, 150, 225.

6. What six numbers between 35 and 840 have the former for their greatest common divisor, and the latter for their least common multiple?

Ans. 70, 105, 140, 210, 280, 420.

7. A father bequeathed & of his estate to one son, and the rest of his estate to another; the difference of their legacies were 1560 dollars. How much did each receive? Ans. The one 7800 dollars, and the other 6240 dollars. 8. A cargo is worth five times the value of the ship. What part of the cargo is of the ship and cargo?


REM.-2 is what part of 3? Ans. 1. 3 is what part of 4?

Ans. 1. is what part of . Ans.



9. If A can do a piece of work in 4 days, and B can do it in 5 days, what part can each do in a day? What part of it can both do in a day? How many days will it take both to do it?

Ans. A can do 1 in a day, B, both, and both can do it in 2 days.

10. A and B bought a barrel of flour, for which A paid 5 dollars, and B paid 6 dollars. should each have?

What part of the flour
Ans. A and B TT.

11. Three men, A, B, and C, bought 640 acres of land. A paid 4000 dollars, B paid 5000 dollars, and C 7000 dollars. How many acres should each receive?

Ans. A 160 acres, B 200 acres, and C 280 acres. 12. A man left of his property to his wife, to each of his two daughters, 1 to his son, and the remainder, which was 500 dollars, to his servant. What was the

value of his whole estate? Ans. 6000 dollars. 13. If 3650 is of some number, what is of the same number? Ans. 5256.

14. A sold

of the ship.

of a ship for 3650 dollars, and B owns What is it worth at the same rate?

Ans. 5256.


Fractions whose denominators are 10, 100, 1000, etc., are rendered decimals of the same name by a little change in form; thus, a decimal point is placed on the left of the decimals, or on the right of the units, and the same relation exists between the successive orders, as in abstract numbers, but the orders themselves are reversed.

[blocks in formation]

456 = .456, four hundred and fifty-six



Hence, to enumerate a decimal fraction, read it as you would an integral number, adding to this the name of the denominator, when a common fraction, which will be expressed by 1 with as many zeros attached to it as there are numbers of decimal figures.

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