Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed]

Gunn, L. B. and W. P., (Lucius B. and W.
Porter,) proprietors of Canandaigua
Hotel, own farms 100.

Gunn. W. Porter, (L. B. and W. P. Gunn.)
GUNNISON LEVI B., farmer 88.
HADLEY, CHARLES W., hair dresser 198

Main, owns vineyard 20.
HAIRE, JAMES, farmer 100.

Howell, Thomas M., lawyer and United
States commissioner, No. 6 Atwater

Howey, Joel M., farmer 162.
Hubbell, Walter S., (Herron & Hubbell.)
HUDON & GRIFFITH, (Oliver Hudon and
Wm. H. Griffith,) boots and shoes,

Halsey, Chas. S., A. M., associate principal Hudon, Oliver, (Hudon & Griffith.)

Canandaigua Academy.

Hanna, John J., farmer 500.
Harrington, John, farmer 5.
Hart, T. E., owns farm 75..
HATHAWAY, EDGAR, farmer, leases 170.
Hawley, Asa, (Pierson & Hawley.)
*HAWLEY, JAMES A., M. D., eclectic


*HAWLEY, JOHN W., manufacturer of
agricultural implements, 111 Main.
Hayes, J. Byron, physician.
HAYTON, WM., harness and trunks, 169


*HEMENWAY, AVERY, lawyer and justice of the peace, Atwater Hall, Main. Henesy, Bridget, Mrs., boarding house, 94


[blocks in formation]

Herrington, Elijah, farmer 120.
Herron, David, (Herron & Hubbell.)
Herron, Frank, Miss, music teacher.
Herron & Hubbell, (David Herron and
Walter S. Hubbell,) lawyers, No. 5 At-
water Hall.

Herron, Joseph, lawyer over 102 Main.
Hibbard, F. G., Rev., M. E. clergyman.
Hickey, James, carpenter.
Hickox, Geo., farmer 202.

Hickox, Geo. S., farmer 115.

HICKOX, HENRY B., farmer 71.

Hickox, James S., farmer 71.

HICKS, EDWIN, lawyer and dist. attor

[blocks in formation]

HUDSON & BROTHER, (Miller B. and
Jacob G.,) stove dealers, 110 Main.
Hudson, Jacob G., (Hudson & Bro.)
Hudson, Miller B., (Hudson & Bro.)
Hunn, Nathan S., farmer 300.
Ingraham, Martin, cartman.
Jackson, J. W., Miss, (Holmes & Jackson.)
Jackson, Seymour H., owns farm 100.
JAHN, JOSEPH, undertaker and cabinet

ware rooms, 108 Main.
Jansen, A. & Co., (Arend Jansen and Ma-
ry J. Seymour,) dealers in groceries
and fancy goods, cor. Main & Chapin.

Jansen, Arend, (A. Jansen & Co.)
Jewett, Dr. H., allop. physician and lectur-
er on physiology, Ontario Female Sem-

JOBSON, CHAS., job printing office, 2nd
story Bemis Block.

Johnson, A. B., (Hopewell,) farmer 57.
Johnson, A. L., (Hopewell,) carpenter and

farmer 10.

[blocks in formation]


Kelly, S. J., (Hopewell,) farmer 11%.
King, Hugh, builder, shop Chapin.
King, John, carpenter.
Kinsman, Nelson, farmer 106.
KINYON & DONIVON, (Mrs. E. A. Kin-
yon and Miss Kittie T. Donivon,) ladies
hair dressing room, over 194 Main.
Kinyon, E. A., Mrs., (Kinyon & Donivon.)
Kitchel, Lewis, carriage maker, Main.
Lamport, Albert G., (P. Lamport & Son.)
Lamport, Polly, Mrs., (P. Lamport & Son.)
LAMPORT, P. & SON, (Mrs. Polly and Al-

bert G..) iron foundry, Clark.
Lamport, Wm. H., owns farm 40.
LAPHAM & ADAMS, (E. G. Lapham and
Wm. H. Adams,) lawyers, 7 and 8 At-
water Block.

Lapham, E. G., (Lapham & Adams.)
Latting, Henry D., (Hopewell,) farmer 40.
Lawrence, T. A., auctioneer.
Lee, Mrs. Polly, farmer 115.
Lefever, Daniel, (Lefever & Sheldon.)
LEFEVER & SHELDON, (Daniel Lefever
and Levi T. Sheldon,) groceries and li-
quors, Main.

[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small]











Gunn, L. B. and W. P., (Lucius B. and W.
Porter,) proprietors of Canandaigua
Hotel, own farms 100.

Gunn. W. Porter, (L. B. and W. P. Gunn.)
GUNNISON LEVI B., farmer 88.
HADLEY, CHARLES W., hair dresser 198

Main, owns vineyard 20.
HAIRE, JAMES, farmer 100.

Howell, Thomas M., lawyer and United
States commissioner, No. 6 Atwater

Howey, Joel M., farmer 162.
Hubbell, Walter S., (Herron & Hubbell.)
HUDON & GRIFFITH, (Oliver Hudon and
Wm. H. Grifith,) boots and shoes,

Halsey, Chas. S., A. M., associate principal Hudon, Oliver, (Hudon & Griffith.)

Canandaigua Academy.

Hanna, John J., farmer 500.
Harrington, John, farmer 5.

Hart, T. E., owns farm 75..
HATHAWAY, EDGAR, farmer, leases 170.
Hawley, Asa, (Pierson & Hawley.)

*HAWLEY, JAMES A., M. D., eclectic

*HAWLEY, JOHN W., manufacturer of
agricultural implements, 111 Main.

Hayes, J. Byron, physician.
HAYTON, WM., harness and trunks, 169

*HEMENWAY, AVERY, lawyer and jus-
tice of the peace, Atwater Hall, Main.
Henesy, Bridget, Mrs., boarding house, 94


Herbert, A. C., meat market.
Herrington, Earl P., carpenter and farmer

Herrington, Elijah, farmer 120.

Herron, David, (Herron & Hubbell.)
Herron, Frank, Miss, music teacher.
Herron & Hubbell, (David Herron and
Walter S. Hubbell,) lawyers, No. 5 At-
water Hall.

Herron, Joseph, lawyer over 102 Main.
Hibbard, F. G., Rev., M. E. clergyman.

Hickey, James, carpenter.
Hickox, Geo., farmer 202.

Hickox, Geo. S., farmer 115.

HICKOX, HENRY B., farmer 71.

Hickox, James S., farmer 71.

HICKS, EDWIN, lawyer and dist. attor


Hicks, James E., (Mattice & Hicks.)
Hicks, Stephen C., constable.

HICKS, WM. H., (South Bristol,) farmer


[blocks in formation]

Main & Gorham.

Hitchcock, Muson, farmer 97.
Hodgson, Samuel, farmer 63.

Hoff, John, boots and shoes, 109 Main.

HUDSON & BROTHER, (Miller B. and
Jacob_G.,) stove dealers, 110 Main.
Hudson, Jacob G., (Hudson & Bro.)
Hudson, Miller B., (Hudson & Bro.)
Hunn, Nathan S., farmer 300.
Ingraham, Martin, cartman.
Jackson, J. W., Miss, (Holmes & Jackson.)
Jackson, Seymour H., owns farm 100.
JAHN, JOSEPH, undertaker and cabinet

ware rooms, 108 Main.
Jansen, A. & Co., (Arend Jansen and Ma-
ry J. Seymour,) dealers in groceries
and fancy goods, cor. Main & Chapin.

Jansen, Arend, (A. Jansen & Co.)
Jewett, Dr. H., allop. physician and lectur-
er on physiology, Ontario Female Sem-

JOBSON, CHAS., job printing office, 2nd
story Bemis Block.

Johnson, A. B., (Hopewell,) farmer 57.
Johnson, A. L., (Hopewell,) carpenter and

farmer 10.

[blocks in formation]

Kelly, S. J., (Hopewell,) farmer 114.
King, Hugh, builder, shop Chapin.
King, John, carpenter.
Kinsman, Nelson, farmer 106.
KINYON & DONIVON, (Mrs. E. A. Kin-
yon and Miss Kittie T. Donivon,) ladies
hair dressing room, over 194 Main.
Kinyon, E. A., Mrs., (Kinyon & Donivon.)
Kitchel, Lewis, carriage maker, Main.
Lamport, Albert G., (P. Lamport & Son.)

Hoffman, Chas. W., (G. W. Combs & Co.) Lamport, Polly, Mrs., (P. Lamport & Son.)

Holcomb, James S., paint shop, Coy.

Holloran, Thos., farmer 45.

Holmes, Mrs., recording secretary Ontario

Orphan Asylum.

*HOLMES, E. B., homeopathic physician,
Town Hall, residence 20 Bristol.
Holmes, E. S. Mrs., (Holmes & Jackson.)
Holmes & Jackson, (Mrs. E. S. Holmes and
Miss J. W. Jackson,) residence Main,
own farm 30.

Hopkins, Melford, farmer 163.
Hough, Richard, (estate,) farm 137.
Howell, Alexander H., lawyer and justice
of the peace, Hubbell Block.

LAMPORT, P. & SON, (Mrs. Polly and Al-
bert G..) iron foundry, Clark.
Lamport, Wm. H., owns farm 40.
LAPHAM & ADAMS, (E. G. Lapham and
Wm. H. Adams,) lawyers, 7 and 8 At-
water Block.

Lapham, E. G., (Lapham & Adams.)
Latting, Henry D., (Hopewell,) farmer 40.
Lawrence, T. A., auctioneer.
Lee, Mrs. Polly, farmer 115.
Lefever, Daniel, (Lefever & Sheldon.)
LEFEVER & SHELDON, (Daniel Lefever
and Levi T. Sheldon,) groceries and li-
quors, Main.

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Johnstown, Sept. 3, 1861.

MR. CLINE, Sir:-My three children were taken with the diptheria; I employed skillful doctors; they did all they could for them, all of no account; they gave them up as past cure. I tried your Pain Exterminator, which acted like a magic spell, and in three days from the first application they got well. J. HALE.


Sodus, N. Y., May 10, 1860.

MR. CLINE:-Allow me to address you with a knowledge of your Pain Exterminator. I was afflicted with Inflammatory Rheumatism, and was entirely helpless. I tried almost everything I could hear of, but all to no account. At last I obtained a bottle of your Pain Exterminator, and was effectually cured by the use of three bottles. I have used it in my family for various complaints, all with the best success. Every family should always keep it on hand, as it is a great medicine. Yours res'y, GEORGE SARGENT. Havana, May 7, 1860.

DR. CLINE:-Allow me to address you with a knowledge of your Pain Exterminator. I had a valuable horse taken with a colic. My neighbors pronounced him past cure. I gave him some of your valuable Pain Exterminator. Within six hours from the time I gave it to him, I drove him ten milles. I have used it for calks, galls and scratches, all with the best satisfaction. J. H. GREEN.


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