Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Would inform the public that she is prepared to execute every variety of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK.

Wigs, Curls, Switches, Braids, Bands, Waterfalls, &c.,
kept constantly on hand and made to order.

HAIR JEWELRY done and mounted in the latest style. Orders sent by mail will receive prompt attention, and those sending can confidently rely on no other being substituted.


Second Door below Baptist Church,


N. Y.


Are your children restless, irritable, wakeful, feverish? Are they cutting teeth? Are the gums red and painful? Have they diarrhea? Have they fits or spasms? If so,


It is the only Syrup or Cordial, or CHILD MEDICINE in market free from Opium, Morphine, or Paragoric. These you can't give; e; or, at least, you ought not to. They destroy the functions of the BRAIN; the child grows pale; its eyes grow wild; its flesh becomes soft; it loses its mind; it becomes an Idiot. Mothers, these are facts! To be convinced, try it. The Oriental Syrup contains NONE of those poisons. It is perfectly harmless. It is soothing-quieting. The child sleeps sweetly, and awakes refreshed and lively. The teeth penetrate the gums without pain. It is good for aged and nervous people. TRY IT.

DR. G. T. TAFT & CO., Proprietors,

Seneca Falls, N, Y.


SIR ASHLEY COOPER, in one of his lectures to his class, says:-I have used the Balm of Gilead in my practice, in one form or other, for more than forty years; and for Old Sores or Ulcers, Eruptions, Rheumatism, Burns, Chilblains, Scalds, Piles, Chafés, &c., it surpasses every other known remédy.

Rosenberger's Balm of Gilead Ointment

Is composed of Oils and Balsams from trees and shrubs, and for all the diseases referred to by Dr. Cooper, we warrant it almost a specific. For Gall, Grease and Wounds of Horses, it has no equal. We warrant it; therefore do not hesitate to try it for every kind of Wound, Bruise or Sore.

DR. G. T. TAFT & CO., Proprietors,
Seneca Falls, N. Y.

LYON, SIMEON H., grape grower and far- | Peck, John, grocery.

mer 8.

[blocks in formation]

Peck, Merritt P., (P. O. address Blood's
Corners, Steuben Co.,) hop grower and

farmer 188.

[blocks in formation]

Merrill, S. Jerome, farmer 40.

Metcalf, John, farmer 1.

Porter, Robert T., carpenter, vineyard and

MITCHAEL, THOMAS, farmer leases 52.
Monier, James L., farmer 3,000.
MOOR, ANTHONY N., (resides in Steuben
Co., P. O, address North Cohocton,)
farmer 771⁄2.

farmer 3.

[blocks in formation]

More, John, farmer 10.

POTTLE, EMORY B., lawyer and farmer 350.

MOSHER, ELLETHER. (South Bristol,) POWELL, SHOTWELL, (South Bristol,)

farmer 25.

[blocks in formation]

NIECE, LYMAN D., (South Bristol,) car-
penter, grocer, notary public and far-
mer 35.

Oakley, John, farmer 35.
OEHLMAN, WM., farmer 199.
Olney, Benjamin, farmer 118.

Osmer, Ira, painter and farmer 4.

Price, Joseph W., grape grower, black

farmer 800.

POWELL, THOS. J., farmer 100.

smith and farmer 93. Proctor, Horatio, farmer 56. PROPER, LEONARD M., (South Bristol,)

[blocks in formation]

Palmanteer, Martin V., carpenter and far- REESE, GEORGE, grape grower and far

[blocks in formation]

Parr, John, grape grower and farmer 8. Parsons, Daniel, (South Bristol,) farmer 50. PARTRIDGE, JAMES M., (South Bristol,) patent roof mannfacturer. "Peck, Abram Y., shoemaker. PECK, DAVID, dealer in jewelry and mu- Salisbury, Alonzo W., (P. O. address sical instruments.

Peck, Isaac N., carpenter.

Sabins, Uriah B., farmer 5.

Blood's Corners, Steuben Co.,) farmer


Salisbury, Henry J., (P, O. address Blood's | THRALL, LEVI G., surveyor, grape grower

Corners, Steuben Co.,) farmer leases


SALSBURY, THOS. H., (South Bristol,)
farmer 100.

Sanford, Raiman C., harness maker.
Scott, John, farmer 70.
SEAMANS, ISAAC A., lawyer.

Seamans, Thos. W., (Fessenden & Sons.)
SEAMANS, THOS. W., box manufacturer,
grape grower (15 acres) and farmer 34.

SEMANS, FRANKLIN, farmer 190. SEMANS, MRS. RACHEL, (South Bristol,) farmer 70.

SHERMAN, MRS. RHODA, (South Bristol,) farmer 62.

SIMMONS, HENRY A., farmer 40.

and farmer 5.

THURBER, AMAZIAH J., (South Bristol,)
saw mill and farmer 216.
THURBER, WM. L., farmer 86.
TIFFANY, LESTER, blacksmith and far-
mer 1.

TOBEY, L. & SON, (Lyman Sr. and Ly-
man Jr.,) general merchants.
Tobey, Lyman, (L. Tobey & Son.)
Tobey, Lyman, Jr., (L. Tobey & Son.)
TORREY, MRS. OLIVE C., farmer.
Tozer, Arthur, (South Bristol,) farmer 147.
TOZER, JAMES R., (South Bristol,) farm-
er 60.

Tozer, Wm. S., (South Bristol,) farmer 111.
Trembly, Isaac, (South Bristol,) farmer 230.

SIMONS, MRS. CINDARELLA, farmer 40. Turner, Christopher C., farmer 93.

Simons, Joseph W., farmer 23.

Smith, Benjamin O., farmer 14.
Smith, David M., (South Bristol,) saw mill

and farmer 103.

SMITH, E. RILEY, (South Bristol,) carriage maker.

SMITH, SIMON, live stock dealer and far-
mer 300.

SNYDER, JOHN L., farmer 112.
Snyder, Lewis P., farmer 204.

SPRAGUE, MRS. MARTHA J., farmer 12%.

Springstead, James, farmer 116.
Springstead, Wm., farmer 40.
Standish, Capt. S., master steamer Joseph
Wood, plying between Naples and Can-
andaigua, semi-daily.

Standish, Wm. R., (South Bristol,) prop'r
Woodville Hotel and farmer 70.

Stephenson, Caleb, farmer 50.
STETSON, BARKER, mason and farmer


[blocks in formation]

TYLER, ASEL W., farmer 122.
Tyler, Fisher W., farmer 120.
TYLER, HENRY F., farmer 165.
TYLER, HOLLIS, J., farmer 604.
Tyler Wm. W., farmer 122.
VANOSDOL, PETER, shoemaker and far-

mer 108.

VERMILYE, JOHN, farmer leases 40.
Waddell, James M., physician.
Wales, Samuel C., farmer 62.
WALTER, BERNARD, blacksmith.
WARREN, AMASA T., farmer 60, and leas-

es 59.

Warren, Sylvester, farmer 3.
WASBBURN, ALVIN, farmer 22.
WASHBURN, ELISHA G., saw mill, fruit

grower and farmer 229.

Watkins, Alanson, farmer 210.
WATKINS, JAMES W., stage proprietor.
Watkins, Ward, farmer leases from Alan-

son Watkins.

WATROUS, HENRY H., general merchant
and farmer 35.

Way, Joshua, allop. physician.
Webb, Henry, (South Bristol,) farmer leases

Webb, John, carpenter.
Webb, Orsamus, mason.
WEBB, WM. A., shoemaker.

Weld, Harvey, farmer 118.

WELLS & CHESEBRO, (Elijah Wells and
James Chesebro,) iron founders and
hardware dealers.

WELLS, ELIJAH, (Wells & Chesebro.)
WESBROOK. HENRY, farmer 185.
WESBROOK, MRS. JANE, farmer 20.
WEST, DAMON, farmer 874.

WHEELER, SEYMOUR, farmer 200.
WHITING, JOHN P., carriage maker and

farmer 2.

[blocks in formation]

peace and farmer 157. Swarts, Daniel B., farmer 48%.

Teets, Dan Y., shoemaker.

Tenney, John D., (P. O. address Blood's

WILDER, ERASTUS, (South Bristol,) far

Corners, Steuben Co.,) farmer 26.

Tenney, M. Henry, farmer 59.

TENNEY, SOLOMON C., farmer 6.

Wilder, John A., (South Bristol,) farmer 40.
Wiley, Milo M., farmer 55.

THOMAS, FRANK F., dentist.

WILLIAMS, EPHRAIM C., farmer 56.

Thomas, Frederick F., carpenter and join- Williams, Ira C., farmer 175.


WILLIAMS, THOS. R., farmer 333.

WILSON, MRS. ELIZA, (P. O. address | Wisewell, Henry F., wool carder and far

Blood's Corners, Steuben Co.,) farmer


Wilson, George, carpenter and farmer 50. Wilson, Geo., (P. O. address Blood's Corners, Steuben Co.,) carpenter and farmer 50.

WILSON, HUGH, carpenter, vineyard and

farmer 5.

Wilson, Wm., grape grower and farmer 5.
Wing, Orrin, farmer leases 29.

Wing, Pratt, farmer 6.
WISEWELL, CHAS. R., (lives with his


Wisewell, Edwin J., saw mill and farmer 8474.

mer 6.

[blocks in formation]


The post office addresses of the residents of the town of Phelps are Gypsum, Oaks Corners, Orleans and Phelps, in the town; Clifton Springs, Geneva and Seneca Castle, in adjoining towns; Arcadia, Lyons and Newark, Wayne County; and Junius and West Junius, Seneca County.


MOSHER, SHERMAN, (Manchester,) far

mer 24 and leases 55.

A post office on the line of Manchester. Patrick, Richard, (Manchester,) painter and Tri-weekly mail.

BAKER, STEPHEN, farmer 91.

Bell, Joseph, (Manchester,) farmer 80.

Bixby, Sarah E., Mrs., farmer 50.
Bryant, N. S., Dr., (Manchester,) allo. phy-

sician and farmer 67.

Carr, W. H., (Manchester,) farms with Dr.
N. S. Bryant.

CASE, LEVI, (Manchester,) wagon maker.
CHASE, NELSON, farmer 42.
COBB, EDWIN D., farmer 180.
COBB, RANTSLER W., farmer 40.
Cook, Mahlon, (Manchester,) farmer 84.
EDSON, GEO. W., (Manchester,) thresher
and farmer leases 120.

Follett, Leonard P., (Manchester,) town
collector and carpenter and joiner.
Follett, L. P. Mrs., (Manchester,) farmer 7.
Gross, Henry, farmer 50.
Hand, Silas, (Manchester,) blacksmith.
Johnson, Wm., (Manchester,) farmer 163.
Knauss, John, (Manchester,) (Thomas &
Co.,) Plainsville Mills and farmer 6%.

Miller, John G., farmer 88.
Mosher, Hugh S., (Manchester,) farmer


PERSONS, MARCUS, (Manchester,) notary public and farmer 55.

REED, JOSEPH, (Manchester,) farmer

Robison, Abram, (Manchester,) farmer 33.
ROBISON, ANDREW J., farmer 140.
Robison, Esbon, (Manchester,) farmer 21%.
Robison, James, (Manchester,) mason.
ROBISON, JAMES N., (with William H.,)

farmer 96.

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Vanderhoof, Abram, (Manchester,) farmer 159.

Vanderhoof, C., Mrs., (Manchester,) farmer



Citizens of Ontario County will here find an Artist of


In their own county. Mr. Ranger having fitted up rooms superior to his former elegant gallery at Geneva, is prepared to execute orders for his old friends, and hopes to merit the patronage of many new ones.

Gallery over Williams' Jewelry Store, Palmyra, N. Y.




HIRAM L. SWIFT, Proprietor.

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