Agricultural Society, Oakland, Mich., 103. | Bethlehem, Ia., 164. Agricultural Society, Otoe County, 64. Albion, Mich., 164. Alden, Isaac R., 124. American Fur Company, 37, 47, 48, 163. Ames, Oakes, 102. Annin, W. E., 115. Annin, Mrs. William E., 115. Antelope, 54. Area of Nebraska, change in 1882, 11. Armstrong and Clark, Omaha, 174. Atkinson, Fort, 194. Attorneys, qualifications in 1855, 139. Bangs, S. D., 46. Barber, M., 182. Barbour, Prof. E. H., 196. Barrett, Jay Amos: Article on Ponca Indians, 11-25; biographies of mem- Bartlett, Sidney, 103. Bellville, Ohio, 95. Bellevue, city, 36-47, 117. Benton, T. H., Jr., 46, 142. Bessey, Prof. C. E., 196. Big Foot's band, 188. "Big Six," 131. Birkett, Indian agent, 17. Blackbird Mission, 46. Blackfeet, 48. Black Hawk War, 93. Bloomer, Mrs. Amelia, 177. Boulware, Mrs. John, 168. Boundary of Nebraska, Northeastern, 11. Bond system, 67-69. Box Elder canyon, 51. Bradford, A. Η., 88, 118, 124, 127, 176. Bridger, Fort, 50. Bridger, Jim, 50. British influence on Indians, 13. Broady, Judge J. H., address, 144-152, 197. Brooks, E. C., 184. Brown, Miss (Mrs. Alfred Sorenson), 177. Brown, Mary A. (Mrs. Fleming David- Brown, Miss Nellie, 177. Brown, Richard, 117, 127. Bellevue precinct, election of 1853, 133, Brown, Mrs. William D., 177. note. Brown, William D., 177. Bennet, H. P., reminiscences, 88-92, 117, Brownville, 60, 93, 117, 122, 123, 150. Bennet, Isaiah H., 88, 164. Brownville & Fort Kearney R. R., 61. Brule Sioux, 26. Buchanan, W. W., 73. Buffalo County, survey, 53. Burbank, John, 74. Byers, W. N., 130, 131. Caldwell, H. W., 194-197. California road, 55. Calloway County, Missouri, 121. Carlisle, city, 141. Canada West, 72. Cannon, Mrs. W. S., 177. Cannon, William S., 177. Caste, social, 41, 42. Catch-the-Bear, Indian, 187. Chapin, Capt. A. R., 184. Chapin, Hon. W. F., 159. Chatham gathering, 72. Chester, city of 1855, 141. Cheyennes, 48. Cities, number of in Nebraska, 156 Civil War, 93. Clam Clubs, 100. Claim Club, Bellevue, 45. Clancy, William, 131. Clark, Imogen, 173. Clark, John T., 173. Clark, M. H., 117, 132-134. Clark, Miss (Mrs. King), 173. Clark, Dora (Mrs. Algernon Batte), 173. Clarke, Hon. Η Τ., 45, 46. Collins, Mrs., 178 Columbus, city, 23, 56. Corporations, 1855, 156, Cost of local government, 58-69. Council Bluffs, Ia., 92, 129. Credit Mobilier, 102. Creighton, Edward, 106. Creole women, 163. Criminal Code of 1855, 139. Crook, Fort, 47. Crooks, Zada (Mrs. William Poppleton), 95. Crops of Ponca Indians, 18, 19. Cross, D. C., 123. Cross Hollow, Ark., 123. Crowder, E. Н., 184. Crowfoot, son of Sitting Bull, 186. Crow Indians, 48. Cuming, Mrs. Margaret C., 168-171. Cuming, Act. Gov. T. B., 58, 89, 90, 98, 136, 169, 170, 174. Curtis, General, 57. Cushing, Mayor R. C., 104. Dakota county, 65. Dakota Indians, 18. See Sioux. Davidson, Fleming, 120. Davis, Miss (Mrs. Herman Kountze), 178. Davis, Jefferson, 101. Davis, John, 178. Davis, Mrs. Thomas, 178. Death of P. S. Real, 34. Decatur, Commodore Stephen, 43, 45, 91, 165. Democratic government, 67. Estabrook, Henry, 172. Eureka Springs, Ark., 34. Evans, John, 130; quoted, 162. Factory system, 13. Falls City, 72. Farming, Poncas, 18. Fechet, Major E. G., paper on death of Ferguson, Judge A. N., 164. Ferguson, Judge Fenner, 45, 90, 164. Ferris, Mrs. C. E. (Miss Folsom), 128. Ferry, Margaret, 177. Ferry, Platte, 55. Fifield, Captain, 121. Fifth Missouri Militia, 93. Fillion, Mrs., North Platte, 50. First Nebraska Volunteers, 112. First territorial legislature of Nebraska, 88-161. Fitch, Mrs. James, 168. Florence, city, origin of name, 129. Florence legislature, 100. Folsom, B. R., 90, 118, 124, 125, 127-8. Folsom, N. R., 125, 128. Fort Kearney, 57. Fort Kearney, original, 44, 88. Fort Leavenworth, 81. Fort Lookout, 48. Fort McPherson, 51. Fort Pierre, 48. Fort, Sutter's, 50. Fort Union, 48. Forty-eighth Missouri Vo'unteer Infan- try, 94. Fowler, John W., 97. Frances, city, 141. Franklin Insurance Co., 142. Free State League, 71. Fremont, Col., 33. Furnas, Hon. R. W., 154, 193-197. Game, 1844, 50. Gardner, David, 55. Garrett, Bishop, 108. Gayle, Mary (Mrs. Joe La Flesch), 163. Gayle, Dr., 163. Geneva Lake, Wis., 172. Gentry's Regiment, Colonel, 93. Gere, Hon. C. Н., 195-198. Gill, George B., 76. Gilmour, Mrs. William, 168. Goodwill, Miss Adelaide (Mrs. Allen Goodwill, T. G., 118, 128. Goss, Hon. J. Q., 193, 194; article on Government, local, 58-69. |