Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

Edward John Angle, B. S., M. D., Lincoln-Zoology.

Carrie Adeline Barbour, Lincoln; Assistant Curator, State Museum-Palaeontology. Erwin Hinckley Barbour, A. B., Ph. D., Lincoln; Professor of Geology in the University of Nebraska, Acting State Geologist, and Curator State MuseumGeology.

Harris Millar Benedict, B. S., A. M., Instructor in Natural Science in the High School, Lincoln-Zoology.

* Charles Edwin Bessey, B. S., Ph. D., Lincoln; Professor of Botany in the University of Nebraska and Acting State Botanist-Botany.

Ernst Athearn Bessey, Lincoln-Botany.

*Rosa Bouton, B. S., A. M., Lincoln; Instructor in Chemistry in the University of Nebraska-Chemistry.

Robert J. Boyd

H. Brownell, B. S., Peru; Professor of Chemistry and Physics in the Nebraska State Normal School-Chemistry.

* Lawrence Bruner, B. S., Lincoln; Professor of Entomology in the University of Nebraska-Zoology.

Lyman Ray Brush, Ashland.

Fred Wallace Card, M. S., Lincoln; Associate Professor of Horticulture in the University of Nebraska-Horticulture.

William Arthur Clark, A. M., Ped. D., Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology in

the Nebraska State Normal, Peru---Psychology. William Cleburne, Drawer 20, Omaha-Botany, Geology.

George Evert Condra, B. S., Lincoln; Instructor in Science in the High SchoolGeology, Zoology.

James William Crabtree, Inspector of Accredited High Schools at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

H. D. Crawford, York; Field Manager of York College-Mineralogy.

*J. Stuart Dales, M. Ph., Lincoln; Secretary-Treasurer of the University of Nebraska-Biology.

Ellery Williams Davis, B. S., Ph. D., Lincoln; Professor of Mathematics in the University of Nebraska-Mathematics.

John Wirt Dinsmore, Lincoln-Child Study.

Thomas Eaton Doubt, B. S., A. M., Instructor in Physics in the University of Wash

ington, Seattle-Physics, Mathematics.

* Henry B. Duncanson, B. S., Peru; Professor of Geology and Natural History in the Nebraska State Normal School-Botany.

Clarence Jerome Elmore, A. M., Crete; Instructor in Science in the High SchoolBotany.

Rollins Adams Emerson, B. S., Lincoln; Horticulturist in the office of Experiment

Stations, Washington, D. C.-Horticulture.

Milton H. Everett, M. D., 630 So. Seventeenth St., Lincoln-Geology.

Cassius Asa Fisher, Assistant in Geology in the University of Nebraska, LincolnGeology.

Charles Fordyce, A. B., A. M., University Place; Professor of Biology in Wesleyan University-Biology.

Harold Gifford, M. D., 1404 Farnham St., Omaha-Bacteriology.

H. Hapeman, M. D., Minden; Assistant Surgeon of the Union Pacific RailroadBotany.

John Milton Hardy, M. D., Cairo-Microsсору.

*Ellis T. Hartley, 441 No. Tenth St., Lincoln-Microscopy.

William W. Hastings, A. M., Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of Hygiene and Director of the Gymnasium at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln-Anthropology. Herbert E. Hershey, Nebraska City-Zoology.

A. Ross Hill, A. B., Ph. D., Associate Professor of Philosophy in the University of Nebraska, Lincoln-Philosophy.

Walter David Hunter, B. S., A. M., Lincoln; Assistant in Entomology in the Uni

versity of Nebraska-Entomology.

Edward Marston Hussong, B. S., Franklin; Superintendent of Schools-Economic Botany.

Walter M. Kern, Superintendent of Schools, David City-Botany.

Henry Anderson Lafler, De Witt-Entomology and Invertebrate Zoology.

George Andrew Loveland, B. S., Lincoln; Observer and Section Director of the United States Weather Bureau-Meteorology.

George W. A. Luckey, A. B., Professor of Pedagogy in the University of Nebraska, Lincoln-Child Study.

George Edwin MacLean, A. B., Ph. D., LL. D., Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

* Alexander S. von Mansfelde, M. D., Ashland-Pathology and Histology.

J. Ellis Maxwell, York; Professor of Natural Science in York College-Biology. Robert Edward Moritz, Ph. M., Hastings; Professor of Mathematics in Hastings College-Mathematics.

A. W. Norton, A. M., Warrensburg, Mo.-Psychology.

Bayard H. Payne, B. S., Grand Island; Instructor in Science in the High School -Zoology.

Arthur Sperry Pearse, De Witt-Mammalogy, Herpetology, and Ornithology. Albert T. Peters, D. V. M., Investigator of Animal Diseases at the U. S. Experiment Station, Lincoln-Bacteriology.

* Roscoe Pound, A. B., Ph. D., 126 Burr Block, Lincoln; Director of the Botanical Survey of Nebraska-Botany.

Joseph Horace Powers, A. B., Ph. D., Professor of Natural Science in Doane College, Crete-Psychology.

Albert A. Reed, A. B., Superintendent of Schools, Crete-Botany.

Charles F. Rogers, Beatrice; Instructor in Science in the High School-Chemistry. Jesse Perry Rowe, B. S., Lincoln-Geology.

B. L. Seawell, A. B., Hastings; Professor of Natural Science in Hastings CollegeZoology.

* Wells Hawks Skinner, A. B., Nebraska City; Superintendent of Schools-Botany.

T. F. Stauffer, Box 806, Lincoln; Clergyman-Psychology.

* Andrew B. Stephens, Holdrege; Superintendent of Schools-Botany.

A. P. S. Stuart, 330 No. Eleventh St., Lincoln-Chemistry.

Oscar Van Pelt Stout, B. C. E., Lincoln; Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

in the University of Nebraska-Civil Engineering.

* Goodwin Deloss Swezey, A. B., A. M., Lincoln; Professor of Meterology and in charge of Astronomy in the University of Nebraska-Meteorology and Astronomy.

Isador S. Trostler, 4246 Farnham St., Omaha-Ornithology.
Elza Edward Tyler, Lincoln-Geology and Botany.

Henry Baldwin Ward, A. M., Ph. D., Lincoln; Professor of Zoology in the University of Nebraska, and Acting State Zoologist-Zoology.

Robert Henry Wolcott, B. S., M. D., Instructor in Zoology in the University of Nebraska, Lincoln-Zoology.

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