ADVERTISEMENTS. We require that every advertiser satisfy us of FOUNDATION! responsibility and intention to do all that he agrees, WHOLESALE for them. goods are really worth the price Rates for Advertisements. All advertisements will be inserted at the rate of 20 cents per line, Nonpareil space, each insertion. 12 lines, Nonpareil space make 1 inch. Discounts will be made as follows: On 10 lines and upward, 3 insertions, 5 per cent; 6 insertions, 10 per cent; 9 insertions, 15 per cent; 12 insertions, 20 per cent. On 50 lines (4 column) and upward 1 insertion, 5 per cent; 3 insertions, 10 per cent; 6 insertions, 15 per cent; 9 insertions, 20 per cent; 12 insertions, 25 per cent. -AND RETAIL. Dealers in Bee Supplies will do well to send for our wholesale prices of foundation. We now have the most extensive manufactory of foundation in the country. We send to all parts of the U. S. We make all standard styles, and our wax is nowhere to be equaled for cleanliness, purity, and beauty. Extra thin and bright for sections. All shapes and all sizes. Samples free on request. On 100 lines (whole column) and upward, 1 insertion, On 200 lines (whole page) 1 insertion, 15 per cent; 3 BARNES' Patent Foot and Steam Power Machinery. Complete outfits for Actual work-shop business. Lathes for Wood or Metal. Circular Saws, Scroll Saws, Formers, Mortisers, Tenoners, etc., etc. Machines on trial if desired. Descriptive Catalogue and Price List Free. W. F. & JOHN BARNES, Win. Co., Illinois. 11tfd CHAS. DADANT & SON, HIVES! HIVES! I am now prepared to manufacture bee-hives, whole sale and retail at the very lowest prices. Send one dollar, to get one of D. A. Jones' celebrated hives. Catalogue furnished on application. 9tfd JOHN M. KINZIE, Doon, Ont., Can. HEAPEST PLACE FOR COLONIES.- Italian Rockford, Comb Foundation Machines $10.00 ΤΟ $60.00. SAMPLES OF FOUNDATION WITH OUR ONE POUND SECTION BOX BY MAIL FOR FIVE CENTS. For illustrations see our Illustrated Catalogue of Apiarian Implements and Supplies, mailed on application. A. I. ROOT, Medina, Ohio. THE ABC OF BEE CULTURE. Bound in paper, mailed for $1.00. At wholesale, same price as GLEANINGS, (but will be sent to any postoffice singly), with which it may be clubbed. One copy, $1.00; 2 copies, $1.90; three copies, $2.75; five copies, $4.00; ten copies, $7.50. The same, neatly bound in cloth, with the covers neatly embellished in embossing and gold, one cору, $1.25; 2 copies, $2.40; three copies, $3.50; five copies, $5.25; ten copies, $10.00. If ordered by freight or express, the postage may be deducted, which will be 12c on the book in paper, and 15c each, on the book in cloth. Cook's Manual in paper or cloth at the same price as above. A. I. ROOT, Medina, О. trouble." I know, you see. Fruit Recorder and Cottage Gardener (100) 1 75 We have those suitable for Druggists, Grocerymen, Hardware Dealers, Dentists, &c., &c. Send for Circular. A. I. ROOT, Medina, Ohio. U. S. Official Postal Guide (150)... 225 Sunday School Times, weekly, (200)...... 2 25 [Above rates include all postage.] out by mail or express and you will save your No.2. self and all who do business with you "a worlu of Bees in Sicily. 191 191 Bees, Handling in Winter...171 .176 .192 183 186 Bees, To Make.. Bees by the Pound. Bees, Water for... Bee-Tree.. Bee-book, An Old. Blue-thistle Honey. Buckwheat Carroll's Letter. Catalpa. Cellars... Chaff Hives. Circulars Received. Combs Outside. Dallas' Report. Deane System. Doolittle. Dzierzon Theory. Feeder, Kendel's.. Flour Candy in Jan. Foul Brood. Grimm's Letter. 195 Int., by new hand. 176, 192 Melometer, Hasty's. .175 Merrybanks. 194 Miller, C. C.'s Letter. .186 Nuclei, Two in one Hive. 193 Pollen, diff. Colors. .176 Queens, Introducing. .172 Robbers, Managing. .167 Sections, To put on. ...181 Separators.. .187 Shingles for bee feed. 196 Sparrow, Chirping .164 Stehle's Visit..... 183 Starters, Fastening. 177 200 20 SWARMS OF BEES FOR SALE! I will sell, and deliver to Louisville express office ..197 from 1 to 20 swarms of Italian and hybrid bees at 167 the following prices: In 10-frame 2-story Langstroth 192 hives, each $10.00; in 8-frame 1-story L. hives, each 184 $7.50. Pure Italians, $1.00 per colony more. They 191 have all straight worker combs, young queens, and .170 are as strong as any that I have at the time of shipment. I will guarantee safe arrival to your express 185 office, and am determined to give satisfaction. No order filled unless accompanied by the cash. No discount on the above prices. Address .187 .188 183 .194 Starting new bee journals..205 .195 Starters Size of. .168 Suggestion, Bold. 185, 187 Sulphur.... .173 Swarm-catcher, Best. 193 Swarming-box. New. ...196 Ventilation. 194,196 Ventilation, Upward. .195 Wint. without Pollen... HEADQUARTERS FOR 167 167 195 3-4d .186 .193 193 194 173 .195 .187 167 A. SCHNEIDER, Cor. 26th & Market Sts., Louisville, Ky. ANOTHER NEW IDEA! 168 Foundation all ready for business. Every sheet 186 wired and bound around with a light wooden rim ready to adjust instantly into your frame. No advance in prices. Small sample for 6c. I shall also breed Choice Italian and Holy-Land Queens, practicing a new stimulative process. Write now for prices and particulars to JOHN H. MARTIN, 3-2d Hartford, N. Y. EARLY ITALIAN AND CYPRIAN BEES AND QUEENS! Two, three, and four frame nuclei and tested queens a specialty; rousing fuil stocks and bees for sale by the pound. Basswood trees of all sizes at a bargain. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. Send for A. W. CHENEY, Kanawha Falls, W. Va. circular. 4d Cash for Beeswax! Will pay 21c per lb. cash, or 23c in trade for any quantity of good, fair, average beeswax, delivered at our R. R. station. The same will be sold to those who wish to purchase, at 27c per lb. A. I. ROOT, Medina, Ohlo. P. S.-Unless you put your name on the box, and tell how much you have sent, I can not hold myself responsible for mistakes. It will not pay as a general thing to send wax by Express. А. І. Коот. MAHER & GROSH, 34 N. Monroe St., TOLEDO, OHIO. A BEE-KEEPER WANTED. Must be experienced and reliable. No person using intoxicating liquors, tobacco, or cigars, need apply. A married man preferred. Must be industrious. Address DR. ISAAC EDWARDS, 12tfd Omaha, Nebraska. SUPPLIES FOR THE APIARY. Purchase your Hives, Crates, and Sections, from where pine lumber can be bought cheap. Special attention given to large orders. 2-7d HIRAM ROOP, Carson City, Mich. The Oldest Bee Paper in America-Established in 1861. AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL, Published WEEKLY, at 82.00 a year. The first and third numbers of each month, $1.00 a year. The first number of each month, 50 cents a year. THOMAS G. NEWMAN, Editor and Proprietor, 974 West Madison Street, Chicago, Ill. NEW KNIFE.-3-blade; Stag or Ebony Handle; long blade, as carefully made as a razor. Price, postpaid, $1. All our goods hand-forged from razor steel, and replaced FREE if soft or flawy. Our Farmer's Extra strong 2blade, 75c; medium, 2-blade, 50c: 1-blade, 25c; extra strong 1blade, 50c. Hunting knife $1. Ladies fine 2-blade, 50c; Gents' 3-blade $1. Butcher Knife, 6 in. blade, 50 cts. 49-page list sent free. Names of responsible parties will be inserted in any of the following departments, at a uniform price of 20 cents each insertion, or $2,00 per year. $1.00 Queens. Names inserted in this department the first time without charge. After, 20c each insertion, or $2,00 per year. Those whose names appear below agree to furnish Italian queens for $1,00 each, under the following conditions: No guarantee is to be assumed of purity, or anything of the kind, only that the queen be reared from a choice, pure mother, and had commenced to lay when they were shipped. They also agree to return the money at any time when customers become impatient of such delay as may be unavoidable. Bear in mind that he who sends the best queens, put up most neatly and most securely, will probably receive the most orders. Special rates for warranted and tested queens, furnished on application to any of the parties. Names with *, use an imported queen mother. If the queen arrives dead, notify us and we will send you another. Probably none will be sent for $1.00 before July 1st, or after Nov. If wanted sooner, or later, see rates in price list. 8-7 Chas. D. Duvall, Spencerville, Mont. Co., Md. 8tfd C. W. Phelps, Tioga Centre, Tioga Co., N. Y. J. J. Kiser, East Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa. Bees by the Pound. 4tfd 4tfd 4-6 4tfd 4tfd 4 4tfd 4tfd 4tfd 41fd 4tfd FOR CHOICE QUEENS, and for bees or in any other shape, address S. C. PERRY, Portland, Ionia Co., Mich. 4d. WARRANTED ITALIAN QUEENS A SPECIALTY. All who expect to buy queens this season, be sure to send for my circular. My queens gave perfect satisfaction last year. Warranted Italian queens, bred from choice imported mothers, in May, $1.25; six, $6.00; twelve, $11.00. Holy-Land aud Cyprian queens, crossed with Italians, at the same price. Tested Italian queens, $3.00. CHAS. D. DUVALL. Spencerville, Mont. Co., Md. Basswood or Linden Trees! One foot and under, $2.00 per 100; by mail, $3.00; 2, 6,8, and 10 ft. high, for 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 cents each, respectively. Special rates by the 100 or 1000. Dan 4-6 4d 4-9 4-9 S. C. Perry, Portland, Ionia Co., Mich. 4tfd Who agree to make such hives, and at the prices delion plants, 50c per dozen by mail. Fremont Center, Newaygo Co., Mich. APICULTURAL CALIFORNIA The only bee journal published on the Pacific coast is the Illustrated monthly CALIFORNIA Department for those who wish to be considered APICULTURIST. It is devoted to the interests of the WANTED ITALIAN BEES crop of 1881. A. I. ROOT, GET JUST WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Bees by the pound, April, $2.00; May, $1.50; Hybrid Queens, $1.00; pure Italians, $3.00. Stores and combs, 15 cts. per lb. No charge for package. Frames either L., or 10% x164. Safe arrival at last express office guaranteed. Will sell bees without queens. 4-5d J. J. KISER, East Des Moines, Polk Co., lowa. HIVES AND SECTION BOXES, wide L. frames, tin separators, brood frames with metal corners. All kinds of hives; chaff hives with movable upper story. 100 Colonies of ITALIAN BEES FOR SALE IN SIMPLICITY HIVES ! ALBINO, CYPRIAN, AND ITALIAN QUEENS; ROOT, VANDERVORT, DUNHAM, and GIVEN FOUNDATION FOR SALE, with every thing needed for a first-class apiary. Send for a circular, to 3-2d E. T. FLANAGAN, Box 819, Belleville, ROSE HILL APIARY. St. Clair Co., Illinois. TALIAN BEES AND QUEENS Full colonies, 2, 3, and 4 frame nuclei. Tested Queens, in May, $3.00; in June, $2.50; July, August, and September, $2.00. Untested queens, in June and July, $1.00; Aug., 90c: Sept., 75c. All queens will be reared from imported and home-bred queens. Please send for list to GEO. W. BAKER, 3-9 CHAFF HIVE Lewisville, Henry Co., Ind. By the Pound in April and until the 15th of May, $1.00 per pound. After May 15th, 80c per lb. in lots of 5 lbs., and 75c in larger lots. Express charges are very little more on 5 lbs. than less. Doltar queens at $1.00 after May 1st. Hybrid queen with lbs. of bees, in April, $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. G. W. GATES. Bartlett, Tenn. 4-5d PRINTED, 100 Envelopes, 100 Letter-heads, 100 Business Cards, postpaid, $2.00. Fine _Chromo Floral Cards, 15c per 25; 250 per 50. Hand Bouquet, Cat and Gold Motto, 25c per 25; 40c per 50. All kinds of job work neatly executed. Send for Price List and Circular of thoroughbred Land and Water Fowls. Fancy Poultry a specialty. If your hens don't lay, 'eed Imperial Egg Food. Trial package by mail, 50c and $1.00. J. T. FLETCHER, 3-4 West Monterey, Clarion Co., Pa. C. OLM'S COMB FOUNDATION MACHINE. 4-6 SEND FOR SAMPLE AND CIRCULAR. 1882. QUEENS! 1882. I am now booking orders for warranted Italian Queens; each, $1.00; six, $500. Tested, after June, $1.50. Cyprians, unwarranted, $1.00; six, $5.00. Send for circular giving description and recommendations from P. M. and county officers. MoneyOrder office, Versailles, Ky. 1tfd J. T. WILSON, Mortonsville, Woodford Co., Ky. IN THE FRONT RANK E. A. THOMAS & CO. (Successors to E. A. Thomas), Coleraine, Franklin Co., Mass. MALL FARM AND APIARY FOR SALE CHEAP. For particulars, address J. B. COLTON, Waverly, Bremer Co., Iowa. SMALDARMANDI DY SENDING YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS on of Italian, Cyprian, and Holy-Land Bees, Queens, and Apiarian Supplies, etc. H. H. BROWN, 4tfd Light Street, Col. Co., Pa. Three frames brood and honey, 1 lb. bees, 1 untested Italian queen, shipped in my S. hive, $4.00; with 2 lbs. of bees, $5.00; for each additional pound, add $1.50. All money returned. 4d SEND FORCULLUSTRATED orders received in April filled in May in rotation, or CHAFF AND SIMPLICITY BEE-HIVES, SMOKERS, COMB FOUNDATION, QUEENS, BOOKS, ETC., ETC. S. C. & J. P. WATTS, LUMBER CITY, CLEARFIELD CO., РД. 3-11d. WANTED! Every reader of GLEANINGS to send at once for a copy of my new Illustrated Circular of Bee-keepers' Supplies. It may pay to see it before ordering. 2-7d BEESWAX WANTED. J. V. CALDWELL, Cambridge, Henry Co., III. H. BARBER, Adrian, Len. Co., Mich. |