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count in his favor. Well, Jesus has said that
all that is not for him, is against him. Dr.
Kellogg struck at the real truth of the mat-
ter when he said that the young man who
would take up a bad habit, at first re-
pulsive, would surely take up with the next
bad habit that happens to be in a line with
his inclinations. It indicates an unscrupu-
lousness, as it were, as an attitude of the
heart. It is a mild sort of a "don't care"
spirit, and this "don't care" spirit, pushed
a little further along, will take up gambling,
drinking, theft, and finally murder.
you don't care what kind of a character you
build, you are on the road to the penitentia-
ry or the poorhouse.

I have told you about the young man who was converted, and that the small boys on the streets, in discussing the matter next morning, said they didn't believe it, because he just went past with a cigar in his mouth. Very likely those small boys had cigars in their mouths; but yet they decided, unhesitatingly, that the man who is to become a better man must start out in the morning without his cigar. Argue as much as you please about it, the plain fact still stands before you, that the world will always decide against the cigar, when it comes to building character. It has been said, that the voice of the people is the voice of God; and this verdict that the people almost unconsciously pass upon you and your acts, certainly often comes very near the voice of God.

There is another verse in that first psalm that reads,

His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth h meditate day and night.

That word delight, it seems to me, is a I have had boys come here most happy one. to work who labored solely for the pay they received, or at least pretty near that. If they had to carry hives out into the apiary. it was drudgery for them; and in a sort of sleepy way they would set them down in the wrong place, and yawn, and declare they knew of one boy who wouldn't work if he didn't have to. Did you ever hear anybody say he wished he was rich so he wouldn't have to work? I have heard men say it: but I am glad to say I can not remember of ever hearing a boy say it, right out in words. It is dismal to think of, and I am glad to turn to a pleasanter picture. The pleasanter picture is the boy who comes here to learn about bees, and whose delight is to study them and work with them from morning until night. Eyes, hands, feet, and brains, all delight in the work, and the boy is so happy he forgets that he is doing hard labor, and, in fact, almost forgets when it is dinner time. Would you be surprised to hear his employer was pleased with him, or that he was pleased with his employer?

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Well, while you have this picture right before you, suppose a boy should show that same kind of enthusiasm in studying how to be honest and pure in heart. Suppose it was your delight to study the law of God, both You who are reading, and listening, as it day and night, and to work as hard as you were, to these words I am trying to tell you, do at bees, in trying to get out selfishness, I am sure have a sincere desire to improve and see yourself as others see you. Rememand prosper in all honest work; and now in ber, now, this studying is fair and honest this same teachable spirit, examine the mat- and unselfish, with no underhanded thoughts ter yourselves, and answer. Would you ad- behind it, of getting ahead of other people, vise the young girl who, in real anguish, or any thing of that sort. I know full well wanted the people to stop talking about her, how many there are who even jeer and laugh to go to a dance? If you please, any kind of to scorn the very idea of such a thing, or of a dance. Would you advise her to be found the idea that any man can be found on the at any kind of a card-table? Answer it your-face of the earth who is studying God's law, selves, and then you can't well argue the matter; and after you have answered, go over all these things that people disagree on. Or suppose a girl were wanted to take charge of the books and money of some large institution. You know girls often do this now. In fact, I do not know but that it is coming to pass that we business men find that we have better "luck" (?) with girls than with men or boys, for girls don't smoke, swear, nor drink, you know. But it isn't every girl who is fit for such a post. Well, what kind of one shall we look for? Think of all the women vou know, and pick out the one you think would do best. How did she build up that character? what little things entered into its make-up? is there the least trace of any thing "fast" about her? does she spend all she can get hold of to bedeck herself? does she play lady while her mother is bending and wrinkling herself with hard work? is she always wanting the best places, without any regard as to whether other girls have any kind of a place or not? Now, reader, if every thing you do does not prosper, is not some of the reason for it because you have not built up a character in the ways I have indicated?

without any idea of the "main chances," or
the almighty dollar," or self-aggrandize-
ment, etc. They won't even consider the
point, of one who is simply seeking for puri-
ty honestly. One such person with whom I
had a talk, brought forth a copy of the Po
lice Gazette, and turned to a passage showing
how a certain minister had fallen; and in
another part of the paper, another; and, if I
am correct, they had given a picture of the
"There are your pretty ministers,"
said he, and he even exulted as he pointed
out the sickening accounts of how God's
servants had fallen.

Let us let the rest of the world alone, just
a minute. Humanity may be terribly bad;
but even if it is, it doesn't help us a particle.
Have you, my friend, made it your delight
to study the duties you owe to God and your
fellow-men? If you have not, can you do it?
Have you any taste for such a study? Do
you really hunger and thirst after righteous-
ness amid such a world of corruption? If
you do, in the full sense of the word, the
world will find it out, and you will be sought
for everywhere at once, almost. People will
be wanting to lend you money; you will be
wanted to head every enterprise; you will

be offered high salaries; and so vast and unworked is this great field, that I am not sure but that you would soon be wanted as president of the United States, even though your abilities might be nothing more than ordinary. Besides all the above, Satan would want you; and after you had climbed only a little way in righteousness, he would try every weapon in his great artillery to get you diverted from your purpose. He might succeed, and you might be led away; for with money, influence, and friends, come tenfold greater temptations.

My friends, what should we know of God, without the Bible? Should we know any thing of him at all? would there be a word for the Ruler of the universe? Yes, because nations that have no Bible, nor knowledge of it, have a sort of an idea of the Deity. Suppose you had no Bible, and never heard of one, and yet should have a great desire spring up to know of this great being, and to know all that had ever been thought or 'written on the subject. What books would you get, and of whom would you inquire? Now, while you have this before you, allow me to digress a little; and pardon me for the illustration I shall use.

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Why, mother, the Bible does not interest me a particle; I have tried to read it for your sake, but I can not make any thing out of it."

Perhaps she remembered the time when I took no notice of bees and bee-books; so her faith was undimmed, and she kept praying for me as well as the rest of her boys. My friends, do not, I beg of you, forget those "mother's prayers."

I am now coming to my third and last point. My enthusiasm on bees was not a very unusual thing; in fact, it is a rather common occurrence in business. No particular credit is due me for it, for I took it up simply because I happened to be attracted, and my curiosity aroused, by that branch of natural history. Well, keeping this right before you, what would be the result, think you, if some young man should take it into his mind to study about God in the same way? Suppose he should take up the Bible exactly as I did the book on bees. He opens the book, and finds, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.' He turns further on and reads, "The fear of the Years ago, as many of you know, I was at- Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from tracted by a truant swarm of bees. I got evil, is understanding." He finds rules for possession of them, and kept them perhaps the conduct of life, and promises to those one day. During the short time I had them who are faithful. Over further along he I was peering into the cluster almost inces-reads, "But I say unto you, love ye your santly, and striving to scrape acquaintance with this queer little community of industry, of whom we had all heard so much. The bees went off, but not my enthusiasm. I began to question people about bees; and on learning there were bee-books to be had, I went directly to the bookstore of our town, but found none. The disappointment seemed only to excite my enthusiasm, and it seemed strange to me that anybody could live in this world, and know nothing about "bees." I found some old volumes of agricultural papers, and devoured eagerly every word on bees, and thirsted for more. I went to see a man who had kept bees for years, and he said he had heard there is a queen in each hive, that "bosses" the work and leads the swarm, but he did not know whether it were true or not. Finally, off I started for Cleveland one afternoon. I could not wait for morning, you know; and when there I went straight to the bookstores. I got Langstroth, and, going to a hotel, read a great part of the night. Of course, I got some bees; and with the book and hive side by side, I tested the wonderful teaching. With a single comb observatory hive in the window, I watched the whole process of queenrearing. The book was proved and verified. I knew it was truth. Although I had read the book through and through, I spent most of my evenings reading it again, here and there. My delight was in poring over its pages, and meditating on its wonders, by day and night. My mother called one day, and found me rapt up in the book and my papers on bees. She made a remark something like this:

"Amos, I believe the day will come when you will read and study the Bible just as you do those bee-books now."

enemies, and do good to them that hate you." Not only is the book his constant companion, but he ponders on it, even through the hours of the night, and resolves to prove it in his intercourse among men. It is a hard matter to do good to those who hate us; but in his enthusiasm to explore the new world opened up to him, he sets about doing good to those who are most bitter toward him. Just exactly as I saw the queen hatch before my eyes, from a worker egg, he sees the book proved and verified. In a strange and wonderful way enemies are disarmed, and he feels as did the disciples of old when they returned, saying," Lord, even the devils are subject to us through thy name." He reads, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God;" and with that same enthusiasm he strives to make even his inmost thoughts pure; not because of men or this world, but because the promise is only to those who are pure in heart before God. In the same way he goes over the Bible and reads it through and through, at the same time shaping and conforming his life to it. Reader, where do you suppose such a man would end? Do you know of such a man or woman anywhere? If not, is there not a great and unexplored region for you and me, right here before us? Please, now, look again at the verses we have just been considering. Look at the conditions and the promise:

But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leat shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall


Now, if you are not prospering, do you not see why it is? Do you love that book and that law? are you meditating on it day

and night? more than all, are you proving the words true every day of your life? Just try one little point. Are you doing good, and trying to do good daily to those who hate you? If not, do you propose doing so, or have you got a law of your own that you prefer to God's law?

You may cite me to those on beds of sickness, and ask how it can be possible for them to prosper. Jesus can make even a dying bed feel soft as downy pillows; and he who in sickness is meditating on God's law, and putting it in practice in kind words to those around the bedside, is prospering, in the truest sense of the word. Money and health are good, as far as they go; but they by no means of themselves bring true joy and happiness, such as comes to the one who has God for a friend, and feels his great love, in sickness or health, thrilling every fiber of his being. Dear reader, are you happy? Is life a great and glorious gift? If not, it is surely because your delight is not in God's law. Read your Bible more, and live it.





MEDINA, APR. 1, 1882.

The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart

from evil is understanding.-JOB 28; 28.

WHEN I wrote the editorial in regard to basswoods, in our March No., I carelessly overlooked the advertisement of friend Cheney, on page 108.


THE California Apiculturist for March was hand promptly, and is bright and lively. We can club it with GLEANINGS for $1.75.

FROM reports that come in, we judge it will be well to give Mr. S. Hawley, of stingless-bee reputation, a wide berth. He seems to be traveling about; so, good friends, look out for him.

On one of our advertising pages, our friend " M." has given you a few specimens of our work. When ordering, just mention the number of the label as there given, and tell how many are wanted.

IT is 4238 subscribers we have this time, and it is 4 colonies of bees that have dwindled since our last visit. We saved the queen to one, and the other 3 we didn't. Well, 6 lost out of 200 isn't very bad, after all.

BUSINESS is booming in a way it never was before at this season. With the aid of new and improved

machinery, and between 70 and 80 hands, we are do

ing more and nicer work than we ever did before

with a hundred hands.

OUR enterprising friend Gates offers bees now for a dollar a pound, as you will notice by his advertisement. I really hope it will take the trade away from us for awhile, so we can get time (and bees) to raise some honey this year.

DOLLAR QUEENS are coming in and going out They are all right. Friend Mitchell, of Hawkinsville, Ga., puts a piece of thin red flannel over the tin slide, so the bees won't get the toothache by standing barefooted on a cold tin floor.


A PRETTY little pamphlet, telling all about this

plant, can be had free of Henry Lee, Denver, Col. Our alfalfa has not as yet attracted very much attention as a honey-plant, but it has done prodigiously as a forage producer. After being cut off while in blossom, it shoots up with a suddenness that is astonishing, and I think it very likely that a large field would be more likely to be visited by the bees. A "SQUARE MAN is expected to be always able to return the money by return mail, when asked to do so, in case he is unable to ship the goods; he is also expected to pay every copper he owes anybody,

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when it is wanted. If he can get longer time grant

ed, well and good; but to take time without its being granted, is not "square." This will necessitate keeping close to the shore, it is true; but we always

expect to find all square men close to the shore.


Ir the dipping-boards described last month are made with square edges, you will get a little strip of wax on each edge, besides the regular sheet. Well, if you have the edges of the board rounded off to a blunt knife-edge, the wax will separate on this sharp edge, and you will have no narrow slip to pick off. When the boards get so waxy they will not make good sheets, wash them in concentrated lye, and they will work like new ones again.

SINCE friend Hasty's article was printed, it has occurred to me that the phenomena he calls attention heavy showers always put a stop to the honey-yield, to might be partially explained by the fact, that

and that it recovers only gradually. Well, as the rain eventually helps the secretion of honey, it would take perhaps several days for it to get up to its maximum again. Will not this explain a part of the facts he has recorded? Have our friends observed it as I have stated?

It may save a great many people trouble, to know that screws are turned in by turning them in the direction that the hands of a clock go, and out, by This applies to turning them the opposite way. thumb-nuts, bolts, globe-volves in steam-pipes, and machinery in general, A mechanic might smile at such a piece of information; but he should bear in mind that every one is not a mechanic. Many expensive breakdowns might have been prevented by just knowing which way to turn a nut or bolt, to start it.

OUR friend J. M. Kinzie, of Doon, Ont., has been published in two of the bee journals, for sending out poor work in the shape of frames and sections. Mr. Mason sent a complaint to us with request tɔ pubsh; but before so doing, we as usual wrote to Mr. Kinzie. He replied very promptly, that he would

make every thing satisfactory, and did so at once.

before being published? Mason writes it is all set

Is it not well that every one should have a hearing,

tled satisfactorily, but gives, as a reason for doing as he did, that he wrote Kinzie repeatedly, and got no answer. The moral, then, seems to be this: All who deal in supplies must expect to answer all complaints at least, by return mail, or they may be published as swindlers before they know it.

On page 186 of the Scientific American for March 25, there appears an article on partheno-genesis, claiming that we bee-keepers have been making a great mistake in supposing the queen meets the drone on the wing, etc. As the winding-up of it is to the effect that there is no such thing as a fertile worker, the eggs having remained in the hive over winter, and then hatched in the spring, etc., it is hardly worthy of comment. Messrs. Munn & Co., you may be too much at home in mechanics to be fooled by Keely motors, but you certainly are ignorant in regard to the present advanced state of bee culture, or you would not have given place in your columns to such as the above.


THE subject of turning brood-frames upside down is being agitated; and it is now claimed that, by so doing at the right time, the bees can be made to carry the greater part of their surplus (in the broodframes) into the boxes above; this empty space then being at once filled with brood. No doubt but that this can then be done; but as it destroys the arrangement the bees have made for honey right about their brood-nest, they will have to be fed up in ample time before winter, or they may be lost in consequence. It will be no difficult matter to turn a Simplicity hive upside down, when the combs are pretty well bridged together. Wedge the bottombars so as to be about equally spaced, then set on your case of sections, and you have all the good re

sults of a reversible frame.

ONCE more we would caution the A B C class in regard to odd-sized hives and frames. It will make a never-ending trouble to you, and those all about you. Just now at this season you can order regular, goods of almost any manufacturer, get them at once, and with no possibility of mistake in size. Odd sizes must be booked, and take their turn; expensive help must be employed on them; machines must be stopped and adjusted differently; and as it is impossible to pick out the lumber to make just the quantity ordered, much must be wasted in useless remnants. To send in an order now for oddsized frames is much like stopping the engineer of a train on a road-crossing, to ask him to give you a ride of half a mile. If you can't be content with the sized frames in our price list, let me make a suggestion: Order tops and bottoms to one frame, with side pieces to another. These are always in stock, and you can order them as regular goods. For instance, if the L. frame is not deep enough to suit you, use Gallup end-pieces; if it is too long to suit you, order Adair tops and bottom-bars. As the Adair frame was almost the same in width as the crosswise L. frame, we have recently shortened it exactly to it. From these five frames and their combinations you surely can suit yourselves.

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times, and different varieties, so I would have green corn from the 4th of July till frost came, and the bees would work on both silk and tassel from morning till night. I never knew pollen from sweet corn to make bees sick in winter; it is fall pollen, gathered from weeds, and rotten fruit that kills the bees. I do not doubt but that Heddon can kill bees by feeding them raw flour in winter. I know I can kill them by feeding poor honey, without either pollen or flour.

The way to raise sweet, or any other corn, is to plant it in drills, three or four feet wide; one kernel in a place, about one foot apart. In this way you get an equal growth for each stalk, and no small ears. Just as the corn is coming up, drag it with a common harrow. You won't hurt it, and will save half the cultivating. The best planter I know of is the Hoosier corn-drill, as it drops the corn, distributes any of the commercial fertilizers, and covers it all perfectly, at one operation. Like Prof. Cook, I like to recommend a good thing.

Every bee-keeper who has an opportunity should plant a good-sized patch of sweet corn; and just after it is fit to cook, cut it up and feed to the pigs. They will eat it, stalks and all; and in this way you will get cheap bee feed and cheap pork.

Medina, O., Mar. 27, 1882. H. B. HARRINGTON. In regard to sweet corn, I know of no better opening for a great industry than raising corn for drying or evaporating. Since the articles we have published, we have tried to find some for sale, and at present we are getting Shaker sweet corn from New York city, at a cost there of 13 cts. per lb.; and even at that price it is the leading dish at cts. at retail. The Shaker corn does not beour lunch-room, and sells right along at 15 gin to compare in richness and flavor with the Mammoth sweet we have been selling for so many years, and yet there is a good demand at the prices I have quoted. If nothing happens, I would like a ton next fall, at 10 cts. per lb., providing it be equal to the dried corn we put up from our Mammoth sweet.

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IT seems only a short time ago that a shy, slender little girl came to me, asking if I had not something for her to do. Her beautiful penmanship, to which most of our customers can bear testimony, would of endeared her to all in the factory as her uniformly itself have given her a place; but it could not have kind and gentle ways have done, together with her neatness, accuracy, and order, in all that was inyou in giving you such a partner for life. May he trusted to her care. Friend Lyon. God has blessed grant that no act of yours shall ever cause her to forget the Savior she accepted but a short time ago; and may his blessing rest on you both until he calls on you to cross the dark river to that eternal light beyond! "Boss."

1. R. 600D, Nappanee, Elkhart Co., Indiana, MITCHELL'S APIARY

Makes a specialty of rearing

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Holy Land Queens.

All queens bred from D. A. Jones's imported queens. Dollar queens before June 20th, $1.25 each; after that date, single queen, $1.00; six queens for $5.00; twelve or more, 75 cts. each. Tested queens, $2.50 each. Italian queens, raised in Holy-Land apiaries, same price. Bees by the pound, and nucleus and full colony, as per A. 1. Root's price list.



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Early Italian Queens!


Italian bees, tested and untested queens, now ready for shipment; all reared from choice stock, and sold at Root's prices. No "N. C. Mitchell about this thing. All orders filled promptly, or money refunded. CHAS. R. MITCHELL, 4-6d Hawkinsville, Pulaski Co., Ga.


Basswood Cuttings, 25c per 100, by mail, post paid. HENRY R. DUKE, Emsdale P. O., Muskoka Co., Ont., Can.


The best kind for making jelly; 1 yr.. 75c per 12 by mail; per 100, by express, $3.00: 2 yr., $1.00 per 12 by express: per 100, by express, $4.00. FRED H. BURDETT, Clifton, Monroe Co., N. Y. 4d


bas advantages over all other. My new machines make it very perfect. Thin fdn., warranted 10 to 11 moids, Bees and Queens. OLIVER FOSTER, Mt. Vernon, Linn Co., Iowa.

W. J. ELLISON, STATESBURG, SUMTER CO., S. C. ft. per lb. See free samples, and price list of fdn.

Tested queens in April, May, and June,


in July,

in July

Dollar queens in April, May, and June,

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1.00 1.50

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Who will be the first to The Original copy? 25 thousand in use. BINGHAM If you buy the original patent Bingham bee-smo

Bee Smokerker, you will aid the in

ventor of improved beesmokers. Get the best, that never go out; always please; never is complained of; the standard of excellence, the world over; handsomer and better this season than ever before. Price, per mail, postpaid, from 65 cts. to $2.00. Our patents cover all the smokers that will burn sound stove wood, or do not go out. If you buy our smokers and honey knives first, you will have to buy no others. Send for free description and testimonials, to BINGHAM & HETHERINGTON, Abronia, Mich.


Sap-pails, 10-qt., each 20c; per hundred, $18.00. Sapspiles, like those shown on page 143, per box of 100, $1.50; per 1000, $12.50. Sample by mail, 10 for 20c. Bits, to match above, 20c; braces to hold them, 25 and 50c. Postage on bits, 3c; on braces, 18 and 27c respectively. Oblong square pans, for 1-lb. cakes, 3c each. Patty pans, from 10 to 30c per dozen. A. I. ROOT, Medina, O.

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Second-hand 4 horse

SALE CHEAP, Power Engine and

Boiler, with pump and heater, steam gauge, etc., all complete, and in perfect working order. 4 F. D. WOOLVER, Hallsville, Montg'y Co., N. Y.

LANGSTROTH, SIMPLICITY, AND CHAFF HIVES, and Supplies on hand and made to order. Send for price list.


S. D. BUELL, Union City, Branch Co., Mich.

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