Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

burning spot at just 24 inches. Spectacles are numbered, for ordinary use, from 7 to 30 inches. No. 7 is used by the very oldest people, and No. 30 by those whose eyes have just begun to fail. Very few people ever care for No. 30. The greater part of them commence with 20 or 24. As your eyes fail, you have to hold your paper too far off, and you must get a lower number, to bring them nearer. Thus, after using 20 you will next need 18 or 16. When 16 is too far off, get 13 or 14; next 10 or 11, and so on. As you! get down to the more powerful numbers, you will find a single inch (or number) makes a great deal of difference, and we often, therefore, necd to have, say, 8, to get a comfortable fit for the wearer. Use spectacles whenever they are a relief and rest to the eyes, and change whenever you find a change is a rest or relief. One great advantage in the 10-cent spectacles is, that they are so cheap you can have several pairs, one for a distance, say; another to read easily. Also, if you lose one you can bring out the extra pair. If in ordering you do not get what you want the first time, give it to some friend whom it fits, and try another. Always have them sent by mail, in cases. A stout paper case is 5c., and a tin one 10. Postage on both specs and casc 5c. more.

FRIEND WOODBURN, Livermore, Pa., sends us a postal-card circular, so unique that we give it entire: Bee culture is my recreative and pleasurable pastime. My apiary is truly my pleasure resort; and while it continues to be so, I expect to find in it my best and cheapest "health lift." Others of my brethren may take their annual runs to the sea-shore or lake shore, and during these happy vacation jaunts may see much for which I may well envy them the sight; but none of them can. I think, outvie me in the highly invigorated condition of the physical man -- a condition which agriculture helped me to attain years ago, but for the retention of which I feel, under God, largely indebted to apiculture. My apiary is worked chiefly for the production of choice extracted honey. For my own supply, however, as well as for the supply of old customers and others who may be pleased to look to me for what they want, a portion of my bees will be devoted to the raising of queens, and which I shall continue to rear under every conceivable condition favorable to their fullest development and their greatest

longevity and vigor. My prices for bees and queens for the season will range as follows: For tested queens (Italians or Cyprians) in May, $3.00, or with 4 lb. of bees, $4.00; in June, $2.50, or with 4 lb. of bees, $3.50; after July 1, $2.00, or with full pound of bees, $3.00. Untested queens, after July 1. $1.00; with 1lb. bees, $2.00. The same in 8-frame Simplicity hives, with foundation in wired frames, $2.00 additional in each case. I can not, as others do, put forth the immodest claim to have" the best strain of bees there is in the world; but that they are not particularly devoid of very commendable industry, may be inferred from the fact, that during the past season - which my neighbors generally voted a poor one- they yielded an average of 96 lbs, honey, and 233 per cent increase per colony, spring count. My price for choice extracted honey this season will be 15 cts. per fb., subject to advancement after Sept. 1, should the price of other commodities demand it. This is for honey in any quantity desired, in your own vessel. When 25 or 50 lbs, are taken at one time, I will furnish it in a serviceable tin can, without extra charge. I also expect to pack a considerable quantity in 2-lb. tin cans, securely soldered, and which I will furnish to the trade, neatly labeled, and packed two dozen in a box, at $7.20 per package.


HAZEN-March 30th, 1882, REV. JASPER HAZEN, the founder, and for many years pastor of the Woodstock Baptist Church, died in that village, aged over 90 years. Mr. H. was widely known throughout the State, both as a minister and bee culturist. To the subject of bee culture he had given much attention, and had written largely about bee matters for periodicals.-St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger.

Many will remember Jasper Hazen as the one who so strongly advocated covering the brood-nest on top and sides with honeyboxes (after the plan of Quinby, Mrs. Cotton, and others), and keeping but few stocks in one locality, with a view of having as much of the honey as possible, from each field, go to market, instead of using it to winter a great quantity of bees. Although he took up bee culture late in life, he by his zeal directed much attention to these two points.

[blocks in formation]

The 50-cent smoker came all right, and is fully up to expectation. There is one point you fail to notice in the smoker. When you want the fire to start, or to raise a little more smoke, just open the door a little, put your finger on the nozzle, blow a little, then shut it up for business. This saves having any extra pipe for hot-blast claimed for some other smokers here, that cost twice the amount, and are no better. J. N. GILCHRIST.

Santa Barbara, Cal., April 7, 1882.

I received the mainspring of the watch. I put it in myself. The watch is doing finely now. I am very much obliged for your kindness. I shall remember and do for you all in my power.

Janesville, Wis., Mar. 15, 1882. JOHAN JACKEL.

It has been reported to us several times that jewelers wanted a couple of dollars, or even more, for putting a mainspring into a Waterbury watch. Well, friend J. thought he could put the spring in himself, and so we asked the factory to send him one, which they did without charge. You see he did it, and without much trouble, evidently, for the mainspring can be got at easily without interfering with the rest of the machinery of the watch at all.]


The telephone is a grand success. The wire is over 100 rods long, and yet we talk with the greatest ease. I wish I had one running to the ears of some of the bec-keepers. I would quote David to them: "How good a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Send another. The only fault is the ringing sound which sometimes is very loud and unpleasant. Is there any way to quiet the thing? A. J. COOK.

Lansing, Mich., April 14, 1882.

[Thanks, friend Cook. The ringing sound is usually because the wire needs drawing tighter; but sometimes because an end or joint is loose somewhere, and vibrates.]

[Kind words from one of our customers, accompa nying an order.]

Go west, you little busy bee;
Nor for one moment wait,
Until you reach Medina town,
In fair Ohio State.

To Amos I., "the bee-man," fly,

Nor linger round his flowery border;
But safely place into his hand

This little postal money-order.

Then do not try his hive to rob,

Nor flirt around his clerks so fair;
But strict attention give to "biz,"
And well behave while you are there.
Then quick return your load to bear;
Buzz not with idlers by the way,
Until you reach Lynn City fair

On Massachusetts' lovely bay. Poetry runs in our family, as you will see. I have a brother who can write poetry even better than I, if any thing. My poetry (like sample) I can supply in any quantity at 10 cents a line. Write for special rates on all orders of over fifty verses. The above was made on the "Given machine:" therefore I don't charge any thing for it. If more sentiment is wanted in the "line," with thinner "base," and all made of "bright whax," add 3 cents a line for all regular sizes. We keep bees, write poetry, and take in washing. Small orders thankfully received, and larger ones in proportion. Don't place any thing to my credit; besides, you owe me 5 cents already, and I will take it up in Sunday-school books or tin rattles. Won't we sling honey this summer?


The pound of bees and queen I got of you last spring is now a very strong colony, and is working well. A. H. ROUSE. Ickesburg, Pa., April 5, 1882.

I have bought four Waterbury watches, and must say I never had a better time-keeper. I have carried this one now nine months. E. G. PETERSON. New Orleans, La., March 4, 1882.

I get four different newspapers, mostly milling journals, but I want GLEANINGS to hang on the upper nail. D. E. BAUGHEY.

St. Thomas, Pa., March 30, 1882.


Accept thanks for promptness. And such beauties for the money! why, it's simply tremendous! Carlstadt, N. J., April 6, '82. FREDK. HOLTKE.

Goods received in good condition. Thanks. Where did you get that dictionary? I is a third larger than my dictionary that I gave 60 cents for, and better bound. C. W. LEAH.

Spanish Fork, Utah, April 3, 1882.

The A B C arrived safely. I can not tell how surprised I was when I saw the large book you sent. It makes every thing so plain that a wayfaring man, though a fool, ought not to err therein. Elber, N. Y., April 18, 1882.


A B C book is received. Thanks for your promptness. I am much pleased with the book, for I believe it is a useful and good one for such as myself. If there were no more to be had, I don't believe you could buy this one for less than about an X.

St. Thomas, Pa., April 14, '82. D. E. BAUGHEY. When John wound the watch it wound so easily that he thought the spring was broken or unhooked, and he sent to me to see about it, saying that it was out of fix. Now he would not take $10.00 for the watch if he could not get another. ED. S. HARVEY.

Cavett, Van Wert Co., O., April 10, 1882.

I wish to say that I am so much pleased to see that you bring Christianity into your daily life and business. We need to meet its teachings at every turn. I trust that your life shows that you believe as well as talk, for that will convince unbelievers that Christ is divine. I want to thank you, too, for warring against tobacco. From observation, I believe it injures the health, blunts the perception of right and wrong, and destroys ambition. Delavan, Wis., April, 1882. LIBBIE WILLIAMS.

About this time last year I sent you pay for three months. You made a mistake and sent me GLEANINGS for a whole year. Now, Mr. Root, I do not intend to beat you out of the rest of your pay, which is 75 cents. I will send it in May, and one dollar for next year. I have taken GLEANINGS for some years, and also the other bee journals. I like GLEANINGS best of all, and mean to always take it. My bees have all wintered well, every one of them. Swing your hat once more for chaff. and call for reports from cellars. I don't think cellars will show up as well this spring as chaff. WM. MCEVOY.

Woodburn, Ont., Can., April 3, 1882.

[That's the way to do business, friend M.; and we not only thank you, but we will note on our "big ledgers" that you are a square man; and the world is always noting such little things too.]

The Waterbury watch has been in use for one month. I find it O. K. It runs right along with my $200 watch, and seems to be as correct a time-keeper. I have one of the finest and best movements that can be bought for money; and so far as a time-keeper, the Waterbury is equally as good. It is neat, too, in appearance, and no gentleman would be ashamed of it. It came through the mail all right. The W. W. Co. are to be congratulated.

Wilmington, N. C., April 10,'82. R. C. TAYLOR.

I stopped my subscription to GLEANINGS last September, never intending to renew; nevertheless I feel myself compelled to, and do hereby inclose $1.00 for that purpose for the year commenc ing September last. The reason I change my mind is that, on reflection, I saw I was punishing the

wrong man; that whereas it did not matter to you whether I was a subscriber or not, it was injuring me very considerably to be deprived of a valuable medium of apiarian instruction and amusement; and I feel at the present moment somewhat in the humor of my old schoolfellow who, on being offered a piece of cake by a boy with whom he was on unfriendly terms, exclaimed, "Well, James, I don't like you, but I won't mind a piece of your cake." J. HAMMOND.

Montreal, Ont., Can., March, 1882.

[But it does matter to me a great deal, friend H. I do not mean because I lose the dollar, but because I do not want to give the slightest cause to any one of you, if I can help it, for feeling hard toward me. Please think, dear friend, it is not from choice I have been uncivil or unkind, but because of this

great sea of business that seems just now covering me all up, and making it next to impossible for me to do a tenth part of the duties I know I ought to do.]

I would like very much to see you and have a good talk; some about bees, but more about the Homes, and the work you are doing for the Master. You will see by your list that I am a subscriber to GLEANINGS, and how it came about was by talking to a friend about bees. He offered to lend me some numbers of GLEANINGS, and the Homes met my views so exactly that I sent for the 1880 numbers, and hope to get the blessed "Homes" while my good Master leaves me here to work for him. Why, brother, your advice to take all our cares to the Lord in prayer, and ask him for what we want, and, if for the best, we will get it, is a fact that I have proved for more than 38 years. I have been permitted to work as superintendent in Sabbath-school for more than 20 years, and have seen about fifty who have been taught and prayed for become hopeful members of Christ's Church, and many of them are working as teachers in the Sabbath-school.

In one of the Homes you gave an instar ce of taking trouble to the Lord in prayer. I will recite one instance out of many. During the pressure of 1877 I was troubled to get money pay a bill, and asked the parties for more time; but the answer was, as they went from the office into the store, "We will wait no longer." I was enabled to lift my prayers to God, as he was the disposer of the hearts of men, to soften theirs; and in a few moments one of the firm came in with the word,—

"When I went out I did not mean to wait another day; but something has come over my feelings, so that I can not refuse your request, and now what is it?"

"Why," said I, "I have been asking God to soften your hearts, for he knows my intentions are honest, and he has answered my prayer by changing your minds:" and before the time expired. the good Master helped me to pay it all, glory to his name!

Do not stop the Homes. They are worth more than the bees; the bees gather the sweets from the flowers for man, but the Homes lead and encourage man to gather better and more lasting sweets from God's word, and by prayer. WM. SEEDLAM. Oyster Bay, L. I., Jan. 18, 1881.

Honey Column.

Under this head will be inserted, free of charge, the names of all those having honey to sell, as well as those wanting to buy. Please mention how much, what kind, and prices, as far as possible. As a general thing. I would not advise you to send your honey away to be sold on commission. If near home, where you can look after it, it is often a very good way. By all means, develop your home market. For 25 cents we can furnish little boards to hang up in your dooryard, with the words. "Honey for Sale," neatly painted. If wanted by mail, 10 cents extra for postage. Boards saying "Bees and Queens for Sale," price.



NEW YORK.-Honey. -In reply to yours of the 20th inst., permit us to say, we have no fancy white comb honey in this market. We quote fair grades of white at 14@16c; mixed grades and dark, 11@12c; best white clover, extracted, firkins, 9@lle; dark clover and buckwheat, 7@8c. Beeswax. Very scarce, and finds ready sale at 26 @27c. H. K. & F. B. THURBER & CO. New York, April 24, 1882.

[blocks in formation]

Dovetailed Sections !

Before June 1st, 44x44, at $4.50 per 1000; 5% x5%, $5.00 per 1000. Sample of either, by mail, for a 3-ct. stamp. Italian queens, and bees by the pound at A. I. Root's prices, with packages included. Twocomb nucleus, with Gallup size frames, after June 1st, $2.00; with 4 combs, in full-sized hive, complete, $4.50. Add price of queen you want. Full colonies, with tested queens, May and June, $9.00 each. It will pay you to try our bees!

Send money at my risk by P. O. money order, reg-
istered letter, or draft on New York or Chicago, to
No circulars.
Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Co., Mich.
See testimonials in March GLEANINGS.


Albino and Italian

Queens and Bees,

and Supplies for 1882.


Would exchange 100 colonies for land in Michigan.
Monclova, Lucas Co., Ohio.


If you have any taste for beauty, desire pleasure in working, and want large yields of honey, buy the Albinos, for they are the "coming bee." In order have increased to meet the demand for queens, my stock, and will be able to furnish several hundred per month after May 1. Also furnish hives, Send for price list. S. VALENTINE. 3-5d Double Pipe Creek, Carroll Co., Md.

SECTIONS & HIVES Novice's extractor, and aplarian supplies in general.

[blocks in formation]

Bees By the Pound.

[blocks in formation]

Also Dollar Queens at GLEANINGS prices. Orders 1882 for my new Circular and Price List of

will be filled about June 1. Money returned when
customer is tired of waiting.

Poolville, Madison Co., N. Y.

Consult your own interest, and send Colonies, Nuclei, and Queens.

2-7d Address S. D. MCLEAN, Columbia, Tenn.



Long Island. QUEENS. Send for circular.

I will sell full colonies of Italian Bees, with tested queen, 10 L. frames, $10.00. Bees by the pound, after June 1, $1.00.


Manhasset, Queens Co., L. I., New York.


The bulbs of 6 beautiful Texas Lilies, very hardy, by mail, 25c; 50c per doz. Stamps taken.

WM. L. STILES, Austin, Texas.


Six swarms of bees, and some extra chaff hives, at
a bargain. Address
Marcellus, Cass Co., Mich.


[blocks in formation]


J. M. C. TAYLOR, Lewistown, Frederick Co., Md.

Y FRIENDS, if you


need Hives, any

pattern, Frames, Sections, Italian or Cyprian queens,
or queens from my apiary, where I am crossing the
Brown German and Italian Bee, which produces the
best all-purpose bee extant, you can have my circu-
lar and prices, by describing what you need, and ad-


Holliday's Cove, Hancock Co., W. Va.

FOR Dunham and Root foundation, equal to des

made in the U. S., and other apiarian supplies, address VON DORN, 820 South Ave., Omaha, Neb. 3-6 Wax wanted.

[blocks in formation]





Dealers in Bee Supplies will do well to send for our

wholesale prices of foundation. We now have the most extensive manufactory of foundation in the country. We send to all parts of the U. S. We make all standard styles, and our wax is nowhere to be equaled for cleanliness, purity, and beauty. Extra thin and bright for sections. All shapes and all sizes. Samples free on request.

We now quote an advance of 5 cents on the prices advertised in our circulars, wholesale or retail.





Early Italian & Cyprian Queens.

Imported and home-bred; nuclei and full colonies. For quality and purity, my stock of bees can not be excelled in the United States. I make a specialty of manufacturing the Dunham foundation. Try it. If you wish to purchase Bees or Supplies, send for my new Circular, containing directions for introducing queens, remarks on the new races of Bees, &c. Address ltfd DR. J. P. H. BROWN, Augusta, Ga.


[blocks in formation]


Italian and Holy-Land


I use the very best of Imported and Home-bred queens to breed from; and all queens warranted to be mated with pure yellow drones. If you want bees that are sure to winter, try our Italian queens. No black bees in the vicinity. Dollar queens, before June 20, $1.25 each; after that date, single queens, $1.00; six queens for $5.00; twelve or more, 75 cents each. Tested queens, before June 20, $2.50; after June 20, $2.00; bees by the pound, in May and June, $1.25 per ib.; after June, $1.00 per lb. 35c per lb. COMB FOUNDATION. 35c per lb. The purest and brightest yellow foundation made. Extra thin and bright for sections, 10 sq. ft. to the lb., 45c per lb. I will work up wax for 10c per lb. Send for sample of our comb foundation before purchasing elsewhere. F. W. HOLMES, Coopersville, Ottawa Co., Mich.


Bred from an Imported Mother. Sent by mail, ONE-Piece Sections & Specialty. Pound size, $4.50

and safe arrival guaranteed.

Tested Queens, before June 15th.

[ocr errors]



[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]


$2.50 2.00

100 90

J. H. REED, Orleans, Orange Co., Ind.

Early Italian Queens! ONLY THE BEST. FROM

W. J. ELLISON, STATESBURG, SUMTER CO., S. C. Tested queens in April, May, and June,

Dollar queens in April, May, and June,


66 in July,

in July

Bees by the pound in May,




per 1000; L. hives, 50c each. Circular free. B. WALKER & Co., Capac, St. Clair Co., Mich.


If you wish to buy bees, send for Price List.




Circular on application.


1.00 1.50

QUEENS, address

4-6d P. F. RHODES, New Castle, Henry Co., Ind.


I have had 21 years' experience in breeding the Italian bee; have queens, nuclei, and full stocks, from the best strains. Price reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send your address for price list. 4-7d I. S. CROWFOOT. Hartford, Wash. Co., Wis., April 1, 1882.


Bees, Nuclei, Queens, Extractors, and Bee Books, see Feb. GLEANINGS. Address OTTO KLEINOW, Opposite Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich.



[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Must be experienced and reliable. No person LANGSTROTH, SIMPLICITY, AND CHAFF

using intoxicating liquors, tobacco, or cigars, need apply. A married man preferred. Must be industrious. Address DR. ISAAC EDWARDS, Omaha, Nebraska.


HIVES, and Supplies on hand and made to order.
Send for price list.
Union City, Branch Co., Mich.



The Bee-Keeper's Exchange, CALIFORNIA

A live, progressive monthly, edited by practical bee-keepers, and richly worth the subscription price, which is $1.00 per annum, postpaid, or three months on trial for 25 cents. Sample copy free, including our price list of Apiarian Supplies. You will consult your best interests by securing a copy before you order. Address 4tfd

HOUCK & PEET, Canajoharic, N. Y.


has advantages over all other. My new machines
make it very perfect. Thin fdn., warranted 10 to 11
ft. per lb. See free samples, and price list of fdn.
molds, Bees and Queens. OLIVER FOSTER,

Mt. Vernon, Linn Co., Iowa.

1882 Italian Queens!

Italian Queens! 1882

Will be ready to ship April 1st. Reared from the eggs, in full colonies, and from imported and homebred queens, of choice and selected stock. Our facilities for rearing queens are such that we can ship 100 or more each month. All orders that can't be filled by return mail will be returned, unless otherwise stated in order. Untested Queens, $1.00 each; warranted Queens, $1.50 each; purely mated Queens. $2.00; tested Queens, $3.50 each. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. Send for circular. T. S. HALL, Kirby's Creek, Jackson Co., Ala. MUTH'S



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

The only bee journal published on the Pacific coast is the Illustrated monthly CALIFORNIA APICULTURIST. It is devoted to the interests of the Apiarists of the Golden West, and is an able exponent of the Bee-Keeping Industry everywhere, and is edited and published by practical bee-keepers. IN SHORT, it is bright, spicy, and reliable; the information contained being interesting to apiarists the world over. $1.00 a year; 3 mos., 25c. Sample copy free. Get one before you forget. Address, 5d


dation.-High side-walls, 4 to 14 square
feet to the lb. Circular and samples
Sole Manufacturers,
Sprout Brook, Mont. Co., N. Y.


[blocks in formation]

HIVES AND SECTION BOXES, wide L. frames, tin separators, brood frames with metal corners. All kinds of hives; chaff hives with movable upper story. Send for price list. 3-5d

A. B. MILLER & SON, Wakarusa, Elkhart Co., Ind.

Italian, Cyprian, and Holy-Land Queens, Bred from the D. A. Jones importation; also VANDERVORT COMB FOUNDATION, made on the same mills that made the fdn. that took the prize at the Northeastern. Bee-keepers' Association at Utica in 1881 and 1882, over the Van Deusen, Flat-Bottom, and thin Dunham, for surplus boxes; also the thick over all kinds for brood-chamber.


I. L. SCOFIELD. Chenango Bridge, Broome Co., N. Y.


[blocks in formation]


C. OLM, Fond du Lac, Wis.

1882. QUEENS! 1882.

I am now booking orders for warranted Italian Queens; cach, $1.00; six, $5.00. Tested, after June, $1.50. Cyprians, unwarranted, $1.00; six, $5.00. Send for circular giving de scription and recommendations from P. M. and county officers. Money. Order office, Versailles, Ky. 1tfd J. T. WILSON, Mortonsville, Woodford Co., Ky.


Purchase your Hives, Crates, and Sections, from where pine lumber can be bought cheap. Special attention given to large orders.


HIRAM ROOP, Carson City, Mich.

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