FOUNDATION HIVES MILLS! The Challenge has steel shafts and cut gears, and is of as good material and workmanship as other low-priced machines. Side walls made heavy or light, deep or shallow, as wanted. The above machines are the same (improved) as were formerly sold by A. I. Root, Medina, O. Send for samples of work. Address A. WASHBURN, Original manufacturer of roller machines. FOR SALE CHEAP I have for sale 50 Simplicity hives, nailed, painted 3 coats, 10 frames, 7 broad frames for sections, and 21 honey-boxes, every thing ready for the bees. I will sell them as follows: New hives, with half-sheet of comb fdn. in brood-frames, $1.75 each. Simplicity hives that have been used one season, without comb fdn., $1.50 each. American or winter beeLangstroth hives, same price, $1.00. Send money hives that have been used, all complete, $1.00 each. by P. O. order or registered letter. Ба Address M. E. LOEHR, Palestine, Kosciusko Co., Ind. STANLEY'S VANDERVORT FOUNDATION. The scarcity of wax has now advanced the price so that we are obliged to advance the price of foundation. We have just purchased a large lot of choice yellow wax, and until further notice will fill orders at the following prices: Thin fdn., 10 ft. per lb., made on light mill, 55c; thin fdn., 9 ft. per lb., made on high-walled mill, 55c; heavy fdn. for brood-chamber, 5 ft. per lb., with extra high wall, and cut to fit any size frame, 43c. Orders for 100 lbs. or more, 2c per lb. less than the above. We will pay 25c cash, or 27c trade for good yellow beeswax, delivered at our station. G. W. STANLEY & BRO., 5d Wyoming, N. Y. HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTH FOR THE SALE AND MANUFACTURE OF Medina, Medina Co., O. BEE-KEEPERS' SUPPLIES, 300 Pounds Bees in May or June, Italians and hybrids, 4 lbs. or more, $1.00 per lb.; less than 4 lbs., $1.25. 5d F. J. FARR, Independence, Jackson Co., Mo. Vandervort Comb Foundation took the premium over Flat-Bottom, Dunham and all other makes at the N. E. Bee-keepers' Association at Utica, February, 1882. Price of foundation on the same machine, from 1 to 25 lbs., for section boxes, 50 cents. MATTHEW DODDS, Warsaw, N. Y. 5d Root's and Dunham's Foundation. Italian queens a specialty; no Cyprians or other races of bees in my apiary, or in the neighborhood. All my queens are bred from imported mothers of my own importations. Untested queens, in May, $1.10; after, $1.00. Tested queens, in May, $2.50; after, $2.00. Early 4-frame nuclei (L. frames), with tested queen, $5.00. These are more advantageous than bees by the pound, as all my 4-frame nuclei contain at least 3 lbs. of bees when received. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed on all my queens, nuclei, and colonies. For further particulars, send for illustraP. L. VIALLON, Bayou Goula, Iberville Par., La. ted circular. 5tfd WARRANTED ITALIAN QUEENS A SPECIALTY. Warranted Italian queens, bred from choice imported mothers, in May, $1.25; June, $1.10; July and after, $1.00. Holy-Land and Cyprian queens, mated with Italian drones, at the same price. Safe arrival guaranteed. BE SURE to send for circular giving price of tested queens, and 1⁄2 doz. and dozen rates. CHAS. D. DUVALL, Spencerville, 5-6d Montgomery Co., Md. Queens! Italian Queens! Bred from selected queens of my own importing. Sent by mail; safe arrival guaranteed. If any prove hybrid, another will be sent. From June 1st to July 1st, $1.10; after July 1st, $1.00 each. On orders of 10, one extra will be given. 5-7d CHAS. R. BINGHAM, Edinburg, Portage Co., Ohio. EE-KEEPERS' SUPPLIES. Every thing used. LEWIS & DETWILER, Manufacturers, Toledo, Ohio.' on cars at Ft. Smith, Ark., for $10.00 each. BEE 5 STACY PETTIT. 5tfd BOOKS for BEE-KEEPERS and OTHERS. Any of these books on which postage is not given, will be forwarded by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. In buying books, as every thing else, we are liable to disappointment, if we make a purchase without seeing the article. Admitting that the bookseller could read all the books he offers, as he has them for sale, it were hardly to be expected he would be the one to mention all the faults, as well as good things about a book. I very much desire that those who favor me with their patronage, shall not be disappointed, and therefore, I am going to try to prevent it by mentioning all the faults so far as I can, that the purchaser may know what he is getting. In the following list, books that I approve, I have marked with a; those I especially approve,**; those that are not up to times, t; books that contain but little matter for the price, large type and much space between the lines, *; foreign, §. BOOKS ESPECIALLY FOR BEE-KEEPERS. As many of the bee-books are sent with other goods by freight or express, incurring no postage, we give prices separately. You will notice, that you can judge of the size of the books very well, by the amount required for postage on each. Postage.] [Price without postage. 12 | ABC of Bee Culture** Paper.. 15 A B C of Bee Culture** Cloth BOOKS THAT I HAVE NEVER EXAMINED, BUT THAT American Angler, Norris.... ...cloth Darwin's Variations of Animals and Plants... 2 Vols 5 00 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America, Downing.. Farming by Inches, Barnard.. Flax Culture (Seven Prize Essays Practical.. Growers) 30.. $5.50 30 375 38 175 100 3 00 75 25 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 1 25 88 1 10 Farming For Boys.. 150 10 Cook's New Manual** Cloth. 1 15 10 Quinby's New Bee-Keeping**. 1 40 Farm Implements and Machinery, Thomas. Gardening For Money, Barnard.. 150 1 50 5 Bee-Keeper's Text Book* Revised, Paper 6 Bee-Keeper's Text Book* 70 Gardening For Pleasure, Henderson.. 1 50 Cloth 94 Gregory On Cabbages....paper.. 30 10 Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee*** 2 Dzierzon Theory**. 1 90 Gregory On Squashes....paper.. 80 18 Gregory On Onions.......paper 30 1 Extracted Honey, Dadant*. 14 Guenon On Milch Cows.. 75 You can not look over the back No's of GLEANINGS or any other Periodical with satisfaction, unless they are in some kind of a Binder. Who has not said "Dear me, what a bother-I must have last month's Journal and it is no where to be found." Put each No. in the Emerson Binder as soon as it comes, and you can sit down happy, any time you wish to find anything you may have previously seen even though it were months ago. Binders for GLEANINGS (will hold them for one year), gilt lettered, free by mail for 50, 60, and 75c, according to quality. Table of prices of Binders for any Periodical, mailed on application. Send in your orders. A. I. ROOT, Medina, Ohio. GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE. Sections $4.50 100 Colonies $4.50100 ONE-PIECE OR DOVETAILED. HIVES FOR SALE! ALSO COMB FOUNDATION, AND ALL USEFUL SUPPLIES. CIRCULARS SENT ON RECEIPT OF ADDRESS JAMES HEDDON, DOWAGIAC, 4tfd · CASS CO., · MICH. and all goods correspondingly low. We make a specialty, of all styles, of the SIMPLICITY HIVE, including the " M. & F." Chaff Hive, with movable upper story, which is growing rapidly in favor, as offering superior advantages for wintering and handling bees at all seasons. We have IMPROVED this hive by making one or both sides MOVABLE at an additional cost of 15c per side. To send a postal card for our illustrated catalogue of We manufacture DUNHAM FOUNDATION, and are agents for FLAT-BOTTOMED MAKE. Will pay highest price offered in GLEANINGS from month to month for beeswax, delivered at depot here. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF APIARIAN SUPPLIES. MERRIAM & FALCONER, JAMESTOWN, 1-12d BE SURE Apiarian Supplies Before purchasing elsewhere. It contains illustrations and descriptions of every thing new and desirable in an apiary, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Italian, Cyprian, and Holy-Land Queens and Bees. J. C. & H. P. SAYLES, Hartford, Washington Co., Wis. 2-7d N. Y. $3 00 11 francs in Gold. 10 9 64 66 7 Queens which die in transit will be replaced only if sent back in a letter. 1-6d CHARLES BIANCONCINI & CO., Bologna, Italy. WANTED! Every reader of GLEANINGS to send at once for a copy of my new Illustrated Circular of Bee-keepers' Supplies. It may pay to see it before ordering. BEESWAX WANTED. 2.50 2.00 1 50 1 25 2-7d 1 00 My queens are bred from best Imported and Homebred stock. I warrant my Dollar Queens to be purely mated; and guarantee safe arrival. If for any reason the bees do not please you, write me full particulars, and I will do my best to render satisfaction. In ordering, please write your name and address plainly. Respectfully, E. M. HAYHURST, P. O. Box 1131. 4-5d J. V. CALDWELL, Cambridge, Henry Co., Ill. ITALIAN BEES By the Pound in April and until the 15th of May, $1.00 per pound. Save Money READ THIS: All advertisements will be inserted at the rate of 20 cents per line, Nonpareil space, each insertion. 12 lines, Nonpareil space make 1 inch. Discounts will be made as follows: On 10 lines and upward, 3 insertions, 5 per cent; 6 insertions, 10 per cent; 9 insertions, 15 per cent; 12 insertions, 20 per cent. On 50 lines (column) and upward 1 insertion, 5 per cent; 3 insertions, 10 per cent; 6 insertions, 15 per cent; 9 insertions, 20 per cent; 12 insertions, 25 per cent. On 100 lines (whole column) and upward, 1 insertion, 10 per cent; 3 insertions, 15 per cent; 6 insertions, 20 per cent; 9insertions, 25 per cent; 12 insertions, 33% per cent. On 200 lines (whole page) 1 insertion, 15 per cent; 3 insertions, 20 per cent; 6 insertions, 25 per cent; 9 insertions, 30 per cent; 12 insertions, 40 per cent. A. I. ROOT. 1882. Italian Queens! Tested Queens in April and May, 66 in June and after, Untested Queens in April and May, 66 in June and after, 46 $2.50 2.00 1.25 1.00 By the 2 doz., 5 per cent off above prices. By the dozen, 10 per cent off above prices. Also, Syrian and Cyprian Queens (bred in separate apiaries), at same price. Sent by mail, and safe arrival guaranteed. Address W. P. HENDERSON, Murfreesboro, Ruth. Co., Tenn. 2-5d The Oldest Bee Paper in America-Established in 1861. AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL Published WEEKLY, at $2.00 a year. The first and third numbers of each month, $1.00 a year. The first number of each month, 50 cents a year. THOMAS G. NEWMAN, Editor and Proprietor, 974 West Madison Street, Chicago, Ill. Comb Foundation MachineS $10.00 TO $60.00. SAMPLES OF FOUNDATION WITH OUR ONE POUND SECTION BOX BY MAIL FOR FIVE CENTS. For illustrations see our Illustrated Catalogue of Apiarian Implements and Supplies, mailed on application. A. I. ROOT, Medina, Ohio. THE A B C OF BEE CULTURE. Bound in paper, mailed for $1.00. At wholesale, same price as GLEANINGS, (but will be sent to any postoffice singly), with which it may be clubbed. One copy, $1.00; 2 copies, $1.90; three copies, $2.75; five copies, $4.00; ten copies, $7.50. The same, neatly bound in cloth, with the covers neatly embellished in embossing and gold, one copy, $1.25; 2 copies, $2.40; three copies, $3.50; five copies, $5.25; ten copies, $10.00. If ordered by freight or express, the postage may be deducted, which will be 12c on the book in paper, and 15c each, on the book in cloth. Cook's Manual in paper or cloth at the same price as above. A. I. ROOT, Medina, O. CLUBBING LIST. We will send GLEANINGS With The American Bee Journal 66 The Bee-Keeper's Exchange...(1 00).. California Apiculturist 1.90 (1 00) 175 5 50 |