Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

in your affliction, and we would gladly do any thing in our power, if we knew how"? You pause here, feeling how very weak and feeble is humanity, when it comes to the point of grappling with grim death. Something more must be said. You venture.

"Do not be cast down, brother Moon." Until the words had passed your lips, you did not dream how hollow and empty they would sound. You ask him not to be cast down; but you might as well tell one who is struggling in the midst of the Atlantic Ocean, to get out without help. You venture again,

"Friend Moon, we must all die some time. Bear up under your pain as well as you can,

and it

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You came very near saying it would soon be over, leading indirectly to the thought that he might hope for death, and that the greatest blessing his friends can hope for under the circumstances, is that he may die soon. What sort of comfort is that to a dying man? If a horse were suffering greatly, it would be perfectly right to say you hoped death might soon end its sufferings.

Please bear with me a little now, dear friends, in what I am going to say, for I do it solely to show you where skepticism and infidelity leave a man.* When a horse is suffering with an incurable disease, the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals demand that his sufferings be put to an end by taking away his life, and it is a Christian

act to do so.

The horse is a dumb brute; but man is a part of God, and endowed with a living soul a soul that enables him to look up and comprehend God, and know and love him as a father; and, friend Moon, in the name of that Son whom God gave as a token of his love to a poor, lost, and sinful world, I bid you look up.

Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God,

believe also in me.-JOHN 14:1.

easy to bear. Physicians can tell how much there is in a hopeful spirit to help one to bear up, and not give way and break down in despair under pain and affliction; and, friend Moon, although we can not promise you, positively, restored health and freedom from pain, we can point you to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world. Peter said,

Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.-ACTS 3:6.

And we say, unitedly, that you shall have our prayers, that God may give you strength and grace to bear your trials, and that, if it be his will you should go down into the dark valley, it may be with that consciousness and assurance that will give you peace and rest and resignation. In closing, I will give an extract from a sermon by my beloved pastor, who first turned me from this world to thoughts of the world to come.

I must die. You, my hearer, must die. You may seek to waive aside this tragic event as of little moment; you may absorb the stoic's philosophy, or drink of lethean waters; you may shout peace,

peace, to that last great enemy; that one momentous event, the concentration of the evil and good of a lifetime, in a few agonizing throes of mingled physical and mental pain, will soon come to me and to you. You may say, "Let not the preacher fright

en us. We do not enjoy dwelling upon this theme."

But if to speak of it is a pain, what must it be, O unwilling hearer! to experience it? If you flee from the bedside of the dying, averse to the presence of the king of terrors, what will you do when you yourself lie upon that bed, and feel for yourself the icecold fingers, and the chilling deeps of the dark cold

river? If you can not now look with steady nerve into the open grave, how can you slowly descend into it? It might at first seem desirable that this great crisis should be ignored, or that we should

soothe and flatter ourselves that there is no real enmity between us and death, or so deceive ourselves with some fixed-up compromise as to suppose we

Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my have avoided the issue. No, no, my friends, there is saying, he shall never see death.-JOHN 8:51.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.-JOHN 5:24.

positively but one way to meet this issue, and that is to face this last great foe with a realization of his implacable nature, exclaiming, "O Death, I know thy dread terror. Thou delightest to blight the fairest and the best; I know thy heartless purpose; I have seen thy devastating work; the groans and ago

ears. My own loved ones have withered under thy foul and loathsome breath; and after persecuting me all thou canst, thou wilt make of this form I love so well, a loathsome carcass and a nest for worms. Ah, I know thy nature, thou subtile enemy of man

Disease may torture, and pains may rack your poor suffering frame; but that wonderful love can bear you up through it all. Anies of thine insidious cruelty have reached my little common-place illustration may help to make this seeming paradox plainer. My wife says that, when she was a child, if she could sit in her father's lap, and lay her head on his shoulder, all pains and aches were gone at once; yet when he put her down, they at once came back again. We may smile at this; yet how many of us are there who can not remember something of the same kind? The touch of a loved one, and the consciousness that we are loved, and that some one cares for us, often makes pain

*The following statistics show the comparative number of suicides in different nations: In Christian Sweden, 1 suicide to every 92,000 inhabitants; United States, 1 suicide to 15.000 inhabitants; in England, 1 suicide to 13,000 inhabitants; in London, 1 suicide to 21,000 inhabitants; in infidel Paris, 1 suicide to 2700 inhabitants! Is there any thing startling in the last item?

kind. But I know of one force greater than thine,disturb nor undermine. I believe, I trust, I hope in, a still, quiet, deep power that thou canst not greatly wait upon, One greater than thou. I know thine enmity, and I know his friendship. I look thee calmly in the face, O thou my cruel and relentless ene

my, and I say to thee, do thy worst; come when thou wilt, in the exuberance of youth, the fullness of manhood, or the weakness of old age; come as thou wilt, in storm or tempest, by fire or sword, in wreck or disaster, in peril of waters or peril of robbers; by plague or famine or fever; by slow, lingering, torturing pain, or quick dissolution; by the terror of night or the arrow that flieth by day; in the pesti

lence that walketh in darkness, or the destruction that wasteth at noonday. Thou mayst torture, but thou canst not destroy; thou mayst afflict, but thou canst not kill. I may shudder, but I shall not sink; I may groan, but I shall rejoice; I may be wounded, but I shall be conqueror. Though I die, 1 live. Because I have ever died in living, I know I shall live in dying. To thee only, do I die: to supernal joys, to a better life, I live.”

Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying,-
Oh the pain - the bliss of dying!

O dear hearer, whosoever thou art, may you and I so live, so pass through all other crises, that, when this last great earthly crisis shall come we may say,The world recedes; it disappears: Heaven opens on my eyes; my ears With sounds seraphic ring:

Lend, lend your wings! I mount, I fly!

O Grave! where is thy victory!

O Death! where is thy sting!

JUST see how the papers go on: "Some sage Ohio legislator wants it declared felony for a man to break into a bee-house. Why not make it a crime to sit down on a hornet's nest?"

As no one has sent in any thing for the "Remindery," we leave out that department this month; but I tell you to look out for robbing and starvation, in localities where clover is not yet out.

EVERYBODY now seems prospering in the bee bus

iness, and I hope this season to sec nice honey offered at so low a price that it may come more into general

use than it has ever done any season before.

It seems to me as if our reporters were a little sleepy, some of them, in regard to the condition of the wax markets. The New York quotations sound as if they know what was going on, and were ready

Once more, dear friends, I commend to for business; but how about the rest? you the opening text,

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life.-JOHN

3: 16.

Read it over and over again, and when you begin to drink in this great promise, read the whole chapter and the whole book; then ask yourself what would be the consequence of making your life conform to the ruling spirit of that book.

I love thee, because thou hast first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree;
I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow;

If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.

I will love thee in life, I'll love thee in death,

And praise thee as long as thou lendest me breath;
And when the death-dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.

PRICES of goods change unavoidably, and, what is still worse, it is a hard matter to get the clerks to

explain these changes, as we would like to have them do. Please bear in mind, dear friends, we can not write very long letters about a 5 or 10-cent article, but we do always put in your package a late price list, informing you of the change in prices.

SOME idea may be obtained of the favor with which our 50c Clark smoker is being received, when I tell you we purchased one bill of leather for them, amounting to $180.00, This will make about 5000 smokers, and they will hardly last us through the present season. Those made now are a great improvement over those of a few months ago.

We shall pay, during this month, 75c each for dol

CLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE la queens, from reliable breeders. We shall sell

[blocks in formation]

ORDER queens and bees from some one near you. Don't have them shipped long distances, if you can possibly avoid it.

We have now about 300 colonies of bees, and 4,785 subscribers, and a business that amounts to from one to two hundred orders a day.

A GREAT trade has sprung up in the Jones beeguards, to put before the entrance. Price, each, 10c; by mail, 12c; 90c for 10, or $8.00 per hundred.

them for $1.25. I do not suppose they will be any better than those you buy of other parties, only we propose to send them, in all cases, by return mail. We can not undertake to deliver queens alive to Oregon, and other like remote points. If these distant friends will take the risk, we will do the best we can.

OUR good friend Mrs. Lowe has again this spring sent us more queens, and in nicer order, than any other queen-rearer in the South, man or woman. I feel a degree of pride in telling this, because it demonstrates pretty conclusively that women are equal to men in one more department of the useful industries. May be her husband does the work, and she gets all the credit, which, you know, is often the case (?). How is it, friend L.?

FRUIT-BLOSSOMS are over, and we are now feeding our bees on soft-maple sugar, laid right on top of the frames, under the enameled sheet. Any kind of sugar will do to feed now that they will eat, and it is a great mistake to let brood-rearing stop for the want of a pound of maple sugar. If you haven't maple, stir up any sugar with a very little water, until it makes a sort of dough. When you get through, you haven't any feeders to gather up and stow away.

We hope to be able to fill orders for our regularCAN not some friend in Oregon advertise and fur-sized Simplicity sections; but to stop our machinery nish queens? We can ship them thus far, but the losses are so great that it is, as a whole, a losing business. As it will be a very great accommodation all round, we will give such an advertisement free, from some responsible party.

now, and adjust it over for each 500 or 5000 sections, is almost an impossibility. Another drawback is, that we find it impossible to make odd sizes without much waste of lumber, aside from the delay. I am very sorry to seem so disobliging, but for these rea

sons I fear we shall have to decline orders for odd sizes until the great rush of the season is over. The regular goods we advertise to keep in stock, we must keep on hand. Don't you see?

IF your watch stop3, or the queen we sent you comes dead, do not imagine that it is necessary to write us a long letter about it, dear friends, but just come right to the point, and say it stops, or she was received dead. A postal card will contain all that is necessary to tell about it, and if I think you ask more of me than is right, I will tell you so frankly. In case of the watch, send it back at once, but never send us dead queens unless we ask for them. It is about all we can do here to look after the live ones; and besides, dead ones always make us feel dismal. Under no circumstance think of taking several sheets of paper to narrate all the particulars.

IN ordering regular goods, don't attempt to give dimensions, but just give the name, for one is very apt to give the figures he did not intend. For example, instead of saying, "Send me scctions 4x4 and fdn. 8% x17%," say, "Simplicity sections, and fdn. for wired frames." You won't then make mistakes, and the clerks won't make mistakes. Several times this season we have, at great expense, changed our machinery to make sections according to order, when the regular goods were wanted; but our friend made different figures from what he meant to. Even our careful friend Heddon has, in one place, in his circular, said 4x4%, where he evidently meant to say, 44x44.


ONE of our girls brought me a flower a few days ago, from what she calls a wax ivy, containing so much honey on its petals that it was literally dripping. More than all, the honey was as thick as the best ripened honey in the hive, and of most exquisite flavor. Were it not a greenhouse plant, and a rather shy bloomer, I would at once set about having a plantation of it. As it is, I should like to see a greenhouse full of them, to see what a swarm of bees would do with such a banquet spread out before them. Can any of our florists tell us if the wax ivy always bears honey in such profusion? - I have just been to see the plant, and find it has something like a dozen bunches of flowers on it, and that they remain, perhap; a week in blossom. The oldest ones have the most honey on them, and some of the drops were almost ready to drop off.

SOMEBODY says I am uncourteous. Well, I am afraid I am in one sense. If I should stop my typewriter, pull down my vest, and shake hands with every stranger who comes in, I shouldn't get very much written, or many letters read. A gentleman called yesterday, who looked, to my unsophisticated eyes, as if he were editor of a bee journal, or proprietor of a thousand colonies; but after I had shaken hands and talked about the weather, etc., I found he had made his way through all the clerks, away up stairs here to me, to buy five cents' worth of tomato plants! Now, remember our latch-string is always out, and you are quite welcome to go anywhere on our grounds, or in the buildings, and I am

always glad to see visitors; but I have had to learn, by sad experience, that I must not take very much time with each one, especially until I know who you are, and what is wanted. You do not wish to see

me break down with overwork, do you?



MAIL you one of my cages that I use in the apiary. What do you think of it? I have used a great many different styles, and have never yet used one that has given me as much satisfaction as this one. You see that there are no stopples to lose, and if it should get stepped on, there is not much danger of killing the queen, as is the case where they are entirely of wire. The cage can be taken in the left hand, and the spring pushed back with the forefinger or thumb, when the queen can be put in, and as many bees as one likes, without bothering with a loose stopple. The cage can be tumbled about without any fear of its coming open and letting out its inmates. They can be made very cheaply. The spring is taken from an old hoop-skirt, and any one who can cut tin and drive a few small tacks can very quickly make them. In time of swarming, a quantity of such small cages for surplus queens should be kept on hand, and in a convenient place, where they can be got at handily and quickly. I always carry a number in my pockets at such times, and have often saved two or three dollars' worth of queens, which would have been lost or killed if I had not been supplied with these little cages.

I have often been in yards when, at such time, the owners were sorely puzzled to know how to take care of surplus queens; and instead of having a number of those handy little cages to protect and keep the queen from getting lost or killed, would have them under tumblers and other unhandy devices. FRANK BOOMHOWER.

Gallupville, N. Y., May, 1882.


I should object to this cage, because it don't seem to have any place for candy; but this can easily be provided. The especial feature of it is the door operated by a small ing the finger on spring. By catchthe point of the spring, it is easily opened with one hand. No doubt but that this is a convenience; but the cage is hardly suitable to be used otherwise, as we use cages now, nor could we very well add this feature to the Peet cage without making it more complicated than it is now. When one is used to the Peet cage, he finds little of the difficulties our friend has mentioned. You are right, friend B., in saying that a bee-keeper should have queen-cages handy, and plenty of them too.

[blocks in formation]

Honey Column.

Under this head will be inserted, free of charge, the names of all those having honey to sell, as well as those wanting to buy. Please mention how much, what kind, and prices, as far as possible. As a general thing. I would not advise you to send your honey away to be sold on commission. If near home, where you can look after it, it is often a very good way. By all means, develop your home market. For 25 conts we can furnish little boards to hang up in your dooryard, with the words, Honey for Sale," neatly painted. If wanted by mail, 10 cents extra for postage. Boards saying "Bees and Queens for Sale, " same price.

[blocks in formation]

J. T. Scott & Bro., Crawfish Springs, Ga., send out a very nice" Catalogue and Guide Book" of poultry, hives, etc., illustrated. Price 3 cents.

H. H. Brown, Light Street, Pa., issues a 16-page list of bees, fdn., extractors, etc.

S. Valentine, Double Pipe Creek, Md.. has published a pretty 12-page map-fold circular of Italian and Albino queens, nuclei, etc.

A. B. Miller & Son, Wakarusa, Ind., send us a onepage list of hives and apiarian supplies.

J. H. Martin, Hartford, N. Y., sends out a 4-page circular, the prominent feature of which is sheets of wired fdn. on a light wood rim. This rim can be pushed into the frame. and you are all ready for business. We see no objection to the plan, other than the expense.

E. H. Cook, Andover, Ct., sends us a postal circular of queens, etc. It was printed with a rubber stamp. S. E. Douglass, Whitmore Lake, Mich., sends out a one-page list of bee-keepers' supplies.

W. Hoyt, Ripley, Me., sends a 4-page list of Italian and Cyprian queens.

E. B. Beebee, Oneida, N. Y., has published a very presentable 12-page list of bees and all kinds of apiarian sup plies. Friend B. seems to value the Cyprian and Holy Land bees more highly than the Italians, and yet he is not prepared to "discard either race."

J. D. Goodrich, East Hardwick, Vt., sends us an elegant 6-page list of bee-keepers' supplies.

W. G. Russell, Millbrook, Ont., Can., sends us an 8page list of bee supplies.

L. E. Mercer, Lenox, Ia., publishes a postal price

list of Italian bees, etc.

S. P. Roddy, Mechanicstown, Md., sends us a 1-page list of apiarian supplies, bees, etc.

Friend Alley, Wenham, Mass., is out with a tasty 4page list of Italian. Cyprian, and Hungarian bees.

Friend Heddon sends us a bright, wide awake circular of 8 p.. from which we make the following extract: "While I have not the space to present the numerous arguments in favor of a standard frame and section, I will assure you that I know its advantages to be very great. In buying, selling, renting, and interchanging colonies, hives, and fixtures, do we feel the stern necessity for a uniform frame and section. Most agree that, all things considered, the standard Lang troth frame is best. Whether this be true or false, it is evidently the coming frame. and in my opinion the difference in advantages in different frames is not to be compared with the benefits accruing from all using one size of frame. If you have no more than fifty or a hundred colonies, I feel sure it will pay you to adopt the standard L. frame at once, and in the change secure perfect combs. I changed over fifty colonies when the cost was double what it is now, and it paid me twice over. The 44 x 4% x 2 section is also becoming a standard.''


I think the magnetic tack hammer is a little beauty. JOSEPH MASON. Wallace, Ill., March 4, 1882.

The queen arrived yesterday. As we were leav ing the church, one of the P. O. clerks came to us (who is a bee-keeper) and said that a queen came to our address this morning, and if we would drive by the office he would get it for us. She is now confined on a comb in a hive. Thanks for promptness. Peoria, Ill., May 5, 1882. MRS. L. HARRISON.

The 80 hives came through all right. I haven't lost even a queen. She stood the storm of winter like the burning bush on the mount before Moses. Thanks to the Lord. The Lord bless you and your business. I had one hive last summer that gathered 375 lbs., 200 of it in 22 days. J. W. UTTER. Amity, Orange Co., N. Y., May 8, 1882.


My fdo. machine came to hand May 1, and in the very best condition. I have used it, and last week made up about 150 lbs. of fdn., and it works to a "pin." I would not take $50 for it. I had a chance to sell it, but did not know whether you had them on hand or not, so I did not do so. There is no question but that your machine is the best now at the present day. The express on it was only $2.25. I am glad you sent it as you did. F. G. KINNEY. Bristol, Ind., May 15, 1882.

I have never been so much pleased in dealing with a man as I have been with you; in fact, I am pleased beyond description. The Waterbury watches were received in due time, and are, in short, just beautiful, and are good time-keepers. Can't see how such a watch can be got up for so low a price. They are a boon here. If it were not for the limitation of my pecuniary means, I would order an entire dozen. I know I could dispose of them in a short time, and make a good profit. AUG. TIGGES.

Marathon City, Wis., March 21, 1882.

I told my wife that I believed you to be either a good, jolly, honest man, or deserving much credit for having reduced hypocrisy to a science; and if the former, or either, I could lose nothing by helping you. We get terribly out with our bees sometimes (they are the little black, spiteful kind), and just as soon as I get able I mean to get some of your amiable kind. You remember to have told us not to buy until we could spare the money, and a right sensible suggestion it is. F. M. BLOUNT.

West Point, Ga., April 3. 1882.

I see by February GLEANINGS that you are successfully learning to govern your numerous employes by being yourself governed by the meek and lowly One. Bless him who is higher than the heavens! How wondrous his stoop of love that he should, as it were, kneel to the chief of sinners, and pray, through his ambassador, "Be ye reconciled to God"! Oh! surely we are here taught the simple and only way to obtain "great peace" and "rest to our souls." Let not the unbeliever triumph. If the righteous fall he shall rise again. Jesus savs, when taken by those who were seeking his life, "Of them which thou has given me, have I lost none." I very much approve of the kind advice given you by George and Ernest about crowding so much work

into a single hour, and that a late one. It struck me you must need a Jethro to give Moses advice. Is there not one among you trustworthy in the tug of war? Somehow I have a high opinion of the ability and moral honesty of those about you. Please give George and Ernest my Christian salutation and love. Tell them the writer was a member of Bro. Finney's first theological class at Oberlin. There was great religious zeal and power in those days. I hope there is yet. I have a son there yet, a printer. REV. J. MATTISON. Ocean View, N. J., Feb. 6, 1882.

As we go to press, we learn that the insurance money on H. A. Burch's residence (recently burned) did not go to H. A. Burch at all, but to the former


UNTIL further notice, we will allow the following discounts on tested queens, pounds of bees or frames

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(No other strain bred.)

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Choice tested queens, reared last season..
Warranted queens..
Sent by mail, safe arrival and satisfaction guar-
anteed. Address
Washington, Pa. P. O. box 178.

of brood: On a purchase of $10.00 or over, 10 per Bees By the Pound.

cent off; $25.00 or over, 15 per cent off, and $50.00 or over, 25 per cent off. The best we can do on dollar queens is 10 per cent off, for an order of 10 or more. Besides the above, 10 per cent will be deducted to those who come and get their bees and queens, furnishing their own cages.

Recent Additions to the

Also Dollar Queens at GLEANINGS prices. Orders will be filled about June 1. Money returned when customer is tired of waiting. A. M. SAWDEY, 6-7d Poolville, Madison Co., N. Y.

Kyou not favor me with a trial order?
IND READER! Do you want to buy queens?

I am confident I can please vou. FINE WAR-
Prices: Single queen, $1.00; per 2 doz., $5.50; per
doz., $10.00. Sent by mail, and safe arrival guaran-

COUNTER STORE. teed. All queens bred from choice imported and

[blocks in formation]


| Pudding-pans, 9-in. Rockingham ware, a most convenient implement..

| Scythe-stones, Indian, and extra good

6 Shipping-tags, for addressing goods, in packages of 100..

383 50
474 50

85 | 8:00

| 85 | 8 00

Your address, etc., printed on the above for 20e more, or on 1000 for $1.50.

10 Cup Dippers ....

1757 00

Twenty-Five Cent Counter.

12 Milk-strainer, stamped and retinned. A beautiful utensil..

FOR $2.50.

[blocks in formation]

T. P. Andrews, Farina, Fayette Co., Illinois,

has 186 colonies of bees. As no surplus honey is gathered in his locality until August, he offers bees at $1.00 per lb. during the month of June.


[blocks in formation]

need Hives, any

pattern, Frames, Sections, Italian or Cyprian queens, or queens from my apiary, where I am crossing the Brown German and Italian Bee, which produces the best all-purpose bee extant, you can have my circular and prices, by describing what you need, and ad2 00 18 00 dressing J. A. BUCHANAN, 4-6d Holliday's Cove, Hancock Co., W. Va.

Clock, extra Cottage, No. 1. Striking. A nice FOR Dunham and Root foundation, equal to any

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FISCHER & STEHLE, tion the public against buying any One-Piece Sec

Sells fuil colonies. Nuclei, Bees by the pound, with Dollar Queens, at VERY LOW PRICES.

[blocks in formation]

We make a specialty of our "Boss" One-Piece Sections. Patented June 28th, 1881. We have not sold any right to manufacture, therefore we cautions not bearing our stamp. Send for new price list. JAMES FORNCROOK & CO. Watertown, Jeff. Co., Wis., May 1, 1882. 5tfd TALIAN QUEENS and Bees and Nucleus, full colonies, cheap. Send for prices.



SIMON P. RODDY. Mechanicstown, Fred'k Co., Md.

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