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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

of self-sacrifice is so foreign and opposite to that of selfishness, that there must ever be war between the two elements. An old friend said, a few days ago, that whisky would be drank, in spite of temperance people, just as long as it tastes good." I fear there is a great truth there. We have those among us who will drink any thing that "tastes good," no matter what the consequences are, and no matter what it does to other people. I once heard of a steamboat accident on the Ohio River, where the number of planks and floats was insufficient to keep all the passengers above water until help could be obtained. A great strong burly man knocked a poor weak woman from a plank, that he might have it to save his own life. What do you suppose that man did when he got ashore? He saved his life, did he? Jesus said, "He that saveth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it." My friend, do you want to be one with Jesus and his followers, or with those like the man in the river?I fear it must be either one or the other. "He that is not for me is against me."

you have to make allowances for even your best friends. You know how rare it is to find one who is always perfectly fair, especially when he gets a little stirred up and contrary. Well, now, if there were in the world a perfect character, one without even a shade of selfishness and prevarication, would you know that person when you saw him? would you recognize Christ as the Messiah, if you should meet him in the world?

"Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice." Those who wanted to find him would find him at once; and those who wish to find him to-day, dear friends, will surely find him. and hear his voice of entreaty too. The trouble is, that we in our selfishness and untruth do not always want to find him. There are at least times in the lives of most of us when his presence would be such a rebuke that we would want to hide in the bushes, as did poor guilty Adam and Eve. May God help us to guard well against such times as these!

When Jesus said he came into the world to bear witness to the truth, Pilate replied by asking. "What is truth?" I don't think Pilate wanted any information in regard to Jesus told Pilate that he came into the what truth is; but his uneasy, guilty conworld to bear witness unto the truth. His science, prompted him to make the remark in kingdom is truth in the hearts of men. a sort of evasive way. We often see this He who would be a true man must not be a spirit among intemperate men. They would selfish one. Truth and selfishness can not very much rather argue about things in the go together. If I mistake not, the greater abstract, than to consider the glaring sins part of untruth comes from selfishness. right square before them. I remonstrated When a man coolly decides to make self with a distinguished surgeon because he foremost and first, he lets go of truth. Men used oaths right before a company of boys. addicted to periodical intemperance are oft-"What is blasphemy?" said he “it deen truthful, frank, and honest, until they pends upon what a man means by the term." yield to temptation, and then their honesty, He knew he was guilty, but he was too proud as well as honor, is all gone. They have to acknowledge it, and so he tried in a weak dropped all love to God and their fellow-way to defend himself. Such arguing and men, or at least they have made it second-prevaricating is very common; but, friends, ary, and made self foremost. Those famil- do you not realize how very far it is from iar with such people can tell in an instant simple, honest truth? Consider the characwhen God and self-respect has gone out and ter of people who thus evade, as a whole. self and Satan has come in. Even if they Both Pilate and this great doctor were prohave not signed any pledge, nor promised bably guilty men at heart, and, what was the anybody they will not drink any more, it is worst part of it, they deliberately proposed almost impossible for an intemperate man to to be guilty, and to go on so to the end of have even a shade of honesty. It is the their lives. They had no sort of intention of same when we do violence to our honest saying, "God have mercy on me a sinner," convictions in the indulgence of any thing and then making a sharp turn toward a betelse we know to be a sin. The disposition ter life. A man who says by actions, if not to hide our infirmity is in itself a sort of words, We are all in for number one, and falsehood. We are anxious that the world every man must look out for himself," can may think us what we are not. Adam and hardly have a shade of truth about him, for Eve stood in the garden honest and pure be- he does not propose to be fair or just in the fore God. It was only after they had sinned outset; and one of the first elements of truth that they had any anxiety to hide in the is fairness. bushes, or to cover themselves with tig leaves. Dear reader, is there any thing in your life that you are anxious to cover up, or that you fear to have the clear daylight of truth shine on?

Jesus came into the world to bear witness to the truth. All who love simplicity and truth must love the gentle spirit with which he taught, and must love him. Any one who loves truth, and hungers and thirsts after righteousness and purity, must love to study the life and character of Jesus. Just after our text we read," Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice." I believe there are no exceptions to this. Most of you know how imperfect is humanity; you know how


Now, it was among a people like this, or largely of this element, that Jesus came to establish his kingdom. "Blessed are the meek," he said, "for they shall inherit the earth." The other class can't well inherit the earth, for their selfishness would destroy it, and themselves along with it. Shortly before our Savior's death on the cross, he was praying for his disciples. Poor weak fellows like ourselves at this minute, they little knew what was before them. He told Peter that Satan desired to sift him like wheat; but notwithstanding this. Peter, in his innocence and self-confidence, calculated that he alone was a match for Satan. How did it turn out? Well, in this prayer for

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them he says, Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." Simple, meek, unostentatious, humble truth. It is low down and humble, and yet it towers like a great monument, when it obtains a lodgingplace in the human heart.

When one is resting on truth he has God's approving voice constantly in his heart; and such a one has little need of secrecy anywhere in his heart. He need never seek to find wherein he may hide, neither need he try to cover himself with fig leaves for fear the clear light of day will show something he would rather have hidden. Who has not witnessed the painful spectacle of one trying to hide a lie by telling a score of others? He pulls the fig leaf of untruth over one spot, only to find it leaves a nakedness exposed somewhere else, and, like a drowning man clinging to straws, he chooses flimsier things than straws, to make it appear that he is a man and a gentleman. Is there any hope for such a one? Surely there is no hope when he puts his trust in Satan, and expects falsehood and evasion to bring him out of trouble. But is it possible for one who is steeped in sins of this kind to turn about and be fair and honest? It is possible; but it is much like the reform an intemperate man must make. There is a manly way of extracting yourself from the worst fix a poor mortal ever got in by falsehood and dishonesty, The sharp turn that God demands is so great that it is literally being born again. Who is there who has not, some time or other, looked back and seen where he had not been frank and honest and fair? Well, when you do see this, as you value your peace of mind and your peace with God, even though your face does flush and burn, and even though a lump does rise in your throat, say, "My friends, I have been unfair, and perhaps not quite honest in this. If you will forgive me, I will try to do better in future." You may say nobody ever does this. Yes, they do, my friend, and there are those who can remember of cases very much like it; but it almost always precedes a real radical reform. The courage that it takes to do it always gives the poor sinner a big lift toward God, for it is virtually saying, "Get thee behind me, Satan."

To this end was I born, and for this purpose came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." These were Christ's own words to Pilate, and yet how little did they seem to avail! With a certain class, it seems to avail just as little now, to state that the Christian religion comes into the world as a witness of truth. We are not to state it, but our lives are to be a witness of it. My eye just now alighted on the following in the American Grocer. The writer was telling of a partnership he once formed with a young man, and says,

I paid large prices, but was in hopes I was getting into trade with a good moral young man, a Sundayschool teacher, who possessed unusual attractions. The day after we had finished our inventory I made a most sickening discovery. George's chief recommendation was his veracity, but he proved a flatter ing deceiver. Mr. Smith, a coal-heaver at the furnace, came in to purchase a piece of cotton cloth. George met him with extended hand, and assured

him of his warmest friendship, stating that he ap preciated his call, as he knew how much trade followed in his footsteps, assuring him that any thing he might want could be had at cost price in New York city. Mr. Smith bought a piece of cotton, pay

ing 15 cents; was told it cost the firm 16 cents. I examined the cost-mark and saw it was only 11 cents; and after Mr. Smith's departure I said, "George do you make a practice of selling many goods below cost?" He replied, "Examine the mark, and you will be satisfied with the sale." I said, “I have done so, and thought you were mistaken; surely you would not tell a falsehood to sell goods?" He answered," There is no other way to sell them," and that in figuring costs he only added his own time at the rate of five or ten dollars per second, or whatblue. I was now past bound to a most affable liar, in whom I could place no dependence. I was surely in trouble.

ever was necessary to make up the deficit. I felt

And is this really true? Are there Sundayschool teachers who bear witness for Christ in this way? If it is true, is it any wonder that the world jeers at young men who teach or superintend Sabbath-schools, and say that they are not as honest at heart as those who try to live honest and make no professions? Are we who follow in the footsteps of that meek and lowly Savior of the world letting our lives bear witness unto the truth, in the footsteps of the Master? Did you, my friend, ever try to talk to any one on the subject of religion, with a view of leading him to Christ? Do you know what it is to almost tremble when you think of the sacredness of the office? Christ came to save sinners. The world does not care whether they are saved or not; but you and I do. The world laughs in a cold, uncharitable way, when some poor brother or sister has done amiss. The world talks it over, puts it worse than it really is, and, with a cold-hearted indifference, laughs about it and rather rejoices that another has turned out untruthful. The Christian is slow to believe wrong of any one; "thinketh no evil;" and while the matter is talked over, feels sorrow in his heart, and an earnest desire to talk kindly and gently to the sinning one, and to bring him or her back to better things. Could you indulge in unkind and idle words about a person one hour, and then talk to them about their soul's salvation in the next? Surely not; for he who does God's work must feel that God's eye is ever on him, and no one need hope to succeed a single instant in winning souls to Christ, who is not earnest, truthful, and the same, whether the one who is being discussed is present, or a thousand miles away. God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son to save it; and you, as a Christian, are bound also to so love the world, that no uukindness ever spring up toward or about any one. Then shall you be consistent, and then shall you witness to the truth, even as Jesus did. It is a blessed thing, my friends, to cultivate a spirit of saying all the good you can honestly and sincerely of every one; and you will discover that, with the saying, comes the happy faculty of seeing, the good in the men and women God has placed around you. A habit of uncharitable criticism is a most

sad one, my friends, and I know, by my own experience, that it brings darkness, distrust, and trouble, if very long indulged in. Don't even tell your wife of people's faults; you will make her think ill of those she might otherwise think well of; and you will, besides, encourage in your own heart a way of thinking all the world is bad, while you alone are good; and this is a most mischievous trick Satan has, when he can get anybody foolish enough to listen to such tempt


Jesus was always the same.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.-HEB. 13: 8.

It was exactly this kind of fair, honest truth, that he came to bear witness of.

In closing this talk to you, I wish to give here a few words from our pastor, read to us at our last teacher's meeting. It sums up, in a few words, the results accomplished, by the crowning act of our Savior's life here on earth:

What did the atonement of Christ accomplish? This question is often asked. Any answer other than that which comes from Scripture is of little

value. There are in reason, hints of the need of an atonement; but the fact is set forth in the Bible only. We must, therefore, gather the value of this

great fact from the Bible: What does Christ's dy

ing for sinners accomplish?

1. It gained their attention.-JOHN 12:32.

2. It took away the fear of death from those repenting -HE3. Brought eternal life more clearly before men -II. TIM, 1:10. 4. Feed from sin,-1. JOHN 1:7.

5. Saved from hell -REV. 1:18,

6. Made plain the way to heaven. -JOHN 11:25, 26.

We have no record that he at any time talked to any of his disciples about some of the others who might be absent, in a way he would not talk right to the absent one. If BREWS 2:15. he had any complaints to make, these complaints were always made in a spirit of loving kindness, directly to the erring one. He never talked to any one about the shameful way in which some other person was going on. He wasn't kind and sympathe ic one day, and then proud and overbearing at some other time. The first two verses of one of my favorite hymns are as follows:

Ever patient, gentle, meek,
Holy Savior, was thy mind;
Vainly in myself I seek

Likeness to my Lord to find;
Yet, that mind which was in thee,
May be, must be formed in thee.
Days of toil 'mid throngs of men,
Vexed not, ruffled not thy soul;
Still collected, calm, serene,

Thou each feeling couldst control:
Lord, that mind which was in thee,
May be, must be formed in me.

The hardest battles I have to fight now are just in this line. It is only by hard striving that I can avoid saying any thing of the absent, which I would not say if they were present. Again and again I have resolved I would not tell even my wife of how I have been tried by people during the day. I know it is wrong to talk of people's faults, because it always impairs my nearness to God when I allow myself to do so. It also tends to make her think the world is all bad, and that I alone am good, which is by no means the truth. Whenever I keep down this spirit, and tell her of the good I have found in people during the day, I always feel a great deal happier.



BOUT 30 years ago this country was overrun with a weed commonly called "bitter-weed," and sometimes "wild chamomile." It resembles the chamomile, but the flower is of a deep yellow color, and the stalk is quite hard, and it grows about 18 inches high. In the spring of the year it comes up with the grass, and the cows eat it (I think unintentionally), and yield bitter milk. It blooms from May till frost. But so long as there are better flowers, or honey-dew, the bees do not gather honey from it. In dry weather it yields but very little honey; but every fall our honey is made bitter by it.

This year there was a honey famine from June 1st to the middle of July, from which I lost several May swarms. About the middle of July, abundant rains began to fall, and the bitter-weed began 10 flower profusely. Everywhere yellow blooms greeted the eye, and from 10 o'clock A.M. till near dark every evening, the bees swarmed upon the bitter-weed. The arly morning hours they spent on the diminutive morning-glory and the poor land-weed, from which they gathered a little good honey. At first the honey was very abundant, but so thin that it Two things tempt me to find fa.lt with would pour out of the combs when tilted, like water. folks, and enlarge their faults. First, I do The bees, for the purpose of evaporating it (as I benot love the world as Jesus loved all man-lieve), kept up a continued roar in the hives night kind; and I do love myself as Jesus did not love himself. Self-love, instead of love to my neighbors, is the trouble. Whenever folks begin to talk about some of my especial friends, I can take the part of the absent one with a good grace, I tell you; now, why do I not have love enough, and charity enough, for the whole human family, to do the same when any one of them is assailed? Do you not think, friends, that such a life would be helping toward "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven"? It was the same kingdom that Jesus meant, remember, when he said,

To this cause was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

and day. In the latter part of August the bees capped their honey, after which the roaring, for the most part, ceased.

About this time I extracted five gallons of the

honey. It is as yellow as gold, and exceedingly bitter. It can not be eaten. Is there any way of purifying it? The color and taste are evidently from the pollen of the bitter-weed. Is it possible to filter it so as to purify it? In my past experience I have had bitter honey from the chiukapin bloom, but nothing to equal the bitterness of the bitter-weed.

this bitter honey. but now they have an abundant supply, and ought to come out strong next spring. I had three large swarms about the 1st of September, two of which I hived. I think they will store up honey enough to winter on. Had my bees been

Last winter my bees wintered on a small stock of

strong last spring I could have extracted much fine honey, for the flowers were very abundant, and rich with honey. We had swarms here as early as the 14th of March. These were the Italians. I never knew the black bees to swarm here sooner than the 30th of March.


We have had no honey-dew here this year. Is there ever any of it on trees that bloom freely? I have noticed, that when my peach-blooms are killed by frost, the tree yields honey-dew, which is found at the foot of the leaf-stem, and no aphis about. The best years for honey-dew is when the early verdure is killed by frost. Both last year and the year before, the white-oak blooms were killed, and both years honey-dew was found upon them. It was very white, and formed sugar. Last year it sugared on the leaves, and the bees were unable to gather much of it. The fronts of the hives were white with it. Minden, La., Oct. 6, 1882. T. M. FORT.

As we go to press this 29th day of November, we have 5445 subscribers. The kind belp you have given me has made my task a pleasant one during the past year, and it has also enabled me to give you a call during the greater part of the year, a little oftener than we either of us expected, when we started in a year ago. Once more, I thank you.

WE can sell honey-labels for 25c per hundred, if you take such as we keep constantly in stock; but of course these can not have your name and address on them. In fact, we can not furnish any kind of a label with your name and address on, even if you wanted only a dozen, because it would not pay for setting up the job, and getting ready to print. I say this, because so many ask for 25c worth of labels, printed to order.

WE are surely going to run short of beeswax before another twelve months pases over our heads,

Thanks for facts given, friend F. Who and I fear all there is in the world will not meet the knows but that this bitter honey may not demand of the next year. A letter came to-day, askhave medical properties, say equal to qui- ing me what I would furnish a ton for, and I replied nine? Honey is often prescribed as a vehicle 30 cts. If this man takes me up I do not know for medicine, and here we have it already where I can get it back again, even if I should offer commingled by nature. I presume, friend 35 cts. It may be there are those who are holding F., you could put it up in nicely labeled bot-on for better prices; but the general report is, that tles a deal cheaper than doctors charge for there is none, for it has been all bought up. It will their bitter stuff.-I believe you have struck certainly do no harm for us to commence saving eva great truth in your conjecture about hon-ery particle of it. ey-dew after an untimely frost has killed the verdure. While I was reading your letter, something seemed to be glimmering in my mind in regard to the relation between frost and sugar; but it was some time before it bubbled up to the surface, that potatoes are made sweet by being frozen. The freezing converts the starch into grape sugar, and, presto! we have honey oozing out of wheat stubble, peach - tree leaves, and, possibly, corn-stalks. Don't I come pretty near being a scientist?

We have sold an immense quantity of the perforated zinc (for excluding queens and drones, and still allowing the workers to pass) during the past year, and friend Jones informs us it is just the thing for preventing the queen from going into the upper story, or to prevent the bees from building the space between the upper and lower stories all solid with honey. We are now fully supplied, and can furnish any-sized sheets at 15c. per square foot, or only 12c., if taken in the sheets, just as we get it,

3x8 feet.

A YEAR ago I promised to come again to the Mich

GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE. igan Bee-Keepers' Association, and at present writ



ing I expect to be on hand. The secretary sends us a printed postal that reads as follows:

MICHIGAN BEE-KEEPERS' ASSOCIATION. The 17th annual convention of the Michigan State Bee-Keepers' Association will be held in Kalamazoo, Dec. 6 and 7, 1882. All interested are cordially in ited to participat in the discussions, which will emThomas G. Newman, A. I. Root, D. A. Jones, Prof. brace the live issues of the Aiculture of to-day. A. J. Cook, and many other distinguished apiculturists, are expected to be present. Low rates of board MEDINA, DEC. 1, 1882. at hotels have been secured for those arteding.


Thy word is truth.-JOHN 17: 17.

We are now fully supplied with honey, and could not at present pay more than 9c. for the best, clover and basswood, delivered here.

In our Nov. No. I said the price of waxed strings for sealing the Jones honey-pails was 60c. per 100. It should have read thirty cents only.

A NEW USE FOR THE 50 CENT SMOKER. It is capital to use in the printing-office to blow dust out of the type-cases. Every printer should have one. A regular bellows costs from $1.25 to $1.50. We will furnish the smoker bellows alone, without the tin part, for 25 cents.

T. F. BINGHAM, Sec'y, Abronia, Mich.

SOME of you will remember a man who wanted our

bee folks to subscribe a certain sum each toward getting stingless bees from South America. I believe few, if any, subscribed. Perhaps the prompt warning the journals gave was the reason they did not. Well, every little while somebody suggests doing something of this kind, if a certain number will give, say $100 each. Now, while I would not question for a moment the sincerity of those who start such projects, I would question the wisdom of such proceedings. If you feel like developing some new thing, do it with your own money, and trust to those who are benefited, to do the fair thing by you. If you feel you can not trust humanity, don't go in. to it.

WE are now prepared to furnish the artist's cam. era. described by friend Hutchinson in the Nov. No., for an even dollar. If wanted by mail, add 20c. for postage. The buzz-saw table in this No. was sketched by means of one of these cheap instru


AMONG the list of vice-presidents for the coming year, mentioned in our convention report last month, page 553, the name of our old friend Wm Muth-Rasmussen should have appeared in place of

W. R. Musser, as vice-president for California. The error was "secretarial," and not typographical.


AT the Convention at Cincinnati, a committee was appointed to furnish some more accurate statistics. in regard to our honey crop. This committee was to be composed of T. G. Newman, Dr. C. C. Miller, and A. I. Root; but this latter personage was 80 very careless as to have missed getting it in the reports at all. If the friends will forgive me, I will try to do better next time.

IN the article from friend Wiltse, he states that the bees reared brood before they had gathered a cell of pollen, the experiment seeming to indicate that pollen was not absolutely necessary. It has occurred to me since, that the new honey they brought in during this time must have contained quite a little pollen, for all honey is found to contain pollen that can be seen under the microscope; and by means of this pollen, it is possible to tell what flowers the honey came from.

BAD ADDRESSES, AGAIN. WRITE your addresses plainly. We have to-day an order inclosing about $17.00, but the address was so bad we could not any of us tell where the goods were to go. He gave no county, and the names he mentioned were not to be found on any of the postal or railway guides. We boxed up his goods, and waited two weeks for better shipping directions, and now comes the same thing written on a postal card. It is so badly scrawled that none of the clerks here, nor any over at the railroad and express office, can make it agree with any thing we can find anywhere. Back his goods must go to the warehouse, while we wait two weeks more. But this time we have asked him to be kind enough to get some friend who is a plain writer to write it for him. Why will you not write plainly your town, county, and State? We can do nothing in the world with the names of railroad companies, because they are not located anywhere

Some of the friends may have noticed that we have advertised a gate tinned outside and in. We did this on the strength of a promise from the manufacturer; but finding they meant galvanized when they said tinned, we are obliged to fall back on the old kind of japanned gates. We can furnish the largest size, that we call "whoppers," neatly japan

ned, for 35c. each; or in lots of ten, for $3.00. If wanted by mail, 35c. each extra. These are the same we used to sell for 75c. each. We got this great re

duction by purchasing several gross at one time. The inside diameter of the bore is 11⁄2 inches. We can tin them, for soldering into a can, for 10c. each extra.





Dec. 2.-Boone County Bee-Keepers' Association, at Lebanon, Boone Co., Ind. 1883.

Jan. 9.-Cortland Union Bee-Keepers' Association, at Cortland, N. Y. Jan. 19, 20.-Mahoning Valley Bee Keepers' Associa tion at Berlin Center, Mahoning Co., O.


The Nebraska State Bee-Keepers' Association will hold its annual session in Wahoo, Saunders Co., Neb., commencing Thursday, Jan. 11. 1883. Arrangements have been made with the R. R. Co's to secure 14 fare for the round trip. The Saunders County Bee-Keepers' Association will furnish entertainment free to all visiting apiarists.

T. S. VONDORN, Pres., Omaha. GEO. M. HAWLEY, Sec., Lincoln.

OHIO STATE BEE-KEEPERS' CONVENTION. The Ohio State Bee Keepers' Association will meet in Columbus, in the rooms of the Ohio State Journal, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 9th and 10th, 1883. A full attendance of members, and all interested in bee culture, is requested, as matters of interest and importance will be discussed.

DR. H. BESSE, Pres., Delaware, O. DANIEL SPEAH, Sec., Cardington, O.

The time of next meeting of the N. E. B. K. A880ciation is changed from Jan. 16, 17, 18, to Jan. 9, 10, 11, one week earlier. Of course, you know that Syracuse is the place of next meeting.

GEO. W. HOUSE, Sec. Fayetteville, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1882.


particularly. The name of your county is most im- COMB FOUNDATION MILLS.

portant of all: for with this we can hunt you up. Please, friends, do not clog business and bother us thus. Give us your abiding-place once, and after that we will try to hold on to it for ever.


Send for samples and reduced price list. 11-3d

JNO VANDERVORT, Laceyville, Pa.


I will pay 28c per lb., in cash for pure, bright-yellow beeswax, delivered here. Address

W. D. WRIGHT, Knowersville, Albany Co., N. Y.

I have several times explained to the friends, that galvanized iron, though it keeps bright and clean, apparently, is dangerous and poisonous for articles A GOOD containing food. It keeps clean, very much as a


piece of ice keeps clean; the surface is all the time 100 BUCKTHORN TREES by mail, postpaid,

wasting away, and therefore nothing can well adhere to it. Honey-gates can easily be coated with zine; but no process is yet known, if I am correct,


$1.00. Address

CHAS. KINGSLEY, Greeneville, Tenn.


of coating cast-iron with tin in the same way. They PURE ITALIAN BEES,

can be tinned in a slow wav by rubbing them with a soldering iron, but in no other way; consequently, we can not very well have a honey-gate tinned outside and in, no matter how desirable this would be.

In new, superior, well-painted, movable - frame hives (frames 12x12% in.), for sale at $6.00 pere lony, delivered at depot or express office at Lexing DR. G. W. YOUNG. ton, LaFayette Co., Mo.


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