Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


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Sci 33 20.3




ABSTINENCE from drinks, 89
Addison Co. (Vt.) Medical Society, 338
Advertisement, medical, singular, 209
Albany Medical College, 125; surgical
cases presented at, 189, 193, 204, 220,
236, 251, 269, 286, 303, 318, 334, 352,
368, 400, 415
Aldrich, Dr. L. The Clarendon springs, 69
Allen, Dr. J. A. Metritis and peritonitis,
231; on medical delusions, 360
American Medical Library, 87, 258
Amputation, of the leg, by a new method,
49; below the knee, 265; above the
knee, 317; of penis, 318; of toe, 334,
352; during Mesmeric sleep, 386; of a
scirrhous breast, 434

Anatomist's Vade Mecum, 158

Capen, Dr. R. Reply to Dr. Allen, 270
Carbuncle, 226

Castleton Medical School, 41; medical de-
grees at, 289, 418
Chair for schools, 124

Chase's (Dr. H.) Student's Guide, 337, 355
Churchill's Diseases of Females, 417
Clarendon springs, 69

Club-foot, operation for, 333, 435
Colica pictonum treated by warm water, 41
Comstock, Dr. J. Humoral pathology, 330
Conception, laws of, 257
Consumption, new treatment of, 153; pre-
vented by warmth, 389

Cornea, ulceration from blow on heud, 205
Coroners, medical, 18
Croton oil plaster, 291

Anatomy, practical, 139; popular lectures Croup, Dr. Ware on, 253
on, 208

Aneurism, death from, 385

Animals, gradual development of, 278
Anus, artificial, 237
Appetite, inordinate, 172

Arsenic, antidote for the poison of, 19
Asphyxia, recovery from, 166
Asylum Journal, 242

Bacheler, Dr. O. R. Hindoo physicians, 379
Bartlett, Dr. E. Case of typhoid fever, 82;
his work on typhus fever, 158, 171, 254
Bath, portable medicated, 371.
Baths, hot-air and sulphur-fume, 344
Belladonna to prevent secretion of milk,363
Belts, horse-hair friction, 371

Bennington Co. (Vt.) Medical Society, 307
Berkshire Medical School, 41, 258, 289
Bibliothek fur Læger, 40
Bile, substitute for, 257
Black tongue, epidemic, 418
Bladder, destruction of, 9; hair-pin ex-
tracted from, 172

Bleeding, after tooth-drawing, arrest of,
210; from the nose, arrest of, 257
Books, new medical, 288

Boston, Medical Association of, 74; Medi-
cal School, catalogue, 89; Lunatic Hos-
pital, 155, 194; medical lectures at, 207,
242, 435; mortality of, 418
Bowel, obstruction of, 230

Boylston prize questions, 39; Medical So-
ciety, 306

Brain, case of compression of, 298; on the
locations of the functions of, 309, 325,
348, 364, 375, 393, 423
Braithwaite's Retrospect, 402
Breathing under water, 380
Bromine, properties of, 435
Burn, deformity from, operation, 325
Butler's (Dr. J. S.) annual report, 155
Button ejected from the nostril, 73

Calomel, the use and abuse of, 341, 357
Cancer, empirical treatment of, 32; in the
stomach and pancreas, 299; of the lip,
removal of, 267; of the breast, 434

Cutting, Dr. F. Tumor in abdomen, 398

Delusions, medical, 360
Dental Surgeons, Society of, 15
Dentist, a distinguished, 321
Dentistry, practical, 149
Deslandes's treatise on onanisin, 40
Diet, different kinds of, 61, 77
Disease, new, in Africa, 209
Diseases that never co-exist, 277
Dislocation, of the femur, compound, 84;
of the humerus, 267; at the hip-joint, 267
Dissections, school for, 208

Diving, effects of on the human body, 293
Drake's (Dr.) notice of northern lakes, 384
Draper, Dr. J. W., sketch of, 66
Dropsy, complicated case of, 99
Drowning, recovery by boiling water,
Dublin Practice of Midwifery, 274
Dura mater, bone in the, 381
Durkee, Dr. S. Sulphur-fume baths, 344

Eclampsia parturientium, cases of, 161
Eczema impetiginodes, 344
Egypt, crania of, 384


Electro-magnetism, new work on, 18
Emmet, the late Dr. John P. 226
Emmons, Dr. L. Case of entozoa, 35
Enchiridion Medicum, 289, 307
England and Wales, mortality in, 151
Entozoa, remarkable case of, 35
Erysipelas, nature and treatment of, 42; in
Vermont, 418

Exchange book agency, 322
Exclusives, medical, 125
Eye, diseased, removal of, 252

Fistula in ano. 237, 333, 414

Flagg, Dr. J. F. Reply to Dr. Stedman, 90
Food, different kinds of, G1, 77
Forceps, on the use of, 51

Forry, Dr. S. Neurology, experiments, 405
Fossil foot marks, 209
Fowler on matrimony, 39

Fracture of arm, four year's standing, 129
Fracture apparatus, improved, 337
Fruits of Philosophy, 256

Gallup, Dr. J. Case of entozoa, 36
Geneva Medical College, 322

Glass, eyes of, 41; syringes, improved, 74
Gold Coast, sanatory measures on the, 173
Gonorrhea dormientium, 11, 37

Gray, Dr. H. C. Bone in dura mater, 381
Guardian of Health, 289


Louisville Medical Institute, 209
Lunatics, aid for, by Congress, 369
spectors for lunatic asylums, 89
Lung, ulcer communicating with the, 187;
extensive disease of, 9

Lupus exidens, case of, 221

Luxations of the knee and shoulder, 97

Hamburg, destruction of med. library, 142 Maine Medical School, 354

Hare-lip, double, operation for, 263
Harrison's (Dr. J. P.) Address, 353
Hartford Retreat for the Insane, 194
Hayward, Dr. G. Introductory lecture, 245
Healthian Journal, 354

Heart, external opening from the, 138
Heaton, Dr. G. on treatment of hernia, 421
Hernia, new treatment of, 421
Hindoo physicians, 379, 385
Homeopathy, by Dr. Okie, 56; by Dr.
Wesselhaft, 86; by Dr. Epps, 140; by
Dr. Capen, 270; by Dr. Allen, 360; ano-
nymous advocates of, 274; large dose by
a homeopathist, 70, 90; Homœopathic
Examiner, 209, 288; practitioners, 219,
224; Pharmacopœia, 322

Horse, rupture of diaphragm in, 242
Hope on Diseases of the Heart, 108

Manchester (N. H.) Medical Society, 338
Manly (Dr. J. R.) versus Pres. Smith, 88
Mansfield, Dr. J. D. Report of a case,

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remarks on Mesmerism, 332
Massachusetts Medical Society, communi-
cations to the, 55; orator for 1843, 57
Massachusetts Gen. Hospital, surgical ope-
rations at, 265, 317, 333, 351, 414, 434
Masturbation, as a cause of gonorrhea dor-

mientium, 11, 37; among females, 102
Maxillary bone, upper, excision of, 115
May, Dr. J. F. Translation of prize essay
on phrenology, 309, 325, 348, 364, 375,
393, 423

McClintock supper, the, 157

Mead, Dr. T. Blow on the head, 205
Measles, treatment of in a workhouse, 200
Medical News and Library, 402

Human species, complexion and figure, 225 Medical miscellany, 19, 42, 58, 91, 126,

Humoral pathology, the, 330
Hydrargyrum cum creta, 54

Hydrocephalus, acute, case of, 174; treat-
ed by hydriodate of potass, 215
Hydrophobia, treatment, 58; case, 248
Hysteria, 373

Iliac artery, primitive, ligature of, 213
Imagination, influence of, 328

Ingalls, Dr. W. Notice of Marshall Hall, 58
Ingalls, Dr. W. jr. Bite of a moccasin

snake, 170; case of hydrophobia, 248
Insane, in counties of Massachusetts, 194
Insanity, in the United States, 116, 281;
influence of marriage on, 289, 336
Instruments, surgical, 338; gilding of, 157
Iron, preparations of, 145

143, 158, 175, 210, 226, 253, 291, 323,
339, 355, 371, 403

Mesmerism-seeing internal diseases, 110;
remarks on, 332; amputation during
sleep, 388

Metatarsal bones, removal of, 351
Meteorology, new work on, 418
Metritis and peritonitis, case of, 231
Midwifery cases-use of forceps, 51
Milk, extemporaneous production of, 91;

secretion of, arrested by belladonna, 363
Missouri Medical College, 41
Mitchell's (Dr. T. D.) introductory, 369
Moccasin snake, the bite of, cured, 170
Mortality in England and Wales, 151
Mortality in 1842, 418

Moxa, use of in rheumatism, 7
Mowe, Dr. D. Uses of belladonna, 363

Jarvis, Dr. E. Insane in U. States, 116, 281 Mulattoes, shortness of life in, 163, 192

Kane's Chemistry, 88, 208, 255
Kelsey, Dr. A. H. Case of dropsy, 99
Kidney and bladder, destruction of, 9; gra-
nular disease of kidney, 29
Knowlton, Dr. C. Gonorrhea dormien-
tium, 11

Larrey, Baron, memoir of, 218
Laudanum, death from, 275
Lawrence's Treatise on the Eye, 370
Lead pipes, effects of on well water, 239
Leeches, on the application of, 45
Libel, prosecution for, 241
Liebig's Chemistry, 40, 123
Liston's Element's of Surgery, 16

Lobelia inflata, preparations of, 53
London Dissector, 274

Muller's Elements of Physiology, 353
Mutter's (Dr. T) introductory lecture, 402

Nævus maternus, case of, 131
National Institute, 306

Necrosis, and exostosis, 253; of the tibia,
operation for, 266

Negroes and mulattoes, statistics of, 168, 192
Nervous diseases, Marshall Hall on, 58
Neurology, experiments in, 405

New Hampshire, sickness in, 19; asylum
for the insane, 402

New Haven Medical Association, 73
New York, State Lunatic Asylum, 57;
University of, transactions, 255

Nostril, button removed from the, 73;
thimble removed from, 122

Obstetric Catechism, 272

Ohio, medical convention of, 306
Operations, surgical, results of, 238

Pantaloon straps, evils of, 354

Paralysis of face, cured by galvanism, 417
Parsons's (Dr.) Physician for Ships, 207,
Pathology, lectures on, 140

Peas, death caused by eating, 48
Perineum, central laceration of, 279
Philadelphia, births and deaths at, 435;
College of, Quarterly Transactions, 274
Phrenology, appreciation of the doctrine
of, 309, 325, 348, 364, 375, 393, 423; Dr.
Hamilton's lecture on, 322
Physical diagnosis, professorship of, 58
Physicians, young, 135

Pleura, purulent effusion into the, 319
Poetry, medical, 386

Polypus, gelatinous, cured, 170
Population, the problem of, 200

Practice, medical, in London, 141; in city
and country, 223
Prescriber's Pharmacopoeia, 355
Priessnitz's cold water cure, 134, 282
Prize essays, by Dr. Parsons, 140
Prostate, enlarged, mistake in a case, 142
Puerperal and typhus fever, 113

Reese's (Dr. D. M.) introductory, 126
Reform, medical, in England, 71
Respirators, 157

Rheumatism, use of moxa in, 7; chronic,
treatment of, 91; treatment by Dr. Grei-
ner, 301; with endo-carditis, 320
Rhode Island Medical Society, 141.

Suckling, protracted, 307
Sulphur-fume baths, 344
Surgeon-general's report, 401

Surgery, principles and practice of, 245, 254
Sweat, organs for the secretion of, 174
Swedenborg's knowledge of physiology, 193
Syphilis, cured by patent right, 141

Teeth Almanac, 225

Tennessee, Medical Society of, 72
Testicle, removal of, 268
Thomsonian practice, case of, 231
Tobey, Dr. S. B. Case of paralysis, 416
Tooth of a sheep in a child's head, 290
Tooth-key, new, 74

Tooth-drawing, arrest of bleeding after,210
Trepanning, case of, 225, 265
Trichina spiralis, 241, 320

Trowbridge, Dr. A. on luxations, 97
Tumor, aneurismal, large, 109; abdominal,
381, 398; on head, removed by ligature,
414; steatomatous, removal, 414; of
scapula, removal, 415

Tumors, abdominal, 5; small encysted,
treatment of, 158

Twins, extraordinary case of, 256
Typhoid fever in a patient aged 63, 82
Typhoid and typhus fever, 171, 254

Uterus, retroversion of, relieved by percus-
sion, 188; extirpation of the, 307

Varicocele, case of, 223

Vaudeville in a lunatic asylum, 243
Vermont, Asylum for the Insane, 288;
Medical Society, 337

Ricord's Treatise on Venereal Disease, 417 Veterinary medicine, 224

Scarlatina, malignant, 47

Scarlet fever, lecture on, 181, 197

Virginia, University of, 17

Warmth, for preventing consumption, 389

Scioto Co. (Ohio), med topography of, 382 Warren, Dr. E. on hysteria, 373

Sea-sickness, creosote in, 290

Serous cavities, injections into, 338

Ships, Physician for, 207

Skin, diseases of, treatment, 354

Slander, an action for, 32

Sleep, how to procure, 261

Speculum ani, new, 156

Spina bifida, on the cure of, 42
Sprain, on the treatment of, 34
St. Louis University, 231

Stedman, Dr. C. H. Large doses, 70
Stockbridge, Dr. W. Hydrophobia, 248
Stokes and Bell's Practice, 273
Strabismus, operations for, 275
Strength, human, 336

Water, cold, cure by, 134, 282

Weather, register of the, 20, 92, 176, 243,
324, 388

Webster's (Dr. Jas.) introductory, 304

Western Medical Journal, 19

Williams's (Dr. S. W.) address, 55

Wilson's Human Anatomy, 273

Worm-trap-a new remedy, 73, 121

Worms in the breast, extraction of, 35; in
the dead body, 320

Wound of the head, ulcerated cornea,
Wyman, the late Dr. R., 139

Yale College, medical students at, 306
Yellow fever, causes of, 195


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It may seem strange that the diagnosis of abdominal tumors, which manifest themselves to the touch, and to the sight, should be so difficult and puzzling as it often is. I mentioned some reasons for this before: the loose and shifting manner in which some of the viscera of the belly are packed and fastened; their liability to enlarge beyond their natural limits; their accidental dislocations under disease. It would be in vain to attempt even a sketch of the infinite variety of these deviations from the healthy state. Every case of abdominal tumor forms a separate object of study, and must be judged of by its proper circumstances. All that I can profess to do, is to offer you some rough hints on this interesting subject. Some kinds of tumor result from morbid growths; such are all the varieties of cancer: some from the presence and multiplication of parasites; of which we have examples in collections of hydatids: some are produced by the distension of hollow organs; as where concretions, fæcal matters, or gases, lodge in the intestines: some consist in the mere enlargement of parts.


Let us enumerate the principal of these; that you may know what chiefly to expect.

1. There are, I say, tumors from lodgements in the bowels; and these are more hopeful than most kinds of abdominal tumors. Sometimes the stomach, or some part of the intestinal canal, is distended in consequence of a mechanical impediment to the course of its contents: and this impediment may be invincible.

2. Ovarian tumors are very common. Of these I spoke at some length in a former lecture.

3. The liver is very liable to enlargement: either from simple congestion of blood; or from the interstitial deposit of adipous matter; or from the intrusion of malignant growths; or from colonies of hydatids.

4. So also the spleen swells, from fulness of blood, or from specific deposits in its substance..

5. The kidneys sometimes attain a vast size; being occupied by malignant disease, or swollen by pus that finds no vent.

6. Enlargements of the mesenteric glands; cancerous degeneration of the peritoneum, especially where it forms the omentum; tumors connected with the uterus; aneurisms of the aorta; constitute other species of abdominal swelling, which I simply mention without further comment.

Now our judgment of the character of a given tumor is naturally influenced by its place. In the right hypochondrium, we suspect the

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