apostle, "I am ready not only to be bound, but also die in the path of duty, for the name of the Lord Jesus." That this is no exaggerated statement, but really the character of every true Christian, will appear from the clearest declarations of holy writ. St. Paul repeatedly speaks of Christians in this light: he represents them as being "blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom they shine as lights in the world:" and he prays for them that they may be "sincere and without offence until the day of Christ;" yea, "that their whole spirit, soul, and body, may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." And David, giving the character of those who are accepted of God, expressly declares that they are "without guile." "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered; blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile." If it would afford us any additional satisfaction to find men of like passions with ourselves who have attained to this character, the scriptures affords us many striking instances. St. Paul himself could testify before the Jewish Sanhedrim, that he had "lived in all good conscience before God until that day." And in another place he speaks of the testimony which his own conscience bore to his character in these respects, as a source of most exalted pleasure to his soul: "our rejoicing," says he, "is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world." A similar testimony was given by our Lord himself to a man of far less attainments than St. Paul: of Nathaniel he said, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.' But it may be said, "We acknowledge that Christians are so described, and that some eminent persons have attained to that character: but still the question recurs, "Cannot a man be a true Christian, without having such a conscience as has been described? Before we give a precise answer to this, we should observe, that it is possible a man may be a Christian, and yet not enjoy the comfort of such a conscience: the corruptions of his heart, the temptations of Satan, an occasional commission of sin, and even certain disorders of the body, may prevent his conscience from yielding such a testimony: yea, may cause it to accuse and condemn him, notwithstanding he be a real Christian. But if any ask, whether any one can be a true Christian without having a just ground for such a testimony, or, in other words, whether he can be in a state of salvation without possessing real integrity of heart? We answer, that, if there be any truth in the word of God, HE CANNOT. What says David with respect to this?" If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." This cannot mean that if he have iniquity in his heart, God will not hear him: but that if he harbour it, or allow it in any instance, it will be in vain for him to hope for any mercy from God. St. John speaks yet more strongly to the same effect: "He that committeth sin is of the devil: whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God: in this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil; whosoever doeth not righteousness, is not of God." Now what can be the import of this passage? To interpret it rigorously according to the strict letter of the words would certainly render it inconsistent with other passages of scripture, which declare that " there is no man that liveth and sinneth not:" but to reconcile it with any allowed sin, is absolutely impossible. Here then we trust we may satisfactorily close the discussion of our text. Seeing that the conscience has been shewn to be without offence only when it can testify of our unreserved conformity to God's law; and that no one can be a true Christian, unless it be his chief labour to maintain such a conscience; it only remains that we improve the subject. And now may God in infinite mercy send down upon us his Holy Spirit, to impress our minds with conviction, if we have not yet attained the Christian character, and to fill us with consolation if we have! We all profess to be Christians in reality, as well as in name. We all feel averse to acknowledge that we have no part or lot in the gospel salvation: and surely it is a painful task to rob any one of a, hope so comfortable, so delightful. It will be far more congenial with our feelings, if we take for granted, that, in this Christian assembly, we all deserve the Christian name. Let us then indulge the pleasing thought: let us now consider ourselves as genuine disciples of Christ; let us give him the glory of what he has wrought in us; and let us, for the confusion of all the adversaries of the gospel, and for the confirmation of our own souls, unite in making our acknowledgments to God. "THOU SEARCHER OF ALL HEARTS, who at this instant observest the state of every soul here before thee, we would not approach thee with any pharisaical boasting, pretending to give the glory to thee, while we are indeed taking it to ourselves: no, Lord, let that be far from us: we know, that, if we had done all that had been commanded us, we should have been only unprofitable servants: but instead of being merely unprofitable, we feel that we are vile and miserable sinners. Nevertheless, we trust that we are monuments of thy grace; and we desire now to join in humble adorations and thanksgivings for what thou hast done for our souls. Through thy grace and mercy we enjoy a conscience void of offence toward thee and toward man. We feel at this time, that, notwithstanding all our short-comings and defects, we have an unfeigned and uniform desire to please thee. Our consciences testify, that there is no one instance wherein we knowingly do to others, what we should not think it right for them, in a change of circumstances, to do to us. Nor are we contented with doing as we would be done unto: no, Lord: Thou, who seest in secret, knowest what longing desires we have after thee: thou beholdest us daily approaching thy footstool with deepest humiliation and contrition; and hourly, as it were, washing in the fountain of Christ's blood, which alone can 'purge our consciences from dead works.' Nor does our hope of forgiveness embolden us to sin; but rather, thou knowest, animate us to obedience. As for sin, we can appeal to thee, we hate and abhor it. If at any time we commit it, even in thought, thou knowest how much our souls are pained, and how we renew our applications to thee for pardon and strength. 'We say the truth in Christ, and lie not, our consciences also bearing us witness in the Holy Ghost, that we have great heaviness and continual sorrow in our hearts' for VOL. V. 3 E the corruptions that yet remain within us; and that, if we could have the desire of our hearts, we would bid an eternal farewel to sin, and be holy as thou art holy, and perfect as thou art perfect. We adore thee, that we have such an evidence of our sincerity before thee: we thank thee that we do not now feel any misgivings in our consciences respecting these things; and we earnestly pray that thou wouldest perfect thy good work in our hearts; for we are all'utterly purposed' that from this moment we will no more offend." Thus far have we taken for granted that all act agreeably to their profession, and that all are walking in the paths of peace. But have the consciences of all approved these acknowledgments? Have none felt any misgivings? Has not conscience whispered to any one, "This is not thy state?" If this be the case with any one, let him hearken to the friendly intimation, the faithful remonstrance: for, "if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things: but if our heart condemn us not, then, and then only, have we confidence towards God." This Analysis of the foregoing Sermon is added, in order that the Reader may see how easily a Skeleton may be turned into an entire Sermon. A CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENCE. Acts xxiv. 16. Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God and toward men. THE gospel is often represented as unfavourable to morality But true believers are living monuments of its sanctifying influence— St. Paul was deemed a "fellow not worthy to live upon the earth❞— He was accused of sedition, heresy, and profaneness— a Ver. 5, 6: But he distinctly and satisfactorily disproved the alle gations And boldly affirmed that his principles had quite an opposite effect We shall endeavour to shew મંડ I. What we are to understand by a conscience void of offence" A metaphysical enquiry into the nature of conscience would be to little profit Its office is to testify the quality of our actions, and to regulate our conduct agreeably to some standard of right and wrongd The rule, whereby it should judge, is, the word of God And it is considered as good or evil, according to the verdict it gives Not that it is void of offence merely because it does not accuse [There are many so immersed in cares or pleasures that they never reflect on the state of their souls And, if at any time their conscience be alarmed, they instantly endeavour to check its clamours, and restore its tranquillity Others persuade themselves that they have no cause for fear And that they shall have peace notwithstanding all their ŝins Others have, by resisting, quenched the light within themAnd thus have reduced themselves to a state of awful obduracy Such persons have no other than "an evil conscience"-] Nor is a conscience necessarily void of offence, even though it should approve b Respecting Sedition, ver. 12. Heresy, ver. 14, 15. Profane ness, in general, ver. 16. in the particular that had been specified, ver. 17, 18. с If iv 787 were translated on this account (as it might be) the connexion between his principles and conduct would be more clearly marked. d It regards actions rather than sentiments, and the good or evil that is in them rather than any prudential ing them. Jer. viii. 11. Deut. xix. 19. considerations respect- |