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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

but that she could adopt the words of the Psalmist: "Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned," saying, "I feel that I have nothing to build upon, that I want everything; I am not prepared to die, I want all my sins to be forgiven; I hope I shall not be taken till the work is fully accomplished." The whole of the 51st Psalm, she said, seemed to suit her case, and with solemnity repeated, ""Create in me a clean heart, oh, God! and renew a right spirit within me. If I am saved, it will indeed be at the eleventh hour, I have been such a sinner."

Thus did the Spirit of Truth search all things, and bring this beloved friend sensibly to feel, as she weightily expressed, "that at such a solemn hour, it will not do to build upon having led a spotless and innocent life, something more is then wanted to lean upon." She often observed, how well it was for those who had given up their hearts to serve their Saviour in the time of health, -that had she done so, she should not now, in the hour of trial, have had to feel such deep sorrow of heart, that she could only hope for mercy and forgiveness, adding, "If I perish, let it be at Thy footstool."

As her bodily weakness increased, she remarked, “I often feel unable to read, or even to think; but I can cling; this is about as much as I am able to do."

Though this beloved friend took these low views of her own state, her company was deeply instructive and edifying to those around her, and a heavenly sweetness marked her deportment. Her heart was often filled with gratitude to her heavenly Father for the extension of his love and mercy, and she remarked many times, "I have indeed been mercifully dealt with."

The dear sufferer rapidly declined; yet her mind continued bright, and she was preserved in a patient, waiting state; fully conscious of the approach of death, she queried how long it was thought likely she might live? praying, "Oh dear Saviour, may it please thee not to take me till the work be fully accomplished." She often said, "It is a solemn thing to die;" and the evening preceding her death, when her friends were watching around her, she remarked that, believing her end was near, "It felt very, very solemn to her." At this deeply interesting season, He who is indeed Love, condescended in great mercy to draw near, so that she seemed lifted above terrestrial things, and permitted a foretaste of those joys, of which we consolingly believe, she now fully participates. Under this precious influence, her countenance beamed with sweetness, and she emphatically repeated many times,-"Divine compassion! mighty love!" and raising her hand, exclaimed, "Oh such love!-such love!—and to me, such a sinner; is it not marvellous?" adding, "a weary burdened soul, oh Lord, am I, but the blood of Jesus can wash the guilty

sinner clean.-Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Oh how wonderful! hard things have been made easy, and bitter things sweet."

She remarked that at such a solemn hour, the world had no relish, "oh no!" she said, "it is not worth a thought:

'The world recedes, it disappears,

Heaven opens on my eyes, my ears.'"

To a young friend whom she tenderly loved, she said, "Oh if we should all meet in heaven, will it not be delightful? oh dear we must all come to this, and nothing will do for any of us but the blood of the Lamb."

She continued for some time addressing those around her in this strain; and to the question of her brother, whether she was happy? she replied, "Yes, indeed I am happy." Thus her dying lips seemed to testify, that she was mercifully brought to see the salvation of God, and that he is able to save to the uttermost all those who come unto him, through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.-Annual Monitor.


Bees never pay

A lecture on the Honey Bee was recently delivered before the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, by Dr. Morris. A correspondent of the National Intelligencer, in noticing the lecture, makes some interesting statements, and furnishes some practical hints. Bees, said the lecturer, are villianous thieves. They enter the hive and steal away the honey. complimentary visits. A bee never lights upon the platform of a hive not its own, with honest intentions. The careful observer will instantly detect a stranger bee. It is well known as an enemy by the guard at the entrance of the hive; for a guard, day and night, is stationed there of sufficient force to repel intruders, and will certainly do it if this entrance in size is properly adjusted to the use of the community. Attention to this subject will prevent robberies among bees. Where, however, the entrance is of an unnecessary and unreasonable size, enemies will effect Then a war an entrance in spite of the guard. of extermination or subjugation ensues. fierce and dreadful. Reinforcements on both sides are rapid, and many bees are slain. The battle is soon determined, nearly always in faof the assailants. The strong are most likely to attack the weak. The vanquished party then unite with the conquerors, assist to carry away Such is the their own honey, and go with it. war of bees. The following is the best way to manage robbing bees. Close the door of the hive five minutes; in this time the robbers will have obtained their loads and will be pressing to the door. Open it and let them out, and as soon as the hive is empty of these intruders, close again so nearly as that a single bee can pass at

It is

These facts and considerations, afford encouragement to such as have embraced the broad principles of Christianity in all their fulness and force, to

maintain them with the firmness and decision which

a time. With so small a space the robbers will, the flights of enthusiasm, those in relation to war, soon give over, after which open gradually. have been making their way in the wrold, and When robbers are thus suddenly checked, they gaining acceptance with philanthropists of every often attack an adjacent hive with a rush which persuasion. the guard cannot resist. This should be looked to, and it will be prudent, at the time of closing the entrance to the hive first attacked, also greatly to reduce the width of the entrance to all the hives standing near, until this danger is past. These directions are given on the presumption that the hive is ventilated, as every hive should be. Without ventilation, in a hot day, five minutes exclusion of the atmospheric air may be dangerous or fatal. In this case caution must be used, but upon the same principle the intelligent apiarian can still succeed.--Jour. of Com.



their importance demands. And it may be well to remember that while many of the evils which the unbridled passions of men have introduced into civil society, may be palliated, and measurably restrained, by bringing the passions, prejudices, and interests of men to counteract and counterbalance each other, it is the spirit of Christianity alone which can secure the enjoyment of general and permanent peace.

Still any measures, rational and innocent in themselves, which tend to lop off any of the branches of this evil tree may be hailed with satisfaction. It is probably known to many of our readers, that Dr. Franklin made an effort, nearly seventy years ago, to introduce into the law of nations a provision to respect the private property of unarmed citizens, in time of war, both on the water and on the land. And in a treaty with the king of Prussia, formed in 1785, of which he was a principal negotiator, the following article was introduced:

The letter from Washington, which appears in this week's number, though the circumstance to which it relates may appear in the view of some, a movement of little importance, affords encouragement to hope that the principles of peace are gradually, though slowly acquiring an ascendancy in the view of the civilized world. As the reference of national questions to the arbitration of a neutral and disinterested power, is little or nothing more "If war should arise between the two contracting than the adoption, in the adjustment of national parties, the merchants of either country then residisputes, of the same principles which are univer-ding in the other, shall be allowed to remain nine sally recognised between individuals, where law fairs, and may depart freely, carrying off all their months, to collect their debts and settle their afand order prevail, it may well be a matter of sur-effects without molestation or hindrance. And all prise, that so little has yet been done towards sub-women and children, scholars of every faculty, culstituting the arbitrament of reason and justice, for

the decisions of the sword.

The halo of honour which has been spread round the achievements of warriors, from the days of Nimrod to our own time, and the efforts of most governments, not excluding that under which we live, have had, and while they exist, must continue to have, a powerful influence in retarding the progress of the pacific principle among men.

Situated as the United States are, or at least, would be if we were duly careful to cultivate peace among ourselves, an effort to introduce the principles of arbitration into our treaties with the other civilized nations of the globe, would appear particularly appropriate if originating with our general government. The measures which have been adopted in Europe, as well as on this side of the Atlantic, conclusively prove that there is a progressive movement, on this great subject; and that while the doctrines, more distinctly promulgated by George Fox and his coadjutors than they had previously been in modern days, were regarded by many of the wise and learned in the world, as

tivators of the earth, artizans, manufacturers, and
fishermen, unarmed, and inhabiting unfortified
towns, villages, and places; and in general, all others
whose occupations are for the common subsistence
and benefit of mankind, shall be allowed to con-
tinue their respective employments, and shall not
be molested in their persons; nor shall their houses
or goods be burnt or otherwise destroyed, nor their
fields wasted by the armed force of the enemy, into
whose power, by the events of the war, they may
happen to fall: but if anything is necessary to be
the same shall be paid for at a reasonable price.
taken from them for the use of such armed force,
And all merchant and trading vessels, employed in
exchanging the products of different places, and
thereby rendering the necessaries, conveniences,
tained, and more general, shall be allowed to pass
and comforts of human life, more easy to be ob-
free and unmolested; and neither of the contracting
powers shall grant or issue any commission to any
private armed vessels, empowering them to take or
merce."-Franklin's Works.
destroy such trading vessels, or interrupt such com-

Upon the renewal of this treaty in 1799, clause was abandoned.


MARRIED, at Friends' meeting-house at Back Creek, Grant Co., Indiana, on Fifth day, the 23d

[blocks in formation]

Correspondence of the North American and U. S. Gazette. WASHINGTON, January 26. In order to ascertain how much the Mexican war has actually cost the country, and what sort

of an indefinite addition it has made to the annual

through Congress. Indeed, a strong prejudice has fastened itself on the popular mind, through the constant misrepresentation of demagogues, against both these arms of the public service; and if any movement had been proposed at all, it would have been one to reduce, rather than to increase their efficiency. It is safe, therefore, to assume the peace basis of 1845 as the standard for estimating what would have been the expenditures for the army and navy during the seven succeeding years, if the war with Mexico had not happened.


Allowing the excess thus occasioned by the war in these two departments over the peace Indians in new territory, instalments under Mexbasis of 1845, and adding the cost for pensions, ican treaty, payment of claims against Mexico, expenses of the Government, it is necessary to go in New Mexico and Utah, and the like, and we surveys, &c. in California, territorial governments back to the year immediately preceding that event, when the army and navy, and other branches of figure out the difference of $124,252,719 80 as the public service, were on the the positively ascertained consequence of the peace establishment, that the contrast in a given number of years this colossal column of one hundred and twentyAnd it is a very astounding fact that in between what the expenditures would have been if peace had continued, and what they have be-four millions, the Union-or Mr. Walker speakcome in consequence of the war, may be clearly item of thirty-seven thousand dollars, charged in ing through it-has excepted to but one paltry exhibited. Let us fix the fiscal year ending in the account by the Secretary of the Treasury * 1852, as the terminus of the proposed series of for the renewal of "diplomatic intercourse with years. The expenses for the year ending 30th June, 1845, were $21,380,049 36, exclusive of Mexico!" Allowing this deduction, and the public debt. By multiplying these figures by dignity of the fractional figures in the column seven, an aggregate of $149,660,345 5 is found of thousands would hardly be impaired. But if in the year 1852. Now, by ascertaining the ac- should it be located? Our diplomatic relations this particular charge is not rightly placed, where tual and estimated expenses of these seven years, with Mexico had been suspended before the and deducting the aggregate under the peace esThe Mexican Ministablishment, as already stated, we shall get at the breaking out of the war. real difference between the cost of maintaining from Washington. No cost had therefore acter had asked his passports, and withdrawn crued to the treasury for a legation at Mexico until after the treaty of peace.

the Government before and since these extraor

dinary burthens were imposed. According to the official figures of the Secretary of the Treasury, which exhibit the items of expense in detail, the Actual and estimated expendi

tures from the 1st July, '45, to 1st July, '52, exclusive of public debt, are Expenditures for same period, taking basis of peace establishment of '45, exclusive of public debt,

[ocr errors]

$294,807,407 95

149,660,345 52

Difference chargeable to war, on
this basis,
$145,147,062 43
But it is not asserted that this whole immense
difference has been occasioned directly by the war.
Part of it occurred through independent legisla-
tion, for objects demanded by the public inter-
sts, and which the Democratic majorities in
Congress were justified in enacting. But of the
stated difference, $124,252,719 80 are chargea-
able exclusively to the war, and to no other


Every body knows, that without the happening of such an event, no augmentation of the army or navy could have been carried

The remaining twenty-one millions, which
make up
the aggregate of the hundred and forty
millions of difference in seven years, are account-
ed for by appropriations for the census, deficien-
cies in post office, erection of patent office, cost
of collecting revenue from customs, lands, &c.,
refunded duties, drawbacks, &c., building of cus-
tom houses and other like necessities. The
total may be shown in a few figures giving re-

Aggregate excess of expenditure in War De-
partment for seven years, over peace estab-
lishment of 1845,
$84,838,795 32
Do. in Navy Department,
19,058,858 11
Do. in State Department,
18,878,971 58
Do. in Civil Department,
Do. Miscellaneous,

[ocr errors]

4,205,751 50

18,164,685 92

[blocks in formation]

Add interest on war debt to 1852,

[ocr errors]

Interest on same debt from '52 to


Public Lands granted, &c.
Claims pending and estimated,
Texas boundary stock to be is-

Interest on said stock for 14


Mexican claims under treaty,

13,387,544 06

41,173,493 38
17,346,750 00
765,069 37

10,000,000 00

7,000,000 00
3,250,000 00

In 1469, thirty-five years after this the tenth

the expenditures for the seven years ending in 1852, and chargeable exclusively to the hostili-printing press in Europe was established at ties with Mexico, amounted, exclusively of pub- Paris, and in 1471, the first press was establishlic debt, to $124,252,719 80 ed in England. In our own country the first press was set up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the year 1638, and as late as 1700 there were but four presses in all the colonies. The great improvements in printing, therefore, have mostly been of recent origin, the old system of hand presses having been kept up until a comparatively recent date. Although every age has been in some measure progressive, the last ten years have been most remarkably characterized as the era of astonishing inventions and startling discoveries, among which one of the most masterly ef forts of mechanical skill, and human ingenuity, is the great printing press, last constructed for the New York Sun. It is 40 feet in length, having eight printing cylinders, or eight places where the sheets are drawn in to be printed. There are likewise eight places where the sheets are discharged. The types are secured upon the outer surface of a large drum or cylinder and as it revolves, the types at each revolution give eight impressions. The sheets, as fast as they are printed, are caught by contrivances called "flyers," and laid down evenly one upon another. The machine is two stories in height, the second story being approached by visitors and workmen by means of flights of stairs at each end, and platforms with railings extended around.

Real cost resulting directly from the war,

$217,175,576 61 This is the legacy in dollars and cents which the Democratic Administration of Mr. Polk bequeathed to the country and to their successors in office; and great as the sum is, it does not include a host of claims which will yet be sented. The country may well ponder upon this statement, when the wealth and advantage of the acquisition of Mexican territory are glorified,




In the year 1435, in a small, meanly constructed workshop in Strasburg, might have been seen a humble unassuming German, busily and carefully occupied in patiently carving hundreds of mysterious looking little pieces of some metallic substance, which were prepared and laid aside with all the care and precaution that would have been observed in preserving the most precious treasure. This individual was John Guttenberg, the inventer of moveable types for printing, and it is a remarkable, and most interesting fact that the very first use to which the discovery of printing was applied, was the production of the Holy Bible. This was accomplished at Mentz, between the years 1450 and 1455. Of the first printed Bible, eighteen copies are known to be in existence, four of which are printed on vellum. Two of these are in England, one being in the Grenville collection. One is in the Royal Library of Paris. Of the fourteen remaining copies, ten are in England-there being a copy in the libraries of Oxford, Edinburg, and London, and seven in the collections of different noble


This was the first successful attempt, and at that time considered the most astonishing triumph of inventive genius in its application to the production of printed matter; and the rival and successor of Guttenberg, John Fust or Faust, all are aware, was believed to have formed an affinity with the prince of darkness, for the wonderful facility with which he could multiply printed copies by his art.

The sight which this huge machine presents when in operation baffles proper description. The sheets flying in and out with lightning rapidity, the buzz of wheels, the clink of springs the jumping of arms, and the movement of other parts, give it the appearance of instinctive life. In case of accident, it is but the work of a minute to set the machine in motion, printing with one or more cylinders. In front of the machine there is a counting apparatus affixed, so arranged as to register, in plain figures before the eye, every impression taken, adding up the same as fast as printed. The number of sheets printed, from one copy to one hundred millions, may thus be instantly known at any time, day or night, by looking at the register. In the construction of this press, there are employed no less than six thousand bolts and screws, one thousand two hundred wheels, two hundred and two wooden rollers, four hundred pullies, four hundred tape guides, besides an amazing amount of cogged wheels, arms, braces, and other connections. There are also required to give motion to the various parts of the machine no less than five hundred yards of belting. The}} number of men employed in working this machine is as follows: one foreman, three assistant foremen, eight feeders, two boys, two engineers in all sixteen persons. By the aid of these individuals, the inventor says, the machine performs in one hour the amount of labour, to

have required the employment of six thousand

accomplish which, by the old mode, would, put forth any opinions of our own, but the deductions of science, for the truth of which any one acquainted with vegetable physiology can vouch.


Such is this wonderful machine, alike wonderful in its operations, and in its effects calcu- Plants, in a growing state, absorb the oxygen lated to exert an almost superhuman influence gas of the atmosphere, and throw off carbonic over the mind, for which we are indebted to our acid; these are facts, and as oxygen is necessary ingenious and estimable fellow citizen, Richard to life and carbonic acid injurious to it, the M. Hoe, Esq., to whom more than any other conclusion has been jumped at, that plants in individual, the world is indebted for the facili- apartments must have a deleterious influence. ties of speedy interchange of thought and the But there is another fact equally irrefragable, transmission of knowledge through the press. that plants feed on the carbonic acid of the atmoWith the venerable sage who taught us to con- sphere, and are, indeed, the grand instruments trol in its destructive course, the lightning at employed in the laboratory of Nature for puriour will-the distinguished artist, by whose dis-fying it from the noxious exhalations of animal coveries we are enabled to employ the sunbeam life. From the spacious forests to the blade as a pencil of light, and the cloud as a shadow- of grass which forces itself up through the or those whose late discoveries have enabled us to compel at our bidding the fierce electric messenger, with speed of light to do our will, -we honor the inventor of this mighty engine, capable of impressing with "breathing thought" 20,000 sheets of mammoth dimensions per hour. And as the last gift of the genius of the inventor to the public, we hail this most noble and beautiful production of modern art, capable of completely revolutionizing the world.

Improvements like this have accomplished far more than was even claimed for all the fabled genii of eastern legends, and the world with such productions of intelligence and skill can never again retrograde into darkness and The first printed edition of the bible cost five years of unremitting toil in the printing alone, now one minute is sufficient to furnish a complete copy of the Sacred Volume. Such are the improvements of the Nineteenth Century.-Farmer and Mechanic.



crevices of a street pavement, every portion of verdure is occupied in disinfecting the air. By means of solar light the carbonic acid, when taken in by the leaves, is decomposed, its carbon going to build up the structure of the plant, and its disengaged oxygen returning to the air we breathe. It is true that this process is stopped in the darkness, and that then a very small portion of carbonic acid is evolved by plants; but as it is never necessary for a patient to sleep in a room with flowers, we need say nothing on that subject. Cleanliness, and other considerations, would suggest having a bedroom as free as possible during the night, and our object is answered if [we' show that vegetation is not injurious in the day. That it is on the contrary, conducive to health, is a plain corollary of science.

Perhaps the error we are speaking of may have originated from confounding the effects of the odours of plants with a general result of their presence. Now all strong scents are injurious, and those of some flowers especially so, and ought on no account to be patronized by the Among the terrors of our youth we well re-invalid. But it happens, fortunately, that a very member there were certaim poisonous exhal- large class of plants have either no scent at all, ations said to arise from plants and flowers or so little as to be of no consequence, so that if allowed to share our sleeping room during there is still room for an extensive selection. the night, as though objects of loveliness when This, then, is one rule to be observed in chamseen by daylight took advantage of the darkness ber gardening. Another is, that the plants admitto assume the qualities of the ghoul or the vam-ted should be in perfect health, for while growing pire. Well do we remember how maternal anxiety removed every portion of vegetable life from our bedroom, lest its gases should poison us before morning! This opinion, and the cognate one that plants in rooms are always injurious, is prevalent still, and it operates most unfavourably in the case of the bed ridden, or the invalid, by depriving them of a chamber garden which would otherwise make time put off his leaden wings, and while away, in innocent amusement, many a lagging hour. Now we assure our readers that this is a popular superstition, and will endeavour to put them in posession of the grounds on which our statement is founded. In doing so, we do not

vegetation is healthful, it becomes noxious when sickly or dead. Thirdly, let the most scrupulous cleanliness be maintained; the pots, saucers, and the stands being often subjected to ablutions. Under this head also we include the removal of dying leaves, and all flowers before they have quite lost their beauty, since it is well known that the petals become unpleasant in some varieties as soon as the meridian of their brief life is passed. By giving attention to these simple regulations, a sick chamber may have its windows adorned with flowers without the slightest risk to the health of the occupant, and in saying this we open the way to some of the most gentle lenitives of pain, as well as the sources of rational

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