0 THE CAMBRIDGE GUIDE INCLUDING HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL NOTICES OF THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND A Concise Account of the Customs and Ceremonies OF THE UNIVERSITY. WITH A SKETCH OF THE PLACES MOST WORTHY OF REMARK IN THE COUNTY. A New Edition, ILLUSTRATED BY ENGRAVINGS FROM DRAWINGS BY MACKENZIE AND RUDGE. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED FOR J. & J. J. DEIGHTON; THOMAS STEVENSON; AND R. NEWBY; AND SOLD BY LONGMAN & CO.; F. & J. RIVINGTON; WHITTAKER AND CO.; AND SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO., LONDON. MDCCCXLV. ADVERTISEMENT. In presenting a new Edition of the CAMBRIDGE GUIDE to the Public, the Editor and Publishers have been induced, from a consideration of the numerous improvements recently effected and still in progress in this seat of learning, to attempt that corresponding improvement in their description which is so justly due to the celebrity of the subjects. In doing this they have spared neither care nor expense to render their publication as accurate, complete, and elegant, as their means and limits would allow. Whilst the matter belonging to former editions has been scrupulously examined and corrected, and a considerable part has been entirely re-written, descriptions of the several Buildings and Improvements in the University down to the latest |