Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

may always find the remainder arising from such division by adding together the figures of the number and repeating the process, if necessary, upon the sum till we get a number of one figure. Thus in the number 37698897, the sum of the figures is 57, the figures 5 and 7 added together give 12, and these added together 3, which is the remainder after dividing 37698897 by 9. In adding the figures of a number we may omit any nines it may contain without altering the remainder; for in the above number, omitting the nines, the sum of the other figures is 39, here again omitting the 9, the remainder is three as before.


We have explained that multiplication is an easy method of performing several additions, and since these operations are somewhat similar, so also are the signs which denote them. We have already seen that the sign of addition is an upright cross + ; the sign of multiplication is also a cross, but oblique instead of upright, thus ×.

The expression 8 × 3 = 24; is read 8 multiplied by 3 equals 24.

Examples. Multiply 6786794 by 38006 and test the accuracy of the result.

Place the multiplier under the multiplicand and proceed as directed in the rule.

[blocks in formation]

The figures in the multiplicand except 9 when added together give 38; now say 3 and 8 are 11, and again 1 and I are 2; place 2 to the right of the mul

tiplicand. Next the sum of the figures in the multiplier is 17; and since 1 + 7 = 8, put 8 under the 2, draw a line, and multiply these two remainders; the result is 16; now 1 + 6 = 7, therefore we put 7 under the line. Again the sum of the figures in the product (omitting the nines) is 52; now 5 + 2 = 7, put this in a line with the product; and, since it is the same as the remainder previously obtained, we conclude that the sum is right.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

If we were required to find how many pennies there are in a quantity of pence, we should probably take away one penny at a time and say as we did so, one, two, three, &c., till all of them were taken, when the number counted, or which is the same thing, the number of times one penny was taken, would be the same as the number of pence. In the same way the number of twopences in the sum may be found by taking away two pennies at a time and counting as before; the number of times twopence is taken will be the same as the number of twopences in the sum.

So with abstract numbers; we may find, for


example, how many times 4 is contained in 12 by taking away or subtracting 4 as often as possible; thus taking 4 from 12 the remainder is 8; taking 4 from 8 the remainder is 4, and taking 4 from 4 there is no remainder; hence 4 is contained in 12 three times.

But if we were required to find how many times 4 is contained in 17584, this process would be very tedious, for we should have to perform some thousands of subtractions. In fact it would be just as absurd to employ this method as to empty a bag of wheat by taking away each grain singly instead of in handfuls at a time.

Instead therefore of taking away one 4 at a time from 17584, let us take 4000 fours or 16000, this will leave 1584; now take away 300 fours or 1200, the remainder is 384; next take away 90 fours, the remainder is 24, lastly take away 6 fours and there is no remainder.

The operation may be exhibited thus :

[blocks in formation]

Hence the number of times 4 is contained in 17584 is 4 thousands 3 hundreds 9 tens 6 units or 4396; so that taking away several fours at a time we have obtained by four subtractions what, by the

former method, would have required no fewer than 4396 subtractions.

The process just explained for finding how often 4 is contained in 17584 is called division; the pupil, therefore, will understand that division is a brief method of finding how often one number is contained in another number.

The number to be divided (in this case 17584) is called the dividend.

The number by which we divide (in this case 4) is called the divisor.

The number of times the divisor is contained in the dividend (in this case 4396) is called the quotient.

If a number be left after taking the divisor as many times as possible from the dividend, it is called the remainder.


The operation of division is expressed by a colon, thus, the dots being separated or divided by a straight line.

The expression 21 ÷ 7 = 3, is read 21 divided by 7 equals 3.

In practice, when the divisor does not exceed 12, the division is effected as follows:-Taking the same numbers as before, we place the 4 before the dividend with a curve between them, and draw a line under the dividend thus-

4) 17584

Take the first figure, or, if necessary, as is this case, the number expressed by the first two figures of the

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