Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 34 - If two triangles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and one side equal to one side, viz.
Σελίδα 36 - AB be the given straight line ; it is required to divide it into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole, and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square of the other part.
Σελίδα 34 - All the interior angles of any rectilineal figure, together with four right angles, are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides.
Σελίδα 126 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. If the rules are not attended to, the paper will be cancelled. You may take the Elementary or the Advanced or the Honours paper, but you must confine yourself to one of them.
Σελίδα 46 - If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, the triangles are similar.
Σελίδα 36 - FG; then, upon the same base EF, and upon the same side of it, there can be two triangles that have their sides which are terminated in one extremity of the base equal to one another, and likewise their sides terminated in the other extremity: But this is impossible (i.
Σελίδα 36 - In obtuse-angled triangles, if a perpendicular be drawn from either of the acute angles to the opposite side produced, the square on the side subtending the obtuse angle is greater than the squares on the sides containing the obtuse angle, by twice the rectangle contained by the side on which, when produced, the perpendicular falls, and the straight line intercepted without the triangle, between the perpendicular and the obtuse angle. Let ABC be an obtuse-angled triangle, having the obtuse angle...
Σελίδα 197 - The value attached to each question is shown in brackets after the question. But a full and correct answer to an easy question will in all cases secure a larger number of marks than an incomplete or inexact answer to a more difficult one.
Σελίδα 37 - If a straight line be divided into two equal parts, and also into two unequal parts ; the rectangle contained by the unequal parts, together with the square on the line between the points of section, is equal to the square on half the line.
Σελίδα 57 - Put the number of the question before your answer. You are to confine your answers strictly to the questions proposed. Your name is not given to the Examiner, and you are forbidden to write to him about your answers.

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