Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Abbé, Colonel, brave conduct of, ii. 6.
Abensberg, battle of, ii. 54.

Alexander, emperor of Russia, concludes a treaty with Great
Britain, i. 205; acknowledges Napoleon as a great warrior,
231; solicits an armistice of Napoleon, at Tilsit, ii. 30; in pos-
session of all the graces, 36; enters Paris with the king of
Prussia, 143.

Algerines, sentiments of the, respecting Napoleon, ii. 150.
Allies, rapid success of the, in 1813, ii. 128; enter France, 128;
enter Paris, 143.

Aloys Reding, conduct of in Switzerland, i. 145.

Alvinzi, Field-marshal, takes the command of the new Austrian
army, i. 64.

Amherst, visit of Lord, to Napoleon, ii. 231.

Andreossi, General, arrives in London, i. 160.

Anecdote of Napoleon and one of his school-fellows, i. 11, 12,
Marshal Turenne, 13, 14; Napoleon at the military school, 12,
Abbe Raynal, 13; Napoleon and Madame Columbier, 15;
Madame Bonaparte, 21; Napoleon and a pretty, fascinating
woman, 30; Napoleon and a fat woman, 37; Eugene Beau-
harnois, 37; Napoleon and M. Faypoult, 42; Victor Amadeus,
king of Sardinia, 43; Napoleon and a tall German officer, 44;
Napoleon and young Laharpe, 46; Napoleon and General
Berthier, 50, 70; Napoleon and the celebrated Oriani, 50;
Napoleon and a light dragoon, 53; General Junot, 58; Napo-
leon and the dead soldier's dog, 61; Napoleon and his up-
holsterer, 74; Napoleon and his purveyors at the Tuilleries, 74;
Napoleon and his discontented generals, 86; Napoleon and
the natives of Ajaccio, 88; Napoleon and his guide, 112; Na-
poleon and the dutchess de Guiche, 121; Napoleon and Jose
phine, 122; Napoleon and some enthusiastic republicans, 156,
Napoleon and Lord Whitworth, 172; Napoleon and the pope,
188, 189; M. David and Napoleon, 87, 195; Napoleon and an
old grenadier, 227; Napoleon and the emperors Alexander
and Francis, 231; Napoleon and a commandant of Russian
artillery, 231; Napoleon and old General Gassendi, 241; Na-
poleon and M. Portal, minister of public worship, 242; Napo-
leon and the dutchess of Weimar, ii. 15; Napoleon and a

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young female Egyptian, 17; Napoleon and General Mar
donald, 77; the archdutchess Marie Louise, 82, 83, 86; Na-
poleon and the Abbe de Pradt, 114; Napoleon and Captain
Usher, 148, 149; of the sister of Napoleon, 173; Napoleon and
General Beker, 212; Napoleon and the diamond necklace,
212; a generous Englishman, 212; Napoleon crossing the
line, 221; Napoleon and the army of Italy, i. 41; of Napoleon
at Arcole, 66; Napoleon and Alexander, 141, 142; Mr. Fox
and Madame Recamier, 158; several, of the panic among the
Prussians after the battle of Jena, ii. 119; Napoleon in his
council of state, i. 241, 242; Napoleon and the queen of
Prussia, ii. 31, 32; Napoleon and a Russian officer, 241 ; two
German professors and the death of Napoleon, 245.

Angel, the, a Mahometan impostor, i. 83.

Angouleme, duke and dutchess of, alone continue to oppose Na
poleon, ii. 171.

Antomarchi, Dr., devotes all his care to Napoleon, ii. 243, 244.
Assassins landed in France from England, i. 166.

Austerlitz, battle of, i. 227; address of Napoleon to the soldiers
after the battle of, 230.


Balcombe, Mr., worthy family of, ii. 224.
Bassano, affair of, i. 60.

Battle of Abensberg, ii. 54; Albeck, i. 215; Arcole, 66; Auster-
litz, 225; Bassano, 60; Bautzen, ii. 119; Baylen, 44, 45; Bri-
enne, 131; Borodino, or the Moskwa, 103, 104; Champ Au-
bert, 132; Caldiero, i. 65; Castiglione, 58; Corunna, ii. 51;
Diernstein, 221, 222; Dresden, 120, 121; Ebersberg, 57; Ech-
muhl, 55; Engersdorf, 73; Essling, 62; Eylau, 28; Fere
Champenoise, 136; Fleurus, i. 163; Friedland, 11. 29; Gros
Aspern, 60; Gunsburg, i. 215; Hanau, ii. 126; Hohenlinden,
i. 127; Hondschoot, 163; Jena, ii. 12-15; Juterbok, 123;
Katzbach, 122; La Favourite, i. 70; Landshut, ii. 56; Leip-
sig, 124; Lodi, i. 46, 47; Lonado, 58; Lutzen, ii. 118; Maida,
6; Malo Jaroslawitz, 107; Marengo, i. 120, 121; Memmingen,
215; Mohringen, ii. 26; Montmirail, 133; Moskwa, 103, 104;
Neresheim, i. 218; Ostrowno, ii. 95; Polotsk, 99; Raab, 67;
Reichenbach, 119; Rivoli, i. 52, 69; Schoen Grabern, 223;
Smolensk, ii. 97, 98; Tann, 54; Tuntersdorf, i. 223; Vau-
champs, ii. 133; Viazma, 107; Ulm, i. 217; Wachau, ii. 123;
Wagram, 74-77; Waterloo, 186-198; Wattigney, i. 163;
Wettingen, 215; Wurtchen, ii. 119.

Barras treated contemptuously by Bonaparte, i. 97.
Bavaria, king of, deserts the cause of Napoleon, ii. 123.
Baylen, the catastrophe of, opens the eyes of Napoleon, ii. 45.
Beauharnois, Eugene, ii. 69.

Beaulieu, General, i. 45, 46; resigns the command of the Austrian
army, 56.

Bennigsen, General, ii. 22.

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