Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Gresham College, London. Dr Murray had been previously a regent in St Leonard's College, to which, at his death in 1670, he bequeathed several thousand volumes.

The principal contributors in more recent times have been, the King of Naples, the Earl of Kinnoull, Lord Melville, the Earl of Leven, Lord Francis Egerton, the Duke of Northumberland, Dr Carstairs of Stratford Green, London, the King of Oude, the King of Prussia, H.H. Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte, H.R.H. Prince Albert, the Czar Alexander of Russia, and Miss Crombie, Dollar, who presented to the University the Library of her brother, Professor Crombie. Contributions of interesting and valuable works are received from British and Foreign Societies, and other learned bodies; and donations of single books are also frequently presented by their respective authors.

The University Library, about the middle of last century, when those of the three Colleges were transferred to it, became the common one. It has since been considerably increased, and at present contains over 100,000 printed volumes, including valuable encyclopædias, beautiful editions of the classics, and the standard works of Continental literature, besides many rare and curious specimens of early typography. Among other interesting works may be mentioned, a copy of the Koran which belonged to Tippoo Saib; an illuminated Psalter; a copy of Quinctilian, several leaves of which are in MS., printed about 1470; a copy of Homer's Iliad in Latin, printed in 1497, and the Hebrew Phrases of Stephanus, printed in 1558, both of which belonged to the celebrated George Buchanan, Principal of St Leonard's College, and contain copious notes in his handwriting; the Canons of the Council of Trent in Latin, printed at Antwerp in 1577, which belonged to James Melville, and contains his autograph; Archbishop Hamilton's Catechism, printed at St Andrews in 1552, &c. &c.

The Library contains a number of MSS., some of which are of great interest and value. There are several very fine Persian MSS., a beautiful copy of the works of Augustine in vellum MS., and a volume of Ecclesiastical Styles written in the early part of the sixteenth century; an old MS. of Wintoun's Chronicle, and the original copy of the Solemn League and Covenant, which was subscribed at St Andrews in 1643, and contains upwards of 1600 signatures.

The sources from which the Library is maintained are—1. An annual grant of £630 from the Treasury, in lieu of the privilege enjoyed under the Copyright Act. 2. Occasional donations of books. 3. Part of the surplus of the General Fund of the University.


The Librarian has the ordinary management of the Library, subject to the superintendence of the Library Committee appointed by the Senatus Academicus.

Each Member of the Senatus is entitled to have in his possession at one time twenty-five volumes, but not more. Every retired Principal or Professor is entitled to have in his possession at one time ten volumes, but not more.

Every Member of the General Council shall, in each year in which he has paid a subscription of 10s. 6d., be entitled to have in his possession four volumes at one time, such subscription to be paid on the 15th of October, or the next lawful day; or, in place of the annual subscription, a composition of £5, 5s. shall entitle a person to the same privileges so long as he shall continue to be a Member of the General Council.

Each volume must be returned within one month from the date of borrowing, if it has been taken out between the opening of the Library after the annual inspection in October and the end of April, and within two months if taken out during the remainder of the year; provided, in either case, notice that the book is required be received from the Librarian.

If a book is not returned within the period specified by the Librarian in his notice, the person retaining it will be fined 1s. a volume, with a further penalty of 6d. a volume for each day as long as the book is not returned, until the amount of the fine shall exceed the sum for which the book can be replaced in the Library.

Matriculated Students of the first year are entitled to have in their possession two volumes at one time; Matriculated Students of the second, third, and fourth years are entitled to have three volumes. Divinity Students and Science Students who are graduates in Arts are entitled to have four volumes in their possession at one time. All Students may retain any book for two weeks from the date of borrowing; and further, may reborrow any book for successive periods of two weeks, unless an application for the same has been made by another person entitled to the use of the Library.

A Student retaining a volume beyond the specified time shall be liable to a fine of 3d. a-day; and if, after receiving a printed notice from the Librarian, he still retains it, he shall be liable to a fine of 6d. a-day until the volume be returned to the Library.

No certificate of attendance upon a class shall be granted by a Professor to any Student without the production of evidence to

the Professor that the Student has duly returned all books which he may have borrowed from the Library.

It is in the power of the Senatus, from time to time, to make such regulations as to a deposit of money by Students borrowing books from the Library as they may think expedient; and also to regulate the use of the Library by Students in consulting books in the Library itself.

The Senatus is empowered to grant the use of the Library from time to time, under such conditions as they may think expedient, to persons "for purposes of literary research," and that whether such persons are members of the University or not. Such permission, however, can only be granted by minute of Senatus, specifying the grounds on which the privilege is granted, and the conditions attached to it, an extract of which minute must be transmitted to the University Court. All grants made on the above conditions terminate on the 15th of October in each year, but may be renewed under like conditions, if again applied for after the period of the annual inspection.

Encyclopædias, dictionaries, translations of the classics, books containing valuable engravings, works with loose plates, maps, parts of works, and books unbound, &c., are not lent out of the Library, except to members of the Senatus, or, by special permission of the Senatus, to such persons as may be entitled to the use of the Library; and all works thus lent out may be recalled at any time if required in the Library. Certain rare books and MSS. are not lent out of the Library on any terms, but, on application to the Senatus, these may be consulted in the presence of a Librarian.

During the period of the annual inspection, which will take place in the beginning of October, the Library will be closed; and all books must be returned by the first Monday of that month, under a penalty of One Shilling a volume; and in the event of any volume not being returned before the expiration of one week after the last day of inspection, the fine shall be repeated weekly until such volume is returned, or until a copy of the book, of the same edition and of equal value, shall, at the expense of the borrower, be placed in the Library in its stead.

In the event of any book being lost or injured while in the possession of a person entitled to the use of the Library, he shall be liable either to replace the same or to pay such a fine as may be fixed by the Senatus Academicus.

So long as any person shall remain in possession of a book which he is not entitled to retain, or shall allow any fine incurred by him to remain unpaid, the right of such person to borrow or retain any books whatever shall be suspended.

No book shall in any case be given out of the Library, except to the borrower in person, or to some one having written authority from him; and books belonging to the Library must not be privately lent by one reader to another.

The Library is open during the Winter Session for the exchange of books on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 10 to 1 and from 2 to 4 o'clock. At the same hours the Reading-Room is open for consulting books, and also on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 2 to 4 o'clock.

In summer, the days for exchange and consultation of books are Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10 to 1 o'clock.

during 1890.

The Lords Commissioners of H.M. Royal Astronomical Society.


The Government of India.

Directors of Middlesex Hospital,

The Secretary of State for India in Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.


The Local Government Board.
The Army Medical Department.
The Trustees of the British


The Science and Art Department,

South Kensington.

The General Assembly of the
Church of Scotland.
The General Medical Council,

Cambridge Philosophical Society.
Chemical Society of London.

The Trustees of the Australian
Museum, Sydney.
Physical Societies of London and

The Royal Scottish Academy,

Royal Society of Edinburgh.
The Astronomer Royal.
Royal Dublin Society.
Royal Academy of Medicine,

The Editorial Committee, Norweg-
ian North Atlantic Expedition.
Royal Asiatic Society, India.

The Royal Scottish Society of

Royal Irish Academy.

The Directors of the Geological
and Natural History Survey of

Royal Society of Canada.
The Corporation of the City of

The Delegates of the Clarendon

Royal College of Physicians, Edin.
The Directors of the United States
Geological Survey.

The National Academy of Sciences,

The Board of Commissioners of
Public Schools, Baltimore.
U.S. Department of Agriculture,

Government of Victoria.
The Society of Writers to H.M.
Signet, Edinburgh.

The Bureau of Education, Wash.
ington, U.S.


Washington, U.S.


[blocks in formation]

University of Calcutta.

University of Durham.
University of Edinburgh.
Clinical Society of London.

The Royal University of Ireland.
University of Christiania.
University of Kiel.

University of Melbourne.
University of Sydney.
University of Tôkiô, Japan
University of London.
University College, Dundee.
University of California.
University of Cornell.
University of Nebraska.
Queen's College and University,
Kingston, Canada.

Queen Margaret's College, Glasgow.

Glasgow and West of Scotland

Technical College.

Dalhousie College, Halifax, N.S.
Durham College of Science, New-
Queen's College, Belfast.
Trinity College, London.
Owens College, Manchester.
University College, Bristol.
University College, London.
College of Preceptors, London.
University College, Nottingham.
University College, Toronto.
Mason Science Col., Birmingham.
University College of South Wales.
Yorkshire College, Leeds.
University of the Cape of Good

Yale University.
University of Montpellier.


The Principal and Council of Mansfield College, Oxford.

The Trustees of the late Andrew Jervise, Esq.

The Baird Trustees.

The Trustees of the Dick Bequest.
The Clerk Maxwell Memorial
Committee, Cambridge.

The Hibbert Trustees.
Bell, George, & Sons, London.
Carter, J. G., Esq., Dalry.
Danvers, F. C., Esq., London.
Fergusson, Jan Helenus, Esq.,
The Hague.

Foster, Hon. Geo. E., Halifax,

Galloway, William, Esq., Whithorn.

Haddington, The Right Hon. the Earl of.

Hiles, Henry, Esq., Manchester. Inglis, J. W., Esq., C. E., Edinburgh.

Lang, Andrew, Esq., LL. D., London.

Loveday, J. E. T., Esq., Lathockar.

Macmillan & Co., London.
Miln, R., Esq., per D. Douglas,

Morrison, Mrs Frank, London. Pyne, J. Kendrick, Esq., Manchester.

Ramsay, Mrs, Kindalton.
Richardson, Benjamin W., M.D.,
LL.D., London.

Sell, Henry, Esq., London.
Sharp, William, M.D., Rugby.
Smith, D. C., Esq., St Andrews.
Thompson, Professor, Dundee.
Winchell, N. H., Esq., State Geo-
logist of Minnesota.

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