Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Attempts of the Old Pretender and the Young Pretender to gain the English throne.

MARCH, 1923

No. Wt.



PART I. History of the United States

5.-Name five early explorers who touched the American Continent, and give their nationality and the territory discovered or explored by each.

3.-Outline briefly the important points in the history of either Massachusetts or Maryland from founding to the Revolution.

3.-Under the French and Indian War (1756-1763) outline briefly the causes, military campaigns, with leaders and battles, and the provisions of the treaty which brought it to a close. 3.-Name and explain three acts or events which aroused the antagonism of the Colonists against England prior to 1775.




4.-Fill out the following:







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3. (a) Why did Maryland delay in signing the Articles of Confederation. and what important benefit to the new Central Government resulted from this delay?

(b) Name two weaknesses of the Government under the Articles of Confederation.

3.-Outline briefly the financial problems of Washington's administration and tell how they were met by Alexander Hamilton.

4. Explain briefly what is meant by the following:

(a) Alien and Sedition Lawз.

(b) Embargo Aet (1807).

(c) Monroe Doctrine.

(d) Nullification Act.

4.-Name our two leading generals in the Mexican War and briefly outline their campaigns. 6. Explain the following:

(a) Missouri Compromise. (b) Kansas-Nebraska Bill. (c) Dred Scott Decision. 4.-Fill out the following:

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4. Explain briefly the purpose of, and what was accomplished by, the following: (a) Impeachment of President Johnson.

(b) Joint Electoral Commission.

(c) Geneva Tribunal.

(d) Civil Service Commission.

2.-How are United States Senators chosen?

What powers or duties does the Senate have which are

not shared with the House of Representatives?

PART II.-General History


Ancient History, 750 B. C. to 814 A. D.

1. Give briefly the Spartan system of education and state how it differed from that of the Athenians 2. (a) What was the cause of the Persian War?

fire (b) Identify any Marathon. Salamis

of the following:




3. (a) What effect did Alexander the Great's conquests have on Grecian civilization?

(b) Identify any four of the following:

Philip of Macedon.

4. Identify any fire of the following:

The Stoics.

Delphian Oracle.

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5. (a) What effect did the giving of full citizenship to the plebians have on Rome? (b) Identify any four of the folllowing:


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Scipio Aemilianus.

7. (a) What effect did Constantine the Great have on the Christian religion? (b) Identify any four of the following:

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9. Give a brief account of the origin of Mohammedanism and tell of its conquests up to and including 732 A. D.

10. (a) Outline briefly the importance of the grandfather and father of Charlemagne in preparing the way for the latter's power.

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1. Under the Feudal System state the following:

(a) Who owned the land and how was it parceled out?

(b) What authority had the owners of flefs over their vassals?

(c) What services were rendered by the vassal to his lord and what did he receive in return for his allegiance?

(d) How was the feudal system regarded by the kings? Why?

(e) How was it regarded by the lower classes? Why?

2. (a) What was the purpose of the crusades?

(b) What stirred up the religious enthusiasm which resulted in the first crusade?

(e) Why did the crusades cease?

(d) What was the effect of the crusades upon the feudal system? Why?

3. (a) Outline briefly the history of Florence, telling of its importance and of its most distinguished citizens. (b) What is meant by the struggle between the Guelphs and Ghibellines?

4. (a) Name and explain the chief abuses which existed in the church at the time of the Reformation. (b) What was the part of Martin Luther in the Reformation?

5. Identify the following and state a fact connecting each with the religious struggles in France: (a) John Calvin; (b) Catherine de Medici; (c) Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day; (d) Henry IV; (e) Edict of Nantes.

6. Identify and tell the importance of any fire of the following: Union of Castile and Aragon; Conquest of Granada; Religious Peace of Augsburg; Lepanto; Duke of Alva; William the Silent; Union of Utrecht (1579).

7. Identify and tell the importance of any five of the following:

Henry the Fowler.

Frederick I. Barbarossa.

The Golden Bull.

Otto the Great.
Battle of Sempach.

John Huss.
Maximilian I.

8. Outline briefly the important features of the reign of Louis XIV of France.

9. Outline the important features of the wars of Frederick the Great and tell what territorial acquisitions were made by him.

10. Identify and tell the importance of any fire of the following:

Ivan the Terrible; Peter the Great; Charles XII of Sweden; Battle of Narva; Battle of Poltova; Catherine the Great; Kosciusko; First partition of Poland.

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3. What part did England take in the crusades? State the important educational results for England. 4. Name three important documents upon which individual liberty in England is based, and state the in ortance of each.

5. Outline briefly the Hundred Years' War, giving causes, principal battles, and results.

6. Identify and state the importance of any fire of the following:

Bosworth Field.
Flodden Field.

Cardinal Wolsey.

Acts of Supremacy.
Thomas Cromwell.

Edward IV.

Lady Jane Grey.

7. Under the reign of Queen Elizabeth, outline briefly:

(a) Relations with the church.

(b) Colonization and maritime enterprises.

(c) Principal war and its results.

8. Outline briefly the important features in Oliver Cromwell's career. 9. Identify and state the importance of any five of the following:

(a) Gunpowder Plot.
(b) John Hampden.
(c) Popish Plot.

(d) James II.
(e) Bloody Assizes.

10. Identify and state the importance of any fire of the following:


South Sea Bubble.
Robert Walpole.

Peace of Utrecht.
Union of England and Scotland. War of Jenkins' Ear.

(f) Act of Settlement.
(g) Battle of the Boyne.

Robert Clive.

Lord North.

MARCH, 1924

PART 1.-History of the United States

NOTE. All candidates are required to answer all questions in Part I, History of the United States. All questions except 3 and 7 will be answered on blank sheets following.

No. Wt.




5.-State the nationality and chief discovery or exploration in the western hemisphere of each of the following:

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3.-(a) Give a concise account of the founding and history of New Netherlands (or New York) to include its capture by the English in 1664.

(b) Explain the significance of each of the following in American History: The Stamp Act. Mason and Dixon Line. 5. Fill out the following form concerning battles of the Revolutionary War:

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Name two historical crises in which its principles were applied, giving the circumstances in each 5.-Fill out the following form concerning battles of the Civil War:


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8. 5.-Name five territories which have come under the rule of the United States since the Civil War. State the year and the manner in which each annexation was made.

9. 2.



(a) State briefly the causes of the Spanish-American War.

(b) What important services were rendered to their country by the following:

Goethals. Alexander Graham Bell.

(c) Write a brief sketch of Theodore Roosevelt.


Andrew Carnegie.

10. 5.--Write briefly on the United States in the World War covering the following points:

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(c) Method of mobilizing man power.

(d) Two battles in which United States forces figured prominently.

(e) Date of armistice which ended the war.

(f) Attitude of Congress toward the League of Nations and reasons for such attitude.

PART II.-General History. Weight 50.

NOTE. The examination in general history is divided into three sections of 10 questions each. E question is weighted 5 units. Candidates may choose any ten questions, either confining all 10 to ote tion or spreading the 10 over any two or all three of the sections.

WARNING. Candidates should not answer more than 10 questions. The first 10 on the paper st will be all that will be credited to a candidate's grade.

CAUTION.--Answer all general history questions on blank sheets following. Check questions VEN Number each question on blank sheet with section and number.


Ancient History, 750 B. C. to 814 A. D.

1. Outline briefly the chief events of the Graeco-Persian Wars (500-479 B. C.) giving: Causes; numbe
expeditions; leaders on each side; principal battles and results; importance of final result.
2. (a) Outline briefly the Spartan system of education and tell how it differed from that of the Atheni
(b) Identify Socrates, Herodotus.

3. Identify five of the following:

The Olympic Games.
Confederacy of Delos.


Peace of Nicias.

4. Under Alexander the Great, write briefly concerning: His character; his battles; extent of his conju
his aims or plans after having completed his conquests; results of his conquests.
5. Identify five of the following:

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6. Give a brief account of the Third Punic war, stating: Causes; campaigns; principal battles; c manders; final results.

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8. (a) Identify and tell the importance of the Battle of Chalons. (b) State briefly the causes of, and the events attending, the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. (c) Outline briefly the events attending the restoration of the Roman Empire in the West. 9. Identify fire of the following:

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The Cid.

St. Bernard.
Ruric (Rurik)

Knights Templar.

Philip II.

The Great Schism.

William of Orange.

4. (a) State three important causes of the Reformation.
(b) State three causes that checked the progress of the Reformation.

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6. Outline briefly the causes and incidents of the revolt of the Netherlands under Philip II. 7. Identify five of the following:

Don John (Austria).

Leonardo da Vinci.


8. Outline briefly the part played by each of the following in the upbuilding of Prussia:
Frederick William (Great Elector).
Frederick III (Elector).

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4. Outline briefly the chief incidents in the progress of the Reformation in England. 5. Identify and tell the importance of any fire of the following:

Margaret Maid of Norway." Duchy of Guienne.

Stone of Scone.



Black Prince.



i. Write briefly upon any three of the following:

(a) Effects of the Wars of the Roses on England.

(b) Matrimonial Alliances of the children of Henry VII.

(c) Cardinal Wolsey.

(d) Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon and the results for England of their union. (e) Thomas Cromwell and the events surrounding his connection with Henry VIII. '. Discuss briefly Mary Queen of Scots and her claims to the English throne.

3. Identify and state the importance of any five of the following:

(a) Lade Jane Grey.

(b) Latimer, Ridley, and Cranmer.
(c) "Good Queen Bess."

(d) Virginia.

9. Write briefly on any three of the following:

(e) Gunpowder Plot.

() The Great Protestation (1621).
(g) King James' Version of the Bible.

(a) English territorial acquisitions as a result of the War of the Spanish Succession.

(b) Period of reign of Charles I when he ruled without Parliament.

(c) Cromwell's rule from the Protectorate (1653) to his death.

(d) Character of Charles II and of his times.

(e) Parliamentary checks on the Sovereign at the accession of William and Mary. 0. Identify and tell the importance of any five of the following:

(a) Duke of Marlborough.

(b) Sir Christopher Wren.

(c) Five Mile Act.

(d) Union of English and Scotch Parliament.

(e) George of Hanover.

(f) Legislative Independence of Ireland (1782).

(0) Black Hole of Calcutta.


22. The Academic Board will consider and may accept in lieu of the regular nental examination

(1) A properly attested certificate (Form II) that the candidate has graduted from a preparatory school or public high school accredited by the United States Military Academy, provided that in his school work he has shown proiciency in subjects amounting to not less than 14 units of the lists given below. Of the 14 units, 2 must be in algebra, 1 in plane geometry, 11⁄2 in English gramnar and composition, 11⁄2 in English literature, and 2 in history. The remaining 3 units may be chosen from the list of optional subjects given hereafter, but can not include commercial or other subjects not included in the list.

If a scrutiny of the certificate submitted shows evidence of low grades or of graduation at an irregular date, the certificate will be rejected.

(2) A properly attested certificate (Form II) that the candidate is in actual attendance in his senior year at a preparatory school or public high school accredited by the United States Military Academy, and has satisfactorily completed three and one-half years' work at such school, provided that the certificate shows specifically by subjects and units the work already completed and also that to be completed by graduation, and provided that the course the candidate is pursuing will, when completed, show proficiency in subjects amounting to not less than 14 units of the list given below and the certificate includes a statement to that effect.

Of the 14 units, 2 must be in algebra, 1 in plane geometry, 11⁄2 in English grammar and composition, 11⁄2 in English literature, and 2 in history. The remaining 6 units may be chosen from the list of optional subjects given hereafter, but can not include commercial or other subjects not included in the list. If a scrutiny of the certificate submitted shows low grades, the certificate will be rejected.

A candidate submitting a certificate showing actual attendance at and prospective graduation from a preparatory school or public high school must as a condition of admission continue his course of study, and submit his diploma or other formal evidence of graduation at the time of entrance to the United States Military Academy. Failure to submit such evidence of graduation will disqualify the candidate for entrance.

(3) A properly attested certificate (Form I) that the candidate is a regularly enrolled student in good standing without condition in a university, college, or technical school accredited by the United States Military Academy, provided that the entrance requirements of the course he is pursuing require proficiency in subjects amounting to not less than 14 units of the list given below.

Of the 14 units, 2 must be in algebra, 1 in plane geometry, 12 in English grammar and composition, 11⁄2 in English literature, and 2 in history. The remaining 6 units may be chosen from the list of optional subjects given hereafter, but can not include commercial or other subjects not included in the list.

If attendance at college extends over a semester, the full record of academic work at the college, giving subjects taken and grades attained in each, must be submitted on Form I.

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