Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


for the Gun at which they are quartered.




The Captain; commands, attends the breeching, primes, points, fires, and stops the vent.

2 The 2nd Captain; assists 1, attends the apron, elevating screw, lock, and train tackle.

3 Loads, rams home, runs out, and trains.

4 Worms, sponges, rams home, runs out, and trains.


Gives shot and wad to 3, runs out, trains, and spans the breeching.

6 Gives sponge, rammer, and worm to 4, runs out, trains, and spans the breeching.

[blocks in formation]

NOTE.-With guns mounted on Rear chock carriages having side levers for running out, Nos. 7 and 8 will shift the side-tackles, and the left rear-man will attend roller handspike when necessary. With guns mounted on Hardy's carriages, the Exercise will be the same as above, except that No. 4 will attend compressor when the gun is out, and No. 8 when the gun is in.

Assistant Handspikemen

men, 7 and 8; and with all Nos, above 11, 9 and 10. 68-prs. and 10-inch guns, when Assistant Handspikemen will be 11 and 12. tionary Powderman is allotted to every gun on one side, and an extra powdertwo guns.

Gun with 6 men. (Both sides manned.)

half-port; when the port is up, 1 provides stores, 2 casts off, and hooks on trainclear away and shift side-tackles, untoggle breeching, and span it when the gun word "Elevate," and withdraws the coin to allow 3 and 4 to put down the the gun is then run in, searched, loaded, and run out. With 7 men, 7 will upper half-ports are made to take off, 3 and 4 will take them off.

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Stop the Vent," "Sponge," "Load," "Run out."


On coming to the gun, Nos. 1 see the locks fixed and fit for use, vents clear, sights adjusted to the distance named, and the guns searched, loaded, and run out without further orders.

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By this is meant, firing the guns independently of each other, each captain of a gun seizing the most favourable opportunity. This firing should always be used in action (unless ordered to the contrary) whenever the object is visible, the smoke from one gun not greatly impeding the firing of another.

(See Detail for Independent firing.)


By this is meant, firing one gun after another in regular order, commencing from the foremost, or after gun, according as the wind is blowing from aft, or forward. This firing may be used with advantage, whenever a continuous steady fire is desired, as the smoke from one gun will not impede the firing of the next.


By this is meant, rapid independent firing, the tangent sight not being raised. This firing should be used when close alongside an enemy, as then but little pointing would be required,

(See Detail for Quick firing.)

BROADSIDE, AND DIVISIONAL FIRING. By this is meant, firing the whole broadside, or a division of guns simultaneously, by order. Broadside firing should be used when the smoke hangs about the ship for some time, and divisional firing when the smoke clears away at shorter intervals, as then the fire would be more continuous. Broadside, or divisional firing could also be used with greater advantage within a moderate distance against stone forts than independent firing, from the increased concussion caused by a number of shot striking at the same moment. In divisional firing each deck, or the half of each deck, should be considered as a division according to circumstances.


By this is meant, firing guns previously laid by the aid of lines, or battens, so that the shot may cross each other at a given distance. This firing would be most effective in case of smoke, or darkness, the

object being visible from the upper deck, or mast head, and may be used at distances within, and beyond the point of concentration, but the latter must never exceed double that, at which the shot cross.



No. 1 raises the tangent sight according to the charge and distance named, lays the gun for the object, and gives the word "Ready soon as the elevation is correct, keeping the direction on with the handspikes, and taking care not to fire till the side-tackle falls are clear.


No. 1 sees the gun laid horizontal, and run out for the object, primes as the gun goes out, taking care not to cock the lock till the muzzle is clear of the port-sill, and not to fire till the side-tackle falls are out of hand.

The only words of command to be given are, "Run in," "Run out," and "Ready." 2 chalks the bed, and coin, and the guns are relaid whilst loading.


When necessary to fight both sides, the whole of the guns are to be manned, and worked with "Half crews" (as in casting loose); but if from casualties or other causes this is not practicable, the right guns should be left in after the first round, and the left guns manned and worked with whole crews.

NOTE.-In Action, or Exercise, the working with "half crews" should not be continued beyond 3 or 4 rounds, as after this, owing to casualties and the fatigue of working on this plan, the firing would be more efficiently kept up by working every other gun.

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"The lines should always be hooked on at the ports
directly after casting loose."

The bearing, heel, and distance, having been given from the upper deck, the officers of the different divisions of guns will name the elevation, or depression to be given by marked coin (allowing for the distance and heel), together with the bearing, and then give the order Lay the guns;" on which the Nos. 1 are to give the orders for training, holding the lines immediately under the marks overhead, denoting the bearing, and the guns are to be trained till the sights are parallel to the lines: Nos. 1 then give the word "Elevate" and direct 2 to give the guns the required elevation, or depression, making the lines fast to hooks overhead; they then resume the trigger lines, and wait steadily for the orders "Ready," "Fire," which are to be given by the officer attending the director.





No. 1 gives the word "Run in," then "Elevate," takes out the coin, throws back depression chock, and sees the gun laid square between the housingbolts; 2 prepares the train-tackle, hooks it to the runner, and lowers the gun; 3 and 4 pass the muzzle-lashing; 7 and 8 take out the keys, throw back the cap-squares, unhook the side-tackles, and see the carriage clear; rear-men provide and hook the


When the muzzle-lashing is passed, 1 gives the word "Dismount," and all the Nos. man the traintackle, except 1, 3, 4, and the handspikemen; 3 and 4 remain at the muzzle-lashing until all parts bear an equal strain; handspikemen assist until of no further use, and then go to the train-tackle.

Everything will be replaced by the same Nos.

NOTE. When ordered to "Dismount," No. 1 makes up the trigger-line round the lock, attends the coin to assist the handspikemen, leaves it on the bed ready for mounting, and when the gun is high enough, gives the order, "Well! Run the carriage back," he then replaces the depression chock.



The crew are assembled as in the established gun exercise.
Gun Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Auxiliaries, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, &c.
Traversing-tackle-men, 7, 8.

Handspikemen, 9, 10.

Assistant handspikemen, 11, 12.

Compressor-men, 13, 14.

Rear-men.-16, the right rear-man; 17, the left rear-man (or the

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No. 1. Provides 3 vent-plugs, priming wire, tube-box, spare trigger. line, vent-bit, sees the lock fixed and fit for use, and places handspikes.

2. Assists 1.

3. Shot-grummet, spare breeching, wet swabs, wads, and fuzewrench.

4. Shot-grummet, spare breeching, fire-bucket, and two stop handspikes.

5. Bearer, and shot.

6. Sponge, rammer, worm, and shot.

Stationary and extra powdermen, two cartridge-cases, and two cartridges each.

NOTE.-Spare locks, and hammers are to be provided by the 2nd captain; axletrees, and trucks by 11 and 12.

Shells are always to be provided by the two highest Nos.

When pivot guns are mounted as broadside guns, and only one crew can be allotted to two guns, the "Stores" should be provided with "Both sides manned," as laid down in First Instruction.


No. 1. The captain; commands, attends the breeching, primes, points, fires, and stops the vent.

2. The 2nd captain; assists 1, runs out, attends the apron, coin, lock, and rear-bolt.

3. Loads, rams home, runs out, attends fighting-bolt, shackles, and unshackles breeching.

4. Worms, sponges, rams home, runs out, attends stop-handspike, shackles, and unshackles breeching.

5. Brings up shot, or shell, runs out, traverses, and spans the breeching.

6. Gives sponge, rammer, and worm to 4, runs out, traverses, and spans the breeching.

7 and 8. Run out, attend traversing-tackles, and shift sidetackles.

9, 10, 11, and 12. Run out, and attend handspikes.

13 and 14. Run out, traverse, and attend compressors.

15. Runs out, and traverses.

16. Traverses, shifts traversing-tackle, attends stop-handspike and train-tackle.

17. Traverses, shifts traversing-tackle, brings up shot, or shell, and attends train-tackle.


NOTE. These Nos. will be reduced for lighter, or increased for heavier guns, as may be necessary, when the rearmen will do the duties of 16 and 17. less than 15 men, Nos. 11 and 12 will attend compressors. When slide guns are fitted with Ferguson's Compressor, No. 8 is to attend it.

Stations for Casting Loose a Revolving Gun.

1, and 2 place handspikes, and provide stores; 3, 4, 5, and 6, provide stores, and clear away side-tackles; 7, 8, 16, and 17, clear away, and hook on traversing-tackles to fore part of slide; 9, 10, 11, and 12, clear away spans, and unscrew span shackle-bolts; 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, clear away the ports and berthing. When the gun is clear, No. 1 gives the word "Action on the fighting-bolt * *



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Right (or Left), Traverse," and when on the fighting-bolt named, "Well," the gun is then searched, loaded, and run out. While the gun is being searched, the breeching should be shackled to the ship's side.

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