Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


[10 A.M. TO 1 P. M.]


1. Define the term magnetic potential. Show how the magnetic potential at any point, due to a bar magnet with well-defined poles, can be calculated. How can the equipotential surfaces be constructed in this case, and which is the zero equipotential surface?

2. Describe and explain the method of determining the intensity of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.

3. A charged sphere is placed a short distance from an uncharged, insulated sphere. Make a sketch of the lines of force and the equipotential surfaces.

Give reasons for thinking that the energy of electrical separation is in the dielectric and not in the conductors.

4. Describe the experiments by which the law of inverse squares has been proved for electrical attractions and repulsions.

5. Describe a method for comparing the E. M. F. of two cells. Explain the construction of some form of standard cell.

6. How can the absolute value of a current be measured with the tangent galvanometer? Deduce the approximate formula, and indicate the

necessary corrections.

7. Explain the properties we must ascribe to the magnetic lines of force, in order to account for the dynamical action of electric circuits on magnets and on one another.

Illustrate your answer by sketches of the field of force produced by a solenoid and a magnet in different positions, by two parallel straight wires conveying equal currents, and by two circular coils.

8. One hundred horse power output is required from a continuous current motor, the efficiency of which at this load is 93 per cent. The motor is connected with the generating station by cables, the resistance of which is 0.05 ohms, the voltage at the motor terminals being 200 volts. The efficiency of the generator is 95 per cent. Find the current through the motor, the input of the motor at the terminals in watts, the loss in the cable in watts, the voltage at the generator terminals, the horse power delivered by the engine to the generator in order to drive the motor. Explain the various ways in which energy is lost in this system.

9. Draw a diagram showing the course of the currents in a shunt wound dynamo. Explain how the volts can be regulated in such a machine.

Prove that the E. M. F. of a dynamo is proportional to the magnetic flux through the armature, to the number of turns of conductor on the armature, and to the number of revolutions per minute.


[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.]


1. What is meant by the "Periodic Law"? Why can it not claim the 16 importance of a natural law?

Discuss its value as principle for the classifica

tion of the elements ?

2. Explain how the vapour tension of a mixture of two liquids, which are 13 miscible in all proportions, is affected by the relative quantity of the constituents. Apply your explanation to the process of fractional distillation and to aqueous solutions of acids with constant boiling points.

3. What do you understand by the terms "Specific Heat" and "Atomie 16 Heat?" How are they ascertained and what relation does the latter, bear to Atomic weight?

4. Substances in dilute solutions are assumed to be in a condition similar 18 to the gaseous state and, if electrolytes, to be more or less completely dissociated. By what experimental evidence are these assumptions supported and what are the characteristic properties of "ions"?

5. What do you understand by metamerism and tautomerism? Distin- 16 guish them from isomerism, and give examples of their occurrence.

6. What is meant by "chemical equilibrium" and "velocity of reaction," 16 and what connection exists between them? How do you explain the explosive reaction between the constituents of an explosive mixture through a local rise of temperature and the spontaneous explosion of compounds like Hydrogen Peroxide ?


[10 A.M. TO 1 P.M.]


1. What is meant by the "strength" of acids and how is it measured? 18 Are the hydrogen atoms of polybasic acids all of equal value with regard to their strength? Support your answer by carefully explained reactions of different polybasic acids.

2. Discuss the hypothesis for the existence of Hydrogenium and the bear. 16 ing which the solidification of Hydrogen by Dewar has upon it. Describe the method by which the solidification of Hydrogen is effected.

3. Compare Chloric and Perchloric Acids with Jodic and Periodic Acids 16 respectively, as to their formation, properties, reactions and alkali salts.

4. What experimental evidence can be advanced for the pentavalence 18 of Nitrogen and Phosphorus ? Name the pentavalent elements, giving the grounds for considering them pentads. What characteristics have they in common?

5. Explain the properties of all those compounds of Thallium which 16 place this element between the alkali metals on the one side and Silver on the other.

6. In what mineral forms is Thorium found? How is it extracted and 16 to what uses is it put?


[2 р.м. то 5 Р.М.]


1. State and explain the reactions which prove that the constitution of. 18 Methyl Nitrite and Ethyl Cyanide differs from the constitution of Nitromethane and Ethyl iso-cyanide respectively. How is the difference expressed in the formulæ of these compounds and how does the constitution of Nitrous and Nitric Acids follow from that of the Nitrous Ethers?

2. Name the polymeric forms which Cyanogen assumes and explain how 16 these polymerides are produced.

3. How may Benzoic and Oxy-benzoic Acids be synthesised by the action of 16 Carbonic Acid or its derivatives? How is Hippuric Acid derived from Benzoic Acid and how is it prepared?

4. In what relation does Rosaniline stand to Triphenyl-methane? How 18 is Rosaniline (or its hydrochloride) prepared on the large scale and why can it not be obtained from pure Aniline? What are its properties and what is its relation to the Rosaniline dyes?

5. Give an account of those modes of formation of Glycolic Acid which 16 throw light on its constitution. Describe its more important derivatives, its anhydrides and its products of oxidation.

6. What are the "Glucosides"? Explain their constitution and describe 16 the principal members of this group, showing their relationship with the Benzene and Carbohydrate series.


[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.]


1. Explain the "Critical Phenomena." Show that every pure substance 16 has three critical constants.

2. State and explain the law which regulates homogeneous equilibrium. 18 Apply the theory of homogeneous equilibrium to the condition of (a) one binary electrolyte and (b) several binary electrolytes in the same solution.

3. What is hydrolysis? Explain its relation to electrolytic dissociation 16 and show how the anemalous reactions of certain types of inorganic salts on litmus find an explanation in hydrolysis.

4. Explain the method of obtaining the Atomic weights of elements by a 16 knowledge of their specific heats.

5. Explain Isomorphism and show what bearing it has upon Atomic weights. 16 What possible erroneous conclusions may result from applying Mitscherlich's


6. Describe the observations of Berthollet on etherification. Discuss the 18 rate and limit of etherification with different kinds of alcohols.


[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.]


1. State the difference between the properties of Hydrogen Chloride in 16 the anhydrous liquified condition and its aqueous solution. Account for this difference, and support your explanation by satisfactory experimental evidence.

2. Upon what does the commercial value of Steel depend? How would 16 you estimate the value of a given sample on analysis ?

3. Compare in detail the properties of Selenium and its Hydrogen and 18 Oxygen compounds with those of Sulphur and its corresponding compounds, and point out any analogies and differences.

4. What is the composition of Pitch Blende? What is its approximate 16 yield of Uranium? Describe the properties of this metal.

5. Manganates are said to be oxidised to Permanganates and Ferrous 16 compounds to Ferric compounds. Explain clearly what is meant by this kind of oxidation, and support your explanation by suitable reactions. How do you account for the oxidation of these compounds in air ?

6. What are the minerals in which Beryllium occurs? What are its 18 properties and its principal salts, and how is it quantitatively estimated?


[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.]


1. Explain the relation between Benzophenone, Quinone and Anthraqui- 16 none and the specific reactions of each of these compounds. Establish the constitution of Anthraquinone and discuss that of Quinone.

2. How is Indigo prepared synthetically? Explain its chemical con- 16 stitution and name its isomerides and derivatives.

3. Compare the properties of the Mercaptans and Thio-Ethers with those 18 of the Alcohols and Alcohol-Ethers. How are the sulphinic hydroxides obtained from thio-ethers and how do they support the varying valency of Sulphur ?

4. Name and describe the acids of the series (a) Cn H and (b) C, Han-3 (COHO). Cn

2n-1 O (COHO) 16

5. Describe in detail the method by which you would prepare from para. 16 toluidin in succession: para-tolunitrile, para-toluic acid and terephthalic acid. Give the theoretical explanation of every reaction which occurs in the process.

6. Explain the constitution of Pyridine and compare it with that of 18 Benzine. Compare the Pyridine and Quinoline derivatives. What homologues of Pyridine are found in the animal body and how are they formed?


[11 A.M. TO 2 P. M . ]

वेदान्तसारे ।


१. • अस्य वेदान्तप्रकरणत्वात्तदीयैरेवानुबन्धैस्तद्वत्ता सिद्धेर्न ते ५ पृथगालोचनीयाः' एतद्विवेचनीयम् ।

२. अज्ञान- उपरति-अवस्तु - प्राज्ञ - विक्षेपशक्ति-कषाय-मनसां स्वरूपाणि संक्षेपतः प्रदर्शनीयानि ।

३. व्यात्मविषये चार्वाकमतानि प्रदर्शनीनानि । स्वस्वमतसिद्धये ६ च तैः कानि प्रमाणानि प्रदर्शितानि तान्यपि वक्तव्यानि ।


वेदान्तपरिभाषायाम् ।

अनुमानेनोपमानस्य गतार्थता' इतिपूर्वपक्षिमते ' गोसदृशो

गवयः' इत्यत्र कथमनुमानम्, कथं च हेतुसाध्ययोः सामानाधिकरण्यं तद्वक्तव्यम् ।


५ ज्ञानकरणाजन्याभावानुभवासाधारणकारणं योग्यानुपलब्धिः, ' ' इन्द्रियाजन्यविषयगोचरापरोक्षान्त:करणवृत्यवस्था स्वप्नावस्था ' अनयोर्लक्षणयोः पदकृयं प्रदर्शनीयम् ।

[ocr errors]

६. ननु प्रातिभासिके रजते पारमार्थिकत्वमवगतं न वा । ८ अनवगमे प्रतियोगितावच्छेदकावच्छिन्नाज्ञानादभावप्रत्यक्षानुपपत्तिः । अवगमेऽपरोक्षावभासस्य तत्कालीनविषयसत्तानियतत्वात् रजते पारमार्थिकत्वमप्यनिर्वचनीयं रजतवदेवोत्पन्नमिति तदवच्छिन्नरजतसत्वे तदवच्छिन्नाभावस्तत्र कथं वर्तते ' अयं ग्रन्थो व्याख्येयः ।

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